THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. DO YOU 'HAVE YOUR CLOTHES MADE TO ORDER ? HAVE YOU "MONEY "TO BURZN ?9" We want the most particular student in the University to come in and try on a suit from Hammerslough Bros.' or from The Stein, Block Co., and then he may go to his favorite tailor. Poor fellow! It'll he a cold spring day for the tailor. He can't make such clothes at any price, unless he is one in a thousand. He knows how to charge for them though. Don't shoot him! He means well enough; he does the hest he can. Do you know why your tailor charges double the price we do? Does he say, 'Your money hack if you want it? " We do. Come in and see what Hammersiough Bros.' and The Stein Block. Co. have made for us for the spring season of 1897. You are under no obligations to huy, we simply want you to see our magnificent selectionbof gentlemen's stylis-h clothirg. SPIRING SUITS AND -TOP COAT-SS. Of course you need a new Spring Hat amd souse fine furnishings. We want to supply you with all these at'*the Closest Figures. 3 7 South Main Street. LINDENSCHMITT- & APFEL. I Slash iPrices. This space is reserved Fedora Hats (new stock) -------------- O ther H ats - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - for the Grand Opera New Stock Arriving Continually. House.Holcomnb, Sonl & Co., os.TINIKER'S OLD STAND - -M biN I 1 Time Table (Rlevised) Feb. 7, 18G7. -1.a .$.O EAST. WEST. P. M. AM ----75c Blail aed Ex.5__ 47 N. Y. Special---. 7 30 - - - - 5C astrn x-----10 5 N S.Limited.--- 9 25 ktlttoetEs.___7 55 Pacific Ex-.-- 15 i 1. N. Express.__550 Western Exs.__1 5 T. R. Express ---11as0 Chi. Nt. Ex.5 _ 910 G. R.Ex.----5 55 ). W. ResesesS, H. W. HAYES,, ST'REET. 0. P. & T. Agt.. P51,-ace. Agt. Ann Arbor Northwestern on Semester Plan. A. A. & YPSL. ST. RAILWAY. { r~ ,, t~" r,; ," + . , r.a,...+. 1 TIMlE TABLE. a Un__________ 'iix. ivesiyuas ad o _ .t- 5. 'the semester 1)11n. which iin 6eavstonm-o trct --tl geein ostoftheleaio calegs.7:00, 8:30, 9:40, and 11:00 a. in., n , '12,1:0 :0 :0 :0 ,:0 aniiitiiitons wrill tie held half yearly, and 10:20 p. ni. - RIRA 'fk " -t' ehruary andiJone; and, axa'n- Leases court house at Ass Arhor at TmTI al.a., 97 7:1d) 9:(0, ln_0 :nd 1:=I0abled Jan.H.SOUl . 7 :" ,f , httie ostidents will bh e lhrved of ,the 70 90 1'S is 11 .i. i OT.5UE og Christm 1as vlication. Ttie usual 1:0,30,40. 5:10, 7:10.,5:0, 930 ) ll-: ci. . 1125a. m. "Onlunyi th Est where the half- 1( it0t.m4i :5p ,Oeee xx 'i aehlS sSNA TIME. Runs betweon Ann Arbor aed Toledo only 11ihis o pie l' cea 'e50shr." ' Itearly ixililliofl L areXihealtda 9:0 cu 1(:10 Alltiraios dotty except Sunday. Leavs Ysilati t 920 ad 1:40E.$0. 01 10SF. Agent No Some is Really Complete give rallier liheral ilCiristiias and a.In., ad 13:10, 1:50. 3:10, 4:10, 5:50, N. n BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. 'without anew 1691 Moedel Easter vacatiens, and to make no api 7:10, 8:0 and 0:50 Q. il.I. Oitar, Mandolin, prleciable break between the sermes-Lse an4.hra 011 olI:iITEKNEGRE !LAD HL asBanjo or Zither. tel's. a. im.,iiid 12:50, 2:30, 1::50, 5:50, 1:30, Prices baneebeen scailed deon asxaeslt elthe - .oO4 7:5, 9.10 antd 130ip. Iis.V 'IIsiiiie'se{.- G osreii..'ieiccsiii.:e xii yeI'i 11.1^ RAIEXRO'D TICKEOhTT lE SE he c~iieFrom $5:5cc Upwrd. SON TO T01LE"DO. I DLI7)I) i hIAIlltt) AD . AILROD TIKET YBOKER The nerieWasthburn, Mandxtlini radic eeciere Siinhiy, 'lay 16tli the Alini r1'oilI lTho Ann Arbor r'ait rsil swill sell Whleeale Cigar's, 'obaccos and f'omiformer siyles. I7tsIs che etex, dis iest.i11dv lieexestAli Sii xi::CxaoO ei, distone ".a ,, 55l5 . T'. wl pi h s t icetsi it i ctuced re ti's for Itie fol- Cigarettes. btixn:' t e l t fixied and nifrinie pr:icesiby alliftest- an exeiirsisni to Toedolt. Sieciltrain iisii :cimi:C r an a dL b ry Ss l is x r s ae tea'cii'owedged eieandardtof1the will lease Ann Artior at 10:2'5 a. I'.it . B-ijitt 'ouniiiiil eiO s Uioniiiofi . hitsI Teachers andii exteeieib e ilir e c\ tiu Parefor the iound ti nySi) cents. 