THE UNIVsERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Jos. W. Kollauf, TAILOR T Latest Novelties in Gents Suitings. fV 1 1i,; 10 X. Washington St. - Up Stairs. ?HOTOGRAPHS ---Special rates to Seaters at Ierryman' s R. Huron Street Bicycle Enameling ! Plii or Marbelized. Any color or style. All work guaranteed. A. CANTL.,ON. 'WIll Tucker & Co., 18 N.'Fourth ave WHY DON'T r YOU T'RFY The Inland Press A hox of that delicious Peanut Brittle at DOES WORK WITH BROWN'S DRUG STORE. Neatness and Dispatch Half pounds and pounds, 10 and 211 cents. A few boxe o of Give them s cott. Velvet Molasses Candy, otis-half pound 10 cents. COB, HURON ST, AND FOURTH AVE. THE ANN ARDOR SAVINGS DANK RZA N- G E= Capital Stock, $5,55.Surptos, $150,000. Resooorces, $1,100,000. of colors and patterns Organizedunder the GeneralBanking Las neve see beore n iis cty.setls exchange as the principal cities of ths Makers of Correct S United States. 2Drafts cooked span proper Mak0rODof Correct Identification. Safety deposit laxes to cost. Wearing Apparel OFFICERS: Christian Stock Pros.; W. D0. for Men.--- TAILORS. Htarrtman, Vico-Preo.; Chas E. Hiscock, Cashter: M. J. Frits Asststant Cashier. 20) Pittsburg stogles tor---------25s cr01s 0Dog,.Heao d tigarcsto----------25cento 16. La Princocos Stories tor----- t---o25cents i Prodtigy Cgors too------------ 2 recta 16 First National Stogies tor-----25 coats 6 Porodice Cigars tar.----.---1-5 cocoa 6 toucaton Stogies or oo. . .-----25 cents 5 La Dioso Cigars tar------------25 cents 11 Alfonso Cigarsofor. ..-----------5cants 0 Harry Clays cr------------.25 conic 6 Star Cigars toe. . ..------------5cents 0 Owl Boqueots tor-------------.25 cens 64 Record Broakors far. ..--------25 coats 03iRoyai Banaes o-----------25 cents 3 lBrunswic k Cigars too. . . . ..----------------5 cct DEAN & COMPANY. 44 South Main Street. lakecs to order Women and JMen's UNIVERSITY NOTES, baseball on te Athletic Field lonoor- _s itn he nalteLatest Styles. F-oak A. Woofer, '95)I1s, is a msens- row- afternoon at 2 o'clock. BetPae boo of [lie Gladiator Cycle Co., ofClii- 'rank Briscoe,'95, who lisa been Best lacespeutding the past two years in Berlin fr All candidtes for 15 baseball tem and Poole, was a gnest of the Tlocla Repairing appear at GymniasiniatonlokDolt-a Clii ouse yesterday. I at 4 'clock A large numuber of tentnis nets be- ev-ery day. longing. to the Athletic Association are Thtere will be a rehtearsal of to Viol-0 moissiitg. Any-one bovine infomation versity G(2100lbitRoomin24, at i o'lc