Ak , l . VOL. VII. No. 159. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, MAY 3; 1897. Four, PAGES-3 CENTS. Received a full line of Novel- ties for Spring Suits and Trouserings NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. f THAT TIREDFEELING"# $ will disappear if you take oar Beet, Iron anti Wine far$ a a trielg tanc. We crate it, and knaw ta gaord. It tames ia 50 teat battles. $ PALMER'S PHARMACY. 465S. STATE ST. GOLLEGE GIRLS! COLLEGE MEN! Faces Styles af daicty looals radre ex- preessly far Yaung Ladies ta wear withiicthe walls of Alma Mater; Bat- toncartLce. Their equals areasuafin- ablecadere $1.50-Oar re ....$3.50 Extremely Srylish Lace Staes, ltees Styled)for College Aleri.Every reassan sethey shou~l be ,1. 0-tulyre srstnr say....................$3 50 Sacme Styles in Shoaes tfaBoyaynd Gils swhahavea'teasehed theeror Ic 13 WASHINGTON ST. ANN ARSOR. SSoda Water' Lstyar s yessafirstexper- 0 4 ne in astlidsoda watr. Wes leasew btter roe, rawe We irarsr 0 s beenaexpeeimentingeeresrnce at 0 0 Jrrly, teying ta mats.oredrieks 0 isnoer palatablre, maresatirsfaetory. 0 W~e tiak seerave suceeded. So0 will yoauaihenyoa Ire threr. We 0 4 are rerady for yea. I CALKINS, - :PHRMACY." 0 LECTURE ASSOCIA'TION. Enthusiastic Elections Held Sat- urday Afternon. Tire'studreinis' Lectu~re asarialer 1011C i ill rl eirlrtrilts Saturarry far elreesiirg tre electaros ooare to selret ire offrrcrrs for til ensinlg yearl. Tin' cl-lest errs svery close ansdcellsorqdell- 1v excitedrr eien ore intercstthlinilastI srli. Tw'o ticerts s«-c'rrin thelieldrIanir irlrergedl torAV. It. IBlarckbrn for preal- dt-nitand a1 1 orill r~rllr I 1the r"Ant- OCirwlm'ft'ie."'. Fite lattr won 11, gel 1111r 1_2 0011of thr 1. eeiors. fTre trerS irri ii s iInreaIlilty a0 e trtr I lrr'1ss ran- lattle irr ininr g. Thefrllrrr io 'is a lito the 110' 510.1ssf'i t1rr1 l I ' .1111(11 lthe1r'rferecre: fiteiriry D rtrlelclll ore Iliack- norl ii. Jr tllllsmil 11.. 11E . . IB.onlrtl 1 Srshal.'1181 A. 1. C'oe. 1111);Aiti, It. .). Wrilistlr'115S,L. Ilutcillsoll. 'ti1l h,. Law sDrrr-l-rrtirl ..1111. C.or. Midi- .1. s 1). ri 'irS)1?.,'1111 1.. 0B.rris, "0. '11 1:, C. F0. IFily. '11$I., WS. 'Jr 1501".° '10 L.. SI r'rhir-;il DJprtIIrieril Aini. .Or ll1-rrir.'1111,St. 1l.'. HCerd. '115l. Iett Iriril Jliri rrrti-atii 11'. A. Ii'i.ilrill, '11 J. 