VOL. VII. No. 140. . ..y ,,.. Q , X - ' f t . : ANN ARBOR, M[CHIGAN, WEDNESIDAY, MARCHE 31, 1897. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. SUIEI iC olIF 'lirOntiel~e' ertilizatise of the Eggs of Athletic Notes. -1L M Unio C('smplanala-F. It. Lillie, Atn C~~~~ O~lilldfo Pbrloaeii LeRoy will coacit the broadl Retivtla ul lie f ovl'h'itllh Thrsjutmpers every afternoon froes 3 to tis for Spralling, Suov-I _ atoI'ly SCiNO IAIAlYStSC . 5110k. More caedidates aie needed - tt~~~~~~~~~Ienry.13. Baker, M. D., vice-president,.n l r re ocm u e r an T'rouserings ' lie 111001111 of tile MichiganilAed- Ti .a ioiil All candidates for the track teams are ci f f 1111(0. vThursdaay Morning.liI tw (f ' t ce whihl ws, pbselow. AliliIs pn oexsiei pected ts stay 4here during te .ior-teirais tli.bed Pibelow(tr. ons i Dik gsprinig vacation and practice daily et It ill toe seen thit the:Scilooelmaoter-.' W e . iflllall r tile i tilelieCld. Dr. tiabetilge ill 4 ® q cb F hnursday - April 1, 9 a. ill S 'its; A. Birawnl.110o11, where track 11101 maly see the. 0 A C)O E- - - - -. Lh oeoo ilb-evtdt h Distinctions bet-eeosthtie Typiheid a111111 aceordrs d he,1i of plpers before 1110 severalClnbcliG tha will we11r11'ix1' 100115 issa;os 'sei lcil-f.D. Porkins. Itihis beeno iecidedl to1111111tile final one0 ~. e iita hie youe a c 111511t1t1t r i-i Olios.,iwhichlnih l IieS ill rooms to Ali Il i.S.teliill I C n is warranted115 to sear12ot llllsnions--+.Al 'I ioi 1.Drlly 10e111race 'netweenli98 n 0 odiay us-e. We'esgelit 1id, o,,g11111011at atprirose session.I cobs.- and little cornb:, co r e -Dot roit. fere i eoclass champanlion oi n c omibs ailS Oitie combls,g5-ood01105 I s ii'ltc liers o lb e llrooellledm"re11s fiil- ieelt fr lth s efA ltO li 'l'Iigtef pil 1,tle lao fse ---- IFrederick (1 ovStG . , Aer-SIhale Trophy coneot. PALNER'S PHARMACY. bo--rv.oprolen 46 S. STATE ST. F. C iAedomll icepO. del.Some Vi1t1alitistiee of Mici-an- Tile first practice iflihe iiaseball Thnoda Slrnig. rossy L4. Wilbulr, M. D., Lainsin". 11101 at ithe Athlitic Field sias 11011 Xi il )IIl)l' spen tois icussos. A. Shoe \Vell Fitted ! ! Commlltentsonlithel1ite Naeof tIeie Sork 'oil cli io a Botlanical Chub of an Ag- citns dolohe tile weatr and there- Irilitr-il tlillige--11"Iii. J. Beal.ll fore a saving of 1010 per cent, lnt to mntiont tile rimfort and appearance 15.. n ricllIilrail College. (10 ltiiir which iiitteimselves are of tie small li.tst. importance. We give special 0a1011 tione tothis feature lft Or-ut feet, ire 31 Seelilhlisinl(if hoiot ('ero-iure- prefer to lose sales rathler thailtlouNe .1,1a IeoiB. Pl'oiek. .1111Aribor. (211 improperly fitted foitwea to leaveI 0111 store. "iues) I N tllrss o ileoriiilg tillS' iiapiiytic J A roRI IL., I Fi grown,1in iitile Vicinity of ite Smrellturtol ('ollegei' 1. (. Tiicg- 13 WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. ___________________________________ year.__ di gic11111 11111Colle'ge. l(1i5ii 0 + + 'rs + + eTis' IluisailThistle 11111Tuminling Q-Agricutural College. (10 mintes). s A ).SltardSigIeit1(il--C.i.'heiplerof Yoi ae001 tn;vttsel 1:- 5E. Langlilli, Aim Artior. (15miin- in the Magacino i v$ 0 110) 0 aind $7.50. SWe sell t0e00hitor 11ilrkeiile Forest ill Stichigatl, not a week at $4.50 and $6.75. iilol ~ov-S lxneli' This is offered ts a piemi- 1 0 tori on hiuyitig early iin the c ilgtii (C iue) seasonl. They are wortht ya toicle Alplena County Plants Observed i toe full prices. Collie and to 101111 C. 1F. Wh'ieeler. (5 nititlO). a see theiet. a: r ------ 0 SEC T10N OF ZOOtAPiY. tALKFS° e" ABMA t ®a.i.'isli ii tigtitlied, Phi. =D.,viepsint Thuirsiday HSorinig. -AT-7- ll"ts on Miciigait iolliica.