THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ~it~~ ~ by joining those associations whose ofAItu+I.P a Irt. aims ar most ina cordance with his - tastes snd abilities. Taus the power the College yea, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OrFe c: Times bilding, 7 S.Alain St. be- twee Liberty ad Wiliam Sts. 1II tNAGINO EDITOR J. F. TnOt, 7. A~ST ttANAtltN(.EDITOR F'. . eioNS, '5. ATILEIU EDITOR 11, . ScULLA, '15 1L. HUSINESS 3MANAIIIII . H. HTANs,'5. EDTORtS E. L. GESAnR, '0 L. H. H. ConwN, '9. . 4I. Looces,'5. BTRoccoLAsi,'5. 1. A. CntssEeL, '00. ASSOCIATE EDITORS W,. W. laughes, '0. . W. Smith, '7. F. A. Fchsc, 'SO. A. 0. Smith, '7. W. P. SMosill, '. . D. Ildiis, '0. . Lll, is., 50 A1. The sbscipton ries of the Daily is S2.00 fos the college year, with a regular delivery before non each day. Notices, commnica- tioes, and other mattes intede for pblica- tion mst behanided in at the Daily sffies be- fere S p. in., or mailed to the editor before 3 p. i., of the day prvis t that on which they are epeted to acess., Sbcriptions may he leftat The Daily Office, Mey's or Stsiet's Nesatnd, or with Busiies anager. Saeriers sill co- fes a favos y reprtig prompty at thi sffct aoc failre of carriers to deliver paper. The anneal election of The Doiy bsard will e held sonic time befoic the Sprinig acation In answr 10 Citny qutestions, illexplaiatin of tle nmanner of election is given below. Every pid iiiisbciptionI for the Daily haslOroe vote at the anniial ma:t- ing. A certain nember ofei lllllsl' for tie board are rcommneld by; tie mnanaging edior to 1110 lO 'hg. These recoiiimeindlations are mladi' till on the basis of complletiti, Slisto's wshollhave clne the imost aid best sork beiiig prcsentetd to the m~eing for api- proval or rejection. It 1100 beii tt'ght best to liiptilllliitonlfro it tate til he cly of the meleting; so all wso isbil totry fole the oard sswhethiei'they lve treviusly made kn~ontile fact or nt, must han~ld thteir I111005to the managig editor 110 son s posile. Elctiots of iniortance in l'ivr- sity life sill be held00011 Od stu- dents sse it bothl to themcselvs and to the University is see 11a1 the est mienl are selected to l tillte impljotatt positions. The Northern Oratorical League, 1110 Stdens' Lecture Aso- ciation, thle Oratorical Association, lbs Atbletic Association, and The Dily will all soon choose their officers for next year. lut as in ter'fhlds svhere elective honors are to b' ob- tamned, lioltial tdeals lHe lplayean itl'11rtalt part illtie selections m~ade by these organiziations, 011d, cose- iltloltly, 11101 are lnt always selece enitile basis of mlerit. Tie exerieince of at least oneO of see asocitiosc this year poves tat this state of offairs e'xists. Ele remedy is not fr to seek; what swe need is not less politics but1 niore politics. Every stdent siould exercise hils right to vote, and ;f ho has not tile right 115 shold obtain it of a fe to swing eloiois for persoal cnds sould be dstroyd and tie leol- cent of "bossism'Iwould tbe 0111m11- ated. Athletc Notes. Yeseiday's Cicgo 'l'illeratetldh containls asrite-uip ofiliehMicigin baseball candidates, aid cuts of Msi- ager Atkinson and Cach Watbs. Th autthor of tie article gives tt schedule andtIsacs Itht Ias bett apposed by the ho-ard of control. This is n orror, 110 1110comlelte 501ch1e1le as nt as yet Seell iiade out athde board of coitirol ssill lae no'idon10 till it is. Tilhe andidates for the rol j11117 svere coached yeterdy by J. -v. Le- ry, swhot will rmin the11ec tllcek o lo after