THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Putilshed Daily (Sundays excepted)l during the College year, at i HE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OrFIE:t' Timees building, 79 S. Mate St. be- tween Ltberty and William Sts. N91. GING EITOR J. F. THOoMASo,07. AtoST 31ANA('tNto EDITOR library may be, mentioned as an im- portalot fe-_ture. It inluedes mearly tll lteworks t11111 bave beett prblish- ed oil dentistry 'in the Ettyllob late- gtuage, as well as tose tihat hiaeebe taatled fromte eltot langtuages. Nearly all the journtalistic literature ott. tilt sttlject is to le fottnd oniiIs sijelves. \Na other cr olleg', it ti 1 )1c1mi1rvItts such a library.,Itoughe --nI EOO effots are beitigiatdc to supptlly this it. B. StttoLM,on,'Is L. «wtibiy'sevecral itllituioilli. BIUSINESS 3IIAACER Antoher fetultre of this roieg' is it 0. IH.lions, '98 itiinu el, ewhich crttains'i 1,ttmir Iti- E. L. Getleico, '18 L. 11. H. Conwmw,'99. s eil.i fr11Sttl e cii F. MI. Loocoto, '98. BUTton LAMBi, 'to. ltci'tt1 o hititii'e letg I. A. CAttrnErLo, 'II ltn ctti ibtfotutttattywhiere eti;e. ASSOCIATE EDITORSO iii lte itatieial tllittllts, Itiereq IV. W. Roglees, 'O. 5. N. Intit, 9, lptrtti i1frelil P. A. Forilt, '95 F. A. itt. Omih'7 41, tpeorootuiisfrclnel W., P. Morrill, '18. G. D. Itodnatt, '0. ( , tkIndtitt eit-t'ttt. Titert is a1 iostl rC'.iLrtull,' s a99111Mt. The subscription Slice olthte 1Datly i .0 t tar te college yer, twit a regnlar deltvery -rttiolltiIt,.n tttltiitltii betore 1100n1etath day. Noticet,'otmmunicet tiones, and other mtatter intended her publitct- Ill" ttlt'lts oft 111110' td' ftiiiic,'so Littn must be hattded in at the tDatly office be- fie8op. m.,ar mailed tot he editor beore 3U.1 '1l11ae111119aultose. pin., of thte day previoas to tat on tthicht~ ~lsi 11 ' 1119111tlt t thev ore expected to appear. ,"Ci- ll detital surerr Snlecriptiottt may be left at The Daily Office, Meyer's or Stollet's Newstttnd, or with Busintess Canagtr. Soltribert will ette- AmnthColgs fer a fastorIby reportittg promptly at this AogCt olgs offe" ottie tailreeof catriersa to deiver poate.---- [______'ttlll llI lteitclof tthle 19 'estly T het Soi t 111''Ttophtisit111' 1111ite'?- ,c1 t'ilittrit. '11119 ly 11t' ttri' ti i tt i ll thal it ' 11111 ' t oI l i ltt 199 e tit'. "1,11 ('1:11 's'1 1,111111re ,ordered t I'l for Wich te sente doate i, iti"cis' a wwyHw anttr THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT T_ Ur OF- z I, ___ JohnKeaadrickrBargs ------------------------ ---- April 13 GENERAL AD5ItStItSN'TIC I'E'T5 1.0011 REI5EREI'91 SEATl' I R1('it 19 1w.I2-l Slt tl.O9 AD-XI Si0ioN .0 $100 $1.00 $1,00 $100 $1.00 $1.0 A Tr'emendous lash ! ! 1a3 $1.0 The U0 of NIt. Daily at yortrot ceety"o dily Corteerotsatof te college yca tlclllro it comcen etttttttecl,r ONE DOLLAR. $10 $1.00 Send ca-it ar*1'tacid ssto $1.0 $1.00 ( i IN-,011,10Iil0 00 $1.00 81 GO O1,0000M 1.00 (1191' 919'It 1ttito 'illi''bie; ttfol:tisitill-j cit'ttlsed tl lie el t ill 111'tIscrowtt heli 37yni11a111111 toigIil. Every ittatn 991o 11111oibt95lyIttatten 1101111ldib" pry"'t'tl. College of Dentistry. Tisit departmet't1of lie Uietrsity 11109 1w991119-stir 9 art tdod, 1s able to log ftc itself, Nt'vertless, it 111119I Its 1grow9thu 1ea11nevericbeeni 11i11101- Latl. It began 9t'1119 1111ne9119111 070 w~ithseeneientitsit'ials, atoil ittegrat- numlibe'rs 1911. Ntc-er hl l Itt,'e ct' ittt stt great 1111 lutease .«t an7119'oitl(,ttme, lering eeh9151' Ire ea tsily eteod fttr, and thinil'rtese ttf factielcs 99ill eas'- d1'tieuand. 1'iuie'i'such circumtantces, it is itolt dfiltto 'is ttithie reqirie- neents. The college 99s1aalfirsC regtecdtby 1man10a's5aiii xittrimieitt, bteut tibty it 1.11 patsced that s11ag0 antd itcecitaiioly to fixedlastintty tdepartmientlof the Unic'ersty. So 'far as olability tand efficenetcy are concernied, it stands etqual with atiy simiilar institutionie this countrly. Of thie facilities afforded the stet- tb-ails in thistdepartmetnt, thit special itmarekaleetutrt' tf ('haderit-k's lett kI111 99'otntl'f th l ieliti ttf lt'g4. Itis Ale ' (1.~ ltss w: i> itAl=21.-IMYd ltt-, ,pril'toot-es -1 .1 tloda9' ecifn- -ilty'1lt, a211i'tlyarty' ceiii~lke telace, t wch;l ettlltririee'tilbt' c-aredc 759 cetI'15 s. tttrdayt' t9't'till ttfter 51119 it, ewill be tdeovoltt tedoatrlo i ftor 9910 ood dacers t'el-Ie'et9,iOllilsIper cittle. Itils of ei li t r ctin Couptlet 1l'tii'ND-A citheel. 0Oc-ter can htave tatitttby -1109'ite atdvertisitig ell:t(nttt a Wtin. 0.,itarrison, t. l0 S. Sutlte 01. Babylotn Coat is THE BEST. Alt erodes ofh iard otedsoftfICoal.-. Comet Coal attd Cole. X. STAE BLER, Telephone No. S. One door East of Ameri- can house. Bicycle Repairing! tIe ait blanches neatliy attttiolttoptty done. Pit-ea reasonale.Sendrtes at rock-bottom prices, m W, y p " .Wn J.eWenger, 8 .FOURTH AVE. - ANN ARBOR.' 0' 01l.OIARTIN, Funeral Director, C -, 1,7. and Metalltc Cashets and Fine Crude Collins, Embalming a Specialty. No. 17 5 Fourth ave.! 5, E T R T Tile 817 BEN-IIUE BICYCLES embody mole teew anti genuie i mltdn :