Ab. .Aam AT, VOL. VII. No. 139. .ANN ARBOR, MICHGAN, TIJESL)AY, MAJICH 30, 1897. I{OUR PAGES-3 CENTS. W IL D IIILO4OUIrIIC YL SOCIT:l. Receveda ful He ofNovl-Franlcis G. Peabody, of Harvard, ties for Spring Suits, Lectures on Ethics. and Trouserings 11"Lilth '0- V1~ "islac-5t (Tf he i I i 4 i '', 1 1 Athletic Board Amendments, THIRD ANNUAL MEETING At the last mneeting of the As-hilefic- Poard, the following addition wa Michigant Academy of Science- 0010.at e It111o III of the stoensog Full Progr;am for IWednesday. 1 nices: 15) fis i-tiaii-inass of eacti sta:~ieg T'he tlid annual meeting of the comittee sm11l-make a written se- _Miehig-an Academy of Science will he- 11 rf to Itle bhsacd at flh-last rlgnual gIoithfis city Wedisday afternocon, ncis ho in his termu, which chlti so'larcht 31, and continne through Thurs- vii he works-tof hiii ili-icent ill ds--cand Friay NO, 2 E, WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. thlat will wearsitsmoiiths is a gosh oce. Wei cn ive yousalCoalbtiai is swarrantedito swoar 12 sacs11to s ordiinay -uae. Ile'-e gostSt eombs snd titusecmscoarse- S omsusesaineomblsfs, ooobs ansdChsesh asious. 4S.STATE ST. 0 A Shoe Well Fitted! Meassdoubsc lecheswe a ssndthere- fore a savingix f 100 per cent, snot to mention the coinftort sndtlalpearanse whicla iilhemnselves are of no sniall importance. We give special attens fLoss to this feature oh 01t-in fact, Nve prefer to lose sales rallier t han allow improperly fited footwear Is leave our store. IS WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. y 0 0 0 00 0 e 00 g Yosnlhays seen it advertisoti a in flse Magaizinss 5.0 and 57.50. We Sell them for o a .week at $1.50 and $3.75. a 0 Thits is offered as a proumt- 1 sculilst isody ini the tlilss pt-al " ic p ssc7l lmt of the f ssisscs,-iiyhas 1ls-cs ss hyiiforth. Testeo-lis-a oilci-c El it 1 t.iii? of, TZ?(? :317di{s11ei', i iIi lt 1l.iti f>- 'r lilli cithlse ictusre s1si-11 , i T-stsain -clS i hll ias in his opiiin c-as i 1.1t _tI lisetlnsswoill b iso sl t elos-- H al gccete-Fccranocis 0. Poahly, 111to0 Vst fI: tirs clirmschoftics cosnisiffee. folr rosailils-e Unto- -rs .y Mi-c 550 li-fsircail "I tElisansd use 'Se-at d::0iripr I icI tsll le lma~de tart oftse hollisig.issless otluerivtoe -ills: c-i E- fQcl(-tion." IThe esminient tshiiossa)iss-r iiiits of thse leet issgyltheuse co- ciircises lieg-ision local tilo. T!-e coms- ,,s-k essenia~lly as foilosws: tsllo"vcetaryv. plete- programssfor Wedniesiday follow-c: "It seems aloItant-is tfrsssisc to TIhe cl::irsssss if the stansinsg cis:- Wcdsliccay Afternoon, Mach31. bi<7g Itic social questions esh il sthi I llss sisoret i .rlnsltors of tlhe re flesnesal Scssion of Acadhesmy: Muisesu i pc-is ad uel cssslssssss ous1no thle -'-ll cieo epartmntss o f itathletics. Lecture Rou. ,,,h:,, lto diy quietl -sdsi itfilsssiitili 111islihi-foosatissl maunsager is cls-sis- 2:301 lsiness mseetinig. hissmodserns site demandsis is; soici-ety lliin osithe1ftblli csoiftee. 8:39tBlaickc UhgnO--iefor C. Vaughan, 31.,0.Also Arhor. sitili iis dsisurin~g sissestoasis a1 e i;jci -sf lteiiddition : 1to list 3:33'0IDiscussions. lii ils soHumanssislifsesissst eiher be 5 s 'is i . aaei s ill tse isasiogsec-f i:110 P oles ansi Ohoervatioss legars- sssllscl;; inithitss-s-ilinig vacl xos tisr liitielis bylisivinigos rs-csir-d sil opilsohehiits anti Clasosteris- iss ftrssisqsiilly osi she ssirface of thiss rie- Is sisssc lseof Is- lileliole lla- tics of tse Stassasasiga, Sisirli- rarsu c-. ~e ssso015 bu - 5raris aeaussBduring Capisi- t--eryS Sin, (reenville. is'l usrssselvs-sswith tily- llssolsglcal iy BlyS Sln edioal Faculty Abroad. 