tie broad jitimpers. Iatdi- date1s for oter 011110iwill rest Sits so ek aniilcmtntiea ctie work next srie'k. After Shils ek Coach Leroy still be1'-101r' iext satnlitl o Ocalci al 111e 1111. fTie lrgest iiiiib'rof baseail litil lit to appeaolr Ilaitl'utsellystday' 111 terntoonlon tliiP't'iymoan 03 11113110 The lpracticet'ssfist athetien111111 ate showiing l1ipi ery god lfonr. Thil iniltie midlei v'gt wrest- liing betweenilouitt ad L~ikud, left osve flolilSatrday iighit,sill Soke 111a10e011111'aftirnoonlt 1ills iti'k.'llTe fib1al 011111rlcstbeloveell.Is 111111) sill be riiii111tile 001110 till.'.. Ladies' Night at Alpha Not, Te Alisha SNSocet'y 11110 aura-agtd tn t'xcellenlt ldis' lpr.togam for ilts 5ialisedoy iight. Dr. Alasiero55ill readl It pprise O"'Body l'ise 0,10 i lei Speaking.'' 111115all 1110lllllical l 'm (tilerlnumbei~rs sill ix' liv.lI by 11'1(. GRANGER'S CLASSES. Classes in dancing mot p to Miay Ist. Special roe to those wsihing to join 110w. Progiano for Tesday lad Saturday evening +classes wil her- oter start at 8:30 oclock Single eveinig admissionl 50c per cople Of- Dece Acadenmy and residence 60 May- nlard st Private lessons by Mcr or Mrs. Graiiger at hors not occpied by classos. ayln Coal Is TUEl BEST, All grades of hard ad soft Coal.. Camel Coal ad Cots, M. STAEBLER, Telephone No. S Ocr doss ast of Amei- can [lous. Bicycle Repairing ! In all branch es naly and pesarptly doe. Picessreasonable. Sundries at rth-'ottom prices Win. J. Wenger, 8I N. FOURTH AVE. - ANN ARBOR. f~M. MARTIN, uneal Diecto, Clot ®.. and Metallie Caakets and Fine Grade 'office, Embalming a Specialty. No, 7S Fourth ave. THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT T i t~mt ____Q5 0'QS-Own_ Lucius Perry Mills..-------------------------------A~pril 2 John Kenadrick Bargs------------------------ ----April13 GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS $7.00 RESERVED SEAT TICK(ETS 1,05 SING.LE ADMISSION .50 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $100 $1.00 $1.00 A Tremendous Slash! ! !! $1.00 $1.00 The U. of M. Daily at yeas room every $1.00 day for the rest of the college year (through $1.00 comneetwe~o N DOLLAR. $1.00 $1.00 8100 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 The 1097 BEN-HUR B IICYCLES embody more new and geneine improvement". in conlstruction than ely other bicycles nose before te public. Never before hove suchl excellenit values been otfered for tile money. Oar nosw line, consistiiig of cight sapeb miodels at slot $75 and $125 for single machlines, an~d $i50 for tandemils, seith the varios options oflieed, is nueh that the most exacting purchlais can be eliiirely sailed., p / 0 CE T A YC EM G 2 GARDEN STREET. iNDIANAPOLIE, OUR FINE P0STER CuAAOaUE MAILED FOR TWO 2-CENTaSTAMPS, A POSITION 3 , r 1 . Cnbe secured with tBaind, MceNally & Co , that will brng good retorst to stdents flir thisworkui sh vacaittin.Vie sish Reptesentatives on our Atlassfah'pa and stespublications. ALL ABOUT THE BABY < , I I I Ry Robert N. Tookerr, 01 0 , of Chlicago SMedical College just isued, lo tte booki for Mtedlical Students. Catalogue asd circulart tend on application. SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES I I I a W-e walt a few 0p00101 repriesentativs sin thle College. For this position experienced booki oiei should stiltesus at orce stating plot. experience. RAND, McNALLY & CO., Chicago. Wenhlt' lossec.t sees0nt, Ia aipies c r aneoa dde. Prier:t r ~pundit$ 1.3t; qan. 4W B teaond. 40 e. z1 ~ P ost-pad Ct'ogasuee SURBRUtG, 19ltona aedolt~d.