THE [JM IV L RSIT Y OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Jos. W. Kollauf, Some New Mu isic TPA1L O, R 1 Isle of Cuba Waltzes. La Gracile. 'Latest Novelties in Gents Snitings. Jolly Friend, Two Step. - Five Bells, Two Step. 10 E. Washington St. - Up Stairs. I Wish I'd Never been a Soldier. The Old Rope Swing. IThought You Didn't Care. _y S SI'll Take Care of You Grandma. THE OPERA HOUSE JEWELER, Arbo21 ANiusiEASCo. -innLA o M scC . WASHINGTON ST. Ca sfurnshyou tith a5fist-class lFotain___________________________________ Pee. .'snsod soleg repairing a specialty. --GIVE HIM1 A CALL, U 10 o0KE 1Stop!! Stop !! Stop 1 2) Pittsrg stogies for.------- 5 cests 6 IDo-.sHood Cigars for ----------- 5cests 16 LaPrisscess Stogies for--------b. ests b Urodigy Cigars for- -------23 cens -AT- 161Firot Natioonal Soges for-____23 cents Bi Paradioe Cigars for.- - -0___ __ __ 5cents 5GToucatan Stogies for- --________25 costs 5 La Dioso Cigars for- -- 15----- acents Parers.3 ornr Sor. , 1ilifonso Cigsfor.---b-----2 ests 4lfHarrv Clays for.-------h5eeto STATE ST. AND N. UNIVERSITY AVE 6Stair Cigars foe----------25 cents 4 Ott1 Boquaets for---------25 centt Fresh made rCandios constantly is stock. jGS Record tireakrrs foe- --______ 25 crntab__Z5cnts3loyalBanners for - - -23 _______ticr1-- Coil once ad you will rail agais. 3i siso s Cogars for--------------25 cests IA r~ 44 South Main Street - DEAN &at .C ItvIFANY. - - ...I C r.5iottsdlorts~tret. The Iinland Press DOES WORK WITH Neatness and Dispatch Dice thems a coil. GOR, HURON ST. AND FOURTH AVE, THE ANN ARDOR SAVINGS DANK Capital Stools,$50,000. Surplus, $50,00. Rssures, $1,100,000. Organised usder thr Genersi Basking Laws jf this Stale. Rteceives deposits, buys and ielms eochange on the principal cities of the United States. Drafts cathed span proper Idetification. Safety deposit Soars to rent. OrFICES: Chistian Slack Pees.; AV. 0. if arriwan, Tilec-Pros.; Chat E. Biscock, rasier: M J. roleAssisttantCashier. FIRST NATI OL BANK rAnn Arb63 viStal, $100,00. Sitrolis and lPre ts, $40,00 transactsscoscouea isanking business. Iforeig,. roobanogekhoglht toed told. Furnisho letter sof ceil. B. D. KfIN NF, Prts. HBAIRION SOULE, Toce Prs. S. W. CI,5BI{SON, Cashier. r ci~lr is ri V . ,,f AL. Makes to ordor Wome Easy JFittiing Shoes Latst Styli 43 S. Main St. - Tucker& BICYCLE LI VERY ANN 158 North Fourt W~e carry a Dull liuec Bicycle Sunodries and pf wheols. Also Repair Wheels atl Give ins a call it in ned in onr line. TT SHAVING PAR] U. roows. Aul bppointmt I;mporled anti domeostic ci-ar i ardesi-adbt tifairdi oiogand skil3 SNo waitiog Sor Columbia bicycles. No delsy and conse asic. All models and paiter. foar immediate delivery. k897 - .A A Athletic Association Election. siein, 'ff8. fotancial secretaer-, stod Al- Capital $50,t00. Surpios $30,000. Transact TIn andua meen's f teAhle i .(aoll~l l. e.stei so- R. IMFeo', Pres. C.E. oGRE, 'Tice Peos, i in all the l 'atttlio 'ii i lo ioei 'il~tiiiroly -itossr. FnR. 10. OBELSER, Cashier. e. AsosiasiloSatrdlay 'fore feurfliose Sixitn itifis 555r0 presentelorlCi oes s1iC t.iirpo-sioftihefoeiffic-irs althou flrs-i is. TChose eleicted and05the ittioto F. J. Sc lee dle, PetPlacoe o beii Ctot-slce hOIi o r Tof rsues foreasil-ftre'as Colosws: for lt icfo isiig~ii soiltsi J . '. Bennf ttiol8I, f 1 57; 1H. -. 20 S. STATE STREET ttu, for the ensui145:ea. br'oug'ht-outSells a Solild olo Fountain Pen at .Si,0l "'' e ilstbseo. W i ii xci-illtl Bl ooks Bound 25 ccitt and ooward. Re -airing 1 1if': . It. Iflilo. hf) 42 U.. is- of M. Sceensand Professors 5!