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April 16, 1897 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-04-16

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Jos. W. Kollauf, Some New Music The Inland Press
"r 1 , R TIsle of Cuba Waltzes. DOES WORK WITH
PA L RLa Gracile. Neatness and Dispatch
Latest Novelties in Gents Sutinigs.JoyFred Two Gtp.Cive these a call.
JoFvellsriend, Step. COR, HURON ST AND FOURTH AVE.
10 E. Washington St. - Up Stairs. I Wish I'd Never been a Soldier. fHE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK
The Old Rope Swing. Capital stck, $0,000 Srps, $10,00.
Ihuh YuDd'tCr.Orgaied nuer the General Baking Laws
>'l fYotradt this Stae. Rtecees depsis, bys and
OEAOUEpIlTake CareofYuGad , ellaechange en the ptoeipal eities of the
THE OPERA HOUSE JEWELER, .A Arb1r[oNN, R Gated States. Drafts ashed aon peper
t {- 3 2,11 VS1- ldntiflcto Sfety eydeposit oes to rent.
,A.1 Arbor NM usic 0 ntA .00: (N I" OFIFR1Christian Msak Pres.; W. D.
as tarsisi you sits afirst-lass F'ontain WA eIIO iarrimns. S'he-Pres.; has E. isoc,
Pe. Yeo sod ig repairng a specialy, + 'afsier: I. J.1.Friit Assistant Cashier.
A-GV HMkCALL, ~ ~ I Qii ~
e___________ JV x rKof Ann Arbor
v StopIRST NATIONAL AN KOrganizedliel6
Stp=Sto top? I Stop 1 1 21 PitssburgtAnglesfo----. ---.. oces fi 5Dee- Heatd (Iese's for . . .-- fc'I .;.pris effl, 0000.Srplussand Peofits, 40,0
' 16~~~~~~I La Princes"'Stooges oe .2------- --cets I0 Presley Ciars foe-.------- - -iscte Tranasts a geseal asing business.
-AT- I1i 1ist atEisonal Sigesfr-__ -v _.2cello 0 Paradise Cgaie --gee- ----- 11--25cel s oreigs ehanee boeght and sold. Furnish
PakesiorerSor 6iAe eSto-aea frs25--- s .5 La eLios550Cgare tor _-----._2 ens IattesefCredi.
Parers orer toe,11Snoa icarfr. _eele ilHarey Casfor..."----__ __5esI F. 1. Trr'NE.Pre. Vl~iceSce POULs,
'5-ea.-"--essi e sre
5TATE ST. AND N. UNIVERSITY AVE 6Sa"cli-se ir__ r---D---- 5cens 4l Beloqes for-_-------5 cn ts1 S. W CiAIIIISON. ashe.
Freh made Candies constantiy instoel ec 1Esos-rd r sases r --sse - - - _..___2 elasI3lRoyaiBaners foe-----..--- 5 cesi
Csllone a end yoa wilcal again. 3 swckC gar . . . ..-_---------_---- . 21censt-
DEAN & COMPAN-Y. Ml xa'gBn
Tucker & Co, 44 Soth 1Ma.in Stree. aigesraal
BICYCLE LI VERY AND SALESROM1 UNIVERSITYl N.OTES. - s." th poliii1111 Rsi e ,Pes GFP Ga en, Vice Pe
18 Northt Fourth Ave.- .'lsvsilis si iitlss ll 1 t-nilose IdbBesets. Gatisserdc
Wel ary a full line of op-ts-date l t't1sI'lIintss'sf te lt isis o i keii' lliSl~i' -llIs slss
Bicycle Ssnderies siid parts to iiany P15lll 'i'iisi isi-s ss'.ssi-,- Fe stiv lJournilfrih. yer-
w0heels. diniiis (llolsli - I 20 S.STATE STREET
Also 1Repair Wheelst living prices 1't ss. I. . svit Isistisv iasss USelshaloli Gels1 obsens enuaed,
- 11h ( it.Ril oos Bad 25 ceto ond upard
rQeive li' atrill it iin1 'ts esi ,ssl liiti (l sisi\-ev~il e lIigll 5511 :11s t PI 11is 5 .111 Il' 111 f lls's- llillll ' itllls 11.l CofIM.Seenes ad Pofestersa 3 Its.L ss
dnou 01 inhe.- --n- d the Isr Iformatl~ion of ti 5lt onerts, eOn aer fo5eeloks e'ilo
n iaul 1 P isles i-s s-ts ,sissi Is-siltleteBoos 5 cet ad pwarsi
IN THE EQUIPMENT OF A ilI;2 h i 10-cur1'I55 se tAlllars' ilshl t1,Ii s l~lir;)ro51to tIlle sL~ fTowney's Chocolates.
STUDENT'S ROOM, 1o0 ltI1101loiie theIls'esIiptlof te iseIeslsoililsoc 0ssi-~ t ill 'neis loot Luces.
