VOL. VII. No. 146. OIL zi t ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDN1 SDAY, APRIL 71 1897. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VII. No. 1413. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNI SDAY, APRIL 7, 1897. FOUR PAOEs-3 CESTS. MONOPOLY FOR THlE IAX. They Elected All the Oratorical Reoeived a full lire of Novel Association Officers. ties for Spring Suits, ii .~tcontat te shoar oe and. Trouserings tfil e ctics1)t1at t'scld oaoe ast it repird to the a110001 electio of the Oratorical associatlion held last might. NO, E.WAS9NOTN ST NER M IN, tkoon it4waso«ravdell with student NO.2 E WAHINTONST.NEA MAN.pourilcians. tiostly lawo , and everyo $ . N s.... +was to retohitake lan active tiatt. BTte A CO MBlmetinlg tas 10 a conistant ti:llolPao d $ that will wear si'xmeonths is a coolt cnuso5n dsrerwa one. We can give yeoi a c mbtat c t 's that lit aptiitleal hnomifatilig is wartied t'ito wear12 monothis ' ordinary osige. We've got ti-tt conventionl. 'Theie's controlled the comibs anl little comb', coaree combs and fitt'e mshogod comibs election and 11ot1 a literary stilent o'a,4 aol elieaposolis. to aii otfice. 1The liii'rs lrs.tet PALLYEE'S HAI MAC. i veryitarr'low and selfish policy, their PAIVERS HArECY t~ohl excuse hit gthat the literary 46 S. STATE ST. ..tideois had acted neai~ly the sam.ne at tie election last year whencr theycoi co-trolledithte electio. Theiniost int'- Before yotu select tht tpair of esl ip' otilii'5l5 iveiceover ' liii l:irt- Shoes for Spitg, sopposo you iii- spect our offerings. We helteve (iti'yi of tih' assctiatio inthelii tres- i seetitg' only the Latest Styles of torcv of theNorilierne Oratorical goods each season and early enough to permntt of careful inspecton aintd heiatiii. The io-inies for presidenit decision before actual need to here. ofitheCOratorial Atisocialioil wer"e C. Our lito-'of Spring Shoes and Oxforids in the new shade of Bottle Green 1". K1111 90 1, aid W. B.Itarioni, and Chocolate is nowv in stack. Thre 't;. 'Ile lzlrgstItailot of L11 iceeilo prettiest effects in footiwear yoau isofc nItr lw ever saw._,.Set frtiofceadhely -addtreieiv'eid 210 vsles, while (. JtA P 1.LCandidate of tlrc literary idepart- ircut riccceied72. iS WASHINGTON ST.,ANN ARBOR. __________________________1__,__ 11. Itft Iinions, '0T, andciS.'L. .Tat- eaQea c~aai~saaan~omasa sa~a11nllt, ' v .15 v ere the inal uohilit.c05ill np~i~ p[Hr, a iii' i'he otettfor tint presideniiy of the 0 -ortiern ri atorical iLcague, till 'te a 0 " t a lAtcrciig .4rts e have in stock, aix di f- 0Ii',titS llitlii'i1189t. v ferent kinds of violet. We 0 'th,' litter oflices of the Ot torteal o think that "Got liii Iof 0 ';sociatIiou wire tulled as fllows: a Violets" istheswveetest and p d cheapest, even at $I.00 'in Vice irresident, . 'C.VBitr, '93:L';"cc- 0 ounce. Somte are 50anud 7- 0 0 corts an oirnce. Lilac, 0 1 atC .iait.'I tft-otr Lily of dtre Valley, Carnia- 0ntL. C. IXlittoan,'t}: L, airil ielegate to w="ttltw'li'h lie hail been sufferiag for AS MINISTER TO TURKEY. over two years. Ito gave liberally of hits wealth to Northiwestern and built McKinley May Appoint Mci- te hiatidsomenrewxvlbrar buiilig gai's President. which ornaments the clirilits.tHe Ras_____ abiout 52 years of age. Northwestern The Detrott'Evenig News prited xwiii be closed i ali deiartutents con the foloxvng disatchs hist ngt. Tie Thurday, the day of the funeril reort has rot yet received ary official Philosophy and Poetry. cnfiriaion, ard Presdent Agell, -' xvien seen last nght, ad that he had Yesterday afternoon, Prof. Jaries rot been notifid of any action to his Seth, of Cornell, lecttrerd before ai behalf. As ittts stll unsettled, no large nuiernce in Tippan Hall, onltie official statement can e made: "Ibitiort betxvenr Plirlosophy anti Wathington, April s.