THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ~t~* ~ ~ TheProf. Hutchins Accepts. beBoard of Regents held a nmelt- - ? ing yesterday morning at the Issoei Published Daily (Suntdays excepted) during HIouse in Detroit. Official notiee was the College year, at received) of the acceiptancle of the pool THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. 101o rsletpotmo h n OFIrCE: Times building, 7S S. Main St. be- ino.Pedntroenofheu - tweec Liberty and William Sts. eritsoby Prof.lHarry B. Httcihioo. MIANAGINGO EDITOR H~e vi lioldtils position during the J. F. THOAS, 97. IILANGO~faE~iTO sabsence, of TDr. Aiigell aosciiba soasisse F. S. SIMONSs, '10. 10to 'ikey. ATHLETIC EDITOR Prof. iluicisies wsls radsiaie'l froim H. B. SKIiLL550, '15 1. (lie I'liversity of Mlichigais in 1511 BIUSINESS AIANAGE R IVi :1::'egreet'f01'l. B. He z, si. 0. IH. lHtu, 'Is. EDSTOIES 15(lithePiromlinesnlt illstentil a sffairs and: F. L. GEsMsEo, '9 L. l. A. Ceurset., 'IS. vslscshose111class orsdslr ill iseneior F. A. Feesa, 'B F. A. CAssiusELL, '55. nerFoaVerflowg gad G. D). HliNsee, 'l0. T. R. Woomtsow, '98. sea~arfloiichs-gsd BUeesus LAsis, '01. G. D). Jt55IiNl5, '11) M. elioll lie soas suplerintlendtent of St 11111110at Owosso. 1511:1. Alt110th li "of he year lie Wl5 s pin~ltedl instrllv- _____________________________________- or iii Iistoy at, his ltias mataer. Itie The subscription priee of tse Daily is fJ_1.50e for the eollege year, iith a eegular delivery hedth lis pslition for follr year's. atiIthe before nson eaeci day. Notices, cornsl uiiCa- li in )i lnhssuisillw tisns, and othee matter intenited foe publica- hetl' llrlsl lsotllciit 5 Elsa must be banded is at the Daily (ffice he- Hewsamtetohebri 17F fri S p. in., sr mailed tsoElse editor befossre le 11 ldlils t i ia3i1T D. in., of the do4 previous to that sn which patcdisrilDtotai s thef are expocted to appear.rn rcie avi eri n Subscriptions may be lft at The Daily Office, Melyer's or Stoffiet's Newstandsor C lmen~s snil ii1854, whens lie was mladie with Busissess Manager. Suheibers will coo- fer afavor by reporting promoptly it this fJrylirofe-sor of lawo to swceiedIJuige office ass failure of carriers to deiiveerpaiper. _____________________________________ slsy.'This position w000hld byI The Doily Becard ackisssvleslges re- i illlt icltr 10ohc fa eesitof anlinvitastieon"Iso l"11te11Ill esi :1si-esso at tornell in 1887, lie 1l uny--ly of thei' yessrs it t11'1Ls li- 51 111 sii nseoOo uh s's rsily Sos-iss S sil