THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. u ~ Among the Colleges. ..1 . o 4 1 altu. Tihe authoritics of Brown University Pa >ihhled Daily (Sundays excepted) daring lGih e ioc u hattile s ftobencco cc the College year, at emegieu thusofobcor THE UINVERSITY OF MICHGAN. -eave college. OFFec-P:Times building, 79 S. Maix St. he- Th enylaiStelgsaur tween liberty and William Six. T cl~l nl tl eiltg - it 195 tNileEDIT OR bas beeti asked 1o apprioprilaie&1,000,- J. F. THOMS,. K0100 to etsable the University of tPlsa. ASS'T 11AN&GINS. EDITOR sylvania to improve its several Cie- r --. 0ipxs.'tS.ltstof stutty. ATHuIE-UIt)EDITOR II. j3. SisLLxiox, '98 L. In all probiability Van Dooser, ihe BUSSNES INAiIIIR crock half-back 01n last year's Norih- 0. 11. HANS,'98sswesterni eleveis, sill courtsiinext years 1,0tT0itS teaminit as miuch as he 'tas beenix ls- E. L. GISMER, 'iS L. ii. H. CooscIx, 'ii. F. it. Looxis. '98. RUTiLEn a, T0. tualied frotss ilayili. I. A. CoiAMPELL, 'ii. The smallest as well as the largest ASSOC[ATE EDITORS uiiversity its the wiorlti is ini Africa. W. iv. Iughox, 'iS. S. W. Smith, 'it. P'. A. Fucik, 'ile. A. Al. Smith, 'ii. Tue soileot it-t fivestuttdents and fif- iv. P. ilorrill, '05. C. D. iludauti, '00" i't1ittntruictors; 11111largest, Nwhich is C. Lull, jr., 99iIM. .. Situtated at 'Cairo, Egypt, has teratluh- 5 511111d studentt. THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT Lucius Perry Hills _- John Kendrick Bangs- - April 2 -April 13 j GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS $1.00 RESERVED SEAT TICKETS 1.25 SINGLE ADMISSION .0 $1.00 $.00 $1.00 81.00 $1.00 $1.00 'A Tremendous Slash!!!! I$1.00 The U of R. Daily at youe room es cry Say ear the reel of the college yer(hrcough $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 The subocription pricc of time ttailyiste52305)t( ltt titmsetndIscitshIl ctn.1 iat'?ur for the court.e year, wiitha regular delivery I zist(trity of b z lli 0thetlot'sd ty before isoon eocih day. Notices. communsell- 3y 0 1 tions, and other oatter intended for publieta-miim.Vmieimmirt'sliismc'l-0it11 tiona must bc hanmded in at te Dtaiiy office be- $1 *, jtj;1 .11 IC~e1ZEil re ed ® lore S p o., toied to the etitor before 3I - -- p. m., of the day previouxsIo that on which I(Al lit -lc-trtu'ntirthe amilit ticti-lu they are exipected to appe. $1.0 Sbscriptionsx tty itoleft at The Potty J1t1111)t tin:> ft. It) its. Wisettmssimsexpoct.tels Q 10 Office, iMeers or Stofllet s Newstind. 0 . Itor tm with IBusinss Itlagor. atterittorsmwielmso- ittit timilt'fromtheem I z il ere a ftavor by rportitng protmptly at this offic antfailureofcarrier,to d e e eprer. S1(.'lV t it (eshtins fortsrit' la~i-Print t tss All nistliotts 1point to s. miosi tse -tllt t' ts imnm sttitll y Isir ti, silindoor mettttt isiigltl. fieelis). lime mittst ittn rettdts': mittsoi+c 'ato nlI s 1t il(oilp{tI11fti, /l'it\\ vii i'siimtei. lie tl~ims-etfmi e li tml itsllof . t f imiart .I'tt Et v- Uuitt esiritmidm. st-lle peinim-s t ftit mitt' tetamm is deitter inedttomi i glls tilt' st-l tsta "i't. > I tyetom' iseChiss.Fimsvey 5stdent svli c e nign'lssso- u tit lis 11(t1, th5I laiso rivttley saitito slitiss inl;;.' itOlt}O) I -i lt tituea t fthet .lj-t 5 tt. mmtssmm ictsmtit th~t t he lt'm irmBrd sot-rik i itm 1m'iiin\\iol\ 105,0 5 "ltt tlltltl ttlt\mm s-Ite tll mtstoa a flt -litIts liss) cmi it slttm- I Itl l1111Sls li lldlha. ''1 l 11lt i) lr t o 1st~ ~~~~~~~~~h peirsbnem sfmm.(rmtsmi tmmset 1atl- sm-,t tt fI Ittis 5t ttmttae- zltt , mtm ttit etteittm m uchttt .,NS, Butsiimess Manager. 1.00 $1.00 -$1.00 s:itllatit . , I Ny Robert N. Tooker, atinD, of Chicago iMemdical College just issued, in the took forteiclal Studenats. Catlogue ad eircslars nend on application. SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES , . I 0 I , 9 , Wte want a fespseocial repivstttiesn ithe Collect. los thin pesition expetriecied bohe o tn sishaldwrite ns ot one, staingO patexperience. HAND, NoNdALLY & CO., Chicago. Wrwilmneden rcc'01 st an nts.a smplet:: Snyarss. Pr Sics- 1 ter ponsd, 40 t. Aelgadaseaie Siel; Osclel " m~a~ctm 44 4as®. +.} .4 . a. i wirs,