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October 17, 1896 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-17

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~i1~ i. o 3.a I.
CDIZL4jD @0 REGENTS' MEETING. oy and Oology J. r. Faig. intrue- FINALS IN SINGLES TODAY.
foin li e litiairl l-ngineei-ng to take
Lea ing TalorItes1o Interest Concerning the th1 fM.Vite;Abv 7 Herrick and Lamb Play for the
arious Departmcnmts. (le Egineering Deprtment; S. 0G. 'arit
AND-T ( oluh, . D..asitant to 0fi le hir in foe~i h to otrann
The t~P fitotrst regular oonthily uines1hepaii h tni oii(etIE , + yadIntu00 nMio u
neetin" of the tBoard of W _nogloVr-e yeterae had twoo important relts.
FULL OHMSSSUITS ASPEIALIY lheldl Feterday. leg-orls Barbor iler. oi'-obgnte is ls igswr
s .'folwnguerees olure onfe-
Pla___________ D-n, torker, look saI 1 eifr 0 *-r7 g l narrowed (on to the lbnrls throaugh
NO 2E.W L.43ONSThNARMNplre sent. Presitent AnooQa- ;re ed S rin "ltal d1. Tow B.'he (eeat of DMaler ly lerriek. See
_____ E______ ______ _____ ______ T .____ __ R___ _____ a n n a l r e plo r t w h i e hb n o t in t er s t ing ' o . l i t I . r . B . o n d l y , M ia he r w hin w a s s 0o ro d t i
0 oiprehtioee. ie ense el lI h. .); illitiI: hn and 11. C. I-ak-
f e m ® b o ®ra ' s a+ enipehe av. H trin f t* 7in the ploothel firt fe- dMics of le
50n. I. S.(C . l org iona Blu
1BOO003T02T9 BR U $te separaliltio i' ifnl ti ~ an A.itfliit Cl.
'.u7 F 7 E y~ t 1011'I St-m o ~iin t i drleat iiof te- cal-
he Lreasonable prier md119"ll"'t11A.af B:r. .A . l V6tD la ias a tl-liiss f Rply i
aLreaoerbryprdelendri iA.WientA.li il,-iir elal ions; ris 5( (01001 defeatl of the
issnt always easy to get. rntog3eotis Itoola oh deier, n1", 11 charbthdy o kattebad o ily '
F 25 cents we give you biithi were runnoig Ii piteu.t liainy, la iie, l . . tle irs roiiid oi toetl 1laos sing-lea
one that we can warrant to 0iiihereloit ot 'frasurr Sotile in
w(, hatmor diec t tp~a ikoilwasThe resiill ot this Ilst nooteb leaes
bsatisfactory. Better look -birtithtiitratiedasitifrolliotws:i
at'ieee.pssible ioitha Iiren ee foeiorly butithree iertin IP 8th e o-oiolclas
t teii timlai as I l ii I e la~iee mota essieie - o oooisnls, A tkiisotiiin floe iiils, ia.-.
PALMER PHARMACY.~Ott fgrttlie s 1 rn tabIelTe a orlfo laC-,000 (0
a ,l o rdu i tilirtt aniid te i on satto i ra for Current Np 210,4s)0-a lr iver and u ll eiltl ithe seiofi-lial.
46 5S. STATE ST. Earigs -----1 ...... o8,42 it
inili irI nfii iltine t ,11 -itrell it - . Bsides thte iatt-u ot the etolu l iou-
III(' 1"' iiat body Io iif esletun?. sitlarOC aa sip, he ilulayed mtttls ii le pre-
,1'110 ipresient,5 01tho tri% u 1tea' 1 ii Cneoo t-omoos ii -at, 170101 - - - 6l~l i i atloi ounlit ofi-iblas ies ,and n in
of ild e icnato ea t i 1 mtisoolilil} it sa ooornonoiumt: it "50.09670 ite smii-fiiiials otset-nudlclass igles
We illgiv adisoun o te Th lhie t o f,io theli Utitoe sitedoiir,--.
