THE UNIVERSITY OF MlICHIIGAN DAILY. Pa di1shed Daily (PSndayn excepted) daring the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OrFsCE: Times building, 79 S. Main St. be- tween Liberty andi William Sts. 1C.1hNAGING EDITOR J. F. THOMsAS, 97. ASSS'T M4ANAGING EDITOR 1'. S. SLsiONSs, '98. ATHLETIC EDITORI 11. B. SKILLMAN, '98 L. BIUSINESS MtANAGSER 0. 11. hIANd, '98. EDITORS F. L. GEISMEn, '90 L. I. A. CAMPrBELL, 'a0. F. A. Fuela. '98 E. A. CAsroEtu, '19. G. 1D. HsUDNUT, 'CO. T. R. WODnOW, '90. BUsTER LAMBo, '00. G. D. JENisnGsess'99CM. The subscription price ol the Daily is $2.0 for the college year, with a regular delivery brfore neon each day. Notices. communica- tions, and other matter intended for publica- tion mast be handed in at She Daily office be- fos e 0 p. in.. or mailed to the editor before 3 p. in., of the day prevsoas to thsat an which thev are exisected so apspear. :subscriptions may be left at The Daily Office. Meyer's or Stafliet's Newstand, or with Business Mlanager. Suabcribers will eon- fer a laser by reporting promptly at this affice any failure o1 carriers to deuiver paper. Tis edlition of the Daily is tbe last issue Isefore itie spring- vacation; pu'b- licatioli wvill ill restinsed a 'disesday. April 27. Tin' less Daily Board met yesterday aifternoon and organizeti fur itie en- siuing reai'. J. F. Thonias was ro- elocted managing editor and F. S. Simionis and II. B. Skillimain wire re- lamned as assistant iianaging editor slisfi atlililic, editor respeierlyx1. The presenit busincros mianager hioltds over' by tile Coinstitntioni uiitil 1111 s'iii of Liie year. Thle baiseball scele swhichli Man- ilger Aitkinsosi has airranlgedl for ihis year reflects t reat credlit oil the iiiau- niger's judsgill: 'ii and5 tillity. TuCe gain's x'i lie are to be' playe Ill bmw "assure -is Chit Nsve shall t'b( stile tosee tiie bist: iobts. NNe are plleasud to nois that athlletic relatioiis sivitl ('or- ir1011 hav' lici'ii resiumed. Osir rela- tions ss'iih C'ornell hair alwvays broil pleasalit gad all ;viii be glad Ci thie oppiortuity-~ whvich is ils preseitil of reiiesviig 0ur1' eaisialine withl tlei Coiriiell baseball teami. part of at livig body of stdens, that liCe had a personal inerst il Ciii'g~et Uiiversity. and tat at soue fi'nre time le would be cable to look bak withi telighttth le eening siet wih his felow students, mniy 01 w'omiin after life sridesined to oeeiiiy promisne'nt places us the worli. Eater Song Service. i'repsirstions have been iatl' fora song service at the Congregaioal church Stnday e-oiing which will be devoted entirely ts >isster insnic. Tie public is codialsly invited to ated. The program will be as follows: Aisien-Faiser. forgive thn'' (Passion)......... .1ayn Bass Solo -"Vitisi 1tIis sared dwell- lug" ........-Mozart Mr. AV. C. fay. Sopiranso Solo-"The voe of Jesus" Sitilil' Mss Ada Barker. Ainthem-" 'Christ, tie Lordl is Rise, . . . . . . . . . . . . Shelley Duel 'tifitisir li ad Voles'soiii .....Scisuekr Mliss Sheterly and fit. oey. Violin Sslo-"Atagio froiisG(esansa scne"............Sohr Mtr. tovs Sisene. Allo Solo-'"Easter Snsg''-.l 'usos' Mliss Csras ebs. A islsisi- "lrak 1Forhs il oyIs'.".. 