THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ihe considers carefully w eiat tb~ e ®t ~ *~~suits of suclh action may boe. Athletic Notes: Pa limbed Daily (Suntdays excepted) during____ the Coutingeyear, at , The baseball practice ihas'been liioit- THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, edi to batting so far hilt week because OrrwtF. Timex huiling, to S. Main St. te- of the cold weather. A, laige number txe ieryadWlla t. of candidates bave been out and there 01 INAGING EDITORt J. F. THOMAS, been a noticeable Iniproveilent in AzS'T OtANAOPEL. EDITOR ti(wok F. S. Sesox,'90. ATHLETIC EDITOR. Although no .action has been takenx ii.B. anroa, 00 ,. on the adopotioni of thle baxeball1 BUISINESS MANAGOER schedule by the tboald of cointrol, the 0. Il. lIArS, 'O. EItTOttS irst ganie xiii be played at tih' Alhl- E. L. GttISEn, 'O8 L. 13. B. CORWIx, '99. le Field Saturdaiy. The 'A'ao'oiry to 111 F. Al. Loomis, '00. BUn aLANx, 'Oh. have -ax opploneicts a teani niade op of 0. A. CAMPBELL, 'tO. ASSCIAEEETOIS ineligibles, a010a0gooud gaimeenciylie WO. W. Bathes, 'O. 0. . Smith, 'Ot. looked for. 'fhe line-uii will alpl1"Or iii F. A. Fucik, '00 E. A. A. Smith, 'Of. W. P. Morrill, '00. ft. D. Hudntt, '00. olilerrotv'O isoue. ft. Lxii, jr., 009IM. I THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT John Kendrick Darg----- _April 13 GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS $1.00 BFSERO'I) SlATT 'I('Ei1 T"O 1.05 SINGLE 1:ADMS ION .5n $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 8100 81.00 81,0 A Tremendous Slash! !!! $10 $1.00 The U. of I. Daily at year room every I$10 day 'or the res t fIhe colle.te ycar (hrough $1.00 eemmenceent soother ONE DOLLAR. $10 enodclj and oodd'e.sto l / $10O. HI. HAMS, Biisinesso Manager., $10 $1.00 1 O0 1.00 MOO00 $1.00 The suhbs'ription price of the Doily is 02.500 for tile college year, with a regalar delivery hefore near each day. Notices, communica- tions, and other matter intended for pubhica- lion must behiaaded in at the Daily officehbe- forn 8 p. in., or mailed to the editor before 3 p. in., of the day previous to that as which they ace expected to appear. Suhscriptions may he left at The Daily Office, hlleyer'x or Stoflets Newtand, or with Business Manager. Saherihers will con- fer a favor by reporting pronmptly at this office anv failure of carriers to deriver paper. The annual ineeting of ithe 11. of -I. Daily InldeplenxdentlAssociation ANiiii be1 Ielt iat 4:15 p. Iin lio110mC, en Wed.- niesday, April 1th, A freshmnii anouti1s1 tobe 1 ld, o Fiday iight, .1nd11in view of tile fact unit iii past years these tbaniquts h ave becen made tilhecaifoforiiitnslxhii tion of a spirit of violenice whitch is not einly 0o1t ef lac at the Uive'rsity , but even injorious too ltsiterests, a thioutifnl cotisideratiotn of ithe sub- ject ilay toe timeoly. W1ile te'J)aIye 'reard 110 ru1110s0of Troule, aii 'y words ini rsgartd to the nmatterc nay not be out of platec. Juta hstm hnfrsabeing made to secuell it favora,-tle tratmlent of flhe interests of thit: I'll' versity at tile hbnd-,losf the sta te Icy- isafure, any suchlitroublle' 00 occurredl hst year, while it inay not be soo-.vry oerious ill itself. should loe avoitied. It is botond to toe reported ill a vary exaggerated nraliner. The "riot" wt!~ be tdilaftedon oiantd a ssatil sta1te- T'ile 1 lii 'ityO'of Illinois basel~colb 100011m was aginldefeated bt otctkfo'rd ''ole'dooy by 'ascare of 14 to Ii. 