THIE [NIVERSITY OF MICHIWAN DAILY. .Jos. W. Ko®llauf, ---- WASHBURN and1 PATRONIZE HOLMES' LIVERY and get the bet service. TAILO ! lU. of M. GUITARS.' Office and Stable, 32 Forest Latest Novelties in Genie Siitings. " Ave. Telephone 106. ___________ IV W ashbu~lrnl IifltlIJilS Branch Offie at Paliers' Pharmacy 10E. Washington St. -JUp tars AND OTHERS. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK _______________WASHBURNS----$15.00 AND UPWARDS. capital 4tck,$,50. 5 rilo9,$150,00 AOTHERS ----- $ 1.98 AND UPWARDS. O'sic Resources, $1,10M. °\ $ < O~ani'asuder the Geneal Baking Laws R '^.f, y sfC oftile State. ReceIves deposits, buys and y ( Ao, I ror . s it sexrcagee asthe pricipal cities of the /HE OPERA NORSEUJEWELERtited States rafts cshesi uses peper NCdetifiato. Sfetylipsbo xesto rent. 'of h wih 5 1ndii? Was higon StreetS OrrIceush: Chrisitia ack Pes.; A. . Van ----------lreisa, Vice-Prs.: Cha's E. Hiiscock, FePe ne shnd uRing t enaifisiringa sspecialty. y i ahe:M .FizAssatCsir --GIVE IPOI A GA LL. DOES YOUR LAMP SMOKE? o n ro FIRST NATIONAL BAN K of usies Arb6r Stop!! stop !! Stop ! ! TRY RED STAR OIL ---NO SMOK, -'pit..uI,cubes 5O;nrltlq5and Prfit, 5 555a " 'tanscts a ire al bnkig business. -AT- No Charred ~~Wicks, No Offensive' Odors, No Fouling of Chimnieyos. i e r cI chci g oi. n ou.Funs Parkers Corner StoreO A White Ligth-Burns freely to tile last drop oi oil in the tmpi .. iiKRNNE, les. lARi iiiON SOULE, STATE ST. AND N. UNIVERSITY AV I -leai as spring.w ier-1l0c pet galoi-Deliveredi in our cans. s. l. CARKSO0N Cashi'r re.h node Candinesa-o-trtly instock. Gal once asS you wtlical again.. poptly-Sold oiiiy hy IDEAN &CO MPPANY. -idtWSf~fW1~ll IN THE EQUIPMENT OF A {a44 Soth Fbaini Street. Ct.iit STUDENT'S 0M, UNIVERSITY NOTES. 1liii; .ii-tdy 1ec,11sold. Sets lilly Ill'Capilot0000Serls$8000.Trnsc Iis gear.rally cnceded thatit sstria;ccd is- o; ts elti tillii orio u s hekie, P.ititer itRer- Pns C... s xVce es strument is almost'a alutesne essity. To .At aIllt i o i ht li',) s I ilass hsls- FRFID.11 BLSRis C ie ssseeike ge-ats ejoyo cutfrom thue ss li1theti(y Iitil e obtasineit by l eIt-_________________________ lirhase atthe bet ytia oete y tll lffod. " 1 iii cciii. A.. i. ttetiletn ' we . ei- LtetJudgment prtsouseos the"'hay --oin grst'iirg Soe"s, Ypila ti. .J 1, h State'' insttruments the istet isItheisridd t-empcorarty eptcll. e telsptl lt. tii:ottbtiJ *J S lllee As ecelint i in tesi th Ile' I1eI; iie'sithaud. oss olt iinnig20 S. STATE STREET ',i7p $1 .00 t t le(!~u. u!'tn(.n ren )1ho itl SellstStlidCltd os tailtenat $I00 BAY' STATE$10 o00 brut ti it'tilst' ii o.'s el p ie r-* c- Ur fte 1 _,i ok Biiouneid efts ens upasLi ttiUr ofIll'l.BSt conetid aPrils ted ups aedLi litI' tt'lttitt i Is' tilittl'itt't t \ 1, Voik k t' iIliicesiis of ll i Po se o .Otcts 1 1tt '1WIttl'.Seeolpul- lrNote Bo tt 5 cesteatid upards. tilt s es-I.lictactk tcheapertllbtnj'osIl- ________________who__________________________il_ thans this. ~m ' t s tvitalris c ii,,1 txt'I tliwit t'her sttl ttit- til lt«111ttli' ii- -i 0 i o iney-y ' l o ol t s tatle fi-ru lnt, awnittthooeates o othere srent st issixtcitred ettl ll-' ti Itit( giil. A lI-Itot.5lite i~llot u tl~ltlt flot T eeomwaeit it. tiyisititt i-tiltt tl i. it ot Lunches. srdfor illostrteetattsouc. 