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April 03, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-04-03

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c 11e .


SCOLATR'Ci. Ahei moker" Tonight. COLLEGE SONGS
- There is every indication that to-
ngtsVarious Conferences That Were nighlits meeting of the Athletic Aio To Be Used at the Athletic
R eie afulln ofNvl Held Yesterday. tiatieli in Rooml C will lie a mot sue- " Smoker" Tonight.
ties for Spring Suits ____cesful one. The imembete of It th- i-
and Trouserings The ist days '-'ewn of the Mliehi- letii board have been actively at work sonsThatlloigrthe woene rdi h skte
gaii Schoolmoasters' club sa carried and hosetmatde every arraingemiett for t onilsign itngtsahei
18 ot asi announceed ini the Daily. Be-te comnfort and enitetaiiiment of "smoker":
low in givena v short syneps'is of the' those attending. 1'1e0beard wishesetie THE YELLOW AND ELI; .
NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. note iliertailit Conferences: enipAeize tlie fact that the mneetinlg Shag to the colors hat float ili toe
Itom 1 Tapa 11llwa unbletowill blienmtely informal. -No money light;
hold thoie ewho atte-nded +the 'nath)e xiii he asked for, lie object merely Yellowtileoelthenelltheyntitlue!e h
A CO M -__ l-atical conaference and ioceordialgly beiig to work tip a college spiritalni ililit,
$ that wiii wear sixa meoiths is a weed tlhe miectint adjourned to the lectture 'iake the studetit body netter no- And reel i a rollieting crew-;
iswrracted to wear12 mnts totomqal.ihteahetcstain elwte ilsweerpn h
ordiay s L.ite'vtegot biggri
comts and little comts, eioirse T111 coniferenlce was called to order The progratall a- arlraniged conists ( t 'l
combts and lie comhs, go-ad coms A ~nd yellow ivtihemon oil thee ilotsest
ad cleap comts. bxy Prolf. Ilclal She chatimain of thait of a discso~n lltof itur baseball anal -
-- ---sIc tionl, it 10:t30 a. ill., a11d a paper 011titacklaloslacets tit 'Eddie" St110'de I bHil!
PALMER'S PHARKACT. 0'"Mthods of Attac-k' was read by tl-r. Pthoall Coach NA-attllisJ. A. Leltoy, Hail to till colors that float in rhe
0 46 S. STATE ST. 1111.1111 I. Lgeoiiis, fr-omle 0 cadeimiiy Caipt. Hteald, and~ othicrs. Football light;
0,f o ~t oieesiern University at 1Reals- MiTailager HSteigis, Capt. Mol ialier, Hurrahl for till'Fellow and Blou'.
to-n. The piaiper deilt Avithii tetiloits if Coach ttenitiiiiigid111".tort" SenterDielrthblow-hntbxa0te
Before you select thivt pair of itcoli-oiialglioctitlp o's .sTil hel Olnxtearsifoball oriitw see,
;Slanes for Spring.stippaose youin-liens witiie-secial referciiceto thett101i iei ieesail cvlltc t h111yellow- ro~eldIoirning isi oue;
spect our offerivigs. We believe , siolioni by aiialysis. his wac teol- tile 'Varsity Glee, Banjo. aadti nilo-Blue are tile clirtliutha tlt eventug has
ia securing only tile Latest Styles of
goods each seasonc cad early enouighiivlliwd by altoroiugh is lcuiniof tile liii('lobts, 111111by tilt'Tech. Rie anil hespuul,.
to permit of careful inspaection aiitipue by isssatart-I-:. 'Triuebloisd, of Banjo Clums. Beside-sthis those lires- -,lcaetebe~iist uear er
decision before actual need is here.Bleaetebosmtoeordtr
Our lb-- of Spring Sliocs andOxfords 5'giawii ivE. S., Suplt. St. lB. Aii ls,oit eitt sill he givenl a chance 'to ci.-their Aiid tine is the salapahire, nad gleam;n
in the new shade of Bottle Gareenii svle-i( tes nth fe-veso if ettoista ilb ieata;
and Chaocolate isiaosw in stuck. Thie Nsv-ie-l- ih-n t li-ait t'-'i lf'rn tpc ht-~lb ieata;
prettiest effects iin footlvear you11 iloiiiheconiferenice imet at 2:00 aid linnotiliceil li- tresiet tithatds. a til!
ever sasw.l-aieeS to aopater en the "'riiccipleof Oite of thiee topaics ssill lie oii the ai- Hlail to lie ribboin that natueii-his
a5aplid o e stjetyvitailit falo iprofessionals to open;
W . . A I Contiinul nllllelt dotir fisii itt-nli rahforitie SYelloss-antSBlue!
9 syMhissIlt L. Brow-u of Ypslniijuti llay- vi lieejcan- amsiii. There wsill
IS WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. Prof. C. t. Willitais, itof Iainiazoc b°othie features nd11a rot-al gnudtHere'sttihe coilege ss-onse colvirs ss-c
I ,ele a l-u reaid aipp eiin uid- tiee in a-ssu-ed. ssear,

e + + THES 4' +
0M 0
d 0
n You liaveoeia it advertised
d in the Magazines at $5.00 0
0 and $7.50. We sell them for 0
a week at $4.50 anid $6.75. e
S Thiis offered as a preuni- 0e
urn on buying early in the e
dseasoon. Thxey are wtorthi
the full prices. Come anid R

ratureo if the Circle," svhicli t-ovt 1a
thiiooigh iis-toiry of the provbe'cl nut
tie impuossibility- of a noltution. Theli
suferecc tdiscued gi-ometry aiia1
iv'ihoiln ef leachiiig-it.
A busniinsssesnsinwss-ahleldi in the
afteruniin, lit whiichi trot. W. AV. to-
ian, of .the lhiivttntiys-aas re-electe-d
chaiiriniiof thii'sectionlidr, c.E.,
A.- Lyiiiniiof01tleUivrsity, seere-
t ry-.

