A box of that delicious Peanut Brittle at DOES WORK WITH{
Merchant BROWN'S DRUG STORE. Neatness and Dispatch
TIalr.Half pounds and onnds, 10 and 211 cents. A few boxes of Gietmacl.
'T ior ,Velvet Molasses Candy, one-half pound 10 cents. CR, HURON ST AND FOURTH AVE
DoE. Wnshingteu St. - Up stairs.-' THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS ANK
Capital l tock, 50,00. Srps, $ 15,55.
.PHOTORAPHSesorces, $1,1W,000.
H TO R HSof colors anti jitter ns Organzed anderthe Geera Banking Lw
belne inthiscityof this State. Receves depsts, bys ad
neveralrats soonirsatsells exchage as the principal cities of the
---peia rte t n, sat Unitd States. Drafts cashed pse proper
11erannk eringfACoarelctDS1 ~ E ideticatis. Safety deosit baes to ret,
_Beryma .'sWeaingApprelr craos: Christian Maok Pros.:WD,0
-B ry a ' Mn--EALOR05S. Haarriman, Vice-Pes. Chas . iscoc,
forHuroeStr--tCashier: 1.. Frit Assistant Cashier.
Bicycle Enameling! I LOgnzd16
Capital, $00,000. Surplus and Profits, $40,000
Transacts a general baning business.
Plain or Miarbelized. Any color or LeForeign exchange bought and sold, Furnish
style. All work guaranteed. LJLJKT? DO YOU letters of credit.
A . . r1.® , 23 Pitsbug staiesfr---------: cents 6i Dog Iead liasr for---._-....2;i cents s, .CLRSN Vice Pete
With Tucker & Co., 18 N. Fourth nve It La Princess Stoisfr.- t--.-2 ets 6 Prodigy Cigars foe. ..---------25 crt __________________
1 ist National Soisfr.. ,cots 0 Paradise (% gars for .___.. 5 ens
IN p 1i6YuatnSt i. o .--___ 2 ocnto 5 La Dloso (Cgars for -. ... 13"ucoos nr~~n
IN THE EQ~JIMENT OF A iit lon oCgars fr....- cents OlHare Clays foe....20cets ___________
i t iCgrss for. __t5 ets 0 Osni tointotsfoe . ._. . 0cents
STUDNT7SRHOM1 3BrunwickCigas fr -.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-------23 cents Cpitl1 00.115.Surplus 201,00. Transact
Xt s orfen IUETSROM ooS sss roots 2 Royaldedatnetsatar...gedcents Ce Sats uoSuesrs.
strumnt is. amost at: asalut onecess iy. To D EAiNit& CQ1'M PAlNY. R. KenMS rero. C. E. GREN,ViceTPes
secure list greasist ejoymet frmrn'le 44 South Blain Street Pton. i, BRotot, Cashier.
ueri uos your money wililisS __afford___ ____________________
apert jlsi et proounces the "Bay
at"insrumnts hejit ,n th1e wor l et: A New Wrnl.l iftieto i ii i I 1l tti F. . Sch- qaleede,
li,9 > l'uu ii r sill e tlisiin I 1 re;: e PrLI;;.;irs ui.isof Iihoostlllrr lr 20 S STATE STREET
BAY STATE $10.00 isi it s isut i.: lili S;1iiir,lst i Osi .5 IlisisL iii: initff liis ilisiii llsi s, -1Ii Sells a SolidGoliFoont::ais te at it 0
BoostBound25 en toand upsard
B S T7 s x1t c u i.t tv Ov. s i } .lill. issi Sisiells or liin . 'C i e. I.of lt.Scenes ad Profesors 3?/zlbs. Li-
550e 1:aie is stock cieaer 1banjo5sslshjsrliof ilis galllisrioui is swoa 1:1:1.l NteRoks lcalts atd pards.
z Win::this, u forasubtatial,sric Ii 1 sClt _____________________
ise a: aeat o pie,. I)bi ~ii~ :11sleiilsr..:' IlF issiwill b Iic sis:"I Loney's Chocolates.
i iltlistesiort ma nufactutred can I:':1's Isiis ag..:' srulsts
cisap re with it. 1:n w tn tn te fita e i~l 1 h lo i :2:on s.,.Iie 1):
Sealt fu ii~rit stlgr fli ses:eil.:Ii:ie I0U sr 10:11 Hot Lunches.
silusothluo5dptiet\ 1i.DNoyadD.J . H NS m&Co., iteI'isee iii,.. 17 iInn sill ioske'tIa u l ls. -
453-463 ashington street, Iloston. till.elition ofsss l1ish.-A! ai t.
