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October 20, 1896 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-20

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f + Pinceton's 150th Anniversary.
Preelebrationroiiioeiloi alio-e of
tihe one hunodreti and liftieth year of
Published Daily (Sundas excepted) during Pinc(etonl's career aS the allege or
the Collect year, at
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Ne'w .ersey, itrin t properly today.
Flerei'fter itsotoli-il ii-iit'will be
Os-m~Eet Times building, 79 S. Main St. be- PiceoFIl lirit.Te prograin
ltes Liberty and Wilitam Sts. Irttii lrrio
- ifor the week, as madie0out by the
MANAGING EDITOR romtinittire in -harec, ts as folows:
E. 1R. SUNERANDs, 'or. f"losnoiasfi'ir)-tlrta.

s 3

wins the jury of shoe buyer s d it'
ours by tt heavy majority.1Footwseai
shlid be tois quality. 'The feet can'
standl anylting eioe. Prices shiould be
low, so as to keep the soeoctax within
bounds. Yen won't feel our shoe
prices, boil they toill make you feel
pileaised. There are its corn growers
like load shoes. Come to 110 anti get
something that you can wear yourself,
tnstead of the shoe oteario~g your fool.

E. L. GEIMERt, '05 L. F. S. OtImoNS, '05.
0. B. OlT-rAcao' tt. H. B. SKIILMAI5 'O L.
C. M.HoREsN, 99. Athletic Editoe.
0.iH. iHAS, '9tS.
JIF. THOMS, '9i, Assistant.
W. OW. hughes,'00. S. OW. Onitti,'9'.
F. M. Loomis. 'Or. Louise Dodge, '99t.
W. P. Mloreili, '08. H. IH. Cotrala, '00.
A. 0M. 5niith.'97.

siguiti (Octobier'22, 1746, the Boardi it
,tritees holsrisolrvedl i 11tlt'e Srs-
quitietei-l CeI'tebration 01)11ali d ole
ts' 15hiialnio'ei'sair dayoftthis
tie eeeatitolii to te -i-ipv thne'
lay-s. .\t-oriiily ii three day
'txed uesd-ire Tuesdiaii' ,21 to-heri21),
la, o. t-tetit22. ifthe liteittt'5'it cait.
pr".'.otf iii ixeisex leis hbt-it si
falr 1tt't-t t-ilthit it tosii'ioopossible ito

f '

O-Un !15.00
Au ologant, gontool garmaent, iii Blue
Black anal Drown TKe~rvadetslowith deepn

toe. the college year, withuaal-sai dt'itvery )ott' ooiit1xa<-olnieliatir t.. -1e /' silk xolv et eollars, liued throughuttwith
before tton anct day. Notiec, commiia-
tions, and other mattetintetntded fitornbiei 5't0i.tt'li iiit' th lev
ios mast be handed in at the Diolyoffie be- d)ls e oliin il
fare O p. nm., or esateid to the eidtt itorbote3 ttei - or iIr-sidiit latto trill -JII
p. in., of the day preise to that ittnttiih
they are expected to oiorpea. , - Skiner's best saitini. gtalaanteedfor taco
subscriptions mayobOrleti-t- a itt TeD itli the it i' lieititi'etrit icetoI. t t -
0fficc, leyc's or toliet s tndit 0or - tltki iiateiiailtr- yeais. No Clothier ox-er soitd a bettetr
withs Butsts Oanscior. OStbier , i. tllci- t / -tt h 1fello I th r
fer at-svr by tepiteti m- praniptly at this 7
ofiier iny failiste o1carricersto dtO-s e paper kllli' 1rrt-ltptiitill lii intiltettitlitf /euoitfor tlhe pice.
dlI~teis if rot oithertoibot- s lnd 1i111
At i's the ltiti i litof th iat i 0It-i ,\i letiiitei-H1lt. I11t iedystra,1"i.Lomsi-, ti
ri'I1l t1 i'p~dt l1L( ol' ltig9e~te-titias iregular ediitor, iandiF. A.iieit-er fortihe irendiitioni t'of it'itx bIs talCetin Io-~
I-'u-ik, '8E a iCboLll. '01. , ti afiltiousmsltoitii1tie-rloe-e. OVERCOAT. 35 S. Main St.
toerr ltieid iiieultt'io of ii'teiord rto-trivide sme o~x t her01 suti' al
'Iltspiit ofpolit-cs Oi'to in- iTheis;cond 1:1ly. cd1e i li-I -i oO peniuti g C hallenge S ale !
o oe ioi-y'liiu2 lii 1111 fli' " 2. 0tisnel'' e ait da~y 1 Underwoeatr, all wool, fleece lined, $1.50 andl $1. 25, 1now'75
titss tt-etligyosiirtby io~ o'iftirt iileItit' 11it1iti.1t1tiit is eI'ntly i' centis a Stit tr 40 cents a (at-moult. Soteks, hlack andf tan, 9
staue uitxt situiotitg t -ters 0111boiiletd Ihaiitos 11110 ts o"ittble rill cents pet' pail',to-e-c207cetnts. Socko, 7c iher'pair',waree15c.
fratiotauotunt iii priliinary tle- hi'elprsenlt tiit si t otnL11:10It-.huIt t'? Sirits, Fancy btosiomni td a'itetat 39 enits aworth i75 ceuts.
litg iltti i i 'otnetii l Iuoiriotifg t'ortin1110 ptotlnitAt-ittlii'ye Shirts in itull dressutnttifaticy coloretd bosoms at 88 cents.
thituigllitfitthlit'tie, iisoft li ite- i wei''r-t it t'tirliiugIaisit vre wre$1.25 antI $1. 50t. itnurela Shirts incltudetdill this stale.
tirt' lont ersity' tore al ttp'. h' OooiittIV'toiu ttIhi t-eckas-ea'-lh)c utnit35c Strings, .hura-in-Htatds, Ptuffs,and
-itxo11101 ti'oalittetttt it i~itti10' til-it itlonliii' hettlass ttl't1t. l'totws, etc. $2.00 Hats at X1. 50. $3.00 Hats ut $2.25. Sim-
(11s his hesatsfatio o k o~vn; eltreentng heAuoiricanuiWhit Sot. ihtr redtion on all otlher Haits. Glut-cs, Mackiuttoshes Suis-
111)1 eiltrone oft' tfhii'etidta it -ey'. t1tti thelet- ting it-i - Dr. penders, Iluiuutkercihiefs, Cancs, etc., oct.. all inctleti in this
awoutlti hae1bit'noa satustaioeliot hic, - hetnriuVoath>Ilko,fittiele sstuofttt'7;l., sati. Two weeks only, beginning Thursday, Oct. 15,
til teitgrtit-x-luio i11)-l.iiixtore'lresetuttigthe l 'ioopittieScit. and ending Thursday, Oct. 29.Ev'er'ybotdy invite(].
p~romiise' to lily' factitontor 0hiltt' ot Oh 0. iit oul t iti'iotsht'ot.'Thenlter-to . . . Vents' Furnishers and Hatters. .
stutetlxa cerut~ stultebr ot'theii' g'tttitili' ttI reg-i' lt-'tgi f otr-sio -AJoeti~ t t t. .\,iri. 1Ic
"'hliui to' ita util' Itby' apptouini tment itliit'ti- otealfortheiiia'te oe in aind get your Shaoes Slined 'roe Every Day-!1?


