THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ,ygives us 'in ;all probability an au- . . . . . .o f ~tlsentie 1501tiait of \'ernil, and it may G l u t -hrd'ts(l azs early as Uhe lailer part of ®QVV © m .& - Amok the Caulee year, at T;hE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Ore ces 'linses bazittig, 79 0. Min St. bo- tweea Liberty and William Sts. 3I1 oSAGINO EDITOR J. F. THOMSe, 97. lss'T MSI AatING EDITOR F, S. SuIONSs, '90, AT IIIE C EDITOR n. B. SKILLMAN, 'S8 1.. IUSLEESS IIANAGER 0.11 . Haas, '98. EITORS E. L. OnuSslca, 'i8 L. H. n. COnwsw, '99. P. M5. Loots, '98. BUTLER LA'I1B, '00. I. A. CAMPBEaLL-, 'is. ASSOCIATE EDITORS V. W. Ilaghes, '90. S. XW. Smith, '57. F. A. Facit, '900. . as. Smith, '97. W. P. Mlorrill, '98. 01. 0. ildnutl, '00. C. Lull, jr.,)99 M. ise first century of 'the ('hristiasa era. -F~roms "Chsronicle and Comment," in Tile iBookman. Magazines for April. The Aisril nssssber of Thse Areisa is fully up to tse average. In tse opsen- issg article tovernar Pingree, Moyar of Detroit, coniusthue tiscussions of Misisicpal iReforiss begunssinl tileMarels -miosoer lsy' ayor Qtuincy, sf-Bsstons. lsyor Pisgree, in his bsreezy paiper, stttisssss thsat "contracts are tse center ands alm~ost the esstire circusisferensce o msssnicipal govterinsenst," ansi that a.lmnost all she bribes of seriotus in- flcuenee ill smuiipaities are givensfssr c s'itr acts." iHis irsesidy is the let1isg of cointrasby ii' rfers'ndum, or5 1S' 1t .$S, $7 aad $10. o tiXWe can show you at these prices New, Stylish, Rightly 'Trailored Suits, -- in r < <1NewX, Nobby Effects, Selection Large, Exclusive Cloths. ' "s3, $3.5 and A ILargo liise of Extra Pants iii Stylish Cht~ecks,1Fanoy Chev into, Coirectly Tail- usoed. Foreign ante.lo osti* Seftran:Bir& - Evaery New Ideaimasle frosn Fit'e Lighst-Weight Yarns specially adapted 4, The subscriptisis price of tisc Daily is 12.5ispop1u1ar vDsle. for the colrts year, with a reculor delivery hefore noec dalo. Notices, commonico-- tions, and othser molter instendeds for poblica- lion most se Ihanded isoaothue Daily o001cc he- t usiiog for Apiril ea5sly issistoinS the foss 0 p. in., or mailed to thse editor before 3 pi.,of the day previoos to that on which fS"'l'115 pos 55itioni amollng lltlicsslonls they are esiscted to appear. Subscriptions may be left at The Doll)y5t5(Olvt'dto soIs) 19a1 ns t stllslls. So nt' Office, Meyer's or Stoffet's Newstond, or with Busisness Manager. Suberibers will co-ossthtie s'onltenits ars: "Westerncachoths ter a favor bsy reporting irompitly at this office one failure of carriers to deiver papser. cod Desiginers," hy Alrthssr I. Peglsr; I iloseee'lisig ill Venice," by ''Ties. . for spring andi summer wear-A special :@:@:~o:@o:®: Job. $1.00 Value at. 50c per pair (Withsor wsitlsoutfect.) All attsletes aithi coy sbility at sll iii broad jumplitsg sosilsdtakes''','nt.i age sof. T. A. tell sy's pr"secin lthei city isosobtain tile coachinlg to is so s; elilsiusilified to glse. '111sasie cans bse ssaisd to football men51ill iegard is the coachingl5Oof 'Mr. Dssffy ill kicillg. Ttess' 11111 sre givingIthei' time1' a115 Os~ice-, ansi ladvantage sousldlhe taks'isof opportun~it i' ies tatiay list he offeresiainl. AlliSArbsori is ts e llonoredt iso seelk witlh tille15eli~ls of tw~o osgasica- tiiosromlinent ill lie edlesstissll swsrk o(f tile statse, Ills' Iciigrtll fi elsce asOsioiatin and llh('St-hl~ofsw,. ters' Clsst. 1110e1progri'amiof ihe tfor-llS' is concludeds its tosday's issu" of till Daily, :isd thast of thite11r will be pusbliss'l Oshe n ul tsoiorow5. most oinly do thess'piecialist arc thes8e metinigs of interect, but to i~sll whail Sltiierestesd in .scientific reseacth 110ndi in dcaioll workc.Espeiallyshsouldthie mlestings of -tile Solhoolmialsters' Club he atteissed bsy sll wvho intensd to maesiea'lctiing a profession. Portrait of Vergil. Lover's-of classical study, ansi esise- cially Ipersosierestes'inllicoiio- grt'oily, nill read swithi interest an 51- isslucieet lately isasde by ?I. Gasotosn Boissier relating to the discovery at a isilitury elcalllslsent in Tuniso (f a mosaic' representing yergii composing .tse Aeneid. Tis mosaic is shout .a yard squsare, anshtows tile poset cloth- ed in a white toga 'orderedsiniiblsis, and w~ith bussins on lila feat. He is seated, and holds upon lils knees a scroll partly opens. On one side stands Clis, and ois the other Melipomene, to whom the poet is evidently listening with fixed eyes, and a look upon his face as of one inspired. Thlis discov- lsrs' Pursdy; "tLilsss-u," isy "lisy 1). llt s I; ",iOxo:s.5 sotinig cni C.SsClllss's' IEss," bIsti. It..I1 itzgs'calsU "C'anoe Sans 1G555," isy I. 11. Saiidys; "us1 Stsbls' andss Pa.stulr'," bis1s' I P. AbereonibsleiS, ands5 OtS'he siussu l itorils, poems, recs- o'rds, ciil Inl iv gnls'S5'55s O at theliii' IilS'"'its' ssf I'clnsyls'Sssias Sl ssrslay issi ssoS's ills 'vasrsity lsi51i ilsl te.luellsligibtlsO Ssexton, 'Iticisigas's c'sacsh 5f last ye'.si, plyesSeonds base.'ile 's'lrsily vs-s SIS I's'stes by'