'helse srmonssi lrissieltby Resv.J.9. '' Sundelsrlasnsd 1:st Sunday smsirisng o "N', bisv IsasU'iitarisn," wasolistenedi to by anliiunusuaslly large. adienilc. In .answver to ss vsrys geisral rls'siisss it is bein pritdi, and 1m1y' le.ob- Can~diii t iieii le eisr'sn'xr Sinday. VXIA'lIt)ND1O.'NES. I 'Fhe idsancingg classess at 0shin'hiiiser- sty 'School f tDancsing will not imeet during vacation. Bust si programss part' wsiiih orchesri muicill viibe gien o each 'Saturday evinslg, lto xwhichthle suladisieonl of is0e a (ospirwill lie chasrgeid. A ftr vactiosite Close will ecostinua- is meet intil Muss'1,onli whicheen'iing ilierexvi liegieis speial May tParty which miembsier of1 sll the eisss wil liie stilisto10t.i- tenid. NO)T] GE. IC'ansuiiates for till'00'triiak eml wiii ommuence training at once-. All ishio ciiisrs' requstedt o remiain in Anai Aibor sduringvaucation aiilprse- ice as le SophlomoeFreosais iieet will be ueit Msy S. TO RENT -A innber of boats at . of l. boa)house sy hour or day. Babylan Coal is THE BEST. All grades o hard and sat Cossl. Camel Cal and Coh. X. STAEBLER, i = r I i \ y _ _{ Isn't I isi ouinhe at)1isboughat it'' Yi I iiwn) it ito 55101 Easter Suswiay.We Ihaise (hi e atrong Ili-in Phi IsOsverpls,(slaT Cllr'sr Bssi. C1 s i )sBluei Seige- -Geis, Biowis sanil Iacy (hei st-. at an 0Clubs, ToniksFour--sn-Hoods.25 S 7 S $1.00 xi .11. tyi l-ping rae~s . ilds h Noble's 'tar, Clothing House, 3I Sh amn.StrIeoh ThT R T A " e 1 BEN-HURE BICYCLES embody more new nds genuine improvent.,s icosrcinthan any otber bicycles nasw before the public. Never before hone suchs excsellent valuen been offered for the money. Our nsewelioe, cionsisting oh eight supeshiodlsat$00, $75 and $125 for sinogle machilnes, and $150 for tanudemss, ss-she tevarious options offered, io nuch that the moot exactiog purchaser sasn hoeunirs'.:; gaited. CENTRAL CYCLE MFG. C0a, '9- GARDEN STREET. INDIAN APOLIto. !-N OUn FINE rOSEnRALOGUE MAI LsEnsFOR WO 2-CNT STAMen. A POSITION sdents fose iui s%oem dur.i g vacatilo. Wli sbu leptsesrtuiv es on ouse Atlases,. Naps anud ouerpulusicaution,,. ALL ABOUT IHE BABY . I . . By Robert N. Tooter. 9li11iiiofChieanon M~edical Colleejust issed, is the look fbe Medic-l1'Stsdents. isitaushon-d circulasssendi on uapplications. 'fie'eongineer's social ss'iiichs sas given on aWednesdmy night to thsoeuue- hers of lie engineeorinsgnde'parment is ivorthy of specialtsnontions because of liii trtie collegesirtAishicli thsre iedlsissy ausuh e iogood results swhichb sloe botitniho follosvthue gathering and sll others of -a simsilar nattire. Ther'e ssams a spisrit of goon fl lows'hip hresnt swhihwus'ap ipareln lo eseryone in at- leiane thr asCin nneoO Tlp oneE. 8. Osne donrEast sib Ameni- lhe wnant a lew speciuli epriseototis s i he iCollee For tis lposition feeling hi-ought about by pesonoal conea-Ioae experened cnos.booklns a olOwrite us at once tsting hnpasesseenor. tac st which it is iisuiiosiblo to 'save ini BcceRe arn RAND, 1tcNALLY & CO., Chicago. the elass room. To 'bring abaut snchssgor.a" v.g~o