SteionBlock aod am s ouh ros1' ion ion iiits
Are now in our stock and rcady for your inspection. No fincr or better made clothing in the country. You will find them
only at our store. Golf Suits in Great Variety.
The leaders in New York as well as in Ann Arbor are only soldi by us and are the best hats ever produced for the money. All
the new and leading shapes. We also make suits to order, guarantee a perfect fit and a saving of 25 per cent. We have
the lamgest and finest line of GOLF SUITS and GOLF HOSE IN THE CITY.
37 South Main Street.
Grand Opera Hou71se. 1111 ( "RAN D OPERA IJOIJSil. bhy lmi I ((ed giiitlitogetlier. It il- I HIGNG T~
YLHG NLONE NIGHT ONLY cl(0(5s smne of the nost 1e-oiatnet _
[r.John F. "rne of 8 Bels" r5TimleTable (Pevim ]'teb. 71847
siDA9linecia 110Wbefore lie puiblic. EAST. WEFT,
T119.1Mi111 i i ti t-iAnandlLa i s-the-prsiumdon- Mall and 3 47 Msl .Spc al-_ 78
TI A1, I't1OUS .11 the i ie,e e ihaliiim isedill inN .Yh- eca. 5-1545 Mai _ie__iiiost 4
By ne. srsllt till o (f this a 0 liigc Oh . i iii lctnO 5-andtiower'. Ill She role ofA..PM
Atlantic Ex ---- 755 Paifi~c Ex---12 15
lot which k 1) tii( t the1(.rn 15e1. Rfho li a a er.s le 0 .E press---5 50 Viesteran i- E
liii ase sathr'ns, 10 te G. a. Express __1119) Chi. Nt Ex - (_ 915
11i i29,i i (1w most nimi uG.R.Ea------5
Which for C oiitetenss, Novelty and ((1(1ind tfrteate ue y(n(od o -i. le sEintilx hi- 0i tlt . . . W.broin , Ch ic-,,go. A . AnA, o
Prices, 26c, 35c, 60C and 76c. pn.Te Gus lytes iii (iroisall thi-t could lb (estred,;
hleadl of theirlirofiesston il this i~- ' ttti hio Rs ~l o
rata ' " 11. (((1(
Notsoearsis IReanly Complecte
Wihout a new 1891' Miodel
SGuitar, Mandolin,
i-i 1as Hi Banjo or Zither.
iries a iebee saldonas aedsutof the
From iss oUpward.
i1,, -2v I'Vsiur aiand i a rad5icasl departure
irl~ omrst-e. Itis m s s- in~(tisad
ieyn';rt-haofainoldCeoa V iolis. W9as
class muiicdsalpri eseysv,,issr-
W.sbsaetac knowiededsdtandard of lbs
wold Teyar sedIexcluosiey bye lea ding
ArtitsTeacersand leeCubs. Oursnstt' Za-li-
b O~anicatalogueiconiaiingpotritsoloerOArtiiib
f:11inor ato, pice,5(endorsements, eic,will be
A Ve-ibuseaimproves with age and makes a
6,,4 htiar ssin vaite as lhs yeara go by.
I s aaty ou lhimany tingsaitas st.
Spalding Leaguoe Bail, Sl1its, Alisuls, etc.
Mlanagers (sholsi ndf0or(s amiples anid
special eases. Evesy resg al-ifor( ' oisii-,
Galf, Criecist, Trailk ad Field, Gymnia-
siumsFquipmsnta and ostfi - Cosaplete
Catalogus of Springi and Summ~er Spors
lre. "This Names thiGuarsatee"
k'Ii ei. isiitUL IVhiii i sol l1has (ailroi Iis
'pc cii-l bTilllVf elllei. slb-.
