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April 30, 1897 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-04-30

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Jos.- W. Kollauf, Some New Music i The Inland Press
Isle of Cuba Waltzes. DOES WORK WITH
TAILOR!t La Gracile. Neatness and Dispatch
Latest Novelties in Gents Suitings. Jolly Friend, Two Step. Give them a call.
_______Five Bells, Two Step. COR, HURON ST AND FOURTH AVE.
14OB. Washington St. - Up stairs. I Wish I'd Never been a Soldier. THE ANN ARDOR SAVINGS ANK.
______________The Old Rope Swing. Capital Stock, $50000. Srpu~st150,00.
i;o-I Thought You Didn't Care. Organized nderthe General Banking Laws
I'llTak Car ofYou ranma.sells exchange n the principl cities f the
THE PERAHOUS JEWLERUnited taes. Drafts ased aspn proper
01 AND203 AST dentiiain lcation. Safety deosit baes ta rent
TH PR OS EEE, .A. nn.A.rbor M1\usic Co., WASiINIC-T(N ST. rrscns Christian ack Pres.; WDU
Usfaihyo with a fSet-class Fontan_____________________________H________ arrinan Vice-Pres.Chs .isea ck,
?en. ken and Ring repairing a specialty. Cashier: . .. Fritz Assistat Cashier.
stop!! stop!! 2 Pittsburg stogies ir.a.....y25 cents 6 Do Iead Clars for..___-__..5 cents Capital, 10,00. Srpussand rfits, $40,000to !16LPrnesSglsfr-------2cts6rdiyCas r____--.-.-5cnsTascsagnrlbnkgbuns.
-AT- 1C First National Stogies for. -----25cents C Paradise Ciars o-.---......i 2 cents oreg exchange boght andsld. Famnish
6 Yucatan Stoies for . ..--------25 cents ,La ioso Ciars for . ..--------25 ceas leters of credit. Vc rs
Parker's Corner Store, llAlfonsCiars for. ..-___------25 cents 4aCR CI for. . ..---------P5ets . . INNE. Fes. HARRION SOULE,
6Sa iar o-----ar___.5ets4 w cets' fsor. ste Vies Prescent
STATE ST. AND N. UNIVERSITY AVE C1trCgrogr . .5cet "Boot o. ----- cents . W. CLARSON. Cashier.
Fresh made Cndieo constantly in stock .C Record Breakers for...________25 cents 3 Royal Banners for.-_---2__ 5 cent
Call once and yu will call again. 3 Brnswick Ciar for . . . . ..---------------25 cents
DEBAN & COMPANY. y l~ ft~i Mt
IN THE EQUIPMENT OF A 44 South Main Street.
p ( fpp Cr. Meaiand Rro Streets.
STDN'?ROOM, UNIVERSITY NOTES. Prof. Russell's Now Book. Capital $W,00. Surplus 030,00. Transact
IeLI generally a~cseded tat atined in- IA new text-bok y Prof. Russell 011 R. KnEzer. Feres. C. NnE.GexIE, Vice ree
snesmezt i almHost au asiufe necessity. To The junior medical class adoped a "ie hakes of North Americ," I-; FEs.x-BEtSR, Cashier.
seeure the greatst efoymet from the___________________
}}Tncss et stie bess yesr money will sliced, cla SS cane aC a niecting yesersay ;jsiout fromi"tilie press of Ginii8aCo& ('0(t p
ale" tjudgmentprnouneus tIe "oly monig."ue11r 1c15anune i ok F. VJg"Scitleede,
at"i ugettefns ntewrdmrig h rsetsanucs"h okAn excellent instrument is tie The All-Chcago ftigi School Cenr11 aeduo0Po.Rssl'oiia 20 S. STATE STREET
BAY STATE $10.0 11t Ce uAftr1ghSoltoInveotigations and is atl once thor-SelaSoiGldostsPnat10
00 osgily scienifc in siboanee and en- ooks Bound d centx and upward.
A NJ . a attheAtheti Fildadoes ouloyblypoplarin tyl. C of M1. Scenes ad Professors 3f4 lbs. Lin-
ftltAhei Fed-dlioin"oaypollriisyl.Ioilrs en Paper for 50cets.
BWa A.hIavJ O 5) cen 5 Is the geneal -reader is enhanced by Nete Boos 5cents ad upwards.