1'tii~a ith t liii~ogi, 'ec1. ,)lilly 1.) "are icata oogty' Aiiiiurii'pottrTHE FINESTerTAI LOHI NO ? i t~ i 1 t~pi ces, xi',eti.i~ics (.'llren undeir Iits'e' eiiiirsof(it ie, to 18. M INSIAI U N hii:,, xi 'i 5"e i .~ . ialf this i'aie. ILakt' Eric IPirk ll c l '.iiis'irttil t'ag'ueIllinaii ol ('oil- i iiie t'e; ii - e; f ede ii.i, oee d :iirect rom t e iFacory. (- ICasio, 1. has affordleld 4 V ciiit:iii, 'i t o, (f'a gs'ie l y Iiafodd uhIHiC A Washburnimsprovres eithsage anddisates aleI Gftatic3ssiva le teyears g:- by. eiijoymei'nt ctiurti osti rn pstOF TECT Iti reaiywNorll.many times its cot. tw0olil~aolilO w'il libe 'oliede ont ut ElisorthLiealigiue 'Trining Asleibby, o v LYON & lILALY, . ~ iai i ::l fiogihcieiltlCLuitilii n ih.Jil'21 0Aii'ii ~rri i ,Y gt , 20to le Scent inittis tountry. 'holio8inils of ii~eeiliig at Ielaiiil IMike, near Bright-. I l lollarotiave bii'n explentded stic lasi toniili li., July 2t9 to August 371. i HURON ST, OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. seasiii oilitniiroe'ivii lls anid adlilioco Nitional Associaltion Loi'lil lire In- ____________ notable alilong which sire TIliipsoiiis sliialice Agents, St. Leoi, Io., May' 6 , aisTalrngAnx Iiiiiins Scenic 'aiway, World's lair ±0 11.__________________________ U P.ESSitnic c ihiater, Marsden's " Ilysic (lineral Aooeniio;,- PrisbyterianSU P ISlaeadohrtrctns(11rlUied ttsAomy TE LGAE Spatding League Ball.,Tbits, Masics, etc etlnldlta an e frth ') in'elie2." ]Managersoshould snd for samplerandthes Cape. Gownsan special rates. Every requisite for Tennis, diay wxill he strictly'frtcas o' nur ttiktofc o ute+Hos Gol, Cricket, Teack and Field, Gymna- lttiIie.DntinomeatticktffcQfrQur'i' oos slum Equipments and outfit-. Comptete iiss ithioruato.( COTRELL&W LtD ARD, Catalogse of Spring ind Summer' Sports -'___U,.S.(I~OE ~ lay .Y free. 'The Name the Cuarantee.' sE.. S. SCr. thos lialger AoenV. Albanyo, NSY A.G SADIG i~roi'urcd the senrices of the eitre Doei'tideway your photo sittigs. Sit 4dE.' Williamu S1 NE Yrk clag. h~ee~l.a.(hiiiialliegiin orchestra (14 piecies) for carly-and avoid the rush "I Cto n- BEETS JHLER, ADALL THE POORAiPHER their Slay tally, Saturday night of tiecueene~t. Sentoe ratioes t llse IX WahngonBoc, this week. 45:' ier couile will lie logs of '97. hialidath's Photo Stndio, PHOTOO1.APH Ann Arbor. charged. l'asington Block. , ANNR ARBOR. MICH. New4 Books The Green Book, by Mlaurus Tokt. The "Blackl Watch." t~e IRecord of an llft- Ztska, by MlarieC orehi. eerte Regiment, by Archhbald Forbes. America anid .mericans, from a Freiich The Godldra iif the Ancients or Sex he Iolnt of View.4 A Transatantic Chatehaine, by hies h ] elighee. by Eliza HurltlGamble. Choate Prhnce. "Glamour," a Rlomance, by Sletta Orred. A Cheque fur Three Thouoand, by Arthur A Bleep Water Voyageby Paul Eve Sloven- Henry Veyory. The 'Witness of thie'Runch, by Frederichik O Tliichstum Cluari. The Comingi of Chloe, by The Duchess. The Pumpp of the Laviletteo'byhi'lbert. "Easter H ello," by Mlargaret E. Sanester. Parker, .'4. Fari hest North, by Fredliof Planues. fi)W4ll hs New Books 20 to 25 per cent off Publishers' Prices. Sheehan &C. ANN ARBOR,, 3Q S. State St. D ETRO IT.- 146 Woodward Ave.