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April 01, 1897 - Image 4

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1897-04-01

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Jos. W. Kollauf, WHY IDOMN YOU ?TRZY
A box of that delicious Peanot Brittle at
Latest Novelties in Geots Saitings. hialt poundis aod nounds, 10 and 20 cents. A fesv boxe, of
_____________Velvet Molasses Candy, one-Ralf poond 10 cents.

10 E. Washington St. Up Stairs.
B3erryman' s HATS are ready
E. Huron Street
Bicycle Enameling! I Liu Y ate
Plain or lairbelized. Any color or tLainc-mes toIe o 2 ~r
style. All wiork gwaranteel. 1 irt -NtiwStorlestf-na - --Ic-c- 25) ert
p G ".ian ot tegill.- for--------- - 25cents
A. CANT iLON -s_. 1Arno(iaso -------- 5cnt
With Tacker & Co., is N. Fourth ave B .ecotretaerseeforee------t2 cents
3 irCene;icit-Cianejfee__--
44 Southn Main Street.

1l5 S. Mlain St.

t and get the best service.
Office andl Stable, 32 Forest
Ave. Telephone 106.
Branch Office at Pa'mers' Pharmacy
Capital Slt 5,0.Snrpins, $150,t00.
tResnarces, $1,10ti00.
Oeganized underethe.GeneratlIBankningLaws
., hsState. Rleceivs deposits, Says and
;lsechang~eon the peiscipat cities of the
UitdStaten.iDraftsealseh e pen prnper
ttlenication. Safety ndeposit boes to rent.
t~l-nttna:Cisian lackPten.; IV. D.
-lareueen, Vice-Pees.; (Chas K. iisenci.,
,.sie:M. .1. l~ritAisitant Canhiner
o f f Ann Aebnr
FIRST NATIONAL AI Orennizedi8i:3
11Oc-d stt01CK. Stelpis end Prefts, $40,000'
Trntwtn a getteral tanking business.
boroi teOx cle ln~st~dstd. Ftnnsh
E1).15K E ies.n 1.1U ttttSONSOULS,
C biKO. VicePres.
S. W C1,lkKSN. Cshies.
-De lln n lnetSces

6oI~dCgars or-t--e-------
6 lrln (elallce for------------
diOwl Boquiets o ------------
---- --- --- --- --- --- ---25 ents

Makes to circer Wo-men and -00 en's
Easy Fittinig lhtestitt all the
Latest Stylen.

ill ittrnittiuw tlho 1-lzin e Stili Sit
thi l-r e:t t ioll-ltd I t ied iii 111(1 cly"'

Captitet J50.t0t. Suepus $30,001. Teansacti
i-,2 StoT etllrilmte titeir i'Ill cc a geneelndeitng bsitness.
K.iten-, bePen. C. I: u Onen,Vice bees;
li th -o({ at-c. O(lt Sttiat Ily tte liFRin. ll. BSnn,lCasie.
I "tIi- will 1tt till N Yc~os att Itthu
c-inll wit a-c t o fthe itttlin-ita;ta t 20 S. STATE STREET

.. t

Bient Place

". i ; c'i ire;. Sllsatttid Ratett o2 etlai n Pen. t 5 I0
itepairlitig o itC i CcIsli lI1i (, l iit .t ieI tl O hl tl 12ct ~t- U t i.Sd~~ eSInennaCn1 tt
ttcllit tti ttci1h il tlt. 5 i tIlr oll tt .ti ltori l .:it t1001115- L fM c n sa dirfsos321 .L n
to1N111 -t'1tlthei 11 1t111IItaliilti e11 11toil rL o rn e ns.C o ol t s
ont thae111 thersi f l il t I l tlNt e B o 5cets nupicares.
liilll itlh~ iot a softiec it - s i t~n- sth e- tildt tie 1111
- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i tiff.AhetnAnoitinS okr 111 1 a li tlit ll l f l('?' TU TL 'S'4 SrSat)S
-ic clit cini ttttt l i ett i ti l vat i _____________________---______
IA( 'ai it lil ta I h LeI y (tacb W -a
.A~~ tt-- t ItoAstcicAatintitmoker. i Q S. S-tilllatrelto ~ neprcele o te
I ~t~ltt hatIi-iittrtay. tiis ti hIatit-c tlill- eIl Cil outttita l1lpnriS avllbe50Cets
Whit Ytti (lt intreitis eariter iltn Ia biVn- lt o ettandtothesi ll ecal
H angsterfer'sAhlt Cic of e~iat, ch Our--_______ priRT cHOOLfte
st e ldfti ii Ili tl frs iieifordU.toe- ti -lbottans
1), rthell motve DANCING, i t
11. II nelelt.ofeiisibhrr oferitvet t- t.. , ,Iii l npa tlswile l e 50tClts.
itaniihi aliYouitatia-il. hirtiifate b til-I thstd(n ci 27Thomp on Street
AN 6SO T TTESttT 11 l t at steiers0 it t t ichA Alts ii- lrtte ctll iith 01111 leAnt tetciL angLeand I E EleRn
sr O li. OIAV~tSf~ti~it 1 - i it i tind ifllihif 100115 f tIittut it I-.15re o Iler ad aode ill.i t li I. it Itt L ± o19w1p1
Imiee niletl l ci li. iic--eielt Filt ltlilIts1 lstiimea.eeltyli tttStltnsi tdIStn ae
tbaarrds-t-t tol Ittli ti~ n i t 11 th i vepn- c it atittgiti ittilat ii. .' - Ienenhite litt l Yc S
spiss. I 5 il.Il .1ili . -ilet.- 101 et wti l tl ret- e ti-I en-a ill
IS_________________biiloi o- n-il aurlya1111thehtreading- --rooi.aO LLY & CO
/ (tate ttclietloit eictfa ih t he ymI nt Frliaty, Arid ,a t i Opoie ftB idig $.0 nilMy s
4 aa--h- i olii al i tati .. -iti c i i-- C li 1S Snc ct
lttteijt Ithlis Inc-I tigit he hhitio ac-l rheritedtoa t 1 ely. 27 ah oms onDrs Sutreet.
CO, ASINTN NDFORT VE te tuet:boy-hsmbeen5rather Mte-.- 9_ A.9 1 -1 909991999 - AND TELESCOPE
;lt''.1 de etrl oI tint1iec~ o -ulrs -Ind1tiPiams ea nntr o'
7 - c S Sinit et Onet eniny s IttnlAltallSin
- i:Lo.N I lt Fll" n leX1BbvreFLD eallittFree!s
.111 byidenlfyiP;; 1land ~lsie *ot
Ochr o:;'zriatlitslir ony iipers .on oe -dIuItnnn. na
a~ i j o, t~ l li s a v e S i 4', i l e d t h e r ' IN u b c r i e o r h e D a*y .I nu ll n p p l c a e s , n e sp y o f S h eit lla s 1
1~ 1--1 1 ^ E: k 3 A R * ils t le tt el tleaninasettn I
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21 N.TAIN S.1 ,ut 2ll«Uied Ina-10 einsrisidinshoewteh

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