THE UNIVERSITY OF MCHIGAN DAILY. Are You Getting Them? Paying the Price Don't Always Get 'Em. We sell better clotbes than ever before and confine ourselves to three of the v-ery best makes; viz: Ham- niersiough Bros.' and The Sein Block Co.'s which bear the labels of the makers, anid Michaels, Stern& Co.'s Clothing which sp~cially made for us and bear our name-Linden- schmitt Apfel. All theseosnakes bear their respective labels under the coat collar which is a positive gunarantee that they are absolutely correct and first class in every respect. When a merchanit tells you he sells fiaminersiougli Bros.' or the Stein Block Co. s Clothing and can't show the label don't believe a word of it. Be Careful. Li)NC~II' &AFL 37 South Main Street. Crandc1.Opera. Mouse ONE INIGhT ONLY. Slash in Prices, ; Friday, April 9 t $1.7GSijrts _ - r-ewSlo': Arr I iigContinally, ecoa qiii'ciliy Charles B. F ~n- 4TI 1, fil) - -- -- - - - --1 r :-RP I ford, lii-,ciitina Richard 111. Prices, - $1.00, 75c and 5Oc pAT 1 HE (IIAND O PRA 110USE. -athleticAsociation ic a- i . t I a <, . i 2 i :2.7t a , - i:. i. . a =R.,. I I . s ' 1 ! . - 4 11Mi5 I -o __1 7 CA I l.F 91 7;;4a. ta:. i i:0a ill: G2211: H. "Oily whae Icani lily.'-o youplay?" 0c1a0 ililiilc." INo Home is Really Complete Without a new 1891 Model oll 7L 112 iel _ _r Ban o Br Zither. tt'el- 1."A:1ilil O ft 111 sw ta-iaiDL i t~ f . P- btie(a'o ,Eliilili,0 2-t(c1 iliii hal l liii-1}t' . orce phve bee cale iio aisutof e ili iix1 - 111 -ii '' ) 11LC13t12 i l iii til--- a~ilt)1 li-fi alib i :iiiiali - tl ~ ~ Waliun' normou poopnirt ortad -vyu a ii"{'inle iii11 -''i u-i' 111 111 la -I-ii 11.i, ~ i~4 i Tice iew Washari n iii andiiolin isa oradicallopariiiio -E fomrii milliOerlyles. 01It io ecnweso a intfistand .ilI 1 t D>1;ifil'l:111x E lix iifi l viloil:>(forl.-, I clwi- llihtst a ndoiiiiiliiminabioiile, andlitsatiiicappocheso-i ie wor1l. Thoe y har sd excluively by tif'leadiing . Artisais, TeacheisianiiileelCliibs.O re Vs- 1l1eeiro ie( ot1 n ij'11 )1i A . 0101 N ii Sa- . 1 lAIIA If . -nse .~z as sentfreon cipt ofiiiippliaionl. Ifoulocalidealer '_lMEI 1 .i1LE. Th I ES L A Washburn improveos withsoe and makes a il- ia 11 al iir-i uil4a 1211, iiilli 010 i siatiocro e 00 aalue as the yearn go by. g11 1 '11 is noI oli ly 1 1'1 ii 111:0' i lli, 11 :001. '20.21.?:101 and 11:01 1 11ii., i woirth l may tusi tscot 1 f Ditll bnll t 0 1 1, 1'1:111 2:20, 3:4i0,a 0f)0 1201, 7:50, 1: 1 f - CO 3. W 1 if Si AV . A 3Al IS ST. C CCel. 11 -t1 0 I011111 111111 tt)'oit, i 10.1).ill. ' °°3.131,'1111;'..;21 wh mu oior11 7:11. 01 0, 111ti':20osI t Alin10 a 21 21 . U rw rI 1 t 1 ~- liiiii 11 i 1 1:11:1 :111. 4:20m21111 :10.s,1:1 .PPLT S I I 11 i fa 11110L 1y :1,510111 12 f:irr, 11 i ~l1 111 i x luial: i rn O . t >;CairaAiiui ;r:I0 at:10. :00 lail i i . I - - P X 1 i ii 7; 1 lt t t 1 ; ( 1 n l : 2 2 ), Et 1 1 1 1 0 il . 1 1 1 0 : 2 1 1 i it. iiEi . , . e-.lx 1 v n'eeli,1 lollil i -_____e Si'__ _ ____ -< ioa i, -i-a - 1'X l 1 1 n. It:iAy lp1 -12,11 io Ttllrs pihNTl Iat :2 n181.s Talri '. ; iiNu-11 1,a na Ii i 1 liiio h-lid110in m. fac 12:10,ia- i,ioi: of Diii,5-:59 A.SG.J PALI a 5, 1r z~ ci. S,-1in Bo 21th -4Ind -H at- 121111:W,1111 anliaf_0 o-a.oIf $711i Le~ io12;1.i.f ,1+ llcilila il lN o 110 l,) (} -1, a'.'- - Alt21t1 .1ii' (ox o il 12 -i T il l-k 2:'i0~ , s iii 111 n o 2aj$ a 6id x -:'t y St. 1-i-f- i l. s' f? i'. .i't:I : .f i 'w1"YAlir, oli.~a-io b li~ A ^2t1 10 2 0nd fiicyoa Ti, fo aan, Firenhr / TCc I- ,or if- Touad, y Foodofal (' ii i -of elanb yFrdrc (3 C - TheIe 1,1111of1the Laaiioitaa, byGclibert All floe ew Books 20 to 21 The "lwk Watchi"ithell R-owriiof11n01l1- 101-10 f-iani, iiy Ac - ld Roy,., Thy HGod-ideaofithiiiAori-fnl -2orySx ini )3C,111,ioll, ytE~ia 11011 Gambleo. "liamou," a1 Eomanoio, by N,lliOrred. A Hoop Wa01012.0 Z e, by ola -: -veStevea- Thy Comoing f01Clo,,,by Tboheouches. "Eater Bells,"iiy Mar_;arot F. lap-losr. .Farhest Northi, Ly lieiljf N aaia. ;5 per cent off Publishlers' Prices. \~AN ARBOR, o 30 S. State St. 140 ooward .Ave.