ElA.N STERFEiRS ,a CiiIllon ::llt: ghin jnelits. Iiii it.; ,vaIio N:::: A' ,
ui i I a I Phc it ,rii lou srux iIn ii:: 1 D etsoks.fie si slssst W t cn ow spply yul with
2 :1: "'3 6 tctuipi i heformesr is ire : 1 yO lfe t:Bod w155a fne FIIA'PIINITY 'PN.
IN ita L111s i s5i oliss, Ilhis i s-sl ii: n b sing See our line of samples.
"t r t is d< i ti e Ill1:5 11 t"1 oil :5 i
ofSraw erresIs sis::sit iillV iI'l i st . Is: et 5-tfr 1505 tn WMin ARNOLD, LEADING ,
andlle Oreli vediii Gearsis. hilistie 5ill he1 ( i s:l to I3 ac> .____________________________
I Fruit Ices. T litilsis I luu ssielow Is~ e iii . I lN 1 :11lb:'e ssetfl e i the: i us-
Fs e si\ ti) c't o te ; tln f tt tr~ OF ]DANCING
hi'flss . I : :'ls: iii:: : lesi 27 Thomipson Street.
OF OP . I,1IAVSNI3 PARLOR and ail: 1e oo fisr :uti sn, jtilb :I Isy u : ii:. e is:: o f l ,t:weit : i:
5..roomsi. il slpittments fSrst classs.t11 'Issusicstl cliubs of te5 uis ' i:s c fc-tiii lii lo'.Clriel l.Just RcHo e teLSaLrg snS Elegant
Imprted snS omestic iars .Ladies' artis------
ic hairdSetsingand ashtig pbrlorsues.It5l slits : s'isr se r l:::'iOsisirslC1tsII 11dI 'lISIGlN OevTiFIkS- L± of'New Pipes
lrstrg it I lls'ie. \"ters5:. 1~r rltv la ly itili, Ith:AnnoDAbosr for yspie's ond Williams isiS Wrnero Co's
1515 :115 1,Choolate u osson.
i it (" °0 1 ' -. ign ill n thoata opn co ua~ii . i issu d il 1:1:11n iith e saon:t h D .5 till:
an/u es 1t b ed) Seia scn ?.Oh litl I:t1ntl ash bel l rie i ie l eaveiii .i'Arill Arilsir at 10:25) r. u 20 . State St., Sager Blok.
®1i 11he''nii is Iis ti:thos IilodoI: ,iiiFiie:foIrscils'eotn i p ollnily SI)ccull..
:11:-c. I iideluii er :iitie ie 'yeairOsitf e. A LAR~lE LINE OF
ItT i i_ i u'sD i a;i itssl l ii si. It'.is rr ihe ' be lbokildValises, Traveling Bags, Dress
151a5 :tdl1-0:rfe (I si:nu,1: r 'seicls l i, ssaforded s'I lil Suit Cases, Tuks, Etc., Etc.,
I ' sjot s':stisto l l t' itlotdil' 151 lis - -.rior . '7ei_ 1
0l::hftsr' 'illl l is uy 553 lislsiof lilinoc 57iS. lAIN ST.
Medical Congress.
i dollar1511:iill e 5coiun1t1y. i'i lsteisI of
It ,i5 tut t 3i 0111o Ioteuthe pisnt olr ~ttt xpis l: otFULLER & HIIXSON
5111d l '51110c 155'tie iuvmtilhls of theilc t~a i 15 : s~ . ASls ~ie we sil
I:t u iiu i criliti'cillll acsml' 0iog shichssiare I lolisons 5 O
0' :1gi;o sf.n51(1t5:11 1'ictits islt'hie ou oue ss ile'vlsy, W;ri ' s ait R E S UIS F R 2 C NT
C p l s f inelvi lhtu t .an ie 1a«o eter.'oeoi'. S yst I oic
'3 0l'oiis t o b l1511ill Wsiton Mayoise.:alnd loiler ataionas to mRt-l 1 CLEANING AND REPAIRING
'sela'hsis is tlrltleli1lil ssto tooiuZ'la'1: ~ls u 2SState t. Oer sep s BRlliardtom
t' 1t lec"sof If Sliin-hs'os tke11puc it tota itlolnt arrngedI for til oening0 S ent
,cataeo ,Hit ill r. eSy swilbe stictly firs lss. Dn't iir
Dt. tDoik. Dr. (1411h9indSilDr. H- m iss it,___ ee
i ~To any person snteested bn humane mat
Is what may be properly said of men who wear Mlswatd's tees, or who leves animals we ilt send free
"WlACledEnprcNadqultSo vok Clupas appliato, -a copy of the"ALIt
Ao cuts. "elSie"i rc ndqaiyo ok alAC," the organ of this Society. In adi-
WANR&C.,AETand see the sprig stock of late.t designs. cotainis of the vauabe and uuutper
21 S. MAIN ST. un ie yteppr drs
---tHif 5lYCmecatfr-_$ STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR, MIC. 410401 United Charities Buldbidng, New York.