4:15 Discssssionu. ilt.sfltoils osiv 5isis sifstra~ctiosss;: itis -4:30cs-Newtos's Thsirdi Law as a Factor' iwiir lio t dcnloevusa isci-a lie. ii-a oft ciheifissocsof flhesisi- ii OcglsisicEvoluioin-Manly <;,W1 Viouspintls of vln - si-ial fac-si-s-ill5-11spiendsitue cinsilac MilicaSM. 1D., Lanssing. - i -isl 1 gci 11555h110e0their eay + S -boi r. Nivy eaiiecis to csaiil i4:45 IDiscssesioss. iscloacli.lWe iiisy conceive of sociology i 1. 5100r1e0eek, DOs. Docc siwe--l rs rsss-ilvtssiasllier Junelthey williibeil7 ediseoday Evening. r s invoiving eithir ii tichue lucyo55111 li siRiosii 24, -NosfthWinig of University or phlilioophy! toiici-t f oses 1 a lulsi 1 iiSssgsss.1Hiciuiiall. if its thois-sof iclioli But ili iii- 1?P-ttlIis seciaullineisof 55551k as - 8:00 Illiseislted Lecture by ti-of.. Is- i-ill sici lsaicfliisi .sss :.-Iiesine (i theii-gri-tsitls-.rsili; il-: rae ssl C. lsseell - uA scent of of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h lii ciisl llllS 1.00ht ii 154 s-I 111 11 lotvri 51he- Iil Ifoif t anier." sssi10110 that show:v sossi-ss-si-cly thiris ii ilt-I iso iifousiioil Issiltli,'ils- ed 14sidal cDaily l tciionti eisii s-sisiiisip tIaeticis. toithits bsanoh0 - of 00 11111 ciw 1111tun11o fill l Th1110 r in the Ilsic vsscsasls dei-is doisy s meti-- -oll-issit itno «1so-isIlipr-lem-s. ill scienceof clics irIsstuediiii i::iit in asisidieidusal f-l ied it- iiss-wIi. Ilil 1 tic- lressreOfithIlls- Iiiofsit c uiiniandisl mosderni aivaiiciioiat is last i-sis i u ew view.sAlai as seen- i-oissNetilllod I egilarly. Intohe~ iyoiilsghil cshliisci c-iorse, Iis -isp 1).. ofVS issis sllci theIlls- l-cloo will b Is- ve i bysocl i Dr. VaughanithelIii- ss i1.:l ylsiocwisc f~ilill i hss~ fIs 11iss. DouesoAttractinsat Vespers. 'limo tollase-issgis theso llanifor sesplicscrsices fochly Stoescelosohu (1809-1817)-tco ludoh, 00o soaSol. lIne -are evorth h u-> t lliiuf s losne; fraom thue fusll Prices. Co(a ouch (p10i-1illooiiii-Isevecy ciloepti of thei ooe themus. Qpaiv1c1idus l us silmae while collid- 0---- i - ,11 - irs sutocriltsstioslitouvei illreas- I 0 11 essvsuaus uents. 10 5 aa i :Ere ll ni i hiulsi ha IWshiirg~i'i- fl o it. lu114-- ale fiiluc'il ussili-c. --AT- r11 : lie ifIind l pO 5 555551-l5t1 Just rocoivo 1 anothser lot of yll1.s. Nstatei of trcue. WIhe-usthe that fituc U. of M. Monosgramlsl sin is tsull-gcoss-u his-bahanicesluts tgaper, ltsa popular sha~des ightl over aupainst sosciety-.Tlists is Bisieansd White; also a Now fthe- ufituili- iinvauichlyl eu-sillhou Stock of the Various High laws . A#stsate of service. The tsrie Grareo Corresposnuence Palper. muansindsluileilos of -self flue uelargi- Vssiting Cardls Engravedl. and lentc~ of sol; in giv ing huniself u-auc- Plate Printing. pletely to society 'lic finds his hest developnsoe lt. This 'is thus great POyiI~. W AHR'S BOOK STOM dcuegsof huan life, "Thatperfect e,- Op Tows nown Toes T'lue ,gseat lisicrical usanifoslus- 2S S. Slate soh Opposite Court Hooso. Anns Arboerk Main et. f (Continued en Thsirdl P.ae.) so-iss .luC. thlir (tee-a iloi1e~hiO4f) uf'y to Coach tlse Full-Back- I1i~~ h--Aria Larid GoiS if Ahra- I ts.il 1. 1nulus i--c I li:;i - us.e . 1 iill; llori. I(Adluatei);I : l-1?.n. "Crt, ?fmtor-, Spiit bleat." otl l i hs ti0 110 -.1 sl Isusss f rrtso Iluc-ifnu-l10r55 lulti1111 colie115i fr the-shrll"555 hrI-li -I Iaited fflu-the Lri"; Ssentee, liii,, Theseic-