per cent from our already cash i toursesof-s lt iiiill l eii itt wouih s ieltn t o 't iel 1is wli'lll oilydo.
prices on Reliable Footwearit w1 rnn;canalfods
010 the following goods: 81.00 h1 tipossible fri eii' tie l ti i 1':i i .uie a srprise oeimred v,L erlay
Shoes at $5.40,$5 Shoes at $4.50, biohi litemoary and iol le otti500.ll ooil 001 oi ii1 l.llsisl tl ii'i i neiitr odefeated Ha re, swhl
$4 Shoes at $3.50J 3 Shoes lt bfr oewstoIa'iar ;rPoemssuoras. I Ii e'iiiiiian1111 ltte
$27,$2 Sloes at $1.00, $1.50 lilasi t appointedI iin il ,lito ot lo1-o0k '-Intoil ili-s!-iiioeilasalo-b-eis
at $1.3. 0 liile eotell ili " iC itotfirs were.10 sanl Th'Iis p t il tesiii in o 10 irte
unigmotlyiil lt l epan~ nOdr hlfl 1 is-ight bosmihui-ioit oeclass: eosoloiiooi.
JACOBRS & ALIMANDiiiii.iitthlil uiorinol s t telt rilltil i lil hols ig ole ioiioie h
1111 lln vtli i t-Im e 1 oit-lt lit ' li h dlo ow n te m la f th
W1ashingtona Bk., WSashingtont st. iodlou 'l'sled s :io0 w-, l onte :1101 1lic vetla( ottalinmae tolys_ lahy : Iu-t bosssingles. 0(1101-
EVCERY:6TU3DENIT etit loanhok lowdt eisii otttool toonoosdler thei-allolisaolo i a onMrikbet-thi0'
SHOUQILD R 1EGtIBSERf kn boil n otheo li hi eni'd oikeptto0flot'-3ii: sondoioslosssiog, ist iround,
oi laingiiit t l-oto e luens v oolmes. ot
-AT- si sos oh(lays tor te' intptto t s bo looyto-ilc ett Mahet36' 8-l. 7..I 1rn
3 ru S or . lilt-studit t he n1 i toi 011' f or se -of as; lon0011of f isi l ass sloglok, 11ist
x " t0$®. t th metoo loooosloosiso lot.' sf
It costa s o otki, oono t i a lctotit. t l oo'e ihoooul-oig i-too-ho 1sce-ic t.101hues. tneantt ounl Irth.V iooe total hhrme-y.
Corner of OMaoo in and lt i oo-Io-ooo''ool:0g. 15iitiy to tN'
Co d T n e ..sooljo lo oil wuhio-heflt-iiis nii- rom A-th1111.00 os-hirs clss singles , 11i:1 rounill(,I-t-
COEu iaIuett. to dIst. ild0whas s iteneod10to-illtltantohChts). ahtgr 1. D, rihos. Loioblo aeonl lss sinie-o'
Fowler Combination. Lady Sits iirs ot'lot Btosto . 51. 1'.A. sois totsooihnlltlil hh -.Wionr
BelinntFreentBt.'e~n l: 0 ~ir-llI1elt ls 00 n tl'gro: iit. Alt seooi flohorounet-lll~~i-S ltuol, A I reni
Be id o e tBnSiocohor i- it llo ymnisl i. ltto oooicoe tousom s. io~ ll oi
I U~ER & ~O. FIFT ~ llortoii he hhoroe f 01 lii- 00007001 orohwas tm 5tllaiI o t rmltolthe 0101 Im'l , prhhmll :101 montdso.I'omtori
TUCKIER FI COO FH AVE. Ipot ithelilibrar or' mt ihemiilint iiilimo' tiso tyad in
hihtl'ii'5' iomol10055-h ii' d11 a1 . li'of 1tlir miii l n o tyiloanenot 011 nhs(i1gelIciio~oI5 mtmmo.(ool
OPPOQITrE LAW BUILDIINxiileii s'tooomos hooiollg. sn o