'flr we'erectors IlctIsolno ime tui hliis .10 Cr1o billor, for' tie' rrlir-er's of irixo Engineecs to Work. Ir(I'rirlime litihe' lr''iriasbrern rron- rli('r':Ill rrl c Ina5 lirTe' rrlo'ls- 101115' rrof lInc lr Filrthe lirrirtr of rfrfecirrled No-rtkiiliheeligi- 110 1 ;lonrr'ire'rill e rrl. Srrrl asig rr lotr )Um-theoirirri of lirefartulty orems to iii 1frr'irrorf erisiig Ike'numerii rof hllurs1 freier12(1 Ia 130. Tb' lladdiiol crs 1.voill Ore girsen as-r Irotire iro- f orlsturdires. It is a11 craller for the1 1regrents to decidleupnrrc tea- Engineers to Banuet. Tire seoenthrainual tarrqret of lire Eitgiieerirg .society will be hl tit te Coot Horrse next tFridy nigt. TilOs worhbave hd lie mitrere iin rreage this yearlhal,' eirreiaxrer 00 hose hr.' banequret partaker thliatere of ,ore- un11i01. With tllOh ino si l,.,011 56r0sinvisiatiorns were set to tie almnia who I wr ril atteirdi lie trrsouell.whliih wsill be largelrlalevr befoer. Parirs ssill berraidlfor 201(1glss. Prors. wetC and11PettiICCof tlere cr-ii' froerly'.soill r,,po111to toosts. Te grrlrr'rrlgo.irle rs lorasill svir-xr ire (~errfr .. Da ussorni.24of Cicago~r; I, t'. Fild,'13, aild1G. S. 'lrlrrus, oft ,Irril; ranIG. 1P. Allrrr-rrligr-r '7,, of SLur Ari. 1-. 'I'llelmirgr. '17 . (1. S-.Oriih, ); C'.'I. Whrity 'I nd 11101 5. Iolely. 'i,. oillrerprt-- sentIlir'folio c-r's'oniiheliroutramii. 1- cr1 1-.E'I' ri ae r,7 11Cr iirrnrlrlgr cloe of Ills' Te-lnirl,-sill r,sb-rntI 11Cr' tn-si. 'lhe 'I--lirir' ' I. . Drees. '7 is Ipridnt'lCof lhe-society15. A. C 'i 'er. '17. isill .0(1 a101rolciilIsr'i-an ll. I. lr'rIr'. '11. i iaibeen iriilr' tniI11lrirnrrraof tae in eiiiir I- Oracle Election. fle-ielateicof tI lrer 11111 if iri'rlni'rs 1 argl Ifriri Sly 7 to \1,3y G. Irn rc-- 111110 nI' lie' l-'-rirrrr r-.Srrpnonrllei 1tl 'racIkslmelit aimlina-i-ball grmli. ssic Me-i1sobe hrebr-in 111o, 7-th . AL irsi t 'irlrro' sa.rse'iet yni0'.ruofi 111 er: is tCir-aterofr'hif li'llloirlg.it 1' -ece~t ortcl i111 ilion betrer 9'I no ll~y ill.;ill soul hrakrint rulne th dtatothtroir.r~a{ The Next President. I rni therreainglii."llry litris fone -arling- rsilrt o f Sii-iigrrur ri- 5 rsailS" t' Deitariiere-irssof 5es- trerrly gave a'cat eriCd5111twossacrirrirr 1 ,- iis rrph f 11i'lpopullar'drill f 1" ilawrr111 (lopariill. .Lr510oliearrrlt'ii- iy rf liiheirepretrit lnr'e lr'iil'y- statiedrIthart Ilirir Iltclliis lia bte offerei'rth ielploilirJy ilir- rg-r-riosrrrd iris tkiitire-maeruls dr at ilo'e- 'T'Ie College of Phyiryiean and Sur- geons of Chicago aa recently became by law,lire medical department of lbs University of Illinois. rThe fatuty of Browvn University sill exempt all members of the senior class froma final examinations, whose standing has been sufficiently high. NEW CALENDAR OUT. Attendance Falls. Off Slightly from Last Year. Tie n' irsity calenidrir for 18911-197 cl~ae otiSatucrda~y. Itmrkes a book of tire some iteand foairis rile' ae ot last year. 