We want thie most particular student in the University to come in and try on a suit from Hammerslough Bros.' or from The
Stein, Block Co., and then he may go to his favorite tailor. Poor fellow! It'll be a cold spring dray for the tailor. He can't
makce such clothes at any price, unless he is one in a thousand. He knows how to charge for them though. Don't shoot
him! He means well enough; he does the best he can. Do you know why your tailor charges double the price we do? Does
he say, 'Your money hack if you went it?" We do. Come in aud see what Harmmersiough Bros.' and The Stein Block
Co. have made for us for the spring season of 1897. You are under no obligations to buy, we simply want you to see our
magnificent selection-of gentlemen's stylish clothing.
Of course you need a new SpringI Hat ri(1 somue line furnishings. We want to supply you with all tbese atthe Closest Figures-.
37 South Main Street.
. . _ .®. a ._.._..
Qpea iHuselashi rices. MWH16IGANN ..
THVRSDAY, APRIL 2 '1Fedora Hats (new stock)--------------$.0 Timse Table (Revised) Febl. 8
An Eveing ofMystery.The only IP$1 A
A mican sescan $.50 Shirts--------------------- Bcsaliand Ex-_347 N. Y.Secial-t
Other Hats-------------------------------------2c1 -- idn'_ it9-2.5
maN1 X L L fR New Stock Arriving Continually. -A. M.c x-IPPait X.-
by 0SN nss ____755 PaifsecnEx----- 2 '
Mb.y s IAIHolcomnb, o o0 R. Expressa__1110 Chi. Nt. Ex---I5t5
Care l eoehn.teten-oes dozed Gfl CO, REx x-ens___55
and delighted at Kelar's novlties 1Feats y- D.W.Rroe0LES, A. W. HAYES,
neer befoce performed-Queen of roses, TINKEl_ R S0LD SlA.Nt)- --- - --MAIN STREET. 0. P. &T. AgtChicago. Aet. Ann Arbor
tProjection of the Asral lBody, Wonsders
of Delhi, Birth of Beauty, New Slirine, I TtIGAN OEAHUS. .A.&YI.T.AIA.
Annihiltiobn of Space, Mysterious Dlisap- A ILGADOEAIOS A .&YS.S.RIWY
yearonce.d$ . t
IPrices: 25c, 35c, 50c and ' el cnintrig evsTIME TABLE. 1,Q
___________Kellartellsan_______________ agLeave Congress street, Ypsianti,nat
at, ny' of IRotberct ioedie .te toonotnlos.!7:00,8:20, ( ,, 0), cod 11:00 a. inn., n l--
i l rench l~.1c nnnginiann, a-Inns wennt no India j112:41), 2:20, 13:40, 5:00, 0-30, 7:5) 10 1 '
itt niny y cantO11(1a, to Sntdytine niee- lin 1)1
1 n'nnc ftieIlnitn ,A r-t 1 Leaves cout Inosise at Annl Artnornst I Tiane Table, Jan. .1ll, isn.
-I,7:40, 0:00, 10:21) anid lt:40 .mi., ,ndt N-RTH. soIIT".
in~ ,-4a ' v fak r1on t 1ta 110dililgt0int0 with 1:20 3:04 :20,4-b 4-, '-10. 8-0, -I0.I8:30a0 7:19a. na
tt 1 1 t I 6..:a, :2non a.. rn.1:2 an. ,.
no .. n tini, natna tiny Ieliena-i toinn 1to i ninncl11:00 tp. In. 4:30 .minsi:o5p.
__ pitenie nde ii nit a inagiciai o niny SIND AY TIMIE.nlabennAiAro ndotS y
"sI'ii:-dsoyou plain" gipie cc 1; a Le oi tnl. Gu Ol, i i-c ens-es Ypsoilannti nt t9:2t1antd 10:10 All trains daily- except Sondoy.
No Hotmei sii o0 wntl tienintitattinny nnrc, and 12:10, 1:30, 3:10, 4:30, 3:10, N. HBENNETT G .N.S . G .oleoR.Ag t
Wihoam neally97Comeletverafterarod wiling tin doi anything 7:101, 8:10 rid 0:50 p. ire. 0 .Tieo0
ta o imIle ptn iresnto'ned to inn otld - Leaves AXnn Artion- at 10:00 ant 11:201 THE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL
Guitar, Manoli nun 2a a ng of inbnllets, andiisod,'nt 'mua. In., inni]12:510, 2:30, 2:11), 510, 0:30,1
a ti r Barlo or Zither. to selecti Oneiofthei ndnim loa1-iniit into 7:50, :10 innil10..>0 p. in.
res avebeen scated doseas a result ofthsin a largepistoni. 'TIne fatkir-(il in'astin hase ~t ~ A!R AO TfV T R V~
a ahbu n's normouspple itsoliatnwyuGaoidgSBaeal tto defor 1897,
eraa g nne 'Wasilhun aoflinervry latesidesin -- asatold<cud Nwas iltenndirectedl is fireRAL O D T C E B OK S
Frm$i'o U w r.II nl-tclh asinojust 'beseni publiahed, ises-
T Feie vcbr M annis. U a radl,'tiedreii iiIpecially interestiung t ollege( Veas holrnale Cigars, 'Tobaccos andl
Ihet l nla. itgisablne ne-'. i noiejralisd iigiiii riainl iiiani'l. S- it coiintiinsa Coumlete record of all tine Cigarettes.
my nea tiotihanlof a fine oldi tmeann Voln C1.. 'XV sal,- cclir;ng notiner bnullt'fromiiiit'he ag he
ursaesldaisedand hn to inro Inie y l ist (11(.layed by thim'leading Colleges Cor. Main and Liberty 'Sts.
