THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY Jos. W Kollaiif, Latest Novelties in Gents Suitings. 10 E. Washington St. - Up Stairs. PHOTOGRAPHS j -SpeciairatessI.tSeios at IlBerryman's E. Huron Street Bicycle Enameling!, Plain or Mlarbelized. Any color or style. All work guaranteed. A. CANTLO0N. Witla Tucker & Co., 15i N. Fourth ave What Yti Got at H angsterfer's 11S TTE. COR. WASHINGTON AND FOURTH AVE. AND 26 SOUTH STATE STREET. IN THE EQUIPMENT OF A STUDENTS ROOM, Ltots gonerally coceded teat, a ,trio< cod in- strument is almest as absolute neocss-it.. ro secure the greatest enjaymenat frees the purchase Let the beet rear inasey sol affored. o Expert juagmenct prOesaee the "Bay State" instrumn ts the finerst in tlbs. world As excellet ists et is tie BAY STATE $1.0.00' 5s e htes ill steel. lheases ano Itha this, but far ausai l' sric- oatherinstamete mauatuedca Nepia far illustrated rat: togae, 45a-463 av.hiagtoa Street, icetan. TT OF '1. SHAVING PARLON. and Bath-{ Li." reams. All 'spoisesetras first Cas Imparted ad domestic cigars. Ladies' artis- -ice heir dressinsg and bttlitw pasrlors, UP tairs. J. It 'Ero at steti 0).4Stat. AD M S. MARTIN, Feueeral Direetor, ClothC X1. and Rtecsllie Caskets and Flee GradeI Callis. Rinaltieg a Speelalty. Na. 17 S Fourth ave.C ~s ~ O ~ C ~ °D t '/ WHY DON'T r YOU T'RY PATRONIZE HOLMES' LIVERY A hex of that delicious Peanut Brittle at and get the heat service. BR WN 'S DRUG STORE. Office and Stable, 32 Forest Ave. Telephone 106. Half pounds and nounds, 10 and 20 cents. A few hex: a of Branch Office at Paliners' Pharmacy Velvet Molasses Canady, one-half pound 10 cents. _________________ THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Carital Stock,$5,000. harplan, $1100,0. G oo dpeed'sResorcesl~l. by a Oed iuader the OGeeral It alanig rams itiexcahange aos ehe principal cities at the 15 5. lisied States. Graftscshed apes preper TS lI1St. Doses;ent. llarrimn, Vice-Free.;t Chas F. iHisecc, _______________________________________________________ Cas__ issser: M. J. Frtte Assistat Cashier. DOES YOUR LAMP SM~OKE? TRY RED STAR OIL---NO SMOKE, No Charred Wicks, No Offensive Odor, No Fouling of Chimiteys. A While Ligt-Butrns freely to the last drop of oil in the. lamp -Clear as spring water-l0t per gallon-Delivered in our cane, promoptly-Sold otnly by DEAN & CO MPANY. 44 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. I U. OF M. CALENDAR, Thesaoasilelectionitoatthesoficeh'srs Sturday, i2harcl i- Annttal itooae itf ite S. C. A. -will tse hel nestot o I net at w alerosan oiyinnasiti. t.oy e'veting, tifter the usul01101 r Fida, lAril 2, Idrasgera S-enior mteeting service. Party. ?Mrs. M. B. Britwit of tells-cl sit I ist it Aprit 2--L. P. Mtils ini S. h. Isit'>., is inthetittlyvisititag 'hr sitn,A. Citurse. Ohs'. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8hnly atilrni. heilcittat itii .April 1--Annutal taddressitf isotlilat tt' )5llOlii tttts t t ' s. IC. A. Revi. IV.hD. Otackeenie, tOf int his' tty. ____Chicagot. A. A. & YhPSL ST. RAILW*AY. Tuesday, Atiril 1,t3.1. K. Baingsoil TOME TABLE. S. hL.'A. Corse. hLcaves C-engross sreet, Ypsilanti, ,itIrislay, April hOf-Spsring -s-et totsitti .00a 'R-90a0.40ennA 1-00 1 m nnall dcpatmtients olsenas. r 12:40, 2:20. 