tie-s ire,its ta colic, i itt dtetplorabtle
stlo dt he10 ii'class of 'lI7,ttoove'to'-
its odi divisionts, loseer-ir too'"dted
in odisitellintihu'riplutiationttit 11)15ftor
bihg brokeit op tty' iterontlissen-
Chicago's bSchedule.
i-'ehttt imge teii'reittatuaig gluamet
iii ('bit-ageoIUtiit'rsity's selie,'eith:
It-. 20-Met-gaD taik Actademtyatt
Matrshall field.
(let. 24-Nttrdtv-est'nU n 'iiveirsity it
Mattrshall ficld.,
Oct. 3i-i 'iiveroity of Ililhois t
tliroittill feltd,
No.7ttiitersily of Wiconsini at
Nov., 14-NontittestcnUiveri-csity' at
Nov. 26-'t'hanksgiving Gamse ithi
Micehigan at (Coliseutm.

toill hi- rotvit-to-in iiftrtit otf Nassau
totl Itie ittloo pniis titt bei' ito liat-
'hdt'anidieit isttopeit ltie esiet
l't'ttlo'tiit by .t -the ocourseof-'1tt 111iuiti
tint-ses fromitthi s tisot Nassall 11,111
ty' oititl-iguixlt-ovisiitrs toillhoe fcta-
tulrix ofttl'et-uiligl<.
to- ilth'autanl etiuteli ie atti-
w~ii ii'iiouibe t-aeiltthlItot tlexa'ndoer'
Oily tt'tt li'ihititleantteen twetsoseemedtoo,
tiii -tofei'iuagof di,,t'gnt'is, au th el-'
tpublic exercises of the si'siuietiili-
ntahltcltbrationiclost-, althtoughAlii thei
evteing there ovill be a farewxell 'in-
ter given to the deegattes fromthelii
visiting universtie's--ale Newse.

" OF--
Leland T. Powers--------------------------------No.3
'Boston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra---------Dec. 11
Charles A. Dn----------------Jan. 21
Ex-President Hrio-------------Feb. 1
Luther Laflin Mills, (Chicaglo Alnutli 'Nunlither)-----Feb. 12
Imperial Qatt---------------March12
Oratorical Cnet--------------March19
Lucius Perry Rills ---------------------April 2
John Kendrick Bangs------------------- - -- -- -----April 13
HarrisneNumbers"r 5.o11
Deansorical Contemt .25
TICKETS NOW ON SALE--Reserv'ed ticketson anei Thuresday,:Oct. ti, ltat areras
dreg atoe State street,'and WatrsObookstare, it-ins treet.
JAMES H. PRUITT, Corresponding Secretary,.

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