1 111 i ti il tit'adetl' stet litrili 11 edttt tgileh50 'srl~\ Is JOHNC. i SY ES S Ut.. ~ ,t s cdt' lst'1111 lit "I teiersltodrei ssir, lest ititeit' -lut i 453.463_____________________________ Ih('slittttto'beic1111015 hellnali'E'.A aTTT LE'S,48 S. State St. Tucker C81 oet: hldImerA.A T uitrtt.. 'l n April 1. ti itic-nsit ofence- itlillit lotly ito ' t itti ernas, ndi idulsj Reduction! BICYCit e9 , rolt' I liliiit , li"i' inltt LIEYADtAERO nn.1lo tttaffect fle 'aitbtl ani d ~Otir' price he reafter B1YL1IEYA DSA RO i'i i.a11tos- It ittin h oteadl tit itti t a i lt ils. fo U. of M. huttons 18 North Fourth Ave. tot-. litisutts til1alsoitt' nliltitellal ptterns, will e 50 Cents. We carry it Etfhllieof tup-I 1-dale loi ge'tlral lli'5t'htltl. FttSALI-NL EDN JWLR Bicycle Sundries sand pails to iitcny , n (iltimtotorarontliod tti~ it-, ' 111 f' 'Hi cit w M ROL EDNGJWLR svlieel. Ittli oi- by it ccn .c- - ttitMonts $6.i0, lst $710. Al-co __________________________ whels.hi llrude )s ~lcmererc u~n ifto idiccalIhaiot , Cronieic& - Stone, U IERI Y SHOOL Also Rapail' Wihees at iving priIces 0. woi atloth uiic Iittlub -1 1 1thiciggis, Ypsoianti. U IE ST y l~DO Giv-e tu scall if ini iiedi o aiidthiig 11I~-t tionigll A gooidly n nmbc '.itsSi tit IiiII I OFDA C G in our hine.{RosforetaArsJ.-.Bu-9 i A of__icketsinfleeAlmArbor__________1 fei'sI0 ls Xlte1 '1avtusie Opeictie Lwuteildlingelt S t iilay ust UT. OF. SiHAVING PARLOT stiltdtath- I________________________________ ay tcseasOficVhe, t.ross. All 'ppintmees fit class. tr.l tsIl'vluit nVllttin nlmiz ltsfn l tn C Imprted.asd domesti c ir. Lties' aris- - -- - -- i:-- - - ~ ho p o t e t tc hairdressing and h'tiiis ptiriorsups ~snarnnci-p hmso tet ttiis .OR T 011iaok 1'. Sity.'. I Weinivite y10111 ispeIll Ofut11hn lst l he of Spring .] outtings, Overcoatings and rouseruogs tha t wehe Mny Loaned!~ is t'e been aIlbe ti pae n iB 1111trihiles . Out 'C)lt'tiiol foriOu (t1 I ron mteliroety, iiia't s ar oter ery tltepaird.011c e tresidcnce, 01 E. ~j protociluig oly the est stork 5W 1 i t Ule ritn o I t ibetyt 5,An rAis l li. All busi- Na waiigfor Clumbia and Hatford 0(iiess ceahdcalal. lior<, rto lha. m. ad bicycles. No dcay and consequntl assay. I toi1s 1 S EPH.'.id ATTSches a ransd. nce. All nodeis and pttensenew redy jA--~iD c '.. foVmedaedliey 89 ]T'$W AG 1i Co., I .Jir~ ust Recivd a Itsie adPElcga uu~en~run~ruefzuitritiuuu~n~eun~rut iot ind 1old Liicle it l or.Agets fo ilylrs aid W~ilinms mad Weners Cas I ^ e Chclate IaimBnss cyesR. ID.JOLLY&C 0 . STANDARD OF THE WORLD"I20S State 55.,Smgci Blck aic iasdceetisively af 5 per cent Nickl ___________________ Stel'Tbiag, thc entie pe- TO ALL /Anon'T ufel 9rtford Bicycles are at prionas.scicii 0 veithin roach of everyone. i / + ppe p $75 $60. $50. $45- - l$1,lpp10t0 IrO li Ur Si Ciialo.guefreirim any Columbia w .A-.\D TELE~SOPES. ..sde lefo s for oue usen Trustsamd Valises Reared Neatly and Ceply Na It SMaist OPE NMFG. CO. Hasrtford Conn. i iFULLEI~R &HIXSON Gr iates Bicyile Fatory I11 yn.,.t A Slash in Prices. F'r asliat ib e Vold.Molsen hoetiewe sill 7Acso FoosserSpaye.,A Brach house ordealer PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CETS town.o . LEANING AND REPAIRING 12S State si. Over Esys Biad Baum flIII , * GNTS , , I, /I® Me TaIc, Cnaiets orand t - 'NRi & oi U®f olna1Embalming a seialdty1Ne. 1 21 S. MAIN ST.! Fourthav.