THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) daring the Cotege year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OrrICE: Times beiding, 79 S. Mate St. be- tween Ltberty and William Ste. MANAGING EDITOR J. F. THOMAS, 97. ASST MANAGING EDITOR F. S. SIMONS, '98. ATHLETIC EDITOR H. B. SKILLMAN, '98 L,. BUSINESS MANAGER 0. H. HANS,'98. EDITORS R. L. GeISMEn, '98 L. I. A. CAPrELL, '0. F. A. Fucen, '99 E. A. AeremLL,'1. G. D. HUODNUTT, '00. T. R. WOODROW, '98. BUtTLE LAMe,00. 0. D. JENNIINmO,'.9 S. The subscriptioe price of the Daily is $2.10 for the college year, With a regular delivery hrfore eoon eagle day. Notices, commueica- tions,aned other matter iotended toe publica- toemeet be handed in at she Dily office be- fale S p. in., or mailed to the editor before 3 p. in., of the day previouso to that oe which they are expected to appear. Subscriptione may be lft at The Daily Office, Meyeres or Stoffetes Newsaod, or with Bueinese sanager. Soberibers wilt coo- ler a favor by reporting promptly at this office any failore of carriers to delver paper. A Bicycle Path. The Antn Arbor Cycle Ctlub wat foied lost foil Intl has the folloinlg officers: FlenlIlsiog J. 'farrow, p~resi- (lent; Jas. H. Wocde, treasnrer; Rlphi McAllite r, secretory. The toetbel. sltip is complosed of tonspeolte am) stutdents, nnd anyone owho is interested is eligiblec to tmemlbercshlip. The cluh is nosy bacinig with all its strength te nesybicycle 110ub1pio- jeer. PTie plan 'is to have a tong ride o11 a pretptred path. A comimittee, of swhichi Prof. Ft-di-IM. Taylor is (c19ir- 111n11.wasOappointiedty tie cltub selo'e ime ogootid lhas')brettquietly bookios:g upthe lb a1111er. 'flres routes has-c bettn lrop)sod. 1. The olsd roadl-betd of the T.S. A. A It.. It.; 2. 'North Main st.; 3. The to;- tioc rood, three mittes out, then 1101rth. Of limse the secotid is probalythe lmost feasible. The path1, swiichl will le 101!, liles in letigth, is to- be of (irt.,, feet wide, nlext to tie ffuce, and mosotly on the west sisde. A cindh'. dressing oct11 be add(Q latireand thor- The GOLF SUIT. For Bicycling and Outing is the most satis- rfying Suit one can wear,-it looks well, wears well, and is comfortable. We have ' everything that is new and swelli at $e.009 $7,00 AND $10.000 NEW SHADES-In Browns, Reds, V GOLF CAPS, GOLF HOSE, GOLF PANTS AND __ 4 -Biert p SWEATERS. tn consideringtile works of the War- ottghly llclOe. Mr. Eoilllsns, of hack- sity on tile sprinog trilo the foct mes) soti. locked os-er tile roeute an111:-aid) he ble kept in mints that tie boll p1.1yed (00111 hisvc it in shile within a inonti durting tile presenit seasoti is bycon en- tir~jy inew team. Tile i-Ies on tie trilp were againtotoldandtisl eorieic-es. players, a titiiber of who10i1110(1host p offssiiclitraining.iTier e 110)dtien very little opportniity for team, prac- tice before the oaition. Tile trip seas votitable in the expeiencee gained by the mien, andi thisoct11libe more api- parenit wiseintile imiportanlt gaines o1 the seoson eonte on. It i tooba nns-b is expoect inewc tetito 10109-like veter- ans at the very outset anid tost of the stutdento realtzethits. Tue tinoe h4 is tbe heatrty- support of the men whto utnderstandl that Ite new rules -ire in- ctededfole permanotent use. The Northiswestern ntter wostie- fortnnate, Pot -Manager Atkinon seor- tainly-aeteid, as ho-thoteghl.sItlhi 10 to- spirit of the regultoins. 'fhe ma ter is yet to be acted tupdn by the Board of Control, but the Board will proPb- it~y uptiold -Mr. Atktison's -ctiosn. Sickle's tatito as a ball player wci11 be finaly sdetertmitied b1y the Nortltw,-rt- ern governing board. The outltook for the r(-lni.e of te- seasone ts brigbt enoughi. With Heard at second the nine vtll be gr atly strengithenesd ansd all that is necessary- is good, lhardi practice, wh-ich woxill be keot top. Watkins hias mtadhetin ex- tro-itely valttable 10oach and his woak has been of the sort calcnlated to give nosy nen the best traininlg, and etc nulotalce soas ttarle in securintg ilsto( r Mr. and ira. Iosxs Granger 11acc procured the sevices of thieemtire Chiequamtiegon orchestro (14 pieces) for their 'May 'Party, !Saturday night of this oweek. 75e per couplle owill be chtarged. TO RENT---A num~ber of boats al U. of -1. boat houe by 110u1 or dlay. BtweenO $40i09-h ll 1111500 hatis aihr(ollc belenil Oh °th li and1111Friid Otnoer, the l l' hl~lilachl If the suitsI-ripltion t Dil- n > , \ littcerllISs slout 10 or . 1 lito li'11115\ \\ IlTe sl i'Itit 1hi t 1 reI0 101(Il h) 1 oh;Avk itA 10555011 so-ill ihll.tieInel sica Or (/ t'e-tlrsioh c i ll os-c husd 1101the coiie G7 Y Br~.Pat~iilal alr ThT57hEetIEBCCLSeboymrenwasdgniro-roeet .etrs inoonpreilnoha seeobe thyieeno beoratenubleevromese av cet i, F ou~ghtad Ysu rge SS, sd xcletvonibenofrdfo h ony Orneeln cnltoo ih -bhovroudptsy-ferdt scttaotomotexttend.hsr a b ntrl GPHOTOGREAPHSODA eCETA YCEMGC Strawpcberreseiosa 72GDESTET NAAPLND lIrri ansORFRPOTRCTLUEMLEFOTwaONTSAS E. Huron Street A POSITION BcceE a eig! LPlaits or Marbelized. Any color or ALL ABOUT style. All wsork guarantecd. A. CAN TLON. SPECIAL RE] With Tucker & Co., 18 N. Fonrth ave Bicycle Repairing ! to alth branches nesily and proffnthy dose. Prices reasonabhe. Sundries at ruth bttoml prices. Win.. J. Wenger,I 8 N. FOURTH AVE. - ANN ARBOR. 01M. MARTINL, Funerah Director,1C e _____ 0. anedMetahhic Caskets and inleeOral -- Coffins. Rmhalmlog a Specialty. eo 17S Fourth ave.- eeaow Can be secured with RanodOle~olly & Ceo, that with beinegcoed returns to students for ibis w1Ioh rud aaion. OWe wish kepiesestatives os our Atlases, imlps and other publicaltions. THE BABY , 1 1 1 1 1 1 By nobert N. Toohker, M01I), of Chicago Ohedilo I tollege jest issuled, is the' boot for Mhodicul Students. CatlalogueraOld circulares send on application. :PRESENTATIVES . Weowant a few special r-eprestentati-es in tiletColhlege. For tis position experienced book men shouhd write oo at once stathng pusstexperience. RAND, McNALLY & CO., Chicago. Weswillseaosreeipt .t rtsu Ossrl gnsrv SRIl P10 Slu Yorrk, .