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March 27, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-03-27

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4M /In



Receivedl a full line of Novel-
ties for Spring Suits

11 IN m MEET TO N I G I I'. Rich, to 1Boston University, $2,000,000;
-doas 'G. (Clarks, to ('larke University,
Contests Sure to be Spirited and Worcester, Mass.. ,$2,000,000; the Van
deiltolts, to X'oisderhilt U'niv orsity, $1.-
Close. 775,000; .iiiis Lich, to tale tisiveraity
o lio niai $1,00000; Soihn C

Church Services Tomorrow.
' Unitarian Church, Rev. J. ". Sunder-
land, Minister. 10:30 w. im., nmorning
serv'ice, serin on "'Missions in India,
Will India. Becomse Christian 7" 12 in..
Sunday School, also Mrs. Sundesr-
lail's PBible class; 2 to 4-p.in.O., trec
re'adiing coons opeii, everyhody incited;
6:30 to 7:20, Young People's Iltigiou.s
Unlin. snubject 'The Life and Infln-
eneo of P'rof. Hsnry Drisisis ond::0

and Trouserings IThi' preliinairies in 'lighrt wiight
ars ctling werie coitestedl yesterday
18 7fternmoon and resulted as olws
=NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN.,'t50 cDonglas v.R,,unsdell, avon
_____________________________I____y Doigkis, tiimis, 40 sec.; Kepnier vs.
-f , .Ns f at bf eswn b y tKetner, time 3 inini. aiii
A 00 M 13 - $ _ , :-rec 'lie sieiii-fiinals in this slass
sil obe hlthis afternioon at 3 o'clock.
sthatswiliwear sixnminths issaessodA
on.Weecangivt you atobta Thoteevnscedldfrhi
is warranted i ti e12mnh
ordinrusagnie. 'e'vee"ot i' feno r hayadbna
comibs and little cseibs, corseA
comsbs and fiee coms, goad coms. usuglitavrestlig, lireliiinarics in iidis-
and ct~~esi~ ciis01is.itsad feather'i wvsighit wrestlinig, iindi
PALMR, 'S PliAR RACY. aituf liiie boxig evessts. 'ihiere with
46 S. STATE ST.,ibe left thrieccboiits in warestliing, inals
inl ih' light, msiddle aiid feathier weight
________________________________________ sal a for the evening proorani1.
A Shoe W ell Fitted j ! Isivents in the evenitngaill start at
___________________ 8'ao'cllockshalrp. All conitestants insist
Means donule the wear and there- ippear inigynloasinssattiri' at the
fore a savinz of too per censt, inot to diuretor's shlire hefore 7:43 o'clock.
mention the comfort and appearance
which in themselves are of no small IL fcir siunbers will thieisIsi'giveniout
importance. We give special attein ~ iiranoliiic'nnowl i
tinn to this feature of fit-ini fact, we adcrananuenet ilb
prefer to lose sales rather than allow' smutse. ''ickets fmr the mzcii ore' placedl
improperly fitted footwear to leave a it et.''eems epeet
oni' store.itit sn.'tieiiiitt''trs'il
edIfoirs nittalice to the afternoons
W.J.APIL,3 hose inteed in aiiy eventsmutpo
1S WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. 1 1(11 ttii iiialvi's withi tickets,.bt ifi
aaanaanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa het's'actually i-oiii't'i'their iioney
+ 4. T E * + will he refouided.
p e Draigsugfor thie' aftertnoonshousts
m are Lilht w('tgtit aurestlitig, Kelluiti
MN ItJlUfJ 2 rn jl 1v1.mLutd;lIiiilt~uii vs. Douiglas.
Fea' I, therweigtt areatlilig, Lonudlvs.
S'7 it atecr, I'orid vs. 1Richardson. Stot'-
S You have seein it advertised 00: fSt, . 3s. antam sas eathing'. Iititarit
in time Magazisies at $3.00
and $7.50. We sell them for :°a ttit Shdcs'itt aiiolig
a aveek at $4.50 and $6."5. Usisiut a's. Itus,11. K. Lousd vs.
'lhits is offered as a preini- Nieal. thiavyA' '(igtit wrestling, ho-
u n buhiying tasty in the hotasmor.te~v vilthx
seasoi.sou or. Haywih Theyn-Ler ais avorthlldl Nlli
o the full prices. Coins and toltrasMrii. ide sih
see thmn. 1tl.'Siiit. lligotta's.Liaig,. Wrigita's.
0 --x--lioortc. Basitammi weight 1Isaxing
locs a'sv. (ox, Ihsihtority. eLigh1t
@LKN' - r MACY.A weight 'hoxingr . Itausioll 1vS.Whieeler.
mislt iiteltnrrtch; 'ritirce.Ii' to-
Just receiv'e:) another lot of 11,t1' followving gifts exceeiniig $1.,-
that fino U'. of M. Monloram t000,0t00 has's hecn gicen hy inidividuals
Paper, thae poptalar sihades to educationaol iinstituitionisa i Aoizm'ia:
Blueo and Whito; also a Nosy Ssteise Girartd, to Gtirard ('otleg,
Stock of tho Various Higho .$3100,000; John D. Itockefeller, to
Grade Correspondtence Paper. Ctiieago University, $7000,030; George
Visiting Cards Engraved, anti Pc ahody to various fomndations, $6,-
Plate Printing. 0100,000; Leland Stanford, do Stanford
_________________ University, $5,000,00t0; Asa Parker. to
RT n' , Lehigh University, $t3500,000; Ctiarlies
DU ]BOOK ' i tPiatt, 35 to tnstitute of Brooklyn, $2,000,-
Up Town Down Town 000; Paul Tulane, Io Tula ne Univeis-
15 S. State SO OppositesCourt House-.
Ann Arbor "Sale St. jI ty, Newv Orleans, $2,500,000; Isaac

