THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. qi~y Of Pa ft . Athletic Notes ,L G ,® + yP°The lhards ratice ir'ii the base ball men sine the spig triplwtsa Published Dai# (Sundays excepted) dring *at of last ig-lt. The were drilledl the College ear, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN for oer twooubors, epeclal atteliioll Orrcn~Ties uidin, t S Mle t.bebing given to batting. "Eddie ten Liberty ad William St. Shields arrived yeserdty aidtssied' MANAING EDITOR Caeli W'atkins.Jle will enai tlli J. F. THOMrAS, 91. Satulrday. ASS'T AANAGING EDITOR F. S. SnioN,'8. Tie fpleasant eat'ersof yeteday~ ATHLETIC EDITOR brtghttet all of (ietrack anlilaes I. B. S nceMAN,'98I t. tetulthe 'Athletic Fild tepreettedl a BSINESS IANAGIiOII iey' aileiliance. Te ti-eling table D. . IIlAN, 't. 1-is een stated at 'retiyem iandIti EDITORS l-eetre at lreseintisitlnethatter, ie- E. L. ecsifl.'s L . A. CAtBtIonc., 'te. in . (ceo t-il l rolallee' It F. A. Fccm, 58 E. A. CAirEL,'0. 'a- G. D. Beer, o'e, 'V. T. . Wi0Doteno9c, es te t'ii"tb '( 10tarier-al tr. Ollit BTEvina bit, '00. G.0. in. leetINSe, 'tM. till leae' ld letr. see '(hi'd"clila tltic iemccib'etweei -____________________________- Ichignand t 'ite tll ia betu t f-r The tabecription rlcee ogthe ttiy is 3.0ete 191 l1, t Dci r.iIie er-cub s-ill for the college year, eith a eguldar delivry tlaecat1oje.noht.te.r- before nooneaech day. Noties, omminica- -'tetl'c'a ePctstta ieg ions, and other matter iitetedfor ptblicl- "1111 cliedti-tbebaiie'iill tn cst' caIle' Lia mst be handed to at the laiiy office be- foe SdiF: a., or mailed to the eitor before 3 plaey at 3:0 o'lee.h p. i., of the day prevtos to that oa which they are epecte'd to atfpear.- - Sbscripttonst may be left at The Daily Thgrdlt oniteofie( t- Ofllce, Mee's or Stolet's Neestand, or lt rtret 'iileto it with Bsitess tManoger. SberierstwtllClitl le& es in tie' ti. I.A. A- A. 'll a fer a favor by reporting promptly t this office atyfailre f carriers to deliver poler. C li'lto it lhylit eitaei'l i ntciill- - aran tigieeIti' [leii' Nile ee'. 'T'e girls of (le soPhlllire eteet lresliiaii lieis enre dtiertvig of ilee' itit ltamieifieaied iiNiriiwesrsi'i perisi' it ol cilityc' ttrlills. .A1the t ewlilir 119 by 5'iiscorof II t S. i-t'.;n ee.i'c ci s l~-a e 'clnafiorI ' NoirhwesterSro lut 1;! in iluau-Sophieii ra(lck mieet lie aibod. The Largest Line f Bicycles, Sun- . dries and Supplies at te annuai oraicle cole f tie M STABLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, NorthrnleeiOraitoerical lLi lae'aitir lar- Teleeone No. . tOtie(oor East of Amei- log 5'een hldi at el-liofithi' ll -.ili'C Ann Arior, sr-lreiliil(ivegiri' 1ills cc ganiceel iiiiliii'firt oi1l)si ti.ell. L In liii firtl 1 ation-libi'lii1tii li-to9tt ' lt' ntiable 1iii01'orf t1lliiillg lit-i- Ot SUPPLIES theix ottsel.duinsgolasniit0 tie exi-it4ilnal ht c-0t puintg League Bal. Mits, "tleItse.etc Mantiager should secndfr stnpeistnd hat lis ben miinif'etedlhereis irtch-:Ispclairates. Every requisite fr