THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Pa ,1sed Daily (Sndays excepted) duneg the College ear, at THE NIERSITY Of MICHIGAN OF.cte Times building, 79 S. Male St. be- tween Ldberty ael William St. 1[AAI[NG EDITOR J. . THOAS, 97. AS'T MANAIlED EDITOR F. S. SIsOS, '8. ATHELETIC EDITOR I. B. SKILEMAN, '8 L. BUSINESS MANAUEIR 0. H1. HANS, '9. EDITORS F. L. GELsoE, '95 L. 11. H. Cotwe,'9. F. 1M. Loomis, '98. BUTLER LAtti, '00. I. A. CAMPBELL, 'S. ASSOCIATE EDITORS W. W. lughs, 'O. S. W. Smith, '97. F. A. Fchsr, 'E. A.. al. mith,'It. W. P. Morrill, '9. . D. Batnutt, '5. C. Lul, jr., 9 1. The sbscription price of the Daily Is $250 for the college year, with a regular delvery before noon each day. Notices, commuica- tions, and other matter intended for puhlica- tion must be handed ie at the Daily office be- foe S p. i., or mailed to the editor before 3 p. in., of r xte dayitoelios to that on which Suhscriptions may e left at The Daily Office, ~leyer'o or Stofflet's Newtd or with Busuess OManger. Suerier will co- fr a favor by reporting promptly at thiu office any failure of carers to deiter paper. At alimeeting of te Dily Boarl ys- trdoy afternoson, ai comminttete ws ttp- pointed to rcvise the contitutionb. Thils coinititet' will rport to tnt' a'- Ir~i meenwtinig of tile Intepedet Assi- eation to be held next week. According to its ctustomsitlii' Dily today gives a list of those entitol to vote tt the alIlltill eletion of the Athletic Association. Every 11111' wthose 11a110 iatptearls should be prs- cnt anid do his liartsward~ eleetig te bsttiten. It is billjutotto tie aliieiiciiian Monthly wosoe sttments sw'e it- ezec iniiotr issue of M\ari 971, to state that thttt jotrnatl in it April niulbe' acknowledges tilt correctess of one criticism ald grans, am~ong ober thiligs, "that 0 per cent of le ioniepathic profession do not favor renioval to Detoi, and that tie De- troit prfessioii (a pairt heref.-Ed) is actnated in their desire fr ie de- inoval of the colege from Aiii Arbor to Detroit by sclislintotives." Al thiouighi tile editor till believes tat reiioval shiold Obtain 'because Ann Arbor is a village, we tre pleased to ot himii aright before _Michigan I- tirlts. The homeloathic hospital is hatvinig oai utixecaioialy prspersl year. Dring the six iionth just past niore patients has-c been treated than dring the entire nine iistls f any year since 189t. If in 192,-aid we 0itote fronite reset agitatioti for rcioval-"Tiie college boo no didli- culty 110socuritg ol the cliiica.l Ia- terial whicha caii be utilized," le ad- vatages offered the honieopatile Stu- dents today re at leat a third better. There Mill be a freshman ocal in NeWberry Ball, April 10. The Two Freshman Banquets. The split in the freshman cla, which was caused lt fall by the 3contest over the ts'astmaterolip will occasionifthe holding of two banqets this year. The faction wilicl favored 11t. Kilpatrick, of the Phi Kiappa IPsi, nill hld their bainqet next Friday night at Grangel's, Mlr. Kilpatrick lating a toastnasteir. Tie frateri- ies which will be represented at the banquet are the Phi Kappa Psi, Alpha Delta Phi, Beta Theta P, Sigma Pill, Phli Delta Theta, Zeta Psi, and Cii PiAnubroineednshv also signtfied their intettion of attend- ing this bantinet. The tsasts have ben asiged, anti tre as follows: The (Claso, Shirley Symlons, Apit Delta Phi. Tile Girls, Willia C. Brooks, i'ii Delta 'Theta. Thte Faculty, Lafayette Y0o1ngji., Clii Psi. The