Lucius Perry Hills Recites.
t'ht'1'uuei lvI.e ,lice ll-cital' gis-eti
lit t.IHimi ast es-cingsvwofor clint
gv ltlitilill la 1ciiinihe esteeiiuot the
large aiiuiee 'wu'tc ibstenedtoits
iri-uitation.Thot- uel-ceof such a s-it-
ittl nattiri as holilt-a-' esvert-one it
viscample oiiltlS tlitt for ttr. ills
Ios ehiit this lgreat sersatility. 'The
eet'it'oniis rchug-ed f-roll the Ihuthit-e
lilaid 5'lttiiiiiitailto tl'i InR -oroos 1an

tHere's to the heart-n list arc true!
Fiere to the mlaid of the golden hair,
Anidvenesthat are biniiniitg ih
Gtarlatis-of tilts'bhels andi mlaize in-
Anid heartsthtiate ittieindsoices
ttail to the coilege wsvhe colorestwe
iturrah for tine Yelow and Ihitu,-I
Ann'al-bur t- unof tlie sing,

see theina. aii111111'n, 7l'tof. tb-La it ,bc'hlll ilI ittli-toun. Sin r cutlhionsill tiluwi spingli
-----litit'tntllhiiadisilitt if ilittOitii- siere phecil i u'i rieelsved, as ssere Acciept thte'triltei of our song
0 to~~~~ig hlity itoitll it~1 choiiol nstuies. his iipersonaitioun shin sterien s-ec-c, Ainai Mate-, wse allntitlit;
OAK:0-PHBAO. Aspiriteiiis icus-oioin ftolluoSeiiost har -ulf' dross-tifromlipernontal caxipe- We loet'ilt- tbaole slihedcs ulid
thi 'li kt- li'uglii~tiintotiteic - ss-he htiiii' -nibenit in- sernes
aom mom~a omluoa ulic$®huta I5 hipeaers15tlut,' 'aiulttench'til iLci'ledihs-iii slt'terdtesti~hat 1k0111AWi' los-ctt-y Ilur'iitiuig i-h i- tad
- A T- tisoy poitcl h t tm ci tis hiarers1-i-u-n a (ii 1 u-itt h tucil oIi'of ! hpnes;
S-A -ibifond orit.tthriliitt. Wiucric- eror - ituui olies shill hut'
' e cnfeenc il E'lglsh its pe1- iOur hus~t-ottirtehopes ate all 'withi
WAHR BOO K ST ORElE. l ith I r r oue fu.1 ghbsc tI MItorning Service at S. C . A, he
Just tecoivo 1 anuther lotiof "Essay Ct'i tlilig," iti sthii' h ii'?m i-Re. J. AV. Bradsohissivietlier At stiihte olg' eis hteri
that fine U. of M. Monogram ltre hatSdSiurposie o of essay cic iigucx luul; cli it-sehn fIton01Aundlifesduark s-t-eb hcumreghsun,
Papot', tinspoptular shatdes ssere ttedl at soicielenlgthi. Penft.h e idiffere'ii notuiauiioits before thie Wheii-saasnof sorrowtaadd ilil tess
Blue aitd Whito; also, a New Scott thoiuightttthe1 iii'ln of cwinloni Stuhnis' Churisianu Associationt at Our ssiary- pouting -souls oipesus,
Stock of tho Vau'ious High touu )teOrkshutlid le irst :nod fore- Newsberrt-11,ti11, Suindlay muning at Shoss' trighut shall lieamiuthy hicltn
Grade Correspondence Paper. mlost to devilop the boy or girl iuto 1'l~>t tHs ubdjectss-il be, "W'hat ins''o igh2t
Visitingug CrsEcao.ad teuoio souaiCrrcinfItiu~iiiuilii' T eis o guidet'heiv saud'ri-r thiro' the night;
bCrsEgaead temnowoa.Crtoasa ~I ainlsn Thssre fAiid as Ewe catchits gaicanegrays
Plate Printing, process ought to ho addressed to thu' -u1dilesses is pr-ovig of iiiucli interest W's~ll sing again Ann Arbor's prauise.
iniividuial, it should ho colutruclive, id thihstwill hue by nio mans the least GtLORIA, VICTORIA.
W IRS BO K ST RE etholnal, systematlic, compirehensis-e, i titeresting. St is doulbtful if a more it) Gloria.,Tictoria,
varined and progressive, and alcove ail becpoidr of the doctrine, of 0 Deeu miumnn,
lp Tessntiown Tewns - hould be carried oin by thue dictates Congrcgationalism: can bhe found in the O salte Univershbas
ia 5. Stale st Opposite CutHlis Isnteta teRv.Bashw 1lhgi0500,IMchg.ne hm
Ann Arher Slain si. IOf corMnnon1sense.-ttlbntete.Babas. MbinninIicgaosu.

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