Ill s generalsly c esl'ed that it atisses'Iis- KSI sl24 thens r e oa-s f lt'irocsed-issfin 1.j 1- aliS t1dt 1 u l vlSL i t i t i te U I
strumntsiis alloA t" lass hootteeessity . 'Py
secure Ite ealselr s'njoyset fronesthe il'I - II 1.Cssssi' -si 'iitI Ist isls' li 1511111 111 a5 0 YF V1T ' 49 G e e
prch' se tthe et ytslrsss~sey wil altssd. 'IloL U1.Luii ( , lonLnd-[B os..fI'
xspere .1 t aentiproouneass e t' 'Bay 1111 Tli'11 1 lst r Ii s s' . t'Iiel } .'- ps siI1 l'-sose ol
'late"s instrumtes lie fissest nil liewol I w l b l 1os ve , Pl ;
Dsele i -s i -te . olst swill roid P~tl'is tl ll 11 s .ssases-sifIre R ed iuctionq
An1 1111 Ill-s-i li~ ssfills'at ils i 1111 cl im h pr ti l s elsisis t Ill' " ~-si
ints' eeing;of 15t,5es15u 'e I vro N s xelotoIsI t do- Isv -A":i Our p ice h reaftcr
BAY STATE $10 l~I.00t.)l11o11of ilist-A itsris'stiMathois~scal tp iefr 15.o Al. buttoiss
I11 pr itth\Li ..J istis 1ito' hld'l tae1 l;- ~--" Iall paterns, willae 50 Cents.
Sia i',ltfor asssbtssniss. sevn- .p'1:Student'sfe-slt Itoilt itiii 11 1 ills_______________
c able tet earenet, at a lis iss et', o 'I"1e I-tiii ndI ls t I-'t ts' ion11 ise 1 tssl issoltioca ti 1ltWMRN L , EAIG E ELR
eMospareesailS1it. rills its'to 1)t,1 ois t,)(ht i 'Ii' 'e isieg rdit 1 I t-
sesd for liusttatletI- lid e.ii t11 111eolisuis sit itslli1l17sl isil851a 5 2 N iis5i il s
JOHlN .SIATNEs a&co, IDI'o+ i lu'llt5 fill s'ials. if iii'si{;nsisI I_ I OF DANCING
453-463 WahIgton -strrt,lss. ti 1leiase ss-srl still itsIiiotst 111 sisrlePr ieD lyltj ieLasB iio' el0assi ly1
U FT OPM.ShIIVINGPARILOIR snd Btat-'- - any 1wo lases.Oist
i.ro a.All ppssinsesist ss I2 Tomp'sStret
Impsred and domeasiicdCigar0 Lad csells a
le hairedestag aud atis p rI 011up eth
tales. .. IR Toanossesi30S5.-St restel p ink -iin '
v lst Received a LaeandsaEegat
_~a t$ 5 sssttpIlts s a Lineo Now pipes!
25 0 i s5.snds tlicto.nt isifiosdedheleunadios Js'
.5e 1s)a s1. Lak IorliyessaNisl55fl.'mssand VersestCo'
te oes.I1Ctocolats BossBone.
No 'waiing 'foe Clumbia and Hiartford B.0 +.1 o
bicycles. No delay and consequent annoy
ance. All eodes and paterns now redy W A A ( RJ&V [o 20 SState Et.Saerleet.
fee isemediae deliveey. 1897 ",1.J~4Z
I 110Tl N A ,1. AnS, i ton fTeufeE
I~~ ,o~ iTeas ndValisesReared Styases
ai etmala ecusvely ef 5 pee cen Nicelel FITS HIM. CHOOSE ACOLLAF2 J
SteTublisg,teeetireepe- TO ALL : FOR YOUR STYLE LOOK -A U~IR&HX O
dutof wtahich we cotol. ALIKE, A TEMAK i S sSlr R en&le a-Hee
6{,TH AR arteord Bicycles aro at pries ,®
within reach of everyone. 1' lssi rcs o str
laa ,^,ei; eeFro nyeColumbiaLENING AND REPAIRING
jsst. ® 22 SC. - -St<~ ~ a te ISte. Oes Boey a iliare learn
Hartford Conn.)l *FEILFO .I
17Ates ef Plooe Opce.
Breanch house ordealer To any peroniterested ia bunionsmat
in lmot eer ciy5ades, sr wha loes aimal, we wilsend fse
-ot upon 'ppication a copy of the "ALI
town. ~~~~~~~~~~~ANE" the or aof tilsieSociety In ad-totoisneslynertngeadigi
k 51 .-,h....o 7 ,/'4 W -centains of Ie val able and unua prem-
;/ %/. l1'I341t5'auil/Ul1Isi.A-un ngiven bysle paper. Addres
21 S. MAIN ST. t' @ ® OO@@@ ®®®a6f Oii,@@,@®®,,,, 410-1IUnited Charities uilding.,ew or.

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