THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. If You Are 'think1in~g of Buyin~g a SU I T 0R VET " (10 not neglect looking over our immense large line of the choicest garments made in this country. We know that there isn't a better and more complete line of -e F N V R O T N i ethis city and we claims that most of the merchant ttilors cannot give you near ats good a fit although they will charge you (louble the price..OrS # Orcits at from $15 to $'20 are simply elegant, notning in the ready-made liue to match them Hammersough Bros.' Overcoats lthe swellest made and only handled by uis. You will vwaant one of these. LA aNS HMP 7 &AP ~1_,,,IViAIN STIRIIT Time Table (Revised) Sept27,196_______________________________________________ MaladE __ 7 N .Seil 7,5N. Y. Special.... 4 68 Mail - 8 43 Eastern Ex..-10 17 N. S. Limited-5 25 A.ani E __7PaciicIhere is nothiii oree imipotant in buy ingosuplilles thin IatGood Fotntain Pen. The Ge. S. Par- 0.N.FExpres _ -- 5 4 Western rx 175> ker Founitain Pen istile pefetien ot witino intiuments icey iie wrraintedl by the Parer Pen Co., G. R. Mxpress ___1i 5 CI. Ni. is ,_9 oJanesvilte 'uwoiniotme yu wet aailee tomise 3 o Ma.x-___-.655ii , 1Wis n h ntr eadmy aetgaatethem t perfect sasfcatilono o. W. Reacces, H. W. HAiSyn, refund lioney. Doen't Lbly 1111l until you ae the new Parkei, both upper iiiit lower feed. Wte can G. P. & T. At., Chicago. At. Ann Arboratorhn1a( pce oki el 4 f i OFFICE HOURS: 7 TO 9 P M. J 0"FLE D '9, 47 S. Univesity AVe. C - _ I RADE TOOTH RUS H ES!R'Grocerios, -:- Provisions ALOA.That is what we will do, if you bay- one of ts that idoes ad Feekids frSaletaib m Time TahieSept, ,IleN9. ant prove Satisfactory, We Will ida-cYOU ia new ouet fo it Siuoi. ~ C . NOnRTHca. NSO[UTH.C 117 E.Washingtton, S i n & C . 230 *m :04 a. m. MV.umlhferys .L..uU} StL0re, tor th Ave +S STATE ST. t1:05 a. m .11:30 a m ellp m 15 iip.m +Sndiay ooey,betaecc Toledo and Hai LFctulty Annottotcerleltts. omltn raie PATRONIZE HOLMES' LIVERY bnr' Janction. and get h etsri -alsteesbetawean Toleda and Abou si'5'1citudnt" 1 he Iiver- . eteba evc Frail7 deepeOioTvrCA-, lECOdNOM~Y: Prfs r'l 53(ad3tale12 ors 1'iSy eacept Sund:ay Adaiii a eual111 tei iiii1id illRoo e,sl i y1 \N13 ho I c iisorm rly ,atI Ill-Nill fie n tbe, 2 F rs Ei. So.R, AgentAv.Tlhoe06 0.HBN T. P. A. Tairde . TapnHall, very ii lilnissia.l Imol met 1 es 17~i- nl1 . Tlerhoe 10 O'clock. New blary l:i1lorIte 1::' p)15of'rfd1 -1Braneth Office at Paliers' Plarimacy- 0.and. Opera House. AiTRON~ai.tY: 'rotessorctal Will TeHn 115g1it1131 11%1113 E ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK ONME tiMEK, COM MNCINGO beii i tislni22, 1U. 11T, frsni2 tuo:) 1. i, 111.itLce tan Fs; Capital Stock. $1-0109 Srpls, 8150,00. II.11 .e/'yi 1-3Il eiiees :11 i Mo d yIO t 20 lietl daykt10 lectstede:n wishinlg Ito Resoure, seonoo Motiay, ct of this State. Receives deposits, buys and Eerybody gos. ENGLISH: Sudenis desiring to 11d_132h. I. Iaiclee woll,.1313i11115 sells exchange onthe prnipal citiesf the /1y q 1United State. Drafts cashed pin pper - identiication.onul Sotetyfeso D drpoilasit11niic, o boors to rent. Ienifcaio. a~el dpoitboestoret EVely n o ~ o fnshimtithRomI,'C. 50 I tl 11il. 3111 31 s e ill., 1'1si11 OrictatI- thistan Maca res; .