1 utnenisstock ceere banlos
haknnthis, u feeassbstnnntinsil, sees-c- All iedical n it lnial sllltlnls alt, iti ictres atd ifs happy (lesclois~r
talin einstrumen, at a low price, no Iof like scenery." Lowne' h colates.
eter In.strument mausfactured can crnMLlliy invitedi is a social Is be _
compare wt it.C \P sTA PA Y.H tL nh .
Seas fos illustrated catlogue, given ill Nestberry flal Sturday -(~~IRTR ATT.H tL nhs
JOHN . RAYES & t).. eselll~g, .~ ~Stuirnay es-eiing. May lt, flit Uni- -
45-63 CW aszleonStreet, S est. 'e ni ity Did nsltq . seily"School of Dancing will givo TTT St.L G
ileLn 5 to adind-q ica ~inmenlry pry ts all those TU 48SSte
- ® o. litoftftheAhleic Field, phayinig"all who ave ibeen mellbes of any class- NO'TICE T
TA l a Ft SAERO ilt, latest sonis al lances" betweeni es durinig the ssiter. There will fe
BIC CLELI ER I & AL S O e s of ite n asail ai i.te nui orchesra x music sdan ,n ad- W e can no se supply you with
e ICCLELIVi~YANDSALSROM Afairy s-tl iilsdhoue sas issio of NI ctfs swill belaged fo a fine FRArTERNITY P.N.
18 North Fourth Ave. utlt 1tghto lifell to Di. Habersronisidirs, See our line of samle.
'We carry itfull lineO of iip-tn-daliteistfneton il tesympathet'ic lnevoul s!ta-vvStudet111n11Senrpr(f ARODLDIGJEE,
Bicl-he Sundries andI paris to mnany sysftei. 'fielecetre dealt oii'Fra lltr wning office rooiii1iin Detroit for va- W .A OL, LAIGJWLR
Wheels.ilo-s of 1111'ss-opahlciic syse In . caion month withisnall csiptlsa-
Als Rpai Weel i liin prce n lodsofwor nw uedlen tl ion address sainig class atdtxpr- UNIVERSITY' SCHOOL
fiveO tls acall iin n ieed of 0113tlillgI lteitre f hit sympastheict har. inte, D. at. of 5M. Daily. O A CN
in o u ie.
OP . 010 INI PIILR ad tntl -"THE ONLY VICTORY Oppsite Law Buileg iF0suti May ht
U. roM:oms. All s p oisAtmenstttsfianst cllas ahBal ay to lasesLOVEce
tair dressing asd baskzing Purlore,. up I VE ~Stet
irs .. I Tot~swst ' SStaeI' fligLnt," and the only way 1o a voill Just Received a Lrge ad Eegnt
_buying' tuBr iew sle soft boon siirs
when you suite see them. They are ill Line of New Pipes 1
Itheo style fosr the coming season asid are Bts
made up in an etdless variety o mate- Hftnnd Cold Lu~2nchestk at all hurs. Agents
____ ~ vils, ht inoe so handoone andt new 'ill Cholate Boa Bos.
'A Lde signansihsape s-s yott will fid ill
Nwaiig Ice Coumsbia and Haretford ... our stock of Madras, Lelos, Percales, R1. 1. JOL1L..Y & CO.
- Itiyls. No dlay and conseqetn annoy. H uigFanes t.2 S. State St. Sager Blck.
foe immoediae dclivey. 15197
sae.Al todl ad alees s ead (iiI haEiits, 21 c. Main St. CHEAplyNARESI aO a
-e ntb gihteshrt ro-$10 TOAL FUaLLE re&ssISuiONse
ifaitorTrBunkls aredt pries tenepee wt etlyan
withide eacelyof5 eeyne. SUITS g
$75, $60$50.$45, PRESSSS FOR 25 CENTS
ataofrefm a Coubi-eetCLEANING AND REPAIRING
,tamp. - 22 5 State se. Over Bses aiBliard Room
foPoE NMFG. CO. __________
Hartford, Conn.
ahlate MrSpehnt.Sent Free!
ANE"te organ of thi Society ha adon-
..Lon to Its ntnely interesting reading. it
_ c Ju1 cntains of the valabe and unsaai prem-
pp m AGENUTS aai ieen by the paper. Addeem
21 S. MAIN ST. 410-411 United Charities Bildin, New York.

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