'lhere ore fewo' cirsg-?s Iin he rag-eerol. A- hdescription of lire' 'I'0irus Lbulding is inludedllrl 1111 llraloricril Associolti 111'' t trated ut- iher' sepaI~rate heads.ir.,Cflic f' 1101110-- hating Leargule is asnsao-~tiltrbirt lit Literar5- Soc-ietir's ofCiii'Unirstsiry are, for aoiri-une.xphlaineddiea an. rrot ii'etioned'cJby- Da-mm. Thrue qucrlireents foe rdisrsioraare !villinuder' fourroup01110 110C' ciof ul~t the vlir' io51111degrees is )r-eli- fort. Ther1 5isrorhagigs' hoe' fres: alir twoirnrimso~ilallrhis rle addredi. Tihe'ttll;attendaeirieis 21,';7--.1riafrill- ig oft of .:1. ''i e folloso'i" ao ubire gioe lire'ndanclii e by drrlrltlsls as comipar'ed wsithlastrloca il- 15110 181)7 Litrri5' tlririreri...-1211 2t1) :edrlirrl-rlr errtrerc--ll 5 'Iccit r ir'llrireaf - -.1.52 470 -iroso Deprtmerrnt - (175 584 I 'Lnlrrrior-l Depraintill.l.. - 72 11 ririop. Ilsrrirtirs-f - 27 -07 DentarlrrDr'iorir ....- 18) -1980 0lil-r- i-r SLrol -.....157 224 Nannie-s 01111 {c1'i yen' -. 3?11 48 5 1, t ISO00 3 1111 101 r irirs 1' l iii rth t rilty. JIt is W AH 'S BOOK STORE. swht 10 r ttepstilb taken (;irandsitotsi- -_3(14 21175) 'f'ils' ssrrrsrrrrss'liystoles s5lieIy tbrrt sre' tre arrieritory ts replrreet- I'he irs--i'tsll er ss-itla.I Iinroe esrirrinsr' ofi elset-i lorlLintrirs. 51ligrr iriri las of ,U(_ Nvioe thii077 i siras.Ililinoris, O (ilt. llillIowaiisnr md Ness- York te-losriog in Iilie' ariernrrmedf., Aina rile tsr-s in C-rlr.rni is i'rres'nrt-iiare t'.- -Landrols1Insianihr1r1.1o ciliilii- each, ar-nJlaos, miii Dr'rinnirrrt. 'ile l'a111o1f lii'e'ombiinedr litrry and lawissrCourses Asbeirib ersIs per1- oil of six yies andlswhiihonss inrrurs- laltil tris yetrrfor h'fiest tleisI o irs:' of 1010le ew fea.ttrres oft fls yeair's ca~rrlrndar. ie' orkhotthIO is raombinredn corse' is pulrsrtedtrunder lire lire-eton of rI coainirieof lprrfrssosofronm broli th e'lrl'l'nls. 2Russia has sue university far every 10,000 inhiabitauts. 'li're gradterae commrrittr-e of tin-W.'I. 1 A. A. A. tmet Tbhtrsdany at Ctriragoanrdr made preelimnaury arrangeents for the anuul track mefet to be held June 15., Michigan vs. 0. S. U. Thurs- day, May 6, at 4:15 o'clock. Just receiveni another lot of that fine U. of M. Motnogram Paper, the popular sh es Blue and White; also a New Stock of the oVarious High Grade Corrospondence Paper. Visiting Cards Engraved, and Plate',Printing. English Literature. piof. Isa;Ic N. Di'mmnCaontributerd t lwt b'oberiry and March tnumirbe-rain thle Pri rersas rieis cia EnigilihLiter- ttrr. 'Tire firstarticle riertis withr t1e pe'riodl fromtrr elr oanqtest totChiaurer, 1066nt-1350r;lire aseoud takes up thte Age of Elizab(Ahtt1558-16103. Bethz W AHR 'BO t ulueles ire prefesely ililustrated snd ace soritten insa ctyle thatmaethi Up Town Drown Town Valuable as w-elI as iintereslitig read- tate st OppositeCocurt Hoen g AnArbor Main srL Jug.