THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Jos. W. Kollauf, Itet Novelties in Gents Siings. 10 E. Washington St. - Up Stairs. THE OPERA HOUSE JEWELER, is afurish you with a first-class Fontai eet en ad ing repairing s specialty --GIVE HIMS A CALL. Stop!! Stop!! Stop!! -AT-- Parker's Corner Store, STATE ST. AND N. UNIVERSITY AVE "Fresh made Cadies cnstatly is stock call oncead ys will caliaaui. 'MNaka a to order Women and Wen's Easy Fittiiig Shoes in all the Latest Style. 43 S. Muail St. - Upstairs BICYCLE LIVERY ANO SALESRM 18S2North Fourth Ave. WNe carry a 1f111 line of up-to-date bicycle 5StiscaantI parts to moaiy N+ b eets. Also Repair Whels at living prices Givie asssa call if in need of an thing in one ine. TT .oP M. SHAVING PARILORad Balh- tI. t sea. Mi ppitmealts ftst clas. l fmarted ad domestic cigars. Ladies arta- ic sale dressngad bathiag palos, p talet. 1. It fiauassali 30.State t. -Na waiing ot Colmbia and Harford bicycles. No delay and oseqent annoy- use. All models ad patenasow ceady fot imsmediae delivery. t897 STIIN*IRD of THE WORLD 9 *are made eclsiely ol 5 ipat cent Nickel Steel' Tbing, the stire pro- tnTo ALL doct of which we conicl lUQnLIKE. Hartford iycles are at prics within reach of everyone. $60, $50, $45 Caialgue f ran romany Cluzmbia dealer ;floan s foro tea t - POPE MFG. CO. Hartford, Conn. - Greatesi Bicyce Fascty y i thmWold. Slate rims tp Ases o PDar Spae. Brach hus rdealer -ialmaost evryscitysand Some New Music Isle of Cuiba Waltzes. L~a Gracile. Jolly Friend, Two Step. Five Bells, Two Step. IWish I'd Never been a Soldier. The Old Rope Swring. I Thought You Didn't Care. I'll Take Care of You Grandma. Al~- ~Q1 AND Q3 FAST A. 111..LLbsL LMusic Co.. WASHINGTON ST. i 20 Pittbuorg sgies far---- 16 La Priocess Stogies toe____ it blest National Stogies for. 6 YuratanS togicsf---tr 11 Alfonso Cigara for---.-- 6Star Cigars for-____._ 6Record Breakers far-___ j 3 ruswsicks 44 South Main Street. --------5cents 6 Dog Read Ciga tor---- L------5costs --------5 ensa65Paradise Ciigara tar--------- IS5 coals ------15 coats 0 La Dlose Ciars or------s ---- - I25 costs -------25 coats d4ilamrc Clays for------------ - 25 seats --------5cents d Owl OasBoqutsfor-----------25cents ------2t costs 3 Roy s al a so r---tot ------- t25cents sias too------------------25.s nsts v IDEABN & COMPANYA 1. . i UNIVERSI'TY NOTES, Ne tuomor, is ill AnnI.riser, tiolt it ofProf. WltS-i. Malt-1t-iI l si Ilsag Irsiii ll tt 1-dl ft it P_'liait s aitirla y tar'i;.t. OnaS-iit (ta1tist sf tlii.Is-a -slier tatoic W~ss I tlo lists I it t.)tsrlin o Its s-i ste l~.a Athsletic Notos Si sirs Isis t a-as leet sifr last SIi 'liti I(las (st, Ii ic~ll ti asi 1tilS"ao Ilstra it _ thIcl-tir t '1tati, ssata ala-redl otf sin - r, al-~itstitil tx ill tt o a isalsfr St1at= ont tall I i 5 . ls ti, t l1(' a t 11 (asia \l1-t-'rtrlllltallealsislistslstw11 os st-all isa iprasctice'Intiil ts silts stiltitrsttat~tr tt}i~asear sall tat a saiizs tsfrom till sf tI- classesaii i tin th de atent. At lii.a llll pnhniitli :''mile cf lte Ii,rettti rira(srl soartani-ilSae srtt-l. la. as a -;1ton sat irtst nt- Is1a) ls]iing:. Yale le isa lVrla.t'ia-a-silti ''(.s-'A s-tart . A. A. & YtPSI. ST. RAILWAY. TIMR TABE. Isas-h Celiress streset, Ypl 1:001, Sa:t), 9:40, outS 15:00 a.Iso.. sod 12:401, 2:20, '1:41), 1:00, 6:10. 7:50, (,,:10 Leav-es relict hose at Ann Arbor at 7:40. 0:00. 10:10 stlln1d-114 d. In., Inst 1:20,13:t00, 4:10, 5:40, 7:10, S:3o, 1:10 The Inland Press DOES WORK WITH Neatness and Dispatch ive them a call. GOB, HURON ST, AND FOURTH AVE. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock, $5,00. Srplu, 8150,000. Resources, $1,100,000. Organised underikhe General Sanaking Laws of this State. Receves deposits, bys ad sells exchange on the principal cities of the Ganited States. Drafts cooed upon poper Identificaton. Safety dposit boes to ret, OsriCEsnsChristianbask Press5W. D, Harriman, Vie-Prs.; Chas F. tisok, Casier: . . Fets Assitat Csier. FIRST NATIONAL BAN K rAnnArbor Capital, 810,00. Srplss and Profits, M0,00 Transacts a geeral basing bsies, Foreign exhage bought asd sold. Furish letters of credit, . D. INN, Pis. HARRISON SOL, ViesPrs. S W .L A R SO N Cashier. k Cor.,Sain and Haron Streets. Capital $50,000. Surptus $30e00. Transact general bankig busines, R. Kours', Prts. C. P.. Drms3, ,Vice Peso Pusan. H. PELson, Casher F. J. Schleede, 20 S. STATE STREET Sells a Solid (Golsi ontain Pen at 101 Hooks Bond 5 ets and upward. It. of M. Seness and Po-otssors 3% lbs. Lin- en Paver for 50 cens. Sole oHotho5cents and upwards. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TTU 'S, 48 S. State St. NO TICE T We cai now sustpply youi wills a fioe FRATERNITY P N. See our line of smlpes. ftM.ARiN0LO, LEADING JEWELER. UNNIE SIIY ;CIOOL OF DANCING Opposite Lo awuldist,. tOtoss iilay lt any tw0olstses. Dlle, 27 Thompson Street. Jusot Receed a Large and Elegant Line ofo NeTw Pipes! lns snd Cold tLsce t aIlihiusea Aents fso isyis-o' ant dillisams adterneo.ts Chocolatieon on ss R RE.1joLLOy & CO. 0 S.State St,SassrSool. A LARGE LPNbaOF Valises, Traveling Bags, Dress Suit Caes, Trunks, Etc., Et., - - AT-- Anton Teufel, r,, S isIN ST. FULL'ER & HIXSON A Sash n s Prcrs, Forakort time we w il PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CENTS CLEANING AND REPAIRING. 22 S. States 05. Over Ssy's Billiard Room. Sent Free! To ay person interested Is humane mat- ters, or who loses animals, we sill sned free, uaon application, a epy ofths "ALI- ANCE," the organ of ihis Society. Is adi- tions to its intensely iteresting readin, it contains of the valuable and unusuai premi- uns given by rie paper. Address THE NATIONAL HUMANE ALLIANCE, 410-1ll United Charitenfuldla, New York. t''I.eIt. sass sna es tttltass lI j an ld 11:00 p. In. ala aa.sadaIsrts.SUNDAYTI , - Iteavs Ypsilati at 9:21) and 10:40 ,8astt lalys salt ~ia tsasesaill 3511bt5 . ..Ill., and 12:10, 1:30, 310, 4:30, 1:50, sittd a-s fllassavs: C lisitola 1, hlil~s- -7:10. 8::30 antI9:50 p. 101. "i; l.-.nitli 17, BIloiit5; :Noth-tasa-t.sae LeAnn Arbar at 10:00 anad 11:12) ill71 SI, isets St-lire 2;I: Sl t ,Ii. essn a. Isl., anad 12:50. 2:30, .3:50, 5:1O0 :30, 3: 5i sas 111 t, tsil. 1 2 It ~- - 7:50, l9:l0anal 10:30 p. Ino. t illiosis-, 5; lairastsLI2, SiastsI 8 So cIl els ?nis1il, A'insilti. Drtmot 17, Ittals- Ises It; Ds 1,506,55 11ia Irnao sats .15..A. Ll o -I b- tlCIe a-s--i-pFridlss ayi<.dsilu ;yto SUPPlIESr ssasssr ( salidti-seslk lreve-ntea-allo- ie Spt u' rtscseaguenail, Slrts, 'titltk, etc Maaes osldsensdtsforsstssptesssand ng13- loy strkwstill t-e rsniaes.e- spitt allsI rites. Poesy ressotite tsor Tenntis, Galrit Its kandI.FoieIl.Gytnat- atitld aisiteiis I iathasre-ofttheIl'lsli Casium-st - mens ansd outfisi.Corsplate C ttl fSssoing; aedotutmer Spoarts list the isasiesitl forar igoodttonalsAas fI ree iTe Name-the Guaransstee"- airver belter. A G. SPALDIN~G & BROS., I ITlse asoie of thse tsile -Mlin(lis g;al moe SOtulrd~ly ws the ilr rrnse of tt(Ir first(guIet, wohich-Isllinis onh9 to> 5. SttllrlllyClarke. far (tsliestgsi -,tcafl'AIinstikiillg outsit i afthlis Illinois ptIyers anld slled --tl hits. Crpntesr, fast-Illisnais, strucrk isttIt seacs, i lsle-d S hits. The classatasteball gut lirlivo lraetcie and1sesveral sireng ninles still tondaoubtedlly toe iln thfielild for thea class chlamipionip.ll "Lst I-ear liseh101or Asas ston by the '°t9 medic foam, which is agalin in blocrroes s tlltpractically Itie sante teani. The Babslon Coal iso TEPBET.T All grades of sasrdsand soft Coal.,- Camel Coolad Cole. X. ST.AEBLER, Telephone No. S. One door East of Ameri- sun Souse. Bicycle ]Repairing! tn all branches neatly and promaptly dose. P ries reasonable. Sundries at rack bottom pries . Wes.. J. Wen ger, S N. FOURTH AVE. - ANN ARBOR. O 1Si. MARTIN, Funeral Director, C a an dMetallic Cashetn and Pine Hind Coffins, Embalming a Speialty. No. 1t S Fourth ave..