--Prt-ani A BOO S 0 K S'I I 54 T:?'11 sof flie ii'ricrnar tDeposits yesterday-afiterneon. 1110 grotundlis 7'llroday Afternoon. still soiness-hot soft, hut if ihe pireeni Geineral Sessin of acadlemyi: wea'1thier' ceitius w1ill soonl be itt 11r- MuueuinJiecture 110011. feet 0c1111tion. 0:00i O(bservationis ot the Methiods of Distribuions of the Seeds of Thle practice of the football men yes- 5111111 Michigan Trees-Dr. W'. ierda afternoon1i1 was the beet of til J1. Ili'al,Agriciliutial ('llegi'. sprinig. .10111 Duffy-towastiut aitd (20 miutesit). c'111ioahedithe full back candlidttes iii 2:210 Discussion.,1111eil1g 1a11d illIllskicking. 2:411)Sin' Geographical Distribitionitof Yae110ieltithtni-rivo i~lf, iiiSiletlginSS'~liet'it. V p's ppsitioni for a boat race B'annos, Ag'ictilt uuual College. 111tn stti-l i ilt01Sly2) 1211inttis). liiiLak' Salteitall, where SWisconlsin 1:1111Disetsosise.11 i'.lsvidthe diii freshmeon creiwnIlst .0l .'l(i'ItfiiilNoesaitilqutiries. 4:0 BuiHsiiiess ISlilg adjojurnefl;21011 'd'i'uiu'day. Thu11rsday -Esiming. : t)1 heliinn itt itibor friendils if ihe Acadlemiy still roceive the itietti tiers anid iheir friends in 'ap 1p1111.hall. Fi'il}i- orniint-. April 2. SinsiuutiLecture Hiooit. 1:110 Aiddress of Ithe Rietirinug treslihut -Proif.XiW. it. 'ilteroim'-"Titi Rtei~ltin if*lthe Acdemy1'livto liii Elementary111-v chools." (Continited oe Third iYiige.) Sildings Oftla kiscI3isebll Guide' foll151r 109 hsljs1tSiien recciivedi. Bc- sietic he 'plyiiig rtules it contains litmichi iilreiili diain andi ells of the -legili' 11nd1leadinig icollege 1(e1110 df -last yeti. 'Tere toill be itsolbtseball 2111110next 5atitrdaiis asdlttbee1011origilhisliy ini- April 0aCdslay Addresses. T hu'follow-ing ae'thu subjects fiol te 1"dyIlioleilig-liaireo,;s atoNen- beiy IDII,1':15i to 1(1:15. ,for April and Just rtenoivo 1 another lot of tha~t fins U. of M. Monlogpram 5 tiiI'ron Ceulty-Affreil C. Lneo iiiogitei, anid Brytl W'alker. Do- Paper', the o pu~llar sli-lies lt. iiliihtti5t of1ut aitApparaehtus for Bl11 uead Whlite; 11100 0 Newto' leIeei'liieallly Passing ObiJeets Stock of the Various High 'llTincl10-1151uid of Different Detsi- Grae Correspiondelnce Papeor. te-I). '. Woeeseli. Ate Arbot'. Visiting Citrds Enoraved. andl (5hltte) Plate Printing. '11 Structe of the Olfotetery Lobe of lime Sturgeon- J. H. Johnitont, Anni 'WAHR'S ROOK STOPES Xrbor. 110 nilntes). tihemeripberal Nervons System of Ne- thp Town Dotwn Towmn ll ieeFny ILI tangdon, Aten r' irs-.jan .20 S.State sid Opposite ('sert flowte Ann Arteol ISain 't It Arbor. (20 midnutes).. Baseball Candidaes. Si-ty: -- 111111l -" 'iiatt is Congregational- Tiii'folol'lis tlof bmasebalcm i- illir '"lo. S. J1'. IHradsl4oo-. 7:50 Op. 111110 1110lilii l~sill atl~m ('011 i 111 ip io-'siit toHl. AninsualclA- 11115ooll Tii'XiI'llbe 11eted t 'i h 1 1 ) otdil .Disiglo~s SiaeKi'zie, uSf('hiego., tilte hilili'iii'ftell fit' Iiatelmee pr11111-iAddr~ess, Rev. A. Sictei, ith. Aumtieo, .Oliv-i','.Sc ott, Coil- sMay2-1'lim o Semth Day Auloeit- In ol.Se, 1'. Htilor, kboobey, AVOWfisis." lie'ssell, Siullivman, Hisisop. Deman, Ile.- Slty J-"ChtritliantCitizenshp," mif. 'ltn andu Cnitiooright. A. C. Siitghmlit. This: list is ntinstexcsivi o 110amnd ilibty 1f -"Christiani Sociology," hit. ally caildidate wvhose nime may be J. D. Forrest, of Clllcage. OlmititedI, -neeintSconsider liiiiself out QNIay 23-"Are St'e Stmte Ulniv'ersities of -(ilie race. Giodless r" Prof. tO. W. Kfelsey.