Tennis, lors; anulthus ea'ir the" tatoiei-Ar-Sitim yiuipments and otfit. Coplete Caaloge of Srin tnd Stmert' Spois soclai, iii thei u'ntertim~~l lent ]r fie."Tie Name te Onirinee" represetaitive-s of liii'ohier i .ili'eis A. G3. SP.ALDIIIG & BRO., ,Indith(le succiso of flei cotest. tesieS Net-c York, Chicag, Philadelphia togv a-isc illuitraion of 10 lil erst. 1'or the r'ierainiiettof tlee ollr rator's teAhlici'Asoctiaioiiles trilligeil the i'eliaii-scopomor' This space is reserved eontloti1, riO Ortorical Asbot .itilo. Will for the Grand Opera tentder teIieanquiiltet in the i teling, aid the AlphaillNou",mitty tas openedl House.I lts newly fernishied halIforlt' leaguei niccipg aid le coitic iiencee (wtile steri'eeiniii'es. Tie' toccessof ltte ________________________ cnte'st, lowver, can iot lbe so esilt. RETt 'I±TtE , accompilished, bPtoInarby the sutp- HOTOrr®= 1 ®P HXE lort of the enire suidin botdy, tnd it ANNI ARBOR. MICH.1 is aineslyloted that cter1rytdent _________________________ will assist in arousing initirst-hidtit Bicycle Repairing! tend thils tooth ilillrteut it llerclleg- Is all branchei netly and porrpty doe iiaterent. Pric en resonale SundresnatIruth bottom - prie. clatin of all candidates for liii '97 W i. J. W enger, casbaseball talui in Rtooni Ji. Thi- 8 N FOURTH AVE. - ANN ARBOR. eectsit a1,at4pm Tusdy t M. MARTIN, Funeral Diecr, Clth elec a cptai. O andMetalicCanken and Fine Grade S1. 1. 3ATSI WS S~nag~, Clulns. Embalming a Specialty. N. i7 . S. M MAfTIIWS.Manacr. Furt ae. .You're Better ff.. clswita on. nf onr Titan to pay 818.00 somoevhere elso. BEB Jut $3.00 saved, clear as a wehistle. This is anothiei' ni toopnt with us-swe're dieternmineci to have thec best litie of$135.00 suits that's ashowisn oCur city-wve'r'e carefnl of swhat fabrigs ar"e used, carefuli, very rereftiof tho edaking. It's too late - - in the dlay tn maice the argtument thoat oncan't bn fitted in ready made. ii - -Conic in and ecnvince, youirself. The BETTER THAN EER" Te189(7 BEN-HUR BICYCLES embody more new anod genuine improvemcilcs ill coinstruction than any ether bicycles now before tlhe public. Neer betore Iace such tinclient values been effered for the money. Our newr line, consishtliino iht supierbi modela at $t0, $759 und $12-b for single minnese, aid 4,4150 fur tandetrs,r16uth liie various eptions offered, is nuch that the most exactig purcheaser can be entirety sited. CENTRAL CYCLE MFG. CO., 'ei'2-ffiARDEN STREET. INDIANAPOLIS. BD- OnReFINe POSTEeRnCAALOnEMAILED FOReTWO 2-CNTeSTAM-act Students and Tleachers can secure pleaso-at and profit-able work introducing one Public Libraries ...... . in towns and coutitry and formnig Reading Clobs. Josh -the work for Students;, Teachers antd Minioters. Managers................ We also want a few energetic field manhagere. State age and experience in book work. Address Dept. "5s" RAND, McNALLY & CO., Chicago. Wenillnneadnnreceipt nf .QlE samnpie to anyadduinress Pics'fi ter pound, 4°net. Seeto, i New oe a uddeSih nnr5 tat alien OO~aocueenhateyne. Io