THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sandays excepted) during the Golegs yvear, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Greats: Times building, 79 S. Main St. be- tween Liberty ad William Ste. MANAGING EDITOR E. R. SUNDERLANDs, '97. EDITORIS E. L. GEIsMsEn, '98 L. F. S. STONSo, 'B8. B. B. 1iiiTn Any, '99. 1i. B. SKILAssssa, '9S L. C. MI. GREN, 99. Athletic Editor. BUSINESS CANAGER51 e'xolusiveistss, tvliili really :lsti the liiagtscile asoa literary oi'gai of the iiivei'sity. Nosy no ottoecats tomiplais that lie is slighted or thai sonic one else is favored iiore titan 'he. Every sindent ,inithe liniversity 1107 only has the triviline of sending, contrihs- tiotis'to tho Inlainder, bittbe is urged to do s0. 'Thle' Inlatnder lhisinowvhi ('('111'ii tuly representative pabllica- titon, and" the stinhent hocly wili tiol loll itself ini a very flattering position if it does 1n(trespond tibe Iia tily to the tienerone rectnesi of the edblors. U I I A GOOD OASEz wilts the jury of soehttyers anti lila ones hy a heavy majority. Footwear should he top dnality. 'Te feet can't stand anything else. Prices solnd be low', so as to beep the oboe lax within bouts. Youi won't feel outr shoe prices, httt they will miabe yott feel pleased. Thiere tire no corn growers libo had shoes. Come to tisad get somtehing, th'atyonu('in wear youtrself, instead of the osioeweariing yonr foot. L. GRUNERN A ai 44r J F.THOAS,.'07, Assistant. Lake Forest Plays Today, ASSOCIATE EDtTORS5 'fit' 'Vrsityiplays Lake' lors')at W. 'It. iloobro'. S . . Istitli. '97- 1the athtltetic tutu this aotirnoto at3 F. M1. Loomis. '9. Louise tDodge, '9i9. IV. P. M~oreill, '98. IH. B. Coreiniti. o ci'ilot'k.'flit' visitoitts tiltsays haivt-a A. At. South. 'P ftai-ly strtoligstalstil will tintistiht NiN 'thy nials' ifti'gaisiet' 1 t't' tt vv esriy __________________ ____________ 's' eii-., Eat-i' in1it'e teart'hley The suscsriptiottnice oathei.' Ptilby is 52.50 N\ire ' t'featlti lilintttoit y a ocatnl toerelse coilege yea.,ciii a ergotie deliveiry, before tnooii eati doe. Notitescs. ttt iutic' t lt'eitd scoettt, aniti itiSiripa Lions, and otermstter inttnteittit-tubltoa lion messt beitantded it at 1ihe'Daily tffice'be- Rwis-oit wolvttfito it 'itt o 14lt ). tote, or cailed lto the editor before t-. ps., ofthedtay previos to that itn swhichlyti MleCowvrvAlywllp'b thevyareexeceted to;, W1or. .ti u' es' ttl subescriptions may beit' i it t'etDaiy ailys-1)ie'~imiilitt-it'ti frill1,n )1t Gfilee.Mleye's or Otliet sNeittid.oer oiithnhl i will soiniesshhMantse. Ootetiie.iil'ion- 1-tif ale ter a tavor by repoettiig ptrtsiitliy at this tli tit' sffier iiy failurefcrri les lti ee "pise. Aicl-a wilin il)sfoo,' 't'liifactitit it's tof t hit'lhi .11tdliter-Wtitctle eni' icni ~ a~. husistii lii I'tire gta-do; 1Villa itt 'Jimltiu-is-Li ar-ytfeott'el.s ltli is videist edca't 14io 1tf liii ll's; and1 1 { 'ill 11,11 endst-b.h- by15-\list-1letsdent't'ii ctmtlytigthe Pts'fgs-its a I 'ltdiin his scsi goiiio' tte dtiysXt 'tdlsitlytsandh l-ritlty.- at7 iii sity. p. i.;ITiteshays and T'fi1ssi-ii s'l f tails of' t' plani--Fill his'gist iillAoditul. '7111 Liti'try t itss tools hluh 0' teven- ' 111'1eicant'tltttb ut provset'vvry intert'st- ilt)see li ti ti ovidthe liityIw11h55 heiielis tickbets.we tin'linialels Io "ive-lt'ipr- Deon DOoge at Newberry Hall. of it. Wi' tre always ss dlilt5to lido____ whatl5 t i clt for sttlitls' aifa- t of lii'h Stundaiy imornitig tiddsre ssat. thisiitslslsvkid i'utwelrawtsv eii'line t' iiNcwlii'rry Ilatom usuorrowsv will lit by~ bltyiig tittie~s fttr oiur rt'poirtters and Deaitn 'Ilcrl iii L. Dl lo ;t'out"''lpultf ttftt'rvtrd ts writ'till)ititir 1(ta'itiimetietings latinigaso thiy sdo frtoii 1:.1 in tiii shlllhitsurs if the soni-ittg. t11: 10:15are ttacliti ill nninitsil ainsitlit of interest this sytar. Bucftire lbs. e'diof theli'yt'ar the iresicets itt newInlnde Bordtha bieray tiletirly tall of thle leciditig it'hig;col- 'rbtlinstre solii~et traiLn studenits -- - sl~u, tit s~,ithilt itr it d.c tinll'Ciiig ST0YL1iH, + qKE.."D1RESSERS. 