Gtreen, so trinitetols, .$l,a01,oOitf; s'it-
l im' C. tDe Pane', to 'De Pansy Uni-
veisity, $t1.O,305; A. J. Drexel Inidus-
trial 8cm'tool, $1,300,000; "'stem'tootler.
to C'soper Union, $1,200,000; lions (Cor-

hill 'IlldlHenry IV. ISage, to C orsnell ''uigsevcltreh te'.I"
liversiti'. each $1,000,000. S. MceCollister, of Detrit.
Zeta Psi ,Banquet. Chorcs of Christ, S. University are.,
- near State at., WV.IM. Forrest, Pastor.
'Th'eNtI('holster of thse Zeta Psi fin.- 10:W1 a. IEsub atject of sermnu, "Wha~t
'1 it eIihlis anuiua l binquett ithel!! BoilWaists f's so Do:"12 iss.. 51:0515'
Riussellt toiise,fDeiriiit. hFriiay ''''"i Schmol' O :ttt hi ..ii. .1. 5.C. i: 7:30
ing. ahi ' uiccasionmssass as-ery- enjos' 'uyet t5'lisi,"IIs~ ~ t
abile'ose, andslthis'followaingIstotusa it stisus:'
ivere riussericd: "Zeta Pat," hlstheut S S. nr-vacim'h. la.Hur
Bakser; "Zetesi's ubislic Lift'"IHiii. i'tsssu, htm,r. th. Henury P. Hor-
Hesmy''t,. Thsurtier; "Auil Lisg;Sa'sei," tnsiant. 7.30 a. in., (101y Cossi-
Di. '"1. II alker; "TtiieA'ssnusm," . I mol 1:0a nmonn rv:'
tL. Smiths; "Thlei XI of Zetas Psi,"I dIit )li a iist sermiois: 12 si..Siusi~muy
w'iiiJ. Be'men'ut. Prof..Tu'romie C col il kIssadCofrm
tiiouilatili n(J'i'itas t0astsst inhictssse; :3 pi, i.. Sundahy shls
Aimog tiosi trecuilasci' . hit 1totilihdss hll tisti'rs; 4:30t'. ins.,
f 'i'bI.Ssss I'liss K bsli mmm igsftylotlerlsooul of St. Anslreaa;
slil, Hus. Rs'msry T. a'lssss'tr, 1.Ie t .7:0 ).111ii., '"eusiuso't lrisyir aol 5.
Baker,'. 5'rof. ..C. KulousltosiDi. I.

