THLE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. + Society Programs. TH By reason of being f o P a1U. T he Adeiphi Society will give the folltivng pogrm Saurdy nihtTHE1111in touch 1with the Ynelllihed Daily (Sundays excepted) during tioxtg pr a- Stray ngt 1 3 the Colegea year, at M5acel 27. Music; happeings of the leading manufactur- THE.-UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. week; deate, "Resolved, That. w- OrF ce; Tmesbuilding, 79 S. Main St e- ers ofsufrgefinet toa~] ti iet n htmSs tnatfaei xtdsrhe" all I earoffieready we Nit7, LNG EDITOR si c cx ,ixtre urged t0o nter; tei11al T " erclothing,we Acs'T MANGING EDITOR practice; critic, R. B. Vle. The de- aeal oso o F. S. SEONS, ' TEIIEiOR hlc is ts select three deaters to meet someOe products H. . Sattex, '98 L. te jeife n oiati Society ite the 'nestoeeraerom BiUSINESS 7MANAGSERl fututre. UUOhTO~ f eerte om, .iH. IBAN, '0. EiTR Tetitwu i te rgams hat were made for the finest trade. E. L. unitoana. 5 L. . i. cootwt,'99 Aph'sNit Society for Satrday, Mlarch The superior quality of these fabies F. Al. Loomis, 'i. BuLco LAx, 'B0. . A. OAuruct, 'o. 27: Music, Mir. Recytnolds; Siyl, 11. and the exclusive character of the ASSOCIATE EDITORlS 14.Ptaul; iitiiroti~ptt Mr. F'iehck: patterns mflake them very desirable at Wt. W. lustex.'0. . 'W. Smith'7 pe ,C 1 auS vo lslMr F. A. Faci, '9E. 1. a. Smth 'i ' . .Ouo;vca ooM.a rasonable rie W. . Mrritt. '5. . . Hudiutt 'o. thy nohts: deliale, "tResolved, Thlairie,-r.559.Irtl tr-ctiit-thIsidIfra i.7 the clothes dutn't fit we alter as the high sosvi ottcit." ttiliativ(, "Msrs. ivis crasts ttilr cles. What inre can we do? tid uitiL tyinch; tegaive, Mssrs. The subscription prtzet the Daily is > w[ hr therelege yar, with a rrgaltr deivery Sweti mlti iloppe r lr itoc.r. lRey- brere non eeh day. Bttcersomm imiia- tions, and other matter inencded for pubics'r- Ietu..; citiclMr. 'San-t r'. in mutbe haudedlin atite Daily offiebe -______ hre 8 p. i., or mailed to te editor beore : - - 1 p. i., og thin day previous ts that ox which Department of Phioophy. thev~ase expected to apr ni.____ Subscriptons may be cift at The Daily- Office, Meyer's or stilet's Newtnd, or i'e uticrtood ithat trofessors Will' with BsitessoManaager. hbcribiniowil oe-__________________ __________________ er a faor by rieorting proiptly at this lit 0011050 imllu' shis ciil fri ly this' office suet faiure ohicarriers to dSinves ppier.n 1111111 in III t'or'tstl .0-i i want's11 The eiageniteltof rMe ssrs telcrt ' Presidecy of i nii' t'turriy Colegs'. I etnllitictI'antd 'arr s coach's fstor ttht, su'i is''it'i 11 st Dsu tsio ftiiai ttis tIit h n dsi, oue It os"'Jil- 'if lt. 7it cr' -{vs. te t crid sitl i'e thlct' 9o n i" d as i ntimastued oita trossiuc aut i'sllsrer tic satisfauctos'y'to lieStudenit-1'i 0,15th ofsthelu'goivernin~g boith anait.iiwoad( "" s~sm i ~ j..'" 5~, Eah osnsut'of lthemsuis illt i t 'ep s ttt atl'0l;- (1 ril ii sa s is.. uhy~ ~~~~~~~~~o belsrsclIi hooui ~ttt1 ii ''s-t cos 'attils'ctisdwitlto'I ssi/ i ~ ~ Q. Ig eonit' sitr'd Ili,,, ls'J' 1110"' l- eeltess'isi e sf St-ltiuu. fon lI'ih ilt i ^' tdgehy f h iti n1111 aitus111 th iti aav int ob l lsss'ah Sof.'tir -is Is Teitst-} ¢r Zj to is present hIighis tt'lird. All a1110''' it' iofsisor si'. Isi f Corells' temliii O he su ens ld '5 i 5,1y Ib 'rssfedtoarSt, it t'lrhi tsil)4 the s'electtti' iii lii ennutitsl" e'l' liis s''r'h lt mstt's i h ' sllI mi '5 firamir t't's'essfl S''riaih lt"ns ie it lt' 'til~l ssfxti\tii'i.I t$ A fur~~~~~~~~~ a1tsss'sth55t il1'hilssspl'ytlloitl nthe lt''iti, /is -5 tightldiserve'sthe p1551511511'ii iSo'1f--every_______'r s sslidctut inl c L l rall.riy.P'il 5 t' Unablo to Be Present, \ °4 -- - __ firt opposrtnity whts ii'hwe ha'te lst had 't'tsst itl 1f.iN.u~ss' osars ii' lls bot 11111ii istosil11111" 1 155' 15-1stlioi's', rits' tilt'i~ss's to gt IMicioll 015cquat edrmul kiatih s tri tst'ltheit1lfs'm s''i il~i itc htlm lp'tsn''110 Il r mft'rlstil 5sialti lrtn'. t ' sus rrh Irp Ofm 'reclits nhiiaree oleet hc tiniutso' Orhees hne itnisht-s ient mulil hue t'0'ilIItheitrsds andvfiridt et ilt~~'oetfo lcu e aiusiitosofrdIs uh la hnm s xsig irhse m e"sw l aiir'lo rt a tlluo lti.m Ihts le wil' sild w'ork'mtl'lie as ltcslm'huwt lr l 5511111' ivei lct ur lndi es h. ENH RCNTR LSeC oyL e nwMFG geuie mCQ.l ai gThe milt'r thilfs' rt-t hlc itcIsts ithsynifer Ihalgexi' sniconosrtttirn e n ia n othe r ccesnsy beforte pisc.ese rca a aitendne h Tos e ntuc rr'sisharc mo. 'h-lts' i .ork.apn itu e e sto ci cYelu ausbe fee o h oe.O rrl ierossigo ih ttud io . i es'ht itt0 alsur delivrsa an '. 1>i' od s a O ' q75and c125tor tttsdinlemirn e& otsand stw1.80 o mad eins ts oilioagdsfilreyens ofulcha' vaellth vthous'pt'ostufedriis oe h1m ateoi ut nemitiacti n urchaBise eaire our outcomeefbetisreuche vihnti-Saloonlclhe ALg ABOUTuHEtBAB iltect 0'ichlas t eisi stheritug nilucy a- I s ameisoo is" C E cTA L Su Et ctMFG.e adCiOu., xa n plcain eryab e touml.tiloelayracedllcoteRDE STEtETedbshimem imuitwmtnsot acr tttsa st exi:,nmi c give the illectcareiuutasst o hcucir hres' M. S"ta;leBstllER, ' j e1 i~ OE RAN ALDFORTcNALLrY & 00, Chcago coltlore. eatheAir hui'Asoiatiat1he ad uhltr ok ag tc clsstemstil, ea sen e lephounue Nov e dooraEaysohpAmen A POSITaON isnin d vo hu e v e t is ansshtaieticadntsfhouseo O ul vctin W is eprsetties in ou II :I.IR'SFURNTUR S OR F Itieae.l inps.nt o'er.ublcaisns 1 am o t is te g ll be wi,*ii d = - A LiAOUiTEiA B frothitio s. isource.yinoo B icycle Tokr M D f hiag edca olen utsu d, s. the n~etA.1lehishedduiRepairing _ok orMd 1lSudnt.Caalge ndcrclrsu applicasion wisstadBitseon it th age. Letd Baylo-Col iPTeEBESTrSPCIAoREREmNTAIVe Thupe t nWhhu lapee x Al bradhi eoayand puoft doe. ewatafe.peile55 Pate nth olee Frt i na cVO~y oe, attnd and ave th tr PriC eloale Sndroiesexeiecatoo roshulcrieusatoce oaintpsoxprese ooke, cn h ltaining o idaton de elprices. . O nlydorEat f oner's cathr. ueR ewadobsanedorcWin. J.usegr . mseao wi aiiy ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o inoraio. 75.Ff.iiae, 8a.FORHVEp AN ROR