055aWANT FASHIONABLE HATrS ANED OAFS OUR~ IMPER~IAL HFID'S CAPS DERBY AT $3.00 Ate cutstylishh,hlookstyihauid are made gies 71u allthe'style andsquaity you netlin - -t 1 a bOblHat;,11heonly iern s saving 5(of X2105nC'74 $1z00 N D $ni501 SOpening-u Challenge Sale! Uinderw'e'tr, all wool, leeco mie, $1.450) and $1. 25, now 75 _ ceists a Suit or 40 cents a Socks, block and tan, 9 fonts per pir, wore 20 cents. Socks, 7c per piir, were 15c. Shirts, Fancy bosom asit white at 39 fonts worth 75 conts. Sirts in full dress aid fanscy colored bosolms at 88 conts, > wer $1.2 and $1.50. Monarch Shirts included in this sale. Neckwear-i9c aiid 35c Strings, Fousr-in-Hlantds, Puiffs,an I~oavs, elc. $2.00 Hats at $1.50. $3.00 Hats at $2.25. Sim- ilar redusttion on all other' Hats. Gloves, Mackintoshes Sus- ponders, IHndkerchiefs, Canes, etc., oct.. all includedl in this sale. Two weeks only, beginning Thursday, Oct. 15, and ending Thursday, Oct. 29. Ev erybody Invited. DEARBORIN & CO.s ...Gents' Furnishers and Hatters... 44 South State St., -Ann Arbor. (Come in and get your Shoes Shined Free Every Day-!?!! of the tisiversity.,is 11111'11111otightl to be ttroitghtiioIth le pirtetticr notice of everyonei. It hats horetofort'es'en tile somtewhatlnasrrowss'policy of ti' s'diors to ptersonally requettoticiles front those whose ilrodtlstions ihey wished ho irint. Olier Ipersonls, whether they wero able to write or stat, wiere made to siidestand thiatt thsey were not ont he Inisnier's chioseti list. No greater bretich of etiuette (otuldtbe coniti~ltedth lan to stnast contributlion which hadl sot been spe- ecitilly atied for. 'ThIis fe'e'intg sv t very withely iprevalent its this't'iiver- sitj', anid the Inier DoassO grews almost entirely ou1 of symtsishy svit the studettc body007. I-lt the present hoard inteinds to break away ftoi the od pokey LI as w-iill 11100 promhlinenltt titn fiont otlier stte. Deasn IlOoge is -iseli biiosi to be oiie oflt'issosti iint tintd intereshtig sitaehier on ite THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT Thi Stiit; Lctre Anol-OFn --ure campus and11111 illts no Wiohd'sof reoi-j .Leland. T. Powers_ illendslion ho those swho know- 1is. I Boston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra- -Nov. 3Q ---Dec. 11 Unity Club Lecture. ''lil' secoisuletutsre'its ist' l'nity l'lssb cossei viii be'delivered next Monday evening buythee. E. L. Rex- foid, D. D., of Columbults,. Ohio. formi- erly of )e'truit. Dr. Rtexforud is osle or thueniost brilliasnt preachlers andu leesirers in lice counetry. IHi-subslject wvill be "'The New-cot Sciente." U. of M. Dining Hall, tit E. Liborly st. Wo aim to please; if not, please tell ns why; if we do, please tell yonr friends. $2.50 per weeb. 25 Charles A. Dana------------.-------------------_-- Jan. 21 Ex-President Hrio-------------Feb. 1 Luther Laflin Mills, (Chicao Alumni Number) _--------- __ Feb. 12 Imperial Quartet-------------------------------- March12 Oratorical Cnet--------------March 19 Lucius Perry ils--------------April 2 John Kendrick Bag-------------April 13 GENERAL ADAIISSJON TICKETS $,2.001 RESERVED SEAT TICKETS 25 SINGLE ADMISSION .501 Harrison Numaher .$1.00 Orta~orleal Contest .25 TICKETS NOW ON SALE-eserved tickets on sale Thuraday,;eL .Sub. at 'Palmer's dept- store, Slate streent, and Wae's book store, A1ainstreeL. . JAMES H. PRtUITT, Corresponding Secretary.