/ lbs. Lin- lost oC s-le presidoentothereooc st-o iin-00Parer for 10 cents. c 1cItes 550n 01ny tifC 11, ' mrn Ctiins fs , 2ff , isiolI. ,. Smaoslley, '0fib. Note looas 5 Icosts stnd spwoards. tols e ollicesis. 1, Comitohle liftey sild en iiioonig I'l~e irt bsinsstrasatedasdoar, nstil'- .f.B. 'Harrisoii, 157, afod siLowney's Chocolates. the r endliing oCfliihereportiss ofCthis B.;tvn 'i)f9 1)8, Cioi t ie law ist-un he too se otr eaosiurer. Triiptoteb (dophi fts lot, andolIf. S. Freunld by ac- H tLnhs o. . issl'(Cf $27.9b8 inthfle treasury. slcn n.aed ~ otecntttion I' E MS49 v.. State St. ''Ile siiiesiioss oCf llppio me n lt loC 1i fi rlostus e deartme ntistproviditol o r C e i illiiltiiC il i i RetA!tona Upstairs. t hedfernleilisoetosi s o nwrre_ edcin ifoent icame tlupsandtitts deidsedol - il ssc iee t bttb.iiCi sss ises 11w11' -t - -- igiees 'es fs thieo sssocillfiooasothle beg-it- Otri eehreaftet tio. ltws ro atiheisimeisess. isis.' iCthe veyer s o ted. 1)11for U of Mb. buttons 'ifieec'tilo foCsices Collaswed. J.bNI2tT all p'stternso, will be 50 Cents. SALESROOM Do P.Elit 1e1 s-as rec-electedl piesi- Ori iccounlt oPflohe EasteriVI S i n x; WM ARNOLDLEA0NG JEWELER. li Ave. (eb .llosoloiol o.vl-'bo -'s- inthe V0 sftiy floe MiofigaD Catl Oen iiti t -C-weel'twso noosilsootions. sill'111l i t fo nts lirecoenitig cooii ('TT- of tip-to-date I .3e ift (. IL.Weight. 'f)8 CL. 0101d1C iles horn thelii'Seslses rounstrip 001U N IV E, R"I f:Yk' arts lt many .1.'li i.'r ill)4. T'la ttlie b ils ieli'cti'd ti-kois aitth111' sool reduio. DatO .A NC;q b aives- ofseiIiI sote'. II. tB. 1001t1'' 5 sal', 1 'isoid 27 of pil l imitd 0 l CI living pricecs. , reseoerding soeeltie f LH.I.1.Fein-tilose lr isp it solndIncluinfg Apeil1:57. Dli'stetrLaw Buiin g. SilOontil Mayy1itt l_____of_____anything_______________ anytwo clsss. otit, ofay ng lu-u'snrvwunruznn~nr inui rs nn rtr innri nnnniinrr 27 Thompson Street. LOBN atd BobS- ir flrinQ7 lTlrl 's Tust tioceived so Larosiand Elegantt bet ist'ls.,R.Ldesatios- Line f Qom'Pipes -Statu ,.b areesyllpft- CHrcoosi osd Iot and Cold hinchesnatall hoars. Agents dn cosspen i os'ue- ii'irecsoingst' for Ilsyl'o oasd bWiliams asdsolertcsses Co.' aotha$25.00lityansotle.gL'opIc Chocolie on1ons el 0S tt tSgrBok TT 11 RC . nd Haford A nt n 'eufell equenlannoy- IMsPORBTINIGTAILORIS. r<3tATR O rn now ready 4i - ri ,-ilk-iiT-kr r iffio r r-- u- T -i - iO - iiSSiiisis T - O spis s isesesc-sseo!ill 066@96 5)ho68J,,._T-.. r uuks VallsaCa ssSuit Cass icycles STSANDARD OF THE WORLD are maidefecltusively oh S per cent Nickoel StcelTuinsg, Ike entire pro- tflTO JILL Hlartford Bicycles are at prices within reach of everyone. $7~ 5,$60, $50. $65 deaerferom sowtfor ouer en RDFE VMFG. CO. Hlartford, Conn. t- GraetBioyole hFacory . in theWorld. Moroboe rAceofohiorSOpascr. Brach oseordralr inas evertry cloy and AVOID"OL' BEND " IF -- PRESSL1 YOLUR NECK .> FORWARD.i Trunkos uoodTolises ifepairedl Neatly 1001 Cheasply. No 57fS.blMainst. FULLER T&.H IXO A SIoish is Ps-iee. l's asisor tome tooeisill PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CENTS CLEANING AND REPAIRING. 22 S. OvrseCOIis B illiarsdtRoomo. Tlo anoy 100e0rsonierented iunihumaone mat- tesrwolvsanimlos,wellsehnsd freec noo l'nopttficotiot, it copy of thor "ALLI- NCEi." thse orgsanofthlis Society. In sdni- tiboott0 i intesel'y iterersting readingit contoins of tiele'ohiubleandsInsonasoprensi- soot r ives bythoe paper. Address THE NATIONAL HUMANE ALLIANCE, 410-411 United Charitireshlsildlntr, Nest Tork.