c t1 APWIF ip VOL. VII. No. 147. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDSAY, APRIL 8, 1897. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. I I.. COMEN~MEI WVV IL D N vel-Pres. A. S. IDraper, of Illinois, Received a full line of aste, fr S in Snitel. Has Been Secured. and. Trouserings It l;been. announced that theliiiUi- vetrsty has secured Andrew Sloan 18 0 7Vapes,,L. p.,iresidlent of the U'ni- -estity of Ilinoj, to deliver' the rain G0. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAINns'cccss'ut oration 'before the brad- hatinig cia-ses upo-n July 1st. Dr. tisaper is . graduaiste of itie law tie- A C M -__ -. artteent of tUnions Ti iersity and for $ that swill wearsixottmonthsisascotl -everil years tpstctied ilasw itt Attany, use. iWeagveyo asCobtthat to warranted to swear 1 sosntths N. 1Y. Itt ISStilie wsaelected sper- ordinary usage. We've got bitg eombs snd littletobshorese itliteiset of stblaic instrsictioss in New # coms andtfieecomst, good coms snd csheassomso. York,.asditnsi18'92 ilie beealse sitterist- - - - i. tseiis'ttofshoioils int('Ceeland, Ohio. PALDUER' PHA11KACY. Fsse:vs ciall--sto lulsUniversity of 0 46 S. STATE ST. 0Illisisa as pridbent it 18J4. The tie. ' t ree of LL. 0. seaseontfserred upiont 10ins its 1890 bsy Colgsate Univ'ersiit-. PIts' is isvs'ry warsm friensd of Pr'eside'nt Befuseyott select that paic of Shoes for Spring, suppose yost in- i-ll uidt ed sei5Otis of the judges sectour offeritigs XWe helieve in tseuse 'it eratoriesal costest. in securing only the Latest Styles of _________ goods each season andi early esnoughis to permsit of careful inspection anti1 Senior Swing-Out. decision before actual neesd is here. our tin.' of Spring Shoes asid Oxfortis in thae new shade of Bottle (Greenit Phe- ,11s11si salt andstgo-sits swiig osit and Chocolate is stow in stick. Theitos io tr c sns iwill oselse this atter- prettiest effects in footwear you ever sawv. nonat: vespsers..Alt senioiros ainig r~pandtes-ownsare lurgetly -retisiest- 'Ji idts isseet iisass 5'Csit 0 p. us. sharp. IT isstopedsthassrill tillturin sit in 1WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. ____________________________________ rder tsto stiks esisti ansissii as S0 P 10gP [hUeS I iso t; a sss tfo r . c es- t - a w ill b its' s 0 IAti tDtiItN INISLISII (It). " 'lasses. 181 . relutle--Alle-rel Is 0 We have its stock, six tilt- .1ais.Amlfcti .Goi °d ferenst kinids of violet. We 0 l~so5 hasiia t " iois s thsink that "Garlsad of ('f~~tltiasi) 0 Violets"' is tse sweetest and 1 tae-y. (81t-15S')}. Ihia"Isis1 al a a cheapest. evens at $1.00 ass 0 rr 0 ounsce. Souse are 10 and 75 v cessts ass ouncse. Lilac, ® fl unti sis.Diiisti its h'. ® Lily of te Valley, Carisa- 0 Ssliis'ass.Sessteince-"I ;icard the o tioss, Crab Apple andt May- h- it iasts say." ++ bells, are all seasonablie 0 ili.(52-) Psud-'ta stow ottd cost yost 50e assll isn 117. 'slttn sis ouncee. Come its ottd coin- cM1aids. parc thesis. iistiA IhtsslAM. 