THE UNIVERSITY (IF MIHGAN DAILY. eeIF CITYaaao Wo AER I ZARCI&NxT - TAILORN C qII GRAND' OPENING ~ DOSN' AGRE I$25.00 Suit for $15.00 WITH YOU, Style,. Quality and Fit Guaranteed. Ci[[I~ OK we hlave Just what you need. D. A. TINKER &SON, AY THE' 'Crytalwatr i a uredisilld s Hatters, Fine Furnishers and 'Tailors. Sole Agents, Royal Tailors.. STUDENTS' 9OOKSTORE, S ATE STREET.. waterit isputoup in half gallon 0 Yousnan's Hats, Rulop Hats and Waterliouse Neckwear. * ttreanwedlierittoyor No. 9 South Main Street, - - - Ann Arbor, Mich. hat ag t do e 10 omat ;t cents a dooen or 50 cents %09__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ofWee purebupaaalan it agrees 0 wih everyboslyr. 0 ICALKINS'-:-PHARMACY. WOTZKE MAKES TO ORtDER WOMEN and MEN'S Easy Fitting Shsoes its all the j Latest ,Styles. Besk Place , orRepairmng 43 S. Main St. - Upstairs. ANBSTER[ER'S COos fotioaz~ary, -TsseSTtOtES- ?6J South State Street and Ofr. Fourth and Washington Sts. -Telephone Both Stores. .Anton Teufel, 'kS, Valises, Dress Suit Cases ANt) TILIESeCOPES. Tns and Valises lRepaired Neatly and Cheraply.' No.35. Malntst. W9 y SILWOA.ID ,9 STATE STREET TAILOR, A.full line of- Scotch and Engltsh Suitings and Trotoerings.. ALBlest Ceades of liard and 0 L oaf Coal, Cannel Coal and Coke. Order of M. STAEBLER, ,OMeel 1t W. Washtington t. 'Phsone No. 5 Yards at M. C. Rl. It. 'Phone 97. FOOTBALL SUPPLIES Iteerything for the player - Jaekets, -,ann 5Stokings, Jerseys, Skin Ouards, otc Spalding'a offieil iIntercollegiate FotBailofiesally adopted by the Inter- stdIleglute Association. Complete Cata- leacgue Fall and Winter Sports free. "The nalme the Guarantee." ~A G. SPALDING & BROS., Xew York, Chicago), Philadelphia. i i e 0 M A d I 1 I 0 I I W'B .' esl cisude ufNV-. s.aus i Iuch, Get any Greek and Latin oflp.aayrots Pic es.stII nt ean v *un5 quar. Te. t Books. vhich we will 1sells to as gsxU,, ulton i~n at lower pricesti o eve~ Refinemnlt ill clotesnaking runts opthe Ceott(50 pros ducstiot-- -- -Clothes can be gotten anywhere AlPe ptric'e- - -If yoiu are salisfied to, waive the elegrance of miakes which presorres il's eleganite thro' hard lailling ---You oight is. well hasve the, lower priced-- - If not- g-et strs- -they lire helijst. 010 S1 SRIEEDS, Note, gook and lectur ,Papr hy-the potund 15c, 20c and' 25c. Watf ans l' [ Funtais'Pans iEveryonse warranted or islssey ref aniled. Drasringr In-tkin- osenis- and l Iasvilsg Boards. Shteehan &Co., 1%.aIt 15 EQUTH (MAIN 5n Rae r-t. IROPRI £t ORS. U. OF H. CALENnDAR. Rese~rs or Other Ganen. STATE STREET, ANN ARSGOR. AlttdIsts O. it. tt I'1tilts' I ss r. Js'. t l'tt ll 3tioss tle .l satsssts as-ill- itsxfostl'sItctssr'otoar"'listhNts- s a. tsvtest es stts'...: LA W BO O KI'S! s-us's." I l's'sCh ii ,),Oltsrlist 0.1 Mesitisy. (ict. Itt. 4 pI. 55.. llo eiso- tVs'sls-vsst t>. Atsslwst s 0. Bauy all you asrtsafford Ifor sailie tstllsslirtstr- 10551 ,, 5 lss''ss'l 1' f present and laire alsousesttsar patltlsutttst't- itlt'pt'Bta'es- Cu s f la rt'lt'lss I Brow'nt esis0 . sohoor ndpca"Nts '1i1