THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. JOS. W. KOLLAUF &CO. Merchant Tailors. 10 E. Wasingtton St. - Up Stairs. KEYEBS, THE OPERA HOUSE JEWELER, ,Can frnish you with a first-class Fountain Fen,.tens and ing repairing a specialty. -GIVE HIMT A GALL.. Stop!I! Stop !! Stop!! -AT- Parker's Corer Store, STATE ST. AND N. UNIVERSITY AVE Fresh made Candies constantly in stoch Call once and you will call again. IN THE EQUIPMENT Of A STUDENT'S ROOM, Iis generally coceded that a stringed in- strument is almost a abslute necessity. To secure the greatest enjyment tem the purchase ,,et the est your meey will afford. Esperee jud gnsct pronounces the "ay ate" istruments the finest in the wold An ecelent instrument is the -BAY STATE $10.00 BANJO. WeSo have is stock cheaper banjos ban this, tottefr a suhstatial, seesic- aloe instrument, at a low price, no tpsoer lsreect manactured cau compare with it. send tor Illustrated catologue, JOHN C. HAYNES & Co., 4;3-463 Washigtn Street, Roston. Tucker c& Co. .BICYCLE LI VERY AND SALESROOM 18 North Fourth Ave. W~e crry a futll line of up-to-date Bicycle Sundries Slnd parts to many wheels. Also Repair Wheels at living prices. {live us a call if in need of anything in our line. TT U OF SM. SHAVING PARLOR and Bath- LI m. All appointments first class. imported and domestic cigars. Ladies' atis- tic hair dressing and bathing parlors, up tfaies I.It.Tossowshl S0. State st. Na wating lee Columbia sd Hrford bicycles. No delay and cosequnt annoy sne. All models and ptters now ready o immediate delivery. 1897 STANDARD OF THE WORLD anc made eclsively o 5 per cent Nickl ~SeelTubing, theetiecpro gffTO ALL Iduct o which we control. "'Ioo ALIKE. Hartford Bicycles are at prices within rach of everyone. x$0,;50, $S5 ~Caaoefr Iee frmm ny Clmi jdele ; ftem us Icr one ncn POPE MFG. CO. Hartford, Con. '- Grest icsyclcory _f i nthe Werld. Morse thn 1ArsaofFler Spoo. Branh hunt or dener $ fI D H ALY will e delivered ~ .__:ntO Commencement oe..... ' Some New MusicĀ® Isle of Cuba Waltzes. La Gracile. Jolly Friend, Two Step. Five Bells, Two Step. I Wish I'd Never been a Soldier. cThe Old Rope Swing. I Thought You Didn't Care. I'll Take Care of You Grandma. .A rinArbor Music (C.o.-,. VASHINUTOASST. DO YOU SMOKE? 10 Pittsburg stogies tor------. .S-- 5cents 0 Dog Head Clears foe. ..---------25costs lO16La Princess Stogies for---------2 cents 6 Prodigy Cigars toe. ..---------25 conts 10 First National Stogies foe.------2 cents 6 Paradise Cigars fo-ee. . .1------ 5 cents 6 Yucatan Stogies foe. ..--------25 cents 5 La tDioso Cigars foe. ..--------25 costs f i11Altonso Cigars for-------------25cnts 4lHarryvClays for---------------5cents 6 Star Cigars foe. . ..-----------23 cents d Owl Roqueiteor--. . ..-------25 cents o Record tBreakers tor-----------25 cents 3 Royal canners foe. ..---------25 cents 3 Breunwich Cigars toe.. . . . . .IS--------------5cents 44 South Main Street. ! Bicycle Track Will Be Built. tFIRSIT1EXCURSION OF'THE -SPA- SON TO TOLDRDO. DAt tlabst miseting of the Ann Arbor Sunday, Mlay 16th, tbc Ann Arbor t ycleClu'ib, a eoimniilteofith lrees-se 55 iaiirsias will open tile season with apinilted( to raise sot commoittee of fise an excuion to Toledo. Special train stis- shall lake charsge of theO coii- will lease Ann Arbor at 10:25-a. in'. sitrucion of the psropoedi bicycle track tare for the roudeo trill only S0 cents. Is Whitin-ors' take. Tiic coosicilteo- t fCildren tinder tswels'e years of age, flist apiniit'id conists 'if s'v-Mta~r half this rate. Lakhe Erie,1Park asnd Wfilker, cliaiirmansis. Mesr.Iloodlyear, tilefCasiino, sw-blh has afforded such slRyani, Darling and Alit. Vandass-rker. enjoymnti to onuriPatrouis during icast 'fTise oisiiiitls's'on i'olliiiiiriportodtwisoe'asos, will be popenede on that '$740 seibsrii d. iut still needs aliens late on a scale of ingniticenoceiiever $20( moesroIs tikethe tiso li-asurd cin i- I before equlalled by aiiy place of ansti.e- vsinient. As yi let tesiudrtthbsvo' rsicit in this country. Thsosusands of sistiscribsil hut sory lhtt', si tthel ii'llars hav-cbeen expsended since last . ommlittees is its Hoiiiis if scouring thii'rs0e50on nimpr'ovemntsnloand addlitions, aiii in thte remndelr to N.' rilts i Tdo-sign end shape as you will find in II 1F otir stock of Madrss, Lenioes, Percale,, + 1Outiisg Fleiinels, Etc. Son' 5 Wagner &C. FURNISHERS, 215S. Main St.