( 41C e V 4:11 Ai AL 'VOL. VII. No. 142. ANN ARBOR, M[CIIIGA. .L W flACADI;.MYOFS01 "CE N, FRIDAIY, APRIL 2, 1897. ff Athletic Notes. O T 3 nwAsein.reua augp'cte Officers for the Coming Year yesterday, (each WNatkins pst ses Reoeived a fll line of Novel.letd of the inielders throgh an honr's ties for Spring Suits ____glecwrtoehedand..luds and. Trouserings 'f"its' second days' session of the and McGee at first -base did ine work -- alnhgu cademy of Science was' nid that of Bishop at third, Wolfe as 18 9 7 hid esetedaiyanod consisted in tie short, and Butler and Cooley at oe- u~ri 01100ot (conferences is the different01111 w'~i of a like character. Wehrie N. 2 E.WAlS HNTON T. NEAR AI N. tnnsa, ht in'the afternoon a geeral aid1Loudh guarded the home plet anti sesionl wax held. At thei general ses-li'thetrowing' of 'botti was quick and !on) thle officers for liie coiing year -Sure. III tie outfieldl'Deai, Mc~ee, A COMB$'cccre elected, they being ,s follows: Iiser]ll51n1d1Cartwigiti ecelent that will weer six moths is a =rood 1t'rsidcii. l'i'f. V.\1. Spaumding, of work. onaes We eisgive yuI 'sobthiat is warranted to wir 12 mouths lt'iiverst'iy; ice lresident, zoo- V ordnary ases iiWe'e ot igi Notliststerns asetall sedlei"as A combssad little samb, coarse is gys~etion, Prof. JacohIeglard, of cob sadcuecobs geood rctombatysecioiC 'far as arrangedl s as follows:Atril and cheap ombs. theUivest;btn.scinI.Fc3 -X- Theles, of the 31. A. C.: santary w' '1 ' iy of Micligat, at Evan- PALMER'S PHARMACY. Iscience setion, Prf.F. G . osy, o 'Xi 1,Bli elga eol 46 S. STATE ST. ) his' vtersity; egricimlture sectiomi April Ni Wisensim, at Madisoi; fay' f t r la. '. I).Smith, (f the 1 . C ; 1,niveri ty of Michigan, at Ann A- secretaryt'rof. W. 1..tiarrows, of the ir; Mes'y 6 Ohio Stae Untiversity, at Before yon select that pair of BSAlay re1srr,4'1i. lume x ipper'hy . Io, at Eraimelom; Shoes for Spring, suppose you in' Hilsdale. My1 'ssrtwa ttsntm spet our offeriiigs. XWo elloe's III thes'section of zoology a sither itais1S,1Uniersiy of -Nebraska ai in securing only thio Latest Styles of Lvt' on; t May 21, University of t1il- go ode each season and early enioughliollofsitomoiulogy wasestahlilsed to permit of careful inspection arildsiltI. iH. Pettit, of rhoIiit. A. C. was iois, t 1Es estan; Miay 2, Oberlim, at decision hefore actual need is here. «l'iso'JlI'5 aeFri i Our ln- of Spring Shoes and Oxfords mm'di'caiariian of that secisn. In the in the new shade of Bottle Greeti vausioi.. and Chocolate is now iin stoc. The 50.1 ion of ssnitary scienci' ai lpaper1'an prettiest effects itt footwsear you liii' "'uli lll' ealtl Ssrv ice ini 4icii- itsiskigofheini'lmlri- ever saw. gn v s ail Iy'Dr.IH. I. tBaker, teli sei eilcib i .A w . ~~ ~ pRDI L L this iteig , adonltloiii tIslii-plrogramL ., tCstplar Witiney, ini lhte week's l~ U i ttliten Illllr isre tl~t rstt i 1a151s s tleely takes a standstop-j IS WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. tlls geiirsl osessin by C. A. Dsais, of .a..nms a~lesie to thasof Prof. Stnsgtutd say'.. wa~n...evzre~ca.®.s ilum. te subjects if 1hich 'ers . ~~~~~~~"t titueontisqisinofah S + + T E t + "Noesoan this'lisa of ttsrtsiiCounaty" i nti ~isino i + + THE 4 siesis liih' "Es-sing (iestieck ini Cetral leti, Din's'tosrrStag, tf ('til's igntit- e IrStchigtin.'' vesity' is iisiiiiial to tii'bess ntr- 0 II In~ tisse tbiooilsI osfeenes' this 1-515sstftthetcs, 2d casiiltein iii-u nndtinl ae h 0 its' _Stss F. N. Lyom,o Chicaigo. To-____ 0 'o have seen it advertised'" o' yjtiit sessonssill itt'lsd ith in the Miagazinos at $500 list'e Scolmaiutsters' Clubl. t is qusite proabile sttiars'sicd tamd $7.50. Wve sell them for 0aswil tit siesmol Lelind Stsnfort's aweek at $4.50 and $6.75. 0 Schoolmasters' Club. hleg o emmc l hCi S Thil is offeredl as a premi- 'ltlitseso ofli'lihgnegs'sri'tlnlrs'ngIliiIlt um on buying early in the Thfisseso oftelihgn(aotruvlmtv mtoheat season. Tfhey mre worth S i liooshiisse's (luth aill te held to- tatt this'ates of lime hiago inet' is lhs full prices. Come andi d 0 ty timd tic prograimias amsosmced, ftesasmei as thast of the( Ytle-ieiitsl so" hn. s, siH ll'e cirriedi out.. Sstimmdy's pIt-ro-smiieeit''. -'----0-g .r illswhichiwsnoit amimoustced yes- 0 imd is is i gemmersl 1oneamdsill lOs- Theliiiri-st basesa'lssui lts eiet'on PHRAC s stehat:stsermi clleg's's atityed Itetimes- uro s~uSAtt'hlt.A . :0(5A.lis. Icshtitrmsltm if~t'ilstu ___________________________________ lei lsl"iorsm of thne High School -AT-Teac1hemriof .St theniti's, Professor 21Itis;I in a six iimimmimigeset. llle-' P ssT ienm. ss'sm1',tmtsorattdmshamd Alilem' tpitched'tlfor'Irims.