WE WAT TOSOU W'ANT TO GRAND OPENING jEvery thing, KNOW YOU. KNOW US.6O for theWe were uncertain what you wanyted in the fo h y -Msclln obought accordingly.TI~ M ~~If you wantitort o by ai ano wehaet. p HOW Is THIS---dH oia 1.CL~[I~ UIL 0 A Good Mttandolin for $3.75. o a h 0AGood Banjo 66 3.05. AT TIMt iig rirkish Bath Trow- 0W itot c'- r' Yon the erth= STUDENTS BOOKSTORE, STATE STREET I 1 ens, sponlges, Soap, Pub-0 b er Caps, Flesh Brushes, SEtc. AM CA '~-:- PHARMAcyl THE OPERA HOUSE JEWE LE , I aufrnlii yoo with ahfrst-class, Ftentaln fla. Peel andtorei ooeaty --Speocial atesto"Senoioat 6 E. Huron Street. .-Anton 'Teuftel, ur.AoQrAiiTniFRt _Irn s, alises, BessSu Sit Cases AN I) 1't0,.ES 'tiiES.4 Tranks anti Valiss etlrodeNatly eiid (lieaply.Ni 57S.iMin st, STATE STREET TAILOR, A full line of Scotch and English Suitings aud Trouserings.. The Namve the Guarantee A. G, SPALDING & BROS. The largest mnfacaturers ad dealer, in Com~iplete Catalotue Fail anud Winier Sports Raelied Free. ofitiial Faeotha~i Guide, edited toMy Wainor Came, 10 crate. FOOTBALL SUPPLIES EVERYTHING FOR THE PLAYER C'ianreon nd Mloeskin lace ret Troueers ,1;td tacli tote, teohie.nto, 't '.oys, Stole R unardet, Ahdooeen Suaorersr, lcad Pester- Oe « and l' ri 'ioe Alane, Q.l1 SS lOFIIIALINENATIONAL FOlT DILL 019" aliiy adoiitedi by the tniercoiiegilate , '3 )P..i.-I'in ot i iti ut '"II''it mutxer if iiileg(o ('lrit ce.ts- 'cole of lihe seaotnl viiliii'e Slt'a~ te o= oitc illth I to iel tali' n dii tootiSchioe.ol, liii t ieitllio'fitll oioued..i ito'- hs litow're'oede'l253. Suit.,(Oet. 4.--Presidett ('toll 'iia(- I('oorlo I1. Iloini'. asecit illi ltill- tiress before ite S. C'.'A.'it Newbetiori 0 ii i-ce eletulniry loosi:yo"atrloin- ac'ep't- Itoill. ed ti loilit iii ilute Univorsity of Sunt., (itt. 4. ; p. 11:1.111i.IlilotiierIlliiiiw at ct""haiuaiotgii. s1,(eciks befooro' the'Vilety . t t.'C'. hr. 11. I]. 'Scaifoiro, '0)"tied l ll3I, A. a ol Melillotit 1E-i asbe ppit( aball.i t Moz., ct 5,7:20 . x.-Oonng o 'rofessorNoot n-1eu' lfor tie eoliitoit cial of Pity 'lbl. 0yeir,.hats i1ii1",'otis oipirttfssoiolil UNIVERSITY NOTES. 0Cion S. 1ocule -ot. I leoto. T;. '. slilely-. eutodlito'efor X. ,C. Iinleic11. ' wtfo ., tis toolie t0ereoer of leilti oncii leIi' ttril ealioloil y esuo'roloy. (ric ti ocet. noon ot foroooer slui1et There 'ire 335 stientois nierod clI'il Ieent thei la'wcii'eelori tilti fgrouo- fu'isioet'eit Llw elea. Zi-i''~lit3 eili liiiheclass eif'me 11o51:oflitie prki in lie'oeiecal do- 31 ls 'Ilory I". Leach t. I-htroi pl-rtzluelil willtengit oile Moitle . iti0i' Ii ole'Oii'oofoil ti en cirY t 3t,. IDrs. iHiber' andilNun' ioool: 'in ..y-lHolyoke ('ollo' '. totslottl'c ii rundedelbiclycletripitlins isuimer. lion" of'lii t he :Ai'f itt l.'tste9t'ia otfor- User silty iooi'it opixe' 't1 ion t lii'lii' ' olai-i'iioi'iil tofNoie''ceo ~tits alilli ilelod foil'toiatliieye'sti'rdlay. heliid tm F'r'o'L t. uI'coii o. a lpeisitlitof ibo' 0 'telitilIt 'ili'rnity tias 7lull ciol- 'liii bst' class, isteratitili" oeloineliooii!itiltis Ifor' le0te'e'ity--fouor foiloos'i10 oaitoratory at the Slate Normal. sIliloli 1Sheio' oidii'ii ciiiiiicl.. er('ty- Mliss KItihoineiio'It 'iiI.*'hi, la loo o''il iii'of thunt' olilit lles('1001 o'ol ti s(=i'I1l7sink feil'aetimue'in ('lii- (.aii ni't'iii'foeiiy-i i'o itll t'e sollootilof rage, but A-ill pobatlyl'bii'oho'leeoro'- itiitloosooitlti, .in(e froit3 l-iit'eeiii iii Iur iltote lle03o' sthll l ot tt'l0iO0 oor o . " 1ti i iiii i'o'' lihe'footbaoollo'aiideotoe's intooloilthle fLookl a rthe ii' 1ii' 1 ii tlil011io gyittuasino last evening and listened l'et'11ito'i lot.1XiiitArtoor 3t. It. tirsn 00 tilks bythe iii (oioli'iia'thu lo'otli-wee'i'olltOito be. 'lielr. tof tnouns. etls. Slgitol liractice' stocalnio goe 1i'r.iiii1(1 rip raitos, limooo f iliclcs tied i hleglt o-ith. poitlis 10toAilioltheioy wiiilibesolcl Woll .1 intilg foor codlege -eo'itoielltnderbeanieeloii thie auii ces of liii' Yi'ito'SioldolSo-' r ieO', will le'hlelod in Ne'br'ry hialf, I'. of NI. Diiitghalil, 162 F. Is1ib,,rO Siundaoy.,(let. 4, at p . ill. Aihili~esnat's-. We aim 10 pleatse; if not, idrois;e trwill be givent by lDr. Ilioa AI. Mislior, tell tins Why; if we o, lease tell your tDean of ite Woznooti Deloartleiit. (frionidis. $2.30 tier weerk. 23 We have a large stoc-k of New and Secondhand Laiw. Metdical, French, (lrerlial, Greek anil Latin Text Boooks, wviich we orli sell to sitijonlts too()yr rprice,;tha"tn over. ~ot Bocikard Leclur Paper lay the pomtndclI5, 20e anid .c ~atFll Ideal . Fountain Pens Everyne'airranitet i'IdIolmoy refnded. 1)nltointf lnntrn nients and' Drainug Btoards. PFROIPEIEOTORS. STATE STREET, ANN ARKBH". LAW BO OKS! Buy all yonuecin afford for present and future use at our Lowest Pries I W~te shall be here for a few days only.... .. .. Callaglhan & Co., LAW PUBLISHERS, CHICAGO At Schleede's, 50 South Stat&st. = p Good onestloat are wyarranted. $..1.00 $1.00 WM. ARNOLD, LEADING JEWELER. FREDERICK J. SCHLEEDE UNIVERSITY BOOK BiNOERY. Binds Biooks froa 23 cernisupwarde. 3 li o t ie edforidu i50 1 c e s tsu 50 S. STATE 5ST. MSICSTUDIO. PIANO AND COMPOSITION. Rm.. H. KEIAP Froni Siaticort Cotnsrvator'y, Gecrmany. 22 S. DIVISION ST. CIltA\1) ('t) IMANDEill ItIYINt =tITS 'I'1C T'1011,DA 1f4-10110. Agentse of (Vhtlo CeintrollLtes will selticets October 13 aind 14ott one fotre for roiiitt trill. good re'turuiug unttil Uctober 17. The Uhoio Central tLinoes ae runnuing solidl traitue frm Detroit and 'Toledo to Dayton atid('in- rinati without cinge. 12 Dewey. Of thtecoiirse offered, to PS. That have perfect combustion and do not smoke or smell: The New PRochuester, The Yale, The New Royal, The Perfec- tion Student, The Princess Student, The Empress Studeunt, all 11 ' nickel plated, with latelt improvemeritt. We tell what we ad- vertis and guarantee quality of goods and are never 'undersold. Subscribe for flue Daily. 44SuhaiSte. 144 South Main Street. DEBAN & COMPANY.1 Delivery Free Today.