0ieszntit It Slti'1i175). itas'rti'll 0 0 fcst oniIoths liiansotCtnceto. o GLKIT° a°:-PHARMiAIY. o 00tlint. Aistaticon nto. e lilssh9'sss'st'. (I1S2187. Atiio ge o t' saajtsr Soaa. --AT-- Asi Ibrit fromin"hteili.' iSma,-. Assdinst in iiA. lestis's Igreat adsvantage of that hotly. The onie year direetors are to be Professor Spaulding a.3ad Dr. Moshser. Sonate Cup Contest. The anstual contest for liso senate 'sit, offered fsr .all-around atilalic s-xj cellenee, still be hseld its the g5'isna- s-test Ssstsrdsiy ev-essilg it S o'ctoek. Sevessitsve esnteredintliio tse contsti, ss'hiecs prassises to lie one of the msost intlerestiingev-er heist. The list of the cestas wsill be ipublishsed intsotmorn- rotws's Dsaily. Its addiitioss to the sigu- lsar constest for tile essi the fissats ini its' ri'~ rs~'iases, left ov-es- frost the sindoor mieetsswill he russioff belts-enu '98,'Oct ansditile sdents. There ssill also be s's-ratlisatcet swresliinghoists, itswih-isthe issn still its is welcl issatetiandsiot ns-u-e11l' etqual w5eightas s tstse. Tickes-tacats be hsad to the i-sutest upionsappilicasi ots at tlsc Stewsard's of- ficc or at I(he gysnsasisims of Ds-. l'isa ot-aid. The~re wsill be iso charsge fat' theat' ticksets, hist tilt stssiber ssittii tc lisiteti to the scatisig caplacity-, o-Filt siill bte s' sue asst thse sisittar lu t. The Michiganerslan. 'The firat numssber of the nstws'cats- ttb t ined istisitl, lt"e lticigssssnsiau, ssill be' plsacs'dositsale about Msay lot. 'Vito shtapte of thse basalkssill be tquite' sif- feest fro thatsiof lit'eCastslians, buts its sitter typtographtlical respsectass'ill tse Campus Improvements. A Daily reporter interviesed Sispt. Rteesves yesterday afterstoon in regard t, imsprov'emsents to be msasde oiltile camus liandtiintshlst'buildings d'urinsg thse rcsisisig sesons. He said thsat noths- lug of imoportance could he settled tsp- eta utiltthe IBoardiof ilegeists inset. Tue isoartd will decide swhat ness salks art' to be isat in, whlat is to be -tone :ts regartd to thse lentisrosirts, st-lit at- teratiasost-ill be smatic in the busildisngs andstill ssetsitests of interest. As regasrds those tislig whiiichicorie uisterisiscottrol, Suptt. IReesves ,-itd lie liosasasly pit its50 trIs -aL.uthe stltic fieltd andt abasit the samse issist- tier at thse losjtils. As sotonsac lise casrptes catsbe osasredl froist the i o onsthtie W'iai's Gyms. hic i-lt itave ticy-cis'rascks usade isolihat esvery ttuilisg tnay-lits"'an *aseqitait' snumi- her. Its a.stuart tinsse tse fountain n-ar lit'e library Ni-it bt'stsrtedti o sunitig andti ttdetiastat'sujoy thoerfit1sit Ansas Ar'bsr city si-sl undes' the its- liser'ious lustitcasts-ss floail ptrivate iing. Ghainilii is ronsstntly taring static ou thuersamsps,it beinig Suptt. ters-es dsire to hfiishithat tat Iang Stale st. fsrst. 