'VOL. VII. NO. 150. aANIN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, M O\ DAY, APRIL 12, 1897. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. -~ - SE lb TRPHY (t--sat Development- Richardson, WVV L LD 1 t1; Ijains, (;; Tryon, 2. Woo y A Ricardon '0 "Total numnber of psoints for each onbA.E. Rcarsn,9 i.n-.wtestantt-iihai-ison, 34; jains, 20;9 Reevdafl 12 fNvl it Ia , '97 M., Second. Meadlo S' Wilk-inson, 5; Tryon, i. a ties for Spring Seits 'ldcges; were Drs. Nanciede anl ItoL Tr be itlige andi Prof. Pai tteroon. and.±±~~am1O1 i'l(' tt auca Sente 'le Nwinters in the two previous con- i trtt aiithe W'tertitan tlytnnaoiuntnSat- tests wire F-linterinan anti Blooeng-g 1897 ~ iit!y night dlrew a,, large audience, stolt.P whith w's rwardd wih oe ofthe Bangs In S. L. A. Course. NO. 2 E. WAIGION ST. NIEAS A?111. i t xltiltion-t of gymnastics everc gnt 'a therte. "ive of the men eateced tJtit Kendirick Blangs will airch'S at t $ t 'toly coitttteti'l. titit the hauidoote nn to(day andt will be entertainedel .A 00QLVM B - - --tO"'slvr cuppiofftretd by the faculty woo while in tie city by the Psi L'psilon t thaSt will we ,r stountin is a '(otti t i;tibedtiot A. l). Richiarilson, 'JS L, fraternity. As itas been 'anuounceds oatne.ecan gieyou a'Si,tti-t,t iswratdto wer 2 o nh othst h nt isin-tghre istttand throe ace- btefto't,lt'e Students' Lecture Asstocia- I 'ombs attsi title oe osth'.oendsitbeosies being gralc irset in ph}tlien ttChitogs'tettitsly tdontedtheitt o-ts' comb sad finecombhs, g c ine. V and chlealt comtts. ; ic~tl doeveltyittiett. Ste. licitardsoot-titis of thte sinigle odmtision ticketsr --Z-- t'ott seco''ettti Il-tatst year. at which tothle Athletic Assoitiont. The lee' PAI.XER'S PHAINIACY. '' t'i hreceissd the largest nunber hitrer's pteculiatrehumitor is well tlus- 46 S. STATE ST. 9. MV~otion'' said the Dltchs oft Newcastle, "'is tho life tif all_ tings." We keep shoesot115- ig ,uneor the itmpu~lseofett irresistible prices, mand it is K/ 1 laslvl ee $& - ti { / " IS WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. SPIN PE[D 0 00 We have in stocks -x lit- 0 e ferent kinds of yioet. We 0 e think tiat "GarlandI ot 0 0 Violets" is the sweetest anti 0 0 cheapest, eve;; at $1.00O anti 1 0 ounce. Seine are 50 aind 75 0 0 cents an ounice. Lilac', 0 0 Lily of the Vtallev, Carnto- 0 0 ein, Crab Apple aind May- 0 0 bells, are all seasonable A 0 nowss and coot you 50c an a ounce. Come ii; and coin- 0 pare llama.0 --AT- WAHR'S B OO K STORE Just receivoeI another lot of that fino U. of M. Monoot'amn Papcr, thec popneltr sha~des Blne and White; alsoi a Now Stock of the Vttrions High Grade Corrosponidence Paiper. Visiting Cards Engraved, anti Plato Printing. JOHN KENDRICK BANGS. it' lt tintitinthe gyitinastic woesi, be- I lrateiitibythe fiolloting s-cry eliai- it- g, fatt only because of look of piitsiotil des'elopmnit. ttis victory is; is a iopular atn". In thitwresiling i'itoits J. P. tHttiu- tot;m, iniercollogia toe emipitin of Aii-nathtrewv It. t.. Gooidman, in 4 in. hi.t so-., anti 0. 11. tlans wst t ittoriot.s oitt-in ulants ini 3 lin. 12 sc. 'lThe it-trkof <:u-its s-cry cloe-er aidl -titltd fiti coitinona applause fromtheit tuttituct'. ft' Dt~eiis aittFreshmen, dhe 'ctter weret siietitis. Ni tlime ntis ar- tent-i'd. sumnalitry follosws: thence' tatilt-SVdkinsoit, 5; Rthiarid- san, 8; Mood, 1. Hteintf 6 ft. 6ini. tPiaalel Itts-lhiclclrdson, 5; ijants. 