TILE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays ecepted dring the College ear, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OFFIr: Times building, 7it S. Mate St. be- tween Liberty and William Ses. MaAWAGayeG EDTOR J. F. TOMAnS, 9. ASS'T MANAGING EDITORa F. S. Sins, '9. ATHLETIC EDITORt I.. B. Sat.T ,3f '09 1I.. BUSI19NES MANtiAeLa't . I. HAl, 9. EDIhTORlS . L. Gerssace,'10 L..1. A. CMPBsnEL, 'C. F. A. FucK, '9 . A. CAMreos,,,9. G. D. Hsoeaceo', 'al. T. 1. Woeoins,93 BUTjcLEoLA, '0. 131 D. Jrao 9t),M The sbsarption p lo'' f tieD1-1fy is q2.50 fort thecollege yea; wstba ela t dbiou oc-.anleo oa .' sl.s aoli,"cs Onmaia- ine,and oter matter itended o eblica-] ion mat be handd is at he Daly fiic be-I fae S p. in, or mailed to the editor befo" 13 p. i., of the day gesos to that on which they are epeted to appear. Sbscritions may be left at Te Daily Office, Myer's or Stolet's Nestnd, or with Buasines Mtaaer. Sbeibers sill o- fer a foevor ty rerting promply at tt. ofiee assfailiate of arritoeldover pape. cligiail hs itrolael "Sokos 1.1 arousse ltitsiii 1sor t i ct t".ai, tilne li ell povet a.1 eettit , . , patis-ilics. Ano ti' c pla t t c'2 l li-'scilwisthlib-neit litat i io hlust: gaatt . Sl ~ll atei'lsFate i ii( l evetils tof tics')-aar. Al such11c.'llcit- ittg nit('ornel-l lt ludy nigti1.=0il otidtname0100ld;thILtoi n sl n si1 anilCherl'on Ite icua nit. liii n tciOttis lttgo ittne lidtheDtily ottlgltt'5 tichat teAthletic Botardclltae ott 110 caller aunO ste watlianttbeJ lttit. Faculty Concert Programr. AN'k ivle Ibeowthle rogl'tsllc Of te l'ttrllty ('oncer 1o Ito gi: tati '3ltroclcy eveingi lai loy 9: Intermezi Ot. 10i.....Rbr F"t1101s Fivt'lDtos'sit iatis adlVilit. Chalttille ,lcft'.-Zit, tbriatctA. Zeic Ai'eiibcld Olocglcs-BlltthcscI. ,ocvc (lirtlter S. Occititn. 1icderlllCntl'tolOp, ;:. 2, . iclt WtSi tlerrotictiA.Soieu. Stegtitsttd's Love, Fong fruit"Doe Wa~lkneor"' . . .. lrdler . 1 actisoti Bagatelle in C ucljor.ll..oet'los'tll Ballatde i inor 1110.......Chopinc Albrto IJonas. Athletic Notes Candleidates for I110 relay Coeao isoIto tkeno 1 te CitiagoCcrtivl wet's timeclt at:00 ytrdo yeserclIy cfte- Thto lasetol tttetcwre giventon;tllc practie otly yesterday, tie gronds lbingttgoos wet for felt work. L. L. T'ltoctpsol, 'ItS L, and H. 11. Elinone, 9,are amcong the 11ew candidaes ortt catcher. Wisconsino has sow'ed up uncsually well tos'the ittr-ollgiate debates this year. Last Friday she was repro. sented othc at Evanston and Mline- apols by wining teems. - FOURTH ANNUAL FESTIVAL. Final Arrangements Completed -Dull List of Participants. The Fotuth Anual May Festival of Mutsic begins lay 13 2nd cloet on tIe evening of Say J. The Festival forc'escnsist of opants- Alle. Eot- miatCohn, acid Mirs. Frances Dutoin womi; cotrltos-.Srs. Kthteiet lood5good11 and Miss Jennie le Set- cer';Iteors-IHa rota ertbcld anailJ. IT. plliltril, Hiiri'lt Seyntad actl rn ie S. Lamisoni; tpianist--Aleroonttta; violinis't-He~rmannccic tzl; the Chorllrt festivtl orches'ttra-Fifty m'ician'sl; c'ondcitoriis Emril Sollc'tlcccttcr atd A- lcrl tA. S5tily. A4I tgiifrct; rs 91mm111hcas been preprttedl for 11cc'I esi- Scl. 'Suiti'dea'othe 1c'positittitaidl t'l'hoer'it sits of patlicipt'sill lt ]tils gltcl t- liivl cltle gtinel iy' lie following' tress'.oicies: Lastcngt Calve was ina splendid spirits tr the enthtutsiasmn ofter welcomoe, s showno by the size of the atudienice, was eouttghtots fill any singer with joy. Never lineslohe it- terpreted Ctrmtett with greater var- ety of delicate atidisubtblegantces og drattaticexiresio. There was the sparkle of chatmpagne in ter csitedy anid the fire of absinthte in her tragedy. 