- l ttt . fausHavad nirtttni inisiDisles' anislScuiddtii'o' istt- WAHR'S BOOK STORE. ___y .. )st sssio-I'iofesstr J. i. Ksimi gem.' Just received atiother lot of Iet kxl, Hope (a~lege. Wha ogh te tud o Bth Xehles 'icalgo IU'ivesitsiy's bsest thtrfine U. of M. Monograns Inais'toghtnthiutstyofh 4luatm- pthr fhtyabt-h sti Paper, then poplar shades Liomn of the fight School hulil? 4rs. Yeasir sretiot f roimiu Jpasiing tumder Blue and WVhite; also a New b'lo'emce Milner, Grandli hahsds. the inamiter rule,Will plaly secomd Stock of the Various High Discussion-prim~icllal I.7. Ausmtn, l tb imi d itchi for this Osik taks. Grade Correspontdence Paper. Owsso. ___ Visitinag Cards Engraved, andl 220hi-.ii., Thei toaelig of Been- 'flu' work of forimig mmnmllreh- 01m1"in m the Secondary' Scho-ols mi1imi1bssolall team will hise'ommummclesi Plat Priting Ste F. H. Dixon, UUniversiy. s soomn as the mike mini of this v'sisy~ Discussion-Professor H. C. Autuns, I timshs been dieidedupn. w y AH 'SB OKS O University; Superintendent W. G. 'u - f icnina-l Upi Tows Daws Tows V. Robinson, 'Muskegon; Principlal teol an invitation miiet Sstrday so s. Sate as b'Manpposite aCourt aoso(S' ELunr adla.ngt Ass rboS Min 1. 1 1. i. saunerCadlla. nght FouR PAES-3 CENTS. S. L. A. COURSE Tonight's Entertainment Prom- ises to Be Very Good. SMr. Hills entertainment is in semie rerotects unlike anythinug else umton thus platformt, consisting nst only of recita- tions of Iis own poemms both hiumoros arch patetic, msost of swhichi sill be entitrely' macsto 'tiseaudilemme, but thi reltation of incidents and circumn- stamnces which suggested theimt He usess no book or imamuscrps nor does he ever miake Iis seectiona of ipiecs' n'il mth tcesuits bfore Iissudience, selctinmg thmemias Iis own-immo, and that of tile hesrers suggest. Thercetre some pieces like: "Wheni tie Homneymoomn is OseTliTe .Mannr- Isimi'School Exhibition ""This Swary' Drentut," andtt "The Opera Em- core," Iuicti isis-cbecome so ideifieoi stithMrte.Itils' emtertaimnments that te elohhmm faills haose tsn, semenott atre- tiurmiestgngetn-mt. as they' are alays called tfhr, limt amiong thisoler 50 be sore pinees suitmblefor thispalihos, hie ranges at raniduom ansi gises tieni to thte auttienei's sthe spirit msses him. Str. Huls' miethodi of cmpoit~ilomisI pteculiar, s iselidionm asrites a aord of a poemunuitil it is as complete ill Is winimsisthoughi ihatibelosm earm- ed fiotmia okel,ntlsosmemsof those swhichihisrectes has-s neer beenmwi it- lenalsll, but slimply comtosetd emi rehaiuned in shle mnem1oy. 'Tus lste Oilser Wemdell 1Itlmims swhio isesalssays imtrestedl in sany teculiriy of imemtl -sction, oieclared that this immthies of commpsiton auth gift (f iiis'mory'wissipthemomencal, ands us hitutuentirety' incmehesisbe St. Itihls has preasrd u miost uaii- que anumibetautiful souvsenir hprgraw for his entertismimmemts,swhici isill b' usediniiAimmi Artbr for thi rt lau, andi ic'irhm still beh aseli aothi lie- serv'ing. Thert' leoi jge comti thle tite of this enterinimeiin, anmhIe forth lige mu list of stits20 or miore ieces frosm wshio'hi s'lctiois for thisesveninmg isill si' made. Thle third tpge comtais sa sonneit irittenmi ty- Sr. IHills, tie set- cmiiiasohaf-tonieierutny s am i hiumohes- ion to thi sosnimet. 'lhiere are four differemt sones aid portraits umed mn eaihi lot of hpfo iiiii, oiie entitlii "Victoria Regin," ii honor' of her Ilajesty's jubilee celel- biiatioin,witlhilte Qoieen's porrai;t one amm Robemt tButrns, chicentitled. "Thus singer,"withi parrsait of MIelina, an[ one0 "This Harpet," withm prtrait.of thbe fauno FSpamilu harpist Semorta, hiaiealda Cervantes . Tese feur stylesiillbe nmixedsinmmequil nuimibers amid distribmtedi to the ammdiemmce isi te place of amm rdinay programm.