1'T:Ij NIV ERSITY OF' MlCIE~A N DAILY. Jos. W. Kollauf, 'TAILOR, D Latest Novelties in Gents Suitings. 10 E. Weshington St. - Up Stairs. PHOTOG RPEI -- -pscialates 1o Se;.ors C 'WHY ]DON'T-YOU TRY ThelInland Press A box of that delicious Peanut Brittle at DOES WORK WITH BROW 'S RU ST RNeatness and Dispatch Half pound~s and hounds, 10 and 20 cents. A few boxes4 of (riv- em al Velvet Molasses Candy, one-half pound 10 cents. GOP, HURON SIem,ANDa call. AVE. HA Sare ready. Goodspeed's 15 S. Blain St. Berryman's B. Huron Streelt-I Bicycle Enameling-!I 21 Pits-bueg stogies foe---.----.-2 Plain or Mol~rbelized. Any color or If1 La Prinecess sogie: foe-_ style. All wouch guaranteed. (51 First Natioeal storis for-----25i A. )A ~r r0N sYs-at sSioies-- - A.1ANT ON. UlfoesooCigars foe__--"_---25 6 Staise t or------_-e--------: 'With Tacke3er 3 Co., 18KN. Fourth avie 0srecodiBreakers cc--------------23 e~er - 3 Bruswsick Cigasfor- A OS RIn R 44Soath 1Mainz Street. ceats 5 ents cents cents y 00K 9 6 PreodiooCigas foe---- 5 La Dlies osei;s foe ----- 4 HarryClayscfor-------- 4cOwlioquets fee-------- 3tRoyalBaneres foe------- ----------------------22 cents 2a cents 25 ceets ._<5 ceots -25 seats .23 cents .25 cens ~E.ANfi&. OMIPANY. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock, $505,000. Surplus, $1ia,000. Resources, $i,10,000. Organized under the Geneeal Bianking Laws of this State. Receives deposits, bays ad oells exchage oa the peiacipal cities af the Ceited Ststes. Drafts cashed upon proper Idetification. Sofety deposit hoses to rent. OrFICERS: ChristiaRash Fees.; W. D. Harrimae, Vice-Fees.; Chat E. Hiscock, Cashier: M. J..Fritz AssistatoeCashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANKof Ac edAr8o3 tlopital, &100,000. Surplussad Profits, $40,000^. Teransacts a general banhingbasiness. f~oreif:, exchange tosoght and sold. Fareish ltters of crecdit. R. 1. RINNE, tees. tiARRiISON SOULE, VGiee es. S. . C1ARKSON, Cashier. cJtr8M'Offhuirs Mang Co. MainandosiluraStreects. Capitai $50,000. Sueplus $30,000. Trasact fenalhbakingbusiaess. R. Reee.Fe Pes. C. E. GREENE, Vice Pes iFaE. 1,BESERsiiCastier FJ.Schleede, 20 S. STATS STREET Sells o Solid Cold Ftolala Pea at SIOS3 Blooks Dosed 25 centsoed upwsard. C. ofSi. Sceesafdireof5eobs ;;V Its. Lin- ea Pauer for50 cents. Note iBooks 5lesl ad gpwards. Loweney's Chocolates. H-ot Lunches. TUTTLES' y 48 S. Statte St. A (2Senior Memor ial. ItotIl l es i-tciniitheir wokntdoiwhlicl ICE O EAM SODA it wosld, lile over, hbio la tstlic- sg Stawbrria siderinc a iitilie5of iiiio coi dii 'r v mwil1111, u1 ills lm e. iiDdOi ilt =iiho Ohit« ano ce sos E and li, Cream i'r Ilellmecigo,,tbat the5-eeiliiclassssds~l 1t11 Ron 11onei. tHowever, his -omnioiicc - " , 1t tib l e isto 1e1101 at ac s iilli iii-sh -iiin l ssi F lishih ;-It ii iac~l,inothiing definite B B ci sl~~~~~1'eeing to Os held -ollioutater [i'l- litIh1(1-eIli lcsill tcl Itt-il otatitlingdtillillO thatll llitgon________ R ; 1111110-iti ii5tollly e l an h i ch thesus. Ills soiiueo iiiflliy eiiilo0- len 5 1111 suc -111 i- slell 1 - oIl s ucognied 1 i55500 i' .i . S1011i ot mieetsr w i liii y lst--a ois - -,--iil-lis Slalee tothateeornsoniadiBea itt asroomstsill-dthel Boot Easy Fi+tting-Shoes in all the iicIl-to 1 5 r inisresi iou. All nal t isiOl i1.'