THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sunda ys ecepted) during the College Year at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OrrICE: Times building, 70S,.Aain St. be- tween Liberty and William St. MIANAeONG EDITOR J. P. TB0OAS 7. AS'T NANAGlCN(. EDTORS F. S. SIAtOaN, 'I. ATHLETI CEIiTO 0. 11. HAs, 'OS. L.I. b.I Drt, 'IS L. I. A. CcrnEs, 'O. P. A. luren.O 93IE. A. CaNreL, '15 G. D1. ilsines, '0. VT. i. IWocow,'i. lUsTra LAB, 'as. C. D. Jennine ,99 M. Tle ubcrplon piaerofthteaDaily it $':.6 for the coier year, withe a reglr delvey bfre noon alh day. Notices, tomuica- tions, and other enattr itendd for publica- inn mst be bandedin abushe tally tee be- ole ta p. em., or sailed to the rair before 3I Ps ,i., of the sly reosnto that 01whichai they are epeted to apeea r. subsri pbaes may beeift at Tae Dily Dtie, eyren or blilet's Neaetad, or with Bsiness Manager. Sberibern will con' fer a ayr by rertig remitly at thi- nthee aev failure of arnrs toteler ar. The lbaseballlteamcais li lOws 'lll pastC-eerieainelsaaay be ilpe'iiaaa lpels lta will a imajriy f lihegameli ri-ta bre playeda, if 7iaiivo 'thepeeereulaoet ly liarelutaiaa. Thrha bicn scl laisle iuamberaof eon-loakrataa11iWa ilac- theranucaeisieeally tiei(elig'yel lase greoltedal alyraler aai"Iaag gao lefiybut la care,lieolareali- tiloDlion eensliowan. Tias ilnotasa it sc' alalbe. It Inliar dty of ae oareCihl is aie Cogo10oltar Alet~i'ci F'ield dlilly ai, if iposileiateaadl ll ;;time(s aso ad elarn'stoha lielnainil sll legtimatealaways. '['le tli'is ii lg hardlisall'aanervseon iiira-reagaa-' niant of all. ;Micligalasla lols las (l'i'.gaa- firast i wi ase a~aabal laahenfotallal la noii aiatiisg. Ad leaselsViey ai laeas wol ly bill atnarrowvi- slrgial. tiream esito10wlili assilasil. a1aa haul i feealaall, obiintlalin aldbai- ing. Every- vibry isisfaily wan caleald e oatbegrudge then to 0cuar oppoesta. Easelstileiac Sleigasasdidn lhr best,basilCiagoviae ablili 10oex' eel hill bast by jusC teagia taa iiil. W~hil we regretcany defet, wvie'ell wrll 'cia-ole'oureves'otwith tha ir.- lerics of atehelstadask omafoart fro taheitisa' ghatlhat llaiealr c(atsts" areasmisg. Althsaisghs ill' mloxl, they deservea' for tlisa'cl'Xaenht showiangimadiae, oof lltemlli l-viig tliii hilgheast indaiidal reak f tlesix Ia'- btils'. A crviwd sih laoasat Cis" ts-ain1tovwelcomse themls whenc they re- trn touight. According to the latest report of 1. S. Comimissioner of Education Harris, there are in this country 481 colleges and universities. (Thse received du- ing the past year a total income of $15,783,638 employed 8,459 instructors, and enrolled 63,402 under-graduates and 4,273 graduate student. Ceducation in Universities. It is bly witinisthbe clta30 :cas thatl coy pprlusilli'sfor lhigere ela- easissa hacvebeeniava-ilabe to woenlal an Iis cosnry. AC hi pr'senthai, theretfuora, Cfrle -osess isoistelbre college dereeas are sil01n ie yool'- fl arir of imidleilift, an it onsly withai the last dlecae ihati the batle far lila'higher edualntiona eof v'aomena a.ay e elsidelal ara'o i'a. Ou(liar-l' Ilivcrlilies re liarmist enl raeei a iiliarheinailalins o f ligieslar-l la, alit s letois lactas; wil a ;lo0aosnsesof justicertoliielist 11- iay an.ailecal entaaaain'd.,iha l lil-a la i-ia obaro llato ws-naa. Bualti-al' all sateuring thare aaadissnof wsmnala a iil a.16 Visa'e nesii ' .ra,'iaa ies i i aaaaal isaUtahl, vi-osea st lat elan'. foulldte'alins151, 'a-as to-ia' 1 tioals flam hrlbaginnaing.teVlaa r- lalilig ableiwll be areadalwalls illre ass illtinghaa latltia' of tlista o showlia eanceiuait'io asiiilai' Z u ia .i~ lll.. .. .- . -.. .. .. 1. 57i' alisc------------------.......---l7l Lli 1i l la .. .. ... .. ... .. .. I nlal fl111essa .. ...