ss uscdalrs odd h itladclna d( h cknrk-,,,sc stoan du110 tarn-tifr nti 1896- nIorti-aitsoftem s
4,i ~ y r aoyrenth useior s l.irolyythl a h ko inng te f iirt ieat a whiti' wall. Wtnen 10.hd . ojla i
mn-ala, 'iencinema snd l'se Olohft Our newr X'ah ireit-bnnllet sitrukt-l hernie was at reat promnineunt college bansebanll teains ofj
id-ulntsl,~or~i~n pr'inaiits.o ncrisd4Ariis I necoiuty. Tin 1m l nil0 I nT ILt
fllnsormation, priesedosement,etc.,sewilhe ( b m of ttinn rountirygdiThe tnew sanl. a T tE rilgEST TAIL
It f e o reciptof .piicttio IfyourTota deaen aveItie nltoriaiioisnsiiatunendouets1H
,,-,ohlyaYn-see will osend \'t asl,,:enC. 0. 0. 'e tttu onnafled'ill (ii nnr e ir flh.
of clnalnnioat. sm4;r w rs;nltheniactorg. Irinted 1i1 itlicsr, which is a decide
Wtilashbur~sn inroeni thegear b.and -innes 1:15 a Ioi s le evil. Kieslsinr. OF THE ITT
A~nihiae ieymrenwit ag andeiaaenInn deiL ~elcc.improvemnent, and the liste of avre
is euiiy wirthimany tiancs its coot. o l h egi adascain r
LYON 4& iHEALY, nunl, thne rts of tue 10ha-, 0s; o otndallerilielett.iesind ssotiana at(e -
3c.WV I aon ax. ABAb3 in c ., E~I- ~lD aail exploit siinne (If tliir siniitlinigit l- -iumee t'ils ii ul ieE
llsionsndieting hisntotiertainment notiistneoocnansptttaI *DII iieu
tilscty ht1:4:y veigA ri- .',of all the leanliig teamis of the cotuntry,
cityacingrslaytogentnierApril2. I500 oe n- S., OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE.
al mte Graind oealaiotis.ennicgnaig(teinnry
'e s-eto rpt-inoins n (einnis arcate' pihotos. lTne GiderAN-ill be oeit
l a ';ithlhiolMg(Vn elI son neceipnt of 10 ceints to any address t IC "Ladies Tailoring Annex
_an .i iiiini iinr inine U nitedt States or Caniada bnythne
SUPS~Annenican Sports Puihning Cs., 241, p ~INTECOLEGA
S~ PI aesoinileaiilicenntemd nilyslecinninasBuidaNaYik a
SnpaldinLeague Ball.,Slits, Mtaskns, etec m lrin fEoiin ali 1 11 il 1Sgii il-un, fMmtnB RA O
Managers shoa id selnd for samiples- and of itls latesot full stag-e iltnsioinsin 20.1ib. ild ~iLndton.aitE nglinnd, eon- Caps. Gowns a d
speial rateasonvey reqisite fom Tennia, OCs
Gof, Criehet, Tracitandtieldii, Opana- wsalitc h eIn unitriaies tigit or tIn h tils .ull articlet l'; A". (lnpressenl-fir II
slam Equipmensa and otfit-. Camnlete ,,OlI1ileb .L l f fteCTEL&LD M
Catalogse of Spring an pmon iso t l l mu1111 ar0_nineioot of tInn tl' iny at- Gi nan, IyW.L Itge .oft'I- CTRL &LE AD
free. "Tine Name tineGusaantee." namiie' ~iciiila luniia Iig'eklgn(-ring deptininant of the U. of \I.Alay N ,
A. G. SPALDING & BROAS. , ai fsis alilsnysti . ____________________
<< co ltwih ny a, secound Donut delnay yonr phnotositn .- Sit 4I{ Wilimami s
Near York, Chicago, .lPhiladelphia. bntore, was simon-u coeuicisirm'ly to lbe early-and avoid thne rush ocf Con-ENs3LR
A NOALL THE PHOTOGRAPHER nnpy Aist e nnln' iikoiiimeaeet, ReEiorSates o n
aica lndgl utsevemn full stamge illusiono iors of '07. Rlondalls Phtno S tudio, EI
Ann Arbor. wrill hi' iunluded innhis prograim here. Washuington Block. I ANN ARBOR. MICH.
Boo kst
The Omeen Book, by Oaras Tshal. Tha "BliackiiWatch." tt aeIRecord of an tils-
Ziska, by Miarie Coreli. teric eiment, by Arcinllnnld Forbies.
Ameica and Americans, fromm a Frechlm TnueGoud-idena cf thme Ancients or Sex in
oiit sf VTies, 4ei~ob liaBr abe
A Transtlantie Chatelaine, by 11ien Hlns' yNlaSanOibc
Chosaie Prince. "Oitmene," a Ro~msnce, by lletia Orred.
A Chuenfonr Three 'thousand, by Arthur A Beep Water Voy a-e,by Paal Evr Steven- C)
Henry 'I'yscy.
Th ins fteRnh yFeeik sr.Thicinsm Clank. The Coning of Chlote, by The IDuchess.
'The Pomp of lbs Lavilettes, by Gilbert 'Naster Bels" by itargaret N. Sangster.
Parker. Farthest Noith, by Frrdtsf Nansenm.
gDW'Al th New Books 20 to 25 per cent off Publishers' Prices.
Slieelian &Co.,
30 S. ,Mtate St.
146 Woodward Ave.