THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. PLa'Sshed Daily (Sundays excepted) during' the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, Orreti:. Timsbuaiding, 79 S. Main St. be- tween tibeety and William Sts. AIt iAGING EDITOR J. tF. THOMAS, 97. ASs'T ANAiSI'NUnEDITOR 1 . 5. SI:4oaN, '98. ATHLETIC :EDITOR It.H. SKILMAN, '9S I.. 3UIN StESSSILAAGERt 0. 11. HANtS, '98. EDITORIS Pi. L. GEIMnEn, '9S L. H. H. CoORtet, '99. P. M. Loomis, '98. BUTeLE nn9, '00. I. A. CArBELL, 'to. ASSOCIATE EDITORS W5. W. tlnches, '0). S. W. Smith, '57. P. A. Pnci, '98r. ..Ma. Smith, '97. W. P. Morril, '98. G. D. Iiadnutt, 'H9. C. LutS, jr., SS91M. Academy of Science. Aftlet' a short business sessioni yes- terday iorninig, during which the A4cademy of Scienicesatdotpted a : eo- iutioit thantkicg te Board of Ileg ents and Fatctulty for thteir kindn~ess, tRe- siring Preside-xot W. H. Sherzer, of Yp- 'tiliiitt, deliv'erctd teannutal address. The object, he said, of nis address waso cot so biur'n to giv o a. lorely sceific plaier, bet) to trcot of s0om1,ecf te meltodsSoy cietais of wttt=bh(Ste child cait bei'tra iced for work ithec htighser sciences. The work n the lower grades shouldd le sochi as crinigo the ectiltd into (15clse ittact with na- ttr, s0 thtatiiy St contlinuattion of this prepatrationt through-l the high ,:itool cou~rse, lite will Ste helter prepatred for t'iierseity scietiictu idy.It sipei- ihig of thecdteopSintentt of thte childO, Shcot. tilercer sarS that St 't-'t THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT The Stuent' Leou goifins Cus Johin Kenadrick Bangs - -April 13, GENERAL ADMIISSION TICKETS :31.01) RESERVED SEAT TICKETS ad SINGE ADIMtSS1ON .30 $1.00 $1.00 $1.0f"0 $100 $1.00 $1.00 'A Tremendous Slash!!!! . $1.00 The U. of 111. Doily at yourr eont evety $10 I 4%' Sty Sor te rest of ttte college year (throgh $'1.00 commnicerneslosceh~forONE DOLLAR. $1.00 The suhncription pre of the Datty is 52.00 5 ~~ ~ S iS ut tgs tditu'O. uH AO~~ Bisiss aagr heforecf eneon each cleeahyday. taNotices, co mmsnira- dlier " it-tirer 55silSimitie -81.00il lions, aud other matte'r intesded foe pabliest- cu- " tslre o tton mtsatt ihanded it at the DaIiTy sfich e eieIhi oel. tlisitsis 1y Ihe, o ate oth dre hoec 1i i i i~ ro 1.0 ,1, 00 $.0 .0 10 p.r in., of th~e odaya opreste to that itron wiheoretiel 3ti- l.dy i __________________________ titev arc topeetd to appeare. Subocriptians may he left tat Th~e Daily Solt it lookls t'ei-ace a t1sudred ls Office.,IMeye's oe Stoflhet s Newstandt or t ll with Bineas Otansoer Ssbrieiros wilS con- Sit fer a faoseby reporttng promtptly at thio affice Stilefailare of carresstoSdeiverer1m. I t eii'(ISO- ((Sc titiigo ft0 t'oh(oI~aS.tsuimit '.0a. jests, the ietocisg sill be matite OS'')' itfrltftii, its ordes tir aiol wht'.it' I'Sid ,many take p 5art andthe tireftres"' brassi ittereest. Prof. Paul H. Hanun' Addrenn. Last eccingtt Prtof. tiattl SI. I-siss, of Haro'ard Univ'ersity, sutliesiett (ic Schioolmtasters' Cl'ubst t(eSchiool ot ltcssic on "Whtat should tie IlsotS 'rt Secondary School Aii to Accost- tlist?" Ste shsonem for te ilrodmta- is-nsf imattual aust-coittierialit(rain- ing in these scthioolss itolice of :oisie of thtc Greeksaniss tmiint tosstsaught. lHe itaintainedelt th ie orsisiity sts- mdent tuiont complietig-hiss course is'1, (1 seceondary school is tioswutfittedito enter active' busittess life or is take oiop any of te tradess. Whast drill ice grts in the classical studies are of little service tosward te comtnlcion of as classical education. Sntiec of these 'sl~li('.1 at 55'presnt: i. high r'Itikh mlii' it':the mleaing 1St("1'((Sfi'e IS