Indepitcntst, Lloytl\. Ftc- ard, Sigma Pi. F-ratei-nities CltonIlaynard, Inde- Itendent. The Boys, Iaticra Iti, Kaptpat KappaGanmma. Athletics, 1201)11 I. Vtiittlev, Bett Theta P. Almaiat Ser. W altr S. Penili, Zetai 'si. Thle banqutatewnill be folliotwed the' ttsttdantcing part. On -April 30th so-ll 01 etr the oter bantquit, atl which tae regular 6;i8 oficbers ws-ll be presenlt anti of wiach Mi. Aptei, of the Psi Upsilot flter- iity, soill beW the toastmiastt'i. S.. Aipted oas eleetd clash teaistttastr M,8t fal by at cmbinatnloi soilte ilepetdet. 'ilecfa ternities swhtle, withi the intlpettlnts, nill lold this bantnet, re the Delta Kaptpa Esi- lit, Psi Upslln, Sigma AlihaEasiosloi, Theta Delta Chi, Detai Eptilon tal Sgmia Cli. GCiaiiger's Areadeny is not a ptblic' ito. We reserve the right to refse tilt aialtiissiois of any one wve think best. ttsss Gratiget, ofice, resience aid aeadenty I6Malynaril s.Iisate lessons in dattcing at hours ot ote-- Diisc clngged. 163 POUND-A Iocetbook oil Main t. contining niey. Owner can get same by itentfying it and pyig for tisi notice. Call at 28 S. Main St. aOLNDA wheel. Own-ter cait have smte by iaying advertising exn-os. Win. B. Harrison, N. 10 S. Stae t. K O Babylon Coat is THE BEST. Alt grades of hard and tell Coa., 1 Camel Coal and Cob. M. STAEBLER, Telephone No. S. One door East of Ameri- can House. Bicycle Repairing! tn nlt branches neatyand prorpty done. Prices reasonable. Sundries at rochbtotom prices. Win. J, Wenger, 8 N. FOURTH AVE. - ANN ARBOR. ' M. MARTIN, Funeral Diretnr, Clt 0-.and Metallic Cauets and Flneerde oSIfn. Embalming a Specialty. N. 17S Fourth ave.'. THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT ,The Sdaeats leture S~scfaOon---ous-- John KencdrickBag -April 13 GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS $51.00 RESERIVED SEAT TICKETS 125 SINGLE ADMISSION .50 $11.00 1$1.00 $11.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.0 A Tremendous Slash!!!! $1.00 $1.00 Thoe U. of 18. Daily at your room every $1.00 toy toe thte rest of the college year (through $1.00 comneent wefo ONE DOLLAR. $1.00, $1.00O. H. HASMBsiniess Ifarager. $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 The.9 BETTER THAN EVER" Te1897 IBEN-HUR 1BICYCLES embody more nsew and genutne improvemcni in conotruction thun any other bicycles now before thte public. Never behoe ' a T sutch excellent valueu been offered for the money. Our neor line, consittittg ot cigac sttpera models at $60, $73 and $12.5 for single macbines,ntd' 3150 for tandets, wisi thse various options oflered, is such that the most exacting parchaser catsllao lir tuited. CENTRAL CYCLE MFG. CO., '2 GARDEN STREET. INDIANAPO!JS, 0UR FINE POSTER CATALOGUE MAILED FnR TWO .a-CENs T ANIPr a POSITION ecured wthtRand, Mctll~ty & Co , thati wilt bringcood returesto stdnsfrthis eork duni g vacationt. Wc wish representatives on our Ataces, Alaps and othter publications. ALL ABOUT THE BABY, By Robert N. Tooker, M. D., of Cicatgo lletcl Coltege just issued, is the- obk for aledical Studests. Caltalogue atd cirtulars send on upplcatioe.. SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES t . , I , , I I Wec want a few speciul representativ-es in the College. For this position exiperieeced boshkuten, should wcrite us at once statintg pust, expterience. RAND, MoNALLY & CO., Chicago. iiM' .G'®F?-C' e 4Q' -S-®m o '-ma.a.a®.an--a ote s - . ." p1555*5 sei',o et t~ eiahi ayren,. lAses.K acaloeG, 159 Patton StretMsNeYork.