- - - - -... 117.. 11 1 l sas .. . . ... ... .... . .. . . al(;( Nebaralska- - - - --.........1511 Coloradao- - - - --.........1717 -Naord"sDaketas- - - - -1.......1l'0 South a-sDakoat- - - - .......18: Jtoaala . .. . .. . .. . .. . . I Wlaasigton ... ... .... . li.. al" ltaai .i .. ... .. .. ..- .. .. 17,-a0i rMichigan. OCah ilniigan. ThIlllisa,lpunbishiattlalea ii al a Ia- of llinia nain s 'eaitle 'failevisg A, I'1ll, -s Iirslaeafili e diated oi1Mr. ":117k. al l:es U. yc-nLbascodlli iaaa. A. _11. 'fi at'y i'of vi ltor ha11coe'ii, l iaeesga. eli Miohiagana. Via"11 vralk one OUsAnisaav'ife l 1 'a Miit'ligaa, olet laa-bagaa7."l l.- asg lng wr' viai(a fois Cl laa Wsians vs-coeulis 1y.u1 511),1oh sy, Vessd ebs rerea'tiwhiler yarIyoanlmay Mich'lig-a,oh Mich'lign. 'lie' gamlh ~i a'e a ,weit'asniaioase, M1i~igcnoh eliMeligan. Wesaid you couiaalllildt, bst yoi l-eis .aisig-an, otiligait. Wea'ra' larten--issra-wv're felig soe. {?reiishlieviraler'eiarad that saorer lia ats ecyou'erboatn 00 ones,,moe, Mihiga, oh Michigan. W,,. cod SMrs. bRos Grnger hsair pr'aored the servires of the enire Cllaqustlegou -orrlestra (41 pires) for Cisir May Party, Saturdy iiglt of i ek 5 e opevilb charged. TO IbRENT-tlse site of roenel. 2( S. Ingals s. $2.25. Thae 1877BEN-lIFE BICYCLES embody more new cnd genuine improvemenlts, isa aonstrtoaihon than aoilysaer bicycles nowvefore the public. Never brfore laer caicla exa-ellriat valsaes bern offered for ther money. Our new linleronsisting of righat nsapesla saadels at $60, $715toil$123 hoc eingle machin,osnd .$150 for tanadems,wialil tilaa verieustoptios l fered1 is such that the most exactlig puasaer rcss be entiraeiy sailed. CENTRAL CYCLE MFG. CO., flAREFionkSTREET. .NDlANAPO 1l11% ND. A POSTpSI061 H 5 1 1 CSn bsyeeuareloa55slaaaBendlahc~lali & C ,llatiliiiaig recd rerls nsatc n'lssentlairaibi or (s~ial'ela isLraaap eeaatines en eu ACta, Malas andaotaher iablieatitns. ALL ABOUT THE BABY . 7 1 1 1 By Robert N. VTaoker, t Ii). ef 5iaia'asgol-aileasilIsollege jusattessed, iatar book tsar estei clal uents. iaatalsagueandsaleirauass end en spplieation - SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 vie naisat a lcw ara sal a o-';aii sa n sa sir l'-eie r. this11mpcsil ion exprrienaedaoenen sss.aaalwritelus ataosrcc statinaepastl eerience- RA iD, McNVALLY & CO., Chicago. We w:iitando eccila, nf 10 rste. aslanpls t k easyusa d. 4 4i e t tret, Nw York, I 7 Bbylosa Coal s Til E OBST. 1 All grads ofehardad soft Coil., CsamelCoalanadCol-e. X. STAEBLER, relephoene No.S.0 Oneaoor East ofAsmeei- can Sloane Bicycle Repairing! loas ll braneehes neatly and saosessly done Prices reatiable. Sunafries at rocak-'otteaaa pricese. 1a"1 Wi. J. Meger, 8 N. FOURTH AVE. - ANN ARBOR. O' M. 1IllttTIN, Faneral Clerer, C r l.and OMetallirCst's and lOFine Crad rnsltee. Embalnming a Spencialty. Nsa. ii S Fourth ave. C00\11 LIUENTaAEY PARTY. Saturday evening, May 1st, the Uni- versity School of Dancing will give a comnplimentary party to all those who have been members of any class- es durtng the winter. There will be the usual orchestra music and on ad- mission of 50 cents will be charged to outsiders. TO RENT--,A number of. boats ci UI. of 1a1, boat hotse by hsour or day. Subscribe for the Daily, THE FINEST TAILORING OF THE CITY~ S. WBurchfield, HURON ST., OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. liLadies Tailoring Annex. SUPPLIES Spiaflergfeie ball.AISls.Masses, etc ilasoa"enn shoaald vend forn eamples and npeatsirataes.Evryreausiteleer' rennis, Gelf, Crirlart, Ts'ac'kantd Field, Cymna- nssna Fqshpmnslnsd outfit .Complete Catalogue of Sprng and Smmer Spants free "Vise Nae thse Cuarantee " A. G. SPALDING & BROS.,t ews York. Chicago, Philadelphia. RENTCC7HLER, ANN ,ARBOR. MICH.