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f !//i j / !* (The On IsTe pirc oar tie betwwnnTo-
' L EA. i e," . ' +- arievta.
s r< / e aajTheaOnl a r-seeom Car Linehatwee
v iii ®I c°a >'a ® ; 'ITl te, Oaicrbats aeltlC rie-ton1
lrulliman Slosperbets ee niolmbus and
in TEEONLY LIN E e-i'la h4ieahaydal
betwen o lnedo nd Colhmbus.
Fe or-Ht-t1THIE ONLY 1 N ewiiho58tic-s eachcwai daily
(150 Sh rt W--- -- - -- -- -- --)- -- -- - --00-- _ -tOl ectn icsee~sccoiged en bad
OteJ a __J '5 EEON, UEith 0crain eahoway daily
DETROIT, M-TI$Stee riin .U1t uly.I' 1EOONL O77ET CTLL'2Ebet-ween Toiioo
H9iomb O" 0. Tllinormco elat ivle to res, tHoeo
I CER )1 D ST L - AA" I rN StI RE'1 (tras, ec.,c-il ie cc Icfly frisihed hyany
Agent ofthe Cic, cetra ii nes.
Ac c, h TAO c D iiiULTON 11012 , t. P. A.
I liisi U. Sic ii iiii 11a.- 1sc ___o________-_____________
.i,)c I .. 2c1i-rsicty hals 1escei'e'd a 1-- c-l i-}-Z NI lll~n
gill of $225,01(0 froci Mi's.Mlacr'y-Estlieir - , c-114cicts- l I "T A
Thie list D iiiisiii n iesity icnAier- titl ,M It S I l- ; v_. '- ici Oic~z.w
fo te radIpe a v as ddiccated in Des Mliies, Ia., 'i ii i' i 5ticiiII eII anIx--__3 4r N. Y[ Specia--,'o
t"i1ll O t1 cic-Ier 2S. It is cliiinstitutioniastle-no Ex---F--it s5c N. S, Lioctid.__ 072
ts al aiesinAcceia.7- 'u-l5 I,-.i.i _cl 5 c }S Pictiern.,--
ho s . -('icllieg am uies Iediuesihiy resued ;ai. I Taiceo l i}ii t Cti <1Ta iX__- '5
1 9, Aicherst 2; AIJ-Ohliagos 19, Alhion 5 11l5ld, :Junie l2-'i- ii'hi s. 51cc 1 y;.e I~ocries, ii . hay ,
7 ; Chicago 14, Graduates S.21N -..Ccec.Ag.AeAle
i~- clili "c il c'.clii (i lii Accic Artis't rnci t clccid -i-iill sell f \ s . 4
? - -ccci.4 ili il } Itl't Iii c t 1 tuLwi1 cig ci'csiccis: J V^-' J r.Z'T 1
Y , asiC. .ii atlicccice cie il-i tl.a Diiaictficic P liis_.cicJ
fi ": E Iltii'aiec s ii icg. mriicc 7i, t'liiii lac, Toni.,,licily 1.1LPOAD
A -. A. & yi' .l. AI . st'ci. IUtics-eclc ieagcie Iictercciic-lo lii lCon- ~ r.I .i Ii '
757, N5TH j liiTi
liii cc, Tcctccla,('cic-ciicc:icily_5 l"1 .
Nto Homne ;isReallyConmplete i :0, :20) 940, od t1c:00 ci. cm., acid I i -toll Aicc ll.,i lly ce-2c} tic Acigicsl 1 I.ic esec Ann Arioread 'Ti edo sly,
Witanuta new aslyiodei >.20> tc. , A1liitriis e l y esoept Su 4c3,i .
1':l} 2:21),3:1(, 5.0: 011 :39ti, :'., 11 IslccicciLake (Cciii Accsoictcc ci cF .LIElT
Guitar, Mauaclohie, 1acid 10:20 1) c. ccccoliia-ci tt siciicd 1Db, llearcct lt I ' 1" U 5T'CNFTT G. I'. A. Toledo C.
a iBanjo or Zither. Iw eaves courtt louise at Ann Atricitat iccNtic, iclyr9 o cigsii
Prc have ibenic-led downe as a result ftheIte : 0 :00, 10:20 cicd 11:10 a. mc., lsaid aticcccl A:sicicticci c als f'il' 1-ii'ii HlE VID B B AR El BiLL AR B LI
53 oci5,,cen's enormouc seepz.cciic ccthatcci c cc an c 1-21) 3:00, 4:20, 3:-111, 7:10. S:30, 1:')0 sccaiec ge t , I ouis, AIO., Mciy i0
Prom $iS-oUp'w-rid. and il:0 1. in. Cii 11. IIITnnrn
Theee Ishc nicicec ccdcliis a raccdc-icaderee IT mLB AD I1U SL
fru cce sye. 1Iis curnnne=aetcai ii'esi -id SUNDA Y TIMIE. Gecic-icl A sellcti;- I'testytet 11.51 nj I~j
lightest II ccdccininncctamable,,anc-I uccoce tcicocicc-c I "
;e crers icI-atoiabn lccd Crmcc.cO 5cin.c '2- Ieaces Tilsilcinti at 9:20 aud 10:40 Clcucteti L t'iild Sltts, Asaeunitck I
b'_rae ol cd Iatc;ix ad ciforcu l rce s co he cfirstI i a.ii2.. hid1CI2:010,()3:10, 4:i0, ):') i rscccccis, Wcurscci Indl., Slccy'2( 0 O l {'ae igrs 'i hacs II
Wvashurn are thc l icole " iccndardofcOtice 7:10 8:30 and 0:50pn.I e2. ihl
5c'c'cld. 1'hcsareecsed cicis.-e l c y ith e l, in '. .Icc 0
Artist a Teistcd hls'Ci,bs0 sreWa-c Leaves Ancn Arhar at 10:(l0 adi11:20)Inucire at tiecetoee fci' iltcher er e5 adLietySe
cl41i nfor LII , es n 4rccc, Ic ec., wil e i. i., a1cicci12:50, 2:3i}, 3:59. 5:1.1, ( ~i. I icl~f+'llccatcccc.
tt f c ec ncses,cico aeic. gumIc ifsour localdeale1:3
cccccitctcDly Fccos-s sill 'senc d ieishb C 0 c D. t u 9:10 anil 1 i30 s. ni- E. i. GILt 1 Elt', Agelct. ITL c IE T
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