the tt* )NESDAY, APRIL 28, 1897. Four. PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VII. No. 155. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEI " [ i Received a full line of Novel, ties for Spring Suits and Trouserings 1897 No. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. S"THAT TIRED FEELING' wiii disappear if yeu take oar 0 Beef, Iron and Wine for $ a oset ntonic. We make it, S ad knsow its good. It coes ins50 eent kttles. PALMER'S9 PHARMACY. 465S. STATE ST. Flying Footwear Is that the whetlinen wears, and the fleetest wheelmn colmrs here for his hicycliing footwear, because here he finds ample as- sortmeint of every kinsd worth havinig. - All kriads rightly priced. W Jr APRILL, IS WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. Better Soda Water! 0 6 tast year e s os-r fist extei-0 0 enceein etiisgoatiler. We 0 know etltei-kow, not. e hikate 0 leers eperistenhitingeersince luitt 0 July, trying 0 toiak~eeur drisks miter palaltle,mote saotisfactory.0 M Wctkink tie hitve su-ceeded. Sto 0 weilt youawhkneyouitrlithem.e ge 0 are rttdy leeyou. CALKINS -PHRMAWCY, WAHR'S B OK STORE. Just receivo 1 another lot of that fiue U. of M. Monogran Paptr, the poplliar shades Blue anid White; also a New Stock of the Various High Grade Correspondence Ptiper. Visiting Cards Engraved, anti Plato Printing. THE CHICAGO DEBATE. Final Trial Held Last Night With a Good Showing. The 1iclilgais reresentativesc who are to eatea with the University of Chlicago Fritday night, met lest eight for the Conal practice detbate before lieving ter Oleteagt. Their oppotsittii were Metsrs. Whiitin is.arrionr.auil .f. Q. ,amsiti, anti the latter mtsdtea c-cry litercsting coslet for lie 'War- thy' l- earn. liTelebte with Chiictagot ciii tie i;tt theIliiD entTheate.wicisioitet oflicteildTh in'oli1 iidiite ileitileof Ci o t-lit'Terrqucsionto Itt-tebtdi- 1i5 Its o e Tii hacli tliteil tie I l tt ll O Abinet-lrOitic1lelisysitrin.dat-t ed.tontDemttotticlit itucticns thante t'tii'anreidentt hg i ilaci' li' di taoil t g andtti hei'oc' i llit el ' ltetll iii- ltie liidothe queor, n The Freshmen Banquet. 'The secotntd treoheinii baellt ccill Athletic Notes. Itlortint rellege gaileo ediriiigthe Matoervcation Isresiulted si ifollocws: Illintois 1), tChicago 3; 'irginia l1t, Yale 5; Princeton 10,tietigetowa 1; Beloit 30, Deitic'ts4-; 1,ttrtielt 4,*Her; lirdl 3; Purduei'I, sit tititil ; Nvsisi'oi- sill t?,Maisoii 1. S.2; Title t0, 'Wiii- nlli14, i'nion ii ttPriietanIit.. State tellege 1; Beloit 2, Nort'iieern 7. .Negotitiionsto fr -tsfooitali g-titii itect till beitccet'hle l'nic'trity ef bensie.'fitt' gtamt'ccill lii' illyeci at hi ('litiogiciNo.l 0.ig eSaura atiit I'i'i-irialgitit'.i hidvet'itty of Pen'nsylvtanii Sautrday. Plaity'lvttita cc-tilt iitwit itile chaiiii- Nto ,li1intie8:20.e-roThei atntumit-artlaIt buntm, .:41, it) oute lic'ily i-tic'. IHteitrd, of i-i' lear", tirti cttti-iot il ,oo cii Iltlt huh oi1toii'lefiield.111'ti tAliold THE VACATION TRIP. Recor I of the Gauges Played Dur- - ing the Recess. Tue retell of the trill taken hb- the hall 'learn diuring the sprinig cations is famtiiliacriand this report is gic'cu mote as a isieritt ri-coreditan us til tirticleoi ewit, PTie folloccing is a tolnittitO record of nt'e nics: Auril 17-Miiciganu 0, Detroit 0. Waetkints pitchedi ,ndl Drtroit ccas culi, lto i-eke ionic tic-e hits tiltimoThe ccethetr cwtscery- colti anti interfered t'onsitlt'rtilly cciiihitie game, Aitril 2i-Aititeait7, 1Xittciottrg 17. Sun-oh pitlird.,Six slit of Witteni- ililgonite iplayers wcc're lprofession- Ap'Cril 2t-iigan )i, Notre Dame 18., ShecttntatitiKcithu pitcediand tonlyscc-cinniiiig-cc-crc layeedi 011ac- cosunet of dakniess.While iinStothi Li-ti, the ito-s cc-rc cerb'-lpleasantly 'April 22--Mtiitgant 7, Illinois 3i. Illinostwcasethe oslygcollege mitidur- leg the tripotitthati in the'agreement form'uiltedlltat Il~eChI'iragoconte retire. ililerpitchetiltoni strut-k otitteight Apit-til 2:1 lictigan i cctito htavecnit lNoirthwe'stcrn.u t irefuedtito ittey le- ctiise Sicklce., heir pitcher, is a lift' fesiontal ndlter tetlgrcctmenlt. A)li21-Painiiprevecntecdithe game Alpha il:,l3siiellr Theta Delta Chi and - 4i.;ll1.