3;,RMeadi.1. tig-tiKioc-tRichiardson, 5; tjtsiis, t; Stead, 1. H-eight, 8 ft. 2 in. 'Germtain Horse -- IRieliardon, 3; atcirisiic letter: 453 N. Btroad iaiy, Youkers-on-Hndsou, April 1, i1899. Itisd t. Il-Onmons, Roil., lteat' Sir-The stibjeift of miy loecian tn th flt't1th tiilllie "fie Evoltion of the Hlumorist." It tractes the dev eloti- iwtt-ttof hiiuiort' ntuthle tiiooiisf froiii the tieriodilof Adamsclots-i to our owtn day. t hat-cut any facts to give yon for tress 'notices. If you need such tintgs for itress niottoos, twrite tup a fets' andilli-f iiiekinowy-alt thley tint' antid i it Sofar as iiy c-sn- scieice still jpermiit, Ist-ill livt- upti JOHt/N KltNDttttIl(TIAXNDS. } Websters vs. Alpha Nus. '( Tt' A lptit;Nii Society heltd its hOC- hot 9c-try Safurdaly night for the joint dilbate wsthe li\W-libstir Society -lad cose fur ifts irepreseta'ltivs' C. San- gir, 1J. (eismer anti Miss Nash. 'ho e bster Socetiy htst elected as its representatives MLesses. Albrighit, Ryan aid Kingsley. The debate will'bte ldt'May it0 in Alpha Nu Hull. 1 1 1 l t i t 1 1 1 7 Played a Tie Game. Because of fte bad codiion of the pounds the game betsween Micehigan in(i the Ieligibles scheeuled for last aturday, swas postisonedl till Wednes- ttiy of thilssteelk, anti a iiere practice -use stas played. Sos-en innings swere layeti antI the shuts-tg of the imeii tao strong, when the adverse cirum- tncostre considered. The tneligi- les scoredin l the first inning trogh 101011 ases by tiinitond and a wild trows to third by Lun. Aiother tore folloived ill the second -on ilts by J. Condoii and Lee. They again scotrd 'in the fifth on exusable er- Mlichigan did not score till te sixtti ining, svtei Ludlosv reached first on rfielder's choice, comning ome on a sfe tit into right field by Dean. I the "soschl, Siller aiit Wolff iiade tie circuit. tyling the score. Siller ittd Stean tdid the box stor for diciigaii andilshowedot uttin excellent fotm, the' fomler striking out fie mcii ittd the latter' one. Siller allotsed indy six safe its in six innings. SWat- kins pitched for the Ineligibeo ad diciigtin iwade but fie hits off his de- iery. A stinlilary follosss: M-ICHIGA. ARBI1 0 AI. "'olff, s. s----------. 2 1 1 4 1 1 P. Cndoi, lb--.....2 0 0 3 2 0 Dreisbe, lb- -.... 2 0 1 2 0 0 Butler, 2b----------..401 22 1 Ludatlow, r. f-....2 1 0 1 0 0) Dtani,1.- - --......20 1 1 0 0 S iufice ., 5 -L -3h (I0 1. ti 0 Luna1, c ........- 1 o i IG 1 1 'trtisrigtt, c f. .... 0 0 0 0 0 tiller, p- --.......2 1 0 1 2 0 theelotlu, p.... - .0 ii0 ( 0 0 I Totls- - -2.....2 3 35221 t INRLI xtBLES. AR It1tt0 A B linmiilot, e--... _2 1 0 10 4 0 W~atkins, p- -....2 0 1 1 3 0 . Condon, s. s.... 2 1 2 1 0 0 Shielids, t. f. -3 0 1 0 0 ( Duffy, r 1'. .........--2 1 1 0 0 0) lettee....---------2 t0 02 1 1 "Totatls-----------...22 th G 21 1321 Innings - 1... 2 3 4 5 6 7 liehigan-....0 0 0 0 0 1 32- Ieligible-....2' 0 0 1 0 0-t Earned runis-oAihigan , Ineligi- bes 2. Dlit base on balls-Off M11- or 4. off Sheehan 2. off WTatkins 5. Struck out-By Stfiller 5, by Shehai , by Watkins T. Tine-1:50. Umipre -Hogg. The election of the Daily Board for 897-8 will be held Wednesday in Room C, Old Chapel, at 4:15 p. m. Every paid-up subscriber is entitled to vote. J. F. THOMAS, Managing Editor. WAHR'SEOOK ORT' jaino, 3;Tryon, I. ~ tip Tows Dows Towts son, 3;t Tryon, 1. 2t S. State at Oppositer Court liotrue - Ass Arbor tlain 't. I Tum-bing-Ijatis, 5; Richtardison, 3.