TILE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. p i Alumnus Library Growing. Th e following books and pamiiphlets - Iihave be added to the Alumnlii- Po dished Dily (Sundays excepted) doring birary.Itile loot iooue of the rnaga- tho Olle~sroarat cine, their numllbers and publiosiers caln THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. to found ill full. Ore x: it.mesi buildiag, 79 5. Maix St. te- "Woman and the Higher!Eduction,' tween Liberty and William Sts. .1 NAING EDITORI containinlg addresses by sevieral promn- J. F. THOMiAS, 07. 11n1nt aluiiiii1ac. AvSIT 3MAN lGINS EDITOR "A Cheque for Three Thousand," P..Ocoa, i.Aillitic Heniiy Vcysey, '93. ATHLETIC EDITORI II. Bi. OuSICxoaxA, '0 t. "Iec~eral Laud Giants fiicinternal BUISNESS 1atANACANII lpoili's.'il0clt ill Micti-gali,"A. N. 0. 1. ttAco,'05' Bliss, '77, "81 EITORS "The Assessment of 'Taxcs in Cl- It. L. GEoxooco, '05 L. H. HI. Conwia', '99. F. 0. Loomis, '05. IlceLEn LAMs, 'it. 'agtc," Riobeit 'H. Whiten, i I. A. CAMPBELL, '00. Beidis'tseo arc the following', all ASSOCIATE EDITORIS w riion iby Luicy. Mayiiaid Salnuon, '7(i. it. %V. Itoches, 'Ox. . IW. mith, 'ii. 1. A. Focus '98E. A.-I.l. South, '07. Proces1rof' ' F II'lsory in W. P. Mociii, '05. G. D. Ilodnoti, '03. Ole: C. Lu, jr., 99 M. Iloucii Sc ;EluaiL i -%.G$7 ad 0 'We can show you at thuese prices New, -: Stylish, Rightly Tailored Soils,- in New, Notiby Effects, Selectioni Large, eliusive 'Clths. A Large line of Extra Pants iii Stylish C1hecks, Fanc-y Clieviols, Corrctly Tail- nod. a m. .cr%1 rr Ecry New Itdea, undo frolic Fi cc' highl-Weighit Yarins specially adapted 'rspiggiiid stimcmer wear. -A special o~ooo:@:b: sax. Mslitsiutinhug 'ii, TrchouulPcer$1001ale 60bc per pail ________________________________________ '11 OI@h.iioil@l@m''i'li;:@l: (With or without teent. The subscriptiomi price of the Dlyiy xs "S.50 m Hfor the colleg yam', withi a regimlar delivemy .Coto L'uitmce ltHisol'y; A ;Stlaus. I. before mooiiechiidr.Notices, commoolcaz- t(lIi i'-i1oDmsi ~ 1 tions, cod other matter intnde forpulic a- m'ulI tmhrS iltmuxt st'' tionmu ost hi hanideod inat thn Daoly officente-1'ttt 'ilsit tome V po. m., or hiled to the editon hefone 371/f '( l Itlds o d1i ia o a p. in., of the dsiy pmrevios to that on txhih Ci .hh'o's;ttiilsir. itaruicauc, 1e. 10 S. State ai. Btabylon Coal is THE BcEST. All grades of hard and soft Coat. , Camel Coal and Colse. M. STAEBL.ER, Tenhone No. . One door East of Ameri- can Hoxig. Bicycle Repairing ! to all branches neatly and powptly done. Pricrx reasonabhip Sundries at rochk'bottomx prices. Wmn. J. Wenger, 8 N. FOURTH AVE. - ANN ARBOR. 0" B. MARTIN, Fuonernl tDirector, Clot)i '..and Metallic Cashets and Fins Grade Coffins. Embalming a Specialty. No. 17S IForth ove., Thec 1807 BEN-IIUa BICYCLES embody more new and gonuine tmnpro;rcom-IV ic construction than any other bicycles nowr before the puoblic. Ntiever beore lisra ouch emxcceit values been offereid fcr the umoney. Our ness tine, ctosisting o itt iti siuperbsmodels at $t60m $75 ancd$125 for sinlsge machines, iian.'d toe-<_ miotlemns, xcttt thie sariousoeptiona offered, is such that the moit exacting purthasr 0c11 be cuumuceit vaited. CENTRAL CYCLE MFG. CO., 'EN IIAROEN STREET. INDIANAPOLIS,IN- A POSITION , , 1 1 Can be scuredltetiiiandh,Mcthsltyb&i'o ,that Im'llmtretgoo eoturntsto Stu]temicfior tiixc s orieg elilitiI. We toli 17ip.'"erii tixccon axis Atlases, Masps and other puctios. ALL ABOUT THE BABYf Bly Rotert N. Toomer, M. 10 , of Chicuago Mediicaoiltlegejusotlsued, is the booh for iMedieal Students. Catalotue and sirscluars seni an application. SPECIAL REPRESEN4TATIVES , . I . We wont a few specital reprecixtativres in the Colisce. hoe ithis nosition experienced bookhmnrsheoold swrite us at once sixtimig uasm, experience, RAND, McNALLY & CO., Chicago. Wn 'e sund n remainE n~of ROae. a0smplt 9 ay admrmess ilPri s ..cmxaiic. 15 Fuman $'SteetsNePori;.mh