3:40, 5:00, 6:30, 7:30, ,:10 t (IIANGER'S CheAt anid 10:20 p. Hi.- ('lasses in dancing a~t hLeaves coturt htouse at Ann Arbor at1s Spcarteothe 7:40, 1:00, 10:20 -atnd 11:dO a. nm., and -loi11550' Progratofr T h:20, 1:00, 4:20, 5:40, 7:10. 5:30, 9:50 jura veigclse andt 11:00 ter start at 8:30 o'o SUNDAY TIMhE. evnnadiso50pr hea~ves Tpsilantti at 9:20 and 10:10 fie cngademissindresiper a. itt., and 12:30, 3:30, 3:10, 4:30, >: f),tnairid at. P'ris'ate ltestis 7:10, 8:30 andi 9:30 p. tao. tt's. C raeitr at htours ttot hLeav-es Ann Arbor at 10:00 tsatd 11:20, and 12:30, 2:30, 3:30, 3):10, ..)0:t,cls 7:10),1:10 and 10:30 p. ini. Subscribe tar the Daily. SS. Lup to Bay wislhng to Cucaday atid will here- )cL. Single cosuple. Of- ice 6t ay- by Mtt. at occupied iby FIRST NATIONAL BM K ef aane Arbor 5' 'ittal 1, t e'plus and Pretits, $40,000 Trasacts a genteal bIsnlsiegbusiness. feresg'. ecantsge boughclt and said. Furnish tettersa' reit E. 1). iCINNE, 'rec. 1lARIiON SOULE, Vice Fres. S. 00. CLARKlSON, Ca shier. &&rtlIS I fIlflif25ftalik Car. OMainands iuress Sereets. Capital $0,5000. Surplus $30,000. Transact general banking business. R. Iteasre, Pros. C. F..GREENSo, Vice Pree: FEte. II. Oosen, Cashsier. F. J. Scitleede, 20 S. STATE STREET Sells a Solid Geld Fountain Pea at 61,00 Boeoks lBound 25 cents and upmard. Ui. sf31. Scenesansd Profeseors 3%2 lbs. Lin- en Paper far 50 cents. Nate Books 5 cents and upwards. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TaUTTLE'S, 48 S. State St. Reduction! Our price hereafter ' ~ foi U. of M. buttons all patierns, wall be 50 Cents. WM. AHNOLO, LEADING JEWELER. UNIVER~tSITY SCHOOL OF DANCWING Gpposite Lasw Building. $3.00sustil OMay 1t any tee classes. Ofie, 27 Thompson Street. Just I"Peceived a Large anet Elegant Line of New :Pipes! Ht, snd Cold Lun~chtes at alit iturs. Agents ftor Husyler'sasnd Wil11imsansd OWerners Co.'s ChsecolateBoet lis. 20 S. State St., Sager Block. Anton rT.eufel,1 Trunks, ValisesDress Suit Cases TAn ND TELESCOPES. Trnsand Valises Repaired Neatlly and Cheapily. Na. 57S. Miss~ts A Slsasin Prices. her a sisrt timte Veswill PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CENTS GLEANING AND REPAIRING. P2 S. State St.lOerGo s ey'a Bililiard tRoom. To sny person interestedIiusaae mat- eras, or miss loes animas, ne mill send free, steels appliicatien, a cepy aftIhe "ALLI- ANCE." the orgaa of this Society. hnasdsai- tion to its inteasely interesting readiag, it ceataies at thse valuable and unsaspremi- pa's elives by she palter. Address THE NATIONAL HUMANE ALLIANCE, 410-ill Gaited Charities BaiIdin5-, New Tech. WVe invite yourl ins )ectto of tlio finest line of Spring Snitings, Overcoatings and Trouserings thtit we have excor been able tt place on otota ttylles. Our re'pationi for pnotllintg onuly the bost wtonku-ill be lintaned.- WAGN± Co., IMOR5TINGt TAILORS. ±ii~.Isn~nOcsfii~~iuS~fn~neu'uii~itiior)Iilronruiij90Ouitthc~rrnr