'Theo'traoc teallimoloniage llleot his severol ul al beefs ill contempllation', outside ef til e 100111theUieO)rsrity ot Chicago. Annlononeeeo'nts w:tlibe madlte lalter. Tile athletic ies0 'stiat; last nighlt decided 10 allow professioni- als to play on class teams. A_ comitt- to'e conIsistinlg of L. 1..itl, 1G. B. ir-c risonl anidl I. I. wtO tilxilli 01100 ajlt 01=t- i'd to Otki eharge' of tli e sitex cui0 Cours1,1.first semester, wii li e > - amnled on hetlowhiole'c0ur1s1, far 're- 1001'al of on oditions, in1 1001102.1, t'ii- versify Itohi, ( ion rothoy thio'15thi 1110. troll S too 10la. il. All who ole- sire to tako' thio'ex'olinatioli at tils tim 1 are ret' quesocted to send iio their nanmes at oncee to Prof. Wenley. 315 E. Mladison s-t. iR. 10. WIFNLEAY. grangers Acadenoy 0sinot a poublic 11011. We reserve tihe righot to refnse thec admnissions of any one we thlink best. Ross Grainger, "ofpoce, rc'sidscc anld leadenlyft Maynard st. Private leesoons in dancing at 110o1rs not other-' wise enigaged. 1-ft Don't delay your photo oittings. Sit early--aav0oslidlte rus~h "_f Coil- lrenecenlenl. Senior rates fo all oen- ions of '97. Riandall's Photo Studio, Wasliingiota Block. mont imade abono ,it. The effect of P OUND-A wiheld 1rcnbt sanel by paying advertiniig expensl'0. sotch repoortsouo the minds of tile lollo Wnl B. Htarioon, N. 10 S. State at. beeso of the legislaturo' and tite geulla putblic 'who are rotfconversanwithot floe rc'rt focls inithe case, 15s ore.Is react ill 0 mpirlit of iHostilty to the t'ii- v'l'rsly and ils interests. Those itho lhavme Itie 10010(11,,t in choarge lhav'eiadie arl'allgolneoato 1 prevent 011my'distnrbancoelollingiplace. The University authtiorities hite ho. tilIualedth iat offenidero will 'be severely dealt with. It is to be hoped that there will be no occasionl for 10111' Diary action on the part of the author- itiles. No stnident osiould take part in any act of violence. Nor do we believe that anyone will robe: a diturbance Babylon Coal is TIlE BEST. All grades of lard and ref t Coal. , Camel Coal anld Cutec. Ml . ST .AEBLER, Telephone No. S. Onor door East of Ameri- can Ilosse. Bicycle Repairing! In all branches neatly and peow'ptly done. Pricer reasonable. Sundries at rockb 'ottoml prices. Wi. 3. Wenger, 8 N. FOURTH AVE. - ANN ARBOR. " MI. IMARTtN, OFunersl tDirectur, Cout .J. and Metallic Cansketusand Fine Grade Cnflins. Embalming a Specislty. Ne. 171 Fourth ave. Til3,BETTER ETHR fie1117 BEN-HUE BICYCLES embody more new and genuine improeecoo leo constrnction than any ether bicycles note before tlhe pubtic. Ntever before havo, ouch excellent values been offered for the money. Our netw line, consisting of eightl sooierb modelu at $60, $75 and $125 for single machines, and $100foe tandems, wtlhI tine various option offered, is nuch that the mont exacting purchaser can be entirely suited. CENTRAL CYCLE MFG. CO-3 '2 GARDEN STREET. INDIANAPOLIS, H1 i'D OUR FINE POUTER CATALOGUE MAILED FOR TWO 2-CENT STAMP3 A POSITION , , Can beorsecuredl~ie 3tl d, 11oh.010t y oeCc t~.tio lloibiringeood retulrnoto sOudint ot his oort:ri, 1)10.Cvocationl. Welihe Om ts entatives on cur Athac6., 2.005a1111 l~e tosititocn. ALL ABOUT THE BABY , , , , , , , ihy 0o0'et N. 70011c-r, M1 ;0 , of Chilcagoc Moedicol Coleefoot tssed, is the hooch for edI loot Olorio-,Coitonucotrd cire s~ars send on opplication. SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES tWeooiwant oew srei oh '(110c'ti'as inthe)' i lore. l'ortis'position expooecei l lOt 00n10i l0.ui0wroitcuso<.ton01.0stiltingepast vexenrience. R{AND1, iVNALLY & C0., Chicago.. eteml.., 4U en,. t ' racnd Cataguearee