'.Si'nlhi'c Sasmusel lhi'al '. IHenrsmy
('Onllsi', Beorge I'. I'Casler', iRex It.
C'mis', Itaissshn.I". I. Simiths . tGrBif-
'mu, t'rei'isim.I. St. Brewea'irV. '. 1.Lu"
It. WV. No'riisgtons. A. 1-. Maitlands. 11'.
A. ("lisielsri t, St. 11'. Stills. anud of thes
actiie ('15551s' atiAnnisArtiors, B. B..IP.
'0l'olisusil, 5. 1. ''i'mnll'.liitEa'il I.
Il'.ic Is . S S. Olds.,.tu'., 1. 1'. stoine,
I. l'. lcpaisitls'os. I'. _St. 'ils'hsir. flirt
BlmmtserIt'. inimuelt. AV. A. C'mstocks,
DwsigtJ. T'urera'. Ilohinsoss, 1. St.
Siv isic . 0 . 5.Peusfiehl. Bret Nut'

First AI. E. Chiurchs,IB. L.. SheElroy,
Ptor. 1:30 ga. nt.. slass iseetluig;
10:301 a. itint.,sertmon b htie tiasis', sub..
jci, "'fite Valseeof mm I~oiiusl ('ii: is-
is lit3"'; 1 1 mini. oilmsy Schsool; 6:30 h'.
Iln.. Itiasorlth temsgo t :30. zoi'iou,
oItjici, "''A Molmssin uu oild fio'titi'
1.01r.1i11,ssijs'ci. "T(ie titlcs,
'f'rei'"'; 11:451. Suniday'Si'iichomaduis FR''
i'lssl'5 I.ts. , csauci '5:a11 sts sum"
lists; ti:30, nmllingof lie V. I'. 5. C.
1-.: 7:8)0. s'rnsionm, sujs'st. '"tiss' I:' miii
i'l'till aisa' s.

Special Multsic for Sunday.
-------- Lecture Postponed.
'~'crs' will bem'speil umusic ii t i'
Co'nigre'gmiol (.15515 11 st l. tFil- P't'-d'. ''1. IG. t'satuImly'', li'mture's'eoor'
tsintlgis thn' trot'raiitl:thei hihosissilii'cst Smmm' uy.1'lwhiaa:ts
MliaIIIlhNG. lto mlvi' beeni given.s yesli'cilmy afteri
C'hortus, "'"hmIt'lea'l'ns AreT'e'I' l' 1:111, htm,. ieis hmostsiine u' ntuumil \Stis
islg'' t....I=rad 'a 'tiotl 111:13' mftecilotimm0t. it 4t. 'Ciii' smulisi'
tr. tDudlley'Tiny-or tud (5
t'ssmmrmlo solo, ''Its'Was tDespsised'ml varil, andtistonuie of till'lussttoasil
suittti'je'cted''.... IFrm a iessimi I mm'sisutsers eo:1tme fmsI'ull'.
Mrs. N. S. HIft.
At EVE, UNING. I heCortof .'hhi:. i f Newa'Yorkl
S~las l~ms Ieacli. tioul of rs-ssi'guutitt im thme t-ays-i''
Sotirmno solo, "tlmite 17s, 0 Savilor" ss'eathser -wtlltass. ''his;altossto
Goodwarin stanadlthis court's sdecisisons of severaih
Master hFreddie Daley. weeks ago sistribuuting this $2,000,000
V'iolin solo, "Criadtle Song".. . . Hauser residue of the estate Ito tl twtaenty
Mlr. Aruaansid Miher. colleges named originally in the tenth
"Influtsinatus" . -..tFroms Stabet Mater clause of thmesil. By Bshs sleoniat
Mlaster tFreddie Daisy 'and Chorus. Yale will receive shiortly $250000.

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