.5010i Late~ Sdlftihoiss. Flilas. Apriilt.Chisrles TB. Reduction1 Ists l i, u nli ole ttl illl ti Illord. n-l wsnot- foiosily miii _- ,u) ll Ie 1 5 115505I wlihi li l ie-cat.,1110 oothi andiii rti lt, 1lilly 1Ti isllpot t Otis prico hereafter loirtO i initheiseo lhtlS . ttlii 5 115 111 2iisittklJuOlia Matrlowls s so- - forU. of 11. bsttons for te slo1 ythev iipuiths s sr ili 5i0 toot s lIrSh. Keeneishset- on-ino11 aHllsatteriis, will be 50 Ceits. Rearn- ti-lui th-iiii-hii sil he (r:0tcapcihtyi iof heading hilaIl h andIl EA il.tilltgtc1.The otillportif sslii1l-hhltho is Ms.flA UL3 LE OJEWELER. gitliesi O oe 115 lhhihtlf ~h5.A a ohiss bug1t1i(h etltihit olgalzif~oiih Gilla i to hleil sl-t st P by sril ofthi i. Rieille seofi-010sthile test kilel x V2oIY HO 3hia soit s t lhatit 1 l f Sholt-c s 111 s iill oc tots tio hill-u'founills h~ uathi taDli jill I olarsl hil tfuruioh, t i hi t5X12.(1 ouitoilllliiisscesildi h lies F DAN INGF hI ih.1tit Oy h u s i (l--i1 sit i t >j iso th sihlpr hisisS tl ie hh yllh5 sit ite ailLawy Buling. $3.0hatil Moy let :::: I! I(,tlli~cl~lal i to ~iiip )ile ont ,'VVE1 I 1o "ood aallyt to 0classes.fC~e, o i ts u sI11501si s SItLitosgolSi '-ta 27 Th mpon Street. ('s1 1e 50001) 5 C(it115-0by o ot-e o osi i - 15sh;s, c~ grahhssy liltl-rred Willpoils Vi til tit l lto tt 'ilohi-NN-ilil bto f i t ' )"(1111i111111. Adtdres Box l :Cityh. M 413 S. Main t5 Upsta irs. . __________________ Jest Isecslved a Largsead Eurora 0 M10 fit appointmenlt~l oip ! lash-sI , /f T ~ c U. esioc o A ,,dd tt hiphitthhar.1 lies'oboist..,Ht andro d Lunchs l l tll .rs gea.ts ,sihariii-l i aritdhi thin . lii Irls - upfoor llyler's aod OWiliams aid iishliehO too' laist. 00.u . Is wha~ tlay be hotN-15-sahd oI l nisiiswho sear o ihslwadsChsocolat oll ls.~h °-_:_ ----"sei --,cts. "Whell Shuitesh iii price ansiq joahIilty rut ork. Call R .J I Y~ O 11 B I"tnde.,the piin ockiiof latest dsicll s.20 SSet.lSagsouer Block. /STATE S-sttifTE, ANNARSBOR, MIuCH. is;"ahxi'raicol-.al . n~50= ooo ~io Ps otGs .s7 ' _ cc k sy 'rl =+ h ily) . 5 .M i t AiasohoiS 0'iSesa. Forashoort tilewe ioallt CLEANING AND REPAIRING. or1 ?S. taet .. OCt- se y's Bliard tRoom. TanpesoinlteesedluInhumanemst- I m e 1 ters,0 oriwioliveanimalstwetwillhenldcfee, u5101im ~llicatioa, a siipy of thoeALS -o I-ANCE"theorlbsan aaof t~his Society. In adeii- i tiulloit1 s intenrely iuterestiag readiag, it I - sco CtaretofStir valuable -adIunusuai premi- ass tin:>y 5110papee. Address VAA E CO,9 AGENTS THE NATIONAL HUMANE ALLIANCE, 21 S. MAIN ST. C""4 - "' ""°- .o 0s Z5i-.,jf 0 4i0-410 Uaited Charities Sahidilis Ness York.