-Senator Br- toetry." Prof. Setih is one of the rows acoriparied Geni. D. B. Atger leaing teachiers of philosodihy in thits to the White house this rmorinrg to cotutry, andl his lecture waxsa. rost wsh tie lt' ais of Prof. Hamilton interesting erie. tte spoke iii part ats tfig, of Olivet Colege. for corsl fiollowvs: geera~l at Afierrs, Greece, and dring 'tioxrghirltiosiphy intl1ot1' otih the( cotrse of titir talk te two ger- belong to tile siiie farmily, it ofien leitei receix'edia tip from the iresi tittitiers thtat tisptes arise :between centwiicir made tiritrenble for tiim. Allitostratoir of tire rifrr'rice Prof. ling's chtance, ardrilsob for btitver'nthtleri is exhiitttclitn tI'tooitose of every other aticlngan asirtr differe'nttatiuon fromr Plato, the poaet, tit for "a god foreign axpointmet. The Plto, tilt'philoisophler. Plato wase presdent sad ie couli give no assr- tiaro a poet bit was iraide a ithiltso' rirces regarding Proof. IKing, becarse liter by liii teactinrgs of Socrtewstieiad it n rmint to apoint President Tilpt' O was taiughto dtinrguishi be rngelf the L'niersty f icigan, twe'i'thte pictuire and (ith ouietrt;inlitsmintrstee to Turkey. othter' xxordstie was taught C ittito r iio. iiriaro rncemietxwasoa stritrioof Pltlosoiiy dffers fesumpiety inth iemioo trifontld character. Noody lie foliawitig' whys: 1. Poticite Ollticfrot lithigait hailaiy intimiationa of hit ioof truthliis ierpetal; ' urit sd te nexws spread.iThiee swere tat itf philosophy ts dieticlic'1 u yiwlioisaid they tdudrot believe P otry tfes not argure or discirss. It Dr. Aigel x'worl aceplt, alithioutrghie ts o. the miss ionrr of hpoetry' t foriir-' tlct'fays X0000 a y'ar. latethe mliii inig of fit' uivierste. I CGii. inger atnid seeral others whvio Philtosoiphty tiers this. 'Tile hot itch esO want foretgnt aitoittnert%, ineiding ts Cilii'silti or, btrefirestiosho'is'J . .Coni, tf Fliti,are icined to no the xw'orktgs if t i iroiturea'rr tat Dr. Anrgel w'ill accet. Tfhey Piilirsophy on Clii'othe hanris 5 te ietalthat ie aepiItt'ila thlitati' knro'il-edge' of krio'ii'edpt'.itiaci' in C'hinrit abotut 12 yars -ag, 2. 'ielittle appirehiernsiiftruthiiand point to te frt tatithlii'dlcir is nt intelewcuai btrut'iiottiio t i tts ha''ys een tistrietrof iter- is -conrtoledliby te feetinrgs, x'ihtirasrnational eatiori.: philosophy 'is icontrole'd tiy re'tson. Tire Mithigan seatrs w-t11Iprohabiy 'TheIoti sheats fromt his ot "Slit'call ttponr tie lr'sll-it thus afe'noor tinier, turd tills howrxth itng seotemrttorthe il'purotset'ot pssiig'himrt hat huit, tthuscoi'uli'lig tisto shareid' iS the selt'ctiiorrof t'treident Argll is thiourght. rgri'i'abii Pt.tilosophy mit tneids bhi'ntintn- ti'rpretatfionoftlifte;hut potuery muttt lI Wisconsin Oratory. bent unly fillut iialsoe a rtrotl te- K. rot tFriday e eing' icurred tile Itint oflife. to'ine(', poetry mrist sit' iuuitl or'tel-tal contest t te Cnivr- life at its hest. iy f Wiseonsiin. Te Daily Cardinal . 'The' primalry fiunctioin of poetry luoronrrces t "titoeumost ethuistie is otdisovrybu: ceaion A ortuortcal cnntest 'wxhicr has ibeeni hell potett nti mginttati dots nt aciknioxx-- for miany years" Thie hall wtao pae- edgi'li th ictatitoni of fatst. tiuiosu- ed ifiornbalcoiesc to floor, andi stand- finy doies this, siree it is a desoverrinrom asta eniu.Rbt ou retmitly. 't'eorlrutfjotry itoinn tlitican henitfuf wrldan instWild, of thiceoeseria Society, wiiti adhmutristei' furthe iigher esthetic rneedsoin orattionuoii "The Americanin Jtgo, if mni. seured first place. Second andt third "Tie lessoniichuepiisetry teaches to honos wre wovn by E. 'T. tFo, 'iho phtilosophiy is that it munst nt be c0tn-spee on "The Isnacs of Mai-kind, teintwiithi rationalizing, bittmintctin- and IV. . oore, whoe subject wos sst uon perceiving and sympathizing. The wovrd of trth and the wiorld of "Characteristiee of American Cvilio- beaty must be seen as one. LCon. Lion, (irab Apple anMay. bells, are all seasonable niow and coast you 50e ann ounce. Come tnt and com- pare thexn. u-:i -Ctii?; of tih' Northern Orahtrical i.i'ntti' . I'.A. Blturxxi'r109.L. ~t The' 1''ii tc'uitll secSof tl(ntliticrary d-'iss onrhn}e exutx'e iuardl ihecel 'tem a.. folloiux tetunnuor iliass,C. Simtos; OALIN~- : HAsoA 'i i tut m.1chit;;,. (I. t . t'