$D anda cmplte omanyin 1111 in110111itt 5. I., 11 b 11.. 1: i iid 11n3'13th1ew-l1? 9331e, ecl' 51-33 HarrimanVicePrs.- Cas E Hicck, tnl opee opn n Rpertoir (al Cshir B I Srt ssstntttashile 10c to any part of the house. forthelook-outcommittee: 1tie FIRST-NATIONALlBANKl°f A'n Arbo t'linge of Bill Nightly. Secure your I'li;o il'lcl xi nst'llui"day 1111.21, ofhec, la. '13' esonI i t I.: 1 , Rupor. t oanze elS seats early and avold the ush. To- ngtspay Es yniniero neeyiusa urn l(yer ~1 uiad-- o-- . aia,$1001.Supu n Pois O peed resereved seats. 10C etaenfoethe Sicsats _gnealaninbuinss best researved seat in the house. - . A. IE. RIteo l ls if h ose '1a:iilig Sr-g'---llebogt ndsld ag s Tchets for sale atthie1U.. Fxpress office to., 113;11 oaalltdrave9.. Dtritl, will Sophomore Canes. Ic~ter. of credit. sithout eaten chaege. -lia elldl' ieIE~l~l . tD. KINNE, Pis. HIARMS N SOLE, THE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL Il'110witsuhM. la cs iT .l ~igsoixc sI (ill leas 31 ~ ~ ieP Id 1o1 le Stiduils' Irad1311' do e til st 9iliit 53tl3 ' 13' 1il 3115' F J. to en the Sate itrt Sllr. La t BAIIROAD TICKET BROKERS eigtyears. Thei'itine en-oy bte 1110e thirne,1111vwth thelin ,llltyll Bei. d Dcewed MIONEY TO LOAN ON iltglitls11S good35 11r0 hae wo'rh. tads pleaec20for SaedStdetlve PE FIT ,lisli wor1k it el':solll pr lices. Ifthil1 fot~r tieL ilghi tainle at. Deroit.Wuseek tol l eae.2 d Sa e lSret ived you lcotpilalt' ording Ia sut or Wholesale Cigars, Tobaccos and oiroti ilpyyut e h Oct. :31 Nasacbhndd"i Lowne's Chocolates. Cigarettes. line tildSgel pices. lany OfthelIltsimg: I.. I.Digg, Cor. Main and Liberty Sts. Del it ouse; (Oo I s i l? Hot Lunches. ('ha~s. FSieietaurltleaerlil'of ban~jo i~t stle'lV'tt 4 8 1- .Jnst Rceived a Large and Elegant Imanidolinl anditarbl, ilillilige r Of1111' sysn-v.; Malttllu'w Joyce, 9 S 48atS. State St.L Hot and Cotd Lunches at all heurs. Agents t11Pd1115'IlSt at recetlptiuls ewddiiis. R2;1TSO"HL,r, fee Huylers and Williams and IWernesot os t fardnesec d ie ,1el,'6\,i.seilzn T Q I Chocolate Ben Buns1(10 tgSiii bonue d ae i~le I S01'lttfi R. IS. JOLI.-Y & co.tres-Sri Psi 121:1 house, se eesideeu, ilany.esesl(t vsiien adhirildlrnin t 200B. State St., Sager Block * 2i 1%2 ei~son st 1S Gernmany. ANN~ ARBOR. MICH. 04tFountain NPen. R.ANDAL THE PHOTOGRAPER GT! rnngers School of lc-O K eeH g Grade Fo n anP n ashington Block, UN N u.Gon lo.N.Maynard St. If cannotobtain at yur Book Store, te UNLEKE ALL OTHERS IN AnAbr introduce Pea in your school, on receipt of U.OF M. SHAVING PARLOR and Bath' cash with order, we will send by register Construction and *rooms. All appointments first class, mail one Pen at 20 per cent discount. / Imported and domestic cigars. Ladies' artis- Clubs ofgfSag at 2c3 per cent. discunt. Combination of Parts I 'R tic hair dressing and bathing paror, up Clubs of ten at :30 per cent, discount. I.l! stairs, J. R. 'trojaneaski, 105. State t. 0. dItetallic Caskets and Fine Grade Price- ---$2.50, $3.00, $3.50 Complete and Practical. i' pF Cllins. Emaming a Specialty. N. St S., g +p Furth ave. Call at office of your College paper and see illustration of Pen, and A I'JET i Wanted-A Steward. Call at 2$ E. opinions relative to same. AddressC LLRT Liberty St. WILLIAM H. O'KEEFE, 60 Main St., Lockport, N. Y. Jd