'The aneigluborhooti of thie g-yitusiultitisill be tile lust sat- t-esedIt. If is-c gut she tess electric liablting isiant, suittiri's siill ite slaidsutter grusi.itiu wichs itill takse the isets.lii- I Maiteislltse saute. It still betdiidedtlt'l-si'ills'he ssuperintendetnt of groauns iso difft're'nt 'deparstmsents 1anth still bsr it aasy fros th~ler si-ads asuideonso'suessl- lissi color.A sit-is'featuise stillite Is' lters'e ano tbe so tuumuhweisk sleslt use issleahtctiosu of scuts saf th is' flfer- oult Is' tampslsss tbas ' etstssi. us c-itt latruty an{th ossarl i itliust'swistilsd athleu-st-ls' hro asaesa. No ussw loi~ts of Iuthe sttses of lt'osdifferenut ltilci lteAsill It''erectesdIfor thssac- fesuti 'tuties alsd sororities till at instbit' r-tsito sislsaus ofat a ight ug- his sat gustslst' utuestl -ill as'sttttii the tbtis's' htuses sh'sal'listyhs a s-cost ilustin sf tshe stfferent bililisobu far turthi tlsass - sitI ts'ecsusuutsss, lust ofrths' siffesiut S111if. ireesoittaks u s ta essesti sc- cole;o ogaizaio".I~trol2 herip {lsitthliat ites' t itt'sts it-ill suet ruse ius'stusius'so1'thes' susatei:uEshsist", t'ealt- suer-sea ilsent' tsioof su 'tthe lptus thiit iatnalisill lists-clsthe ii'gsood tisinst asof ihaits' is cts i ciei tssi-iNuhOolti this' t':alhsuu sitttl ' lsutiittisianut wle , so losas tile)-Ais-ill catttsui toIttoitu.-s of lt-eit' fusta. Ihiass'skti-ill be' sitlittle' until. Enginering Society. Pluket tiroeeo. I. . 'e t;C'. -I. is ill :altelcso .Me. lh'ltuittttGrtesneus'e. s lslesus tte l-,iuitielins; Sotsly Sits' {lii, I lis-~ -. is to itt t estr onthis' Mtorali Apri'l 11)111. 15in hhstatti oiitt, etsgisus' lg i tlist easliettaiirAss'eveninhsg, us bltiibtsg, 1lilt ilb'l 'te sus )es''st t ssrno tstimii hut tsstrtluhots' oftlis ttt -Lsac'kusis' vBase Lute."'PTho stil- cotsuntry-eits hulsis'ola siiterprter' ot is-rI isots wich t-Is M. Ixst't' luss been'ti os sumeltieis. Mit. th it's ue's his'uouus- rs'suuussteslto1stp1e51 ak sitltuccoiunt(if Is tutul siuccita intsissotaritIs's i-log the is' d luis otsrkshouts'last:t aititict'ilt thus Mtlitisit'Ilae, i its hls acte as-ss stit t'res-i'asonsaketisiuastna~is its inesisthue sassisuls. s-iri' ftamillsiasotheussutstshssica sbic. lie (alleg e Year-bootsand Atislic Hils 1reIstte'is xrsttise, t- I t-corsi far the 3-ear 189E0-97 is nsow ' utditug alt the sssadar oratorios stud lust. It cosntasis muthu.svaluable in- isuany of this ness'operas, German fotrmsations itsregartd to thse ssseroi- leiler, old Itlian ,airs, IFresnchssosngs, ties, stcademsies, asnd colleges of thus Hungariass nmelodies and nit strous T'ssited Slates, gisving their consplete Englishs Welsht, Scotchs andtl.Manx sat- ochoastir and athlietic rerords. lods. Juast roceise I asother lot of that fitte U. of M. Mostogr aus Ptspir, tha popuilar shsades Bltue aild White; also a Nosy Stock of the Varions Highs Gradoe Correspontlonce Paper. Visitisng Cards Engraived,. ansd Plate Printing. W.AHB,'SBOOK TOT.7 Up Town laownTown 205 .State it OpposfouatttoslHouse Attn Arbor Misn st. I S. C. A. Directort ThssSltst-sts' ('heist n suit tatlut lisuss Neius"-eli's-test ttru'cttt's hisptisce CT those sse hse osasexipired thu-sfirtt of Aiul. Thisse eelete for Itis thru-e yc-sr a ri uusart'ProfeissrsItBomia si)t Thsonisutosandsi li. (Iosads. 'thIs it'- tsr takses the isc~te' of Professor Neti- sey, wshiose greast amunt of 1'is'er- oily stelsrktcompelled lilua to gives ni thus coussection sw-iletihe has so long maintained twithithte S. C. A. to te