Tito0 10i. its oy Oi ai ha l -sl llI
11.ln;M<1 si~liil - to-iith1e4(11l l5 10555s:
lcxt 11(0111 ((iiy (5 (litig pit l I sti 1
("'w Bist tl i llity thas h ids"'clirl lil-i
L1 -le Oi ctl ( tlAsinx; l-uisii- i s i
Mu htasuri. bthlis lll-itll- illlit 1an-i
iailiis i I. ilt
i, iiiitil. Tho . Leary, John
ilav ii 1111(1 A 11(1151 Summeirv5ile
It 011 ut'pii siiiqiually iiin11il 1
111 h!' - )t l eliCil ilel l licrof 9111 1 (Ia it
1 l - I 13 d li.lit l e aturi i- e A iete
;s, -ii 1"e1l miiverito ose11 pliat'id~
j'Iltl .-I sriwen 11t ioe ,isk 1 111t' llarl 1
l ,"lIve lugtheir Nvork. g"1''1<11111 11ill
Elie'Si. jail. 111,39-
7:ill a . m. 0-110a.m
11:25 a. so. 11:2 a.i n
4:0 .in ea:5:10p. Mi
*Run betweeii AniiiAsbos nd 'Toledo only.
All trains dailyexesopt Sunday.
"V. 11 neaaovv" I G. P, A. Toledo 0.
I 1111y 0Ill li~~n; e i-slie i h ka-RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS
I111(1d i-lni ini l-lilli bii -ouldl ml Whol-esile (ig'ass, Tobaccos and
(Iil ji! pI~e 4t, ill11(t i-t a( .T hi - ig l i retles.
nlileill hichrltt tile l' 01-51 las bee-ti COr. Main an-d Liberty Ste.
'ut11( Ila otllwsar oe Nil-- 11111 s ii loe' FINET TA IIORINIG
1)1i(e . I F~1111t 1i1vi JH ITY!rel~et
tiii i - .ear Yi°lliroiei 1-1 b ull. HEu"T
1sili iii - - - to il a teiI ii-i POt S-ALE. 1 . Burch-field,
t1t.1. i-acat-s.-Physicisanis ojiirliti slitirs, uscd ix ~
fit~i llilii te sel ~o~t~~iitil-ihs.$1550ces $2.0. AjoHURON ST., OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE.
1lilils1 liiles idical hooks. Croitite & Stonle,----- - -
0~ta aciiii ltf1 lttl t ~lsgists, Ypsilanit. iaLadiea Tailoring Annex.
1lstiislii tf-lSaillih Tucker & . - -i INTERCOLLEGIATE
((is i1ll li-sh. 1t1alsoitldiltt hitalsi m- ' ii- - BUREAU FR
c l c11_ot hott-hu I1ra ee)"-R BICYCLE LIVERY AND SALESROOM caps Gowns and
05 110' iiiilii i I ililX t~tii t 18 North Fourth Ave. -Hos
lritml fs'otli the iishi f lie 1111till s 4TEL O LON y
Oi tsii i C li le ~tlo lelit We carry a full liue of tip-to-dateC '8b
Bicycle Sundries ad parts to inaiiv 1 Alas, N Y
1111 -iceas of 1Hsia oii Rut , how es es, heels. 515-ti i 1i e sc
i lill(tllly (ile to it e cllellt 111111- Also Repair Wheels at living pries RENT5-C4H1,EE,
noin ~ Wili ll a it i 1sbeli 1clst. A sliose Give us a call if iii need of a' thing -
in iiiia ttt egantozatioiicouldll no1 tpossi- illourlie ANN ARBOR. MICH.
Ness York, Chicage, Philselph iai.
Washington Block,
Ann Arbor.
E g ax li Ii wee ngiave visitinig cards foir ladies ied nentlelmenr in tbeir respecutive sizes is ecorrect styles. Engr113aved
Pates will be kept by mus for"tins piatronso, ntless Aveofiue rcquested to return same.
WdIng -% InvitatilonS El a tly engravedl to order in shsort
Prices quoted :md1(1rumples furnished (Inapplieation.
Leading Booksellers - - - - - - - - 20 S. State Street. Ann Arbor, M~ich.