THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Pa-ilhed Daily (Snays excepted) during the College ear, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICIAN OF PN: Times batling. 79 S. Main St. be- tween [Lberty and William Sts. NfXNAGING EDITOR J. F. THOMAS, 97. ' AIT OIANAGINGo EDTOR F. S. SIMOS, '. ATILE17[C EDITOR H. B. SILIELMA, '51 .. ]USNESS MSANAE . H. HANS, '1. EDITORS . L. BEISMER, '98 L. H. H. COwIN, 'S. F. M. LOOMS, 'S. BUTLERm LAM, '00. L. A. CAMPBELL, 'S. ASSOCIATE EDITORS W. W. Ilaghes, '9. . IW. Smith, '7 F. A. Feci, 'SI. N.. o. Smith. '7. . Lll, jr., 99t M. The uscriptios price f the Daily is $2.50 for the cllege year, with a reglar deliery befre noos each day. Notices, commnica- tisns, and ter matter inteded for publica- tion mst be haded ia at he Daily Sfice be- foe S p. i., or mailed to the editor becre :1 p. i., of the day preios to that ott which they are esiected to apear. Sbcriptions may be left or The Daily Offie, Meyer's sr Stofiets Newstasd, os with Bsines Manager. Sbribers will cs- fee a favor by reprtin promptly at this sofice ass failre of carriers to delier paper. The ttletie meeting set for Sotr- tdayiigt is it stp to the right irec- tioi, a step tow-itd the ceietion. in the great holy of meitters of t Athletic Associton who re not oc- ively egogeod i atleti iiittsrs, ot oatdret persotnaf intrst ithslt'af. fairs oflt'e ssoiton. Itir at frge seajority of 'the tieners lative palr- t etiton i thei'work of.,tie lssoel- fiolh edts with tie pymet aof their d(ues,,. Metings of totattre f ts Sn il lenti to Loriep tmitteOBn with the doings of tie tsoeitionid1ur-- ing the whole yer,aSilth ils canott ht findotexresioi toa nior sostoai Val alpprt of athletcs. The Osprng phlyscal examintiots whiche are to hegi on uext Aleday Sf1001lt receive the peetof attetion of the Students. The istrtosoc of fis secondi set of exminailtions is to f- fortd a bass for eoarihg the nies treme'nts with those tkeit fot faf. Thia is a mter of iterest utSnces- sty oth to the pfyiclodireetoroainti to the stdents thcimseve, to the former eauses it enhfeo them to see wh11S the reutls of the gyitasithit worfk hove eeti and werei it flods a change of method, to the fttr te cause it shows theiiwat the esttre of their ofeveopmtet has enandit what prts of hs' ody still uteefdSO.c il-attention. It to a very itife titntg to do antiltie reuttfs re weff wotli knowing.- S. C. A. Elcts Officers. After its regular payer' lietig fot evenfing the s. C. A. efected t1he fsflos- tug officers for the ensuing yer: Presideint, J. K. Marten, '98 5; ge- eral vice fpresidents, b. J. Sweet, '99, and Miiss Jennie Woods, 'fI9; recordhig secetary, Miss Fl9oriee Pomery, '99; treasurer, C. E. Lehnman, '9 L; lter- ary vice presidents, Mils Louise bodge, '99, Misstoary A. Goduard '00, A. W. Smalley, '9. and W. R. Harfper, '010; faw vice presitfents, H. J. Mereer, '98 L, and tF. G. Drenning, '99 L; umedeaf vice presidents, G. D. Jen-~ nings, '99 :1, and Srs. Helen T. Cleaves, '00 ii; enginieering vies pres- lent, Rfohert i. Fox, '99. Toe remtaining SHeetS will e cected the coming weefk. FIRSTr DAY'S SESSIONS. (Continued from First Page.) mtembters of tie factlty wil teder a receptioit to the miemb~ers of tto Acath- eniy and their friends in Tppan Hoff. A lrge' invited .audtiece was pIresent a1 the leeture giveni by Prof. tusseli, ii toin 24 fot evenitng on fis asent of Sic.hRanier, whichle nad-- fast stitttier wIithlit,(titled Sateb gesfogi calsu irvey- party. 