1cc swept the gmtout of passiotn with to free icaidi.atd sie tadate her audtiecnce vibrate li~e theo chtords of a grat olian harp. And she sang wit an exquisite art that does not get half the approciationc it deserves, for a large numcbr of ear- ers lubor under tetieltsion that they are moved by tier aticng. Bt Calve's finest dramatic itrtumentt is her voice, whicthirils and glows with wooig love or glitters like cold stol with anger as she wils. Her performcate last tigit as thit of a gnis-Newy York Timtes. J. iH. SKONOr. Amtiids a scec'fsrtle timost c't- lthsisin-xviththeit'aude'nce aclllctlc- ing, thec' titeachos of the oreitstra a- tlingttghecir bows caginst tirid iidl"s cetistu--thueseiclcn igt of lii'hees tivatoWas botught 1oa tritliloc'tt te'rminaiocn. Te tumultliwvas ocon sionied ccily- by' the ltt'o. SMr. Sic- tiitley, wvhose terribt'ivocation, "Let temtiperisht all ict this tplae," ia series at topic noes thatt rng throgh the bulding tili it ecoed agaciu, stal- oil every' ian'ut and omiat ithe halt to their feetinit asate of enonlrs- atle xiteiscnt.Ile cas te cornof thte hotr among te soloists.-Woross- ter, -Mass., Daily' Teloegrm. BARRON OoRT1AOD.n "Sit. Berhad tmtcde an ideal Loen- grnl. In miajesic hearing lie loked the tytical knight of honor. Ile scor- ed anIl. cstantaneos sustccess. His voice isritch and ful, and he cot the draataic oliactx ito a tmanner outch stattped 'hinm at once as an -actor of the very highest caiber."-Pitsburg Dispatch. Tue Tuesdaty Evening Clb tit Pol- tical Economiy and History will not mteet lay 4th. but ot Wetinesday eenitg, S-lay 12. PROP. TAYLOR. TO RIENT-One suite of rooms. 20 S. Ingalls st. $2.2. Subscribe for the Daily. TUTER THAEVE Ile1897 BENT-HUE BICYCLES emhody more new and gennine imnprovomalcle in construction thtan any other bicycles now before the public. Never before hove Old~lt cxcelent valtues boon ofred for the money. Our new licte, concsisting of teicht ,;IIIterb modeis nt $60, $75 end $127 for single mcachines, accd $1.50 for tatndesne lisa variouc optionsa offered, is nuch that the molt exacting purchaser can ho etirei'u suitetd. CENTRAL CYCLE MFG. CO.. ''CWARDEN STREET. INDIANAPOLIS,.INN. OCR FINE POSTERCTALOGCE MALED FOR TWOu2-CT STASer. Students and Teachers oan secutretpleasant and profitable wvork introducncg oucr Public Libraries........ ini tow-Is atid countiry utndifsrniitg Reatdinog Clubs. Jtist lice work for Stttdteit , Tetachoers acid Mintisters. Managers................... We also watuac few en tergetce field mnaugtrs. State age anid cxpeosicc ithIbOctk0workc. Address Dot. "S" HAN1D, McNALLY & CO., Chicago.Weisndrcip nti0 s. sa. tatl anyeaddrets. Prices:cTC j pond, $-3. ctt,,r.- Cerann, t?et. rost-ott' Cattlocac ree C neccetch, 19 Clcn U L[14 This space is reserved. SUPPLIESfor the Grand Opera -Spaudi League Ball. lits, Maskstt, eec Mtanagers thoulid seed for sarmples ted specialt races. Every requi'.ite fer Tennis, Golf, Crickset, Toadsaned Field, Gymnat- stem FEquipments and outft-. CompleteI Catalogue of Sprieg and Summer Sports frte.-"Thte Name thteGuarantee." A. G. SPALDING & BROS., Newr York, Chicago, Piliadelphia. EENTI. "_HLa It PHTOO1PH P AIDNI ARIBOR. MICHt. Don't delay your photo sittings. Sit early-and avoid the rush cf Coln- itoencenent. Senior ratesetu aii sen- iors of '97. Randall's Photo Studio, Washington Block. 1'OUND-A fraternity lin on Stat.' st., Zeta 'Phi Kappa. tufsritnttion roe- gaiduiag saute cay ho had by paying for this notice and paroving properly. TO RE5N T--A number of boats at U. of Mt. boat house by hour or day. House. Babylon Coat is THE BEST. All grades of hard aed soft Coal. , Camel Cootaand Cokce. 19. STAEBLER, Telephone No. S. One door East of Ameni-- oanHosec. Bicycle Repairing! in alt breeches neatly end pionrptty done. Pices remsonable. Sundrie at reck-'uottom< prices. Win. J. Wenger, 8 N. FOURTH AVE. - ANN ARBOR.- G od. MARTIN, Funeral Director, CiotW .and MetaliiCasekets and Fine Grade Coffins. Embaling a Specialty. No. i7 S. Fourth ave.