'Tefectre 1005 ilitttrteit y stereoptitcon iews115of lie glatciers, forests ad ot lige of the iotutasils. livesot the prtyihededil h troL. Rutssell noae tie iascent fomitsidtte of the toontiotne1v1-r iefore aseicti- co. The paiol vert fored to aseotl tettlogelti-randontce c-outs'e1ry ner toaving 1a 0f11t1laciden~il tyo0110fSt lil teni fllintgitsti crevlasse. Tietli- tde effetedome0110of ll thepatytha51111 they cottld not ascetnd,buttta few stps ot a ittte'siitttresting. Ulisti rs e igthes'lst top topaty teit te night in the croter 11.1an idi'iint tritig were ttnaole Is obtain lnyt15' view beaue of tie couds. 1w Ieeks were spent i lthOti'asceit,. which is ge- erally' mode from nothsler ant muchl qulicker routilt GRHANGER'S CLASSES. Classes in dancing meet up to Say lt. Specilarte to those wising tt join nlow. Progam for Tedy ant Satnrdoy eveninlg classes will here- of ter start of 8:3 o'fock. Single evening admision 50c per couple. Of- ~lee Acadenty and residence C6SMy- hard t. Private leoons y SMr. or irs. Granger at lor not occupied y classe. LOS9T-Closs ith, dimtond shaped, e~lirson and wvhite nmeiith l ie, fetters "S.f. '8S." Fider rtntiroO Dily office. Doit forgetoustr Removal Sofe Everything is going at a reduced price. HATLEE"S t tJINITIOOB STOEP Babylon Coat is THE BEST All grades of hard and soft Coal Camel Coal ad Coke. M. STABBLER, Telephone No. . Oe door East of Ameri- casHost. Bicycle Repairing ! Is all brasches seatly and posply doe. Prices reassnable. Sodres at rock-bottom prices- Win. J. Wenger, 8 N. FOURTH AVE. - ANN ARBOR. (O! M. MARTIN Fueral Director ClsIS, ".and Metallic Caskets and Fine' Grade C'ollss. R +balmin, a Specialy. No. 17 S Fourth ave. S THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT -op' Iho Sti s' L tue gsciiai's Course I Lucius Perry Hills .. --_ _ John Kendrick Bangs - -April2 -__April 13 GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS $1.00 RESERVED SEAT TICKETS 1.05 SINGLE ADMISSION .50 $.0 $.00 $1.00 $100 $1.00 $1.00 A Tremendous Slash! !! ! $1.00 $1.00 The U. of M. Daily at your room every $1.00 toy for thte rest of the college year through $ ~>1.00 cmeneen ee oONE DOLLAR. $1.00 $100 O. H HANS, Business Manager. $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 01.00 $1.00 The SETTER THAN 9 5h 897 BEN-HTUE BICYCLES embody more new and genuine tmprovemosets ho canstructisn than any other bicycles Bole before thte public. Never before hoavo suchi excellenot valtmes been offered for the money. Our newlfine, consistisg of eighit sup~erbt models at $00, $75 and $125 for single machines, ansd $150 for tadetts,, 10111 thte variotio op1tions offered, ho outh that the most exacting purohaseor call be eontirely suited. CENTRAL CYCLE MFG. CO., '2 EiARDEN STREET. INDIANAP'OLI, ! A OIIN Can be sec'ured with Rand.SMcNall~y c& Co,- that will brisg good returss to stud-stts for ibis woorktdurongeacatiosn. Wo wish Representatives SE our Atlases, Shops and other publicatious. 1 L BU H AY , . , . By Robert N. Tooter, 51 15., of Chicago Mhedical College just issued, Is Ike book ftcrSMedieal Students. Catailogue aud circulars send us application SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES I . . W~e wat a few speeil representatives is the College. Fortiiis position eperienced boots sen shouhd write us at once sta ting Sash, eaperience. RAND, McNALLY & CO., Chicago.- Wewvillsndn receit s~of 0es.aam~ple tI r , anyraddess. Pris:s1 ond#t.8(!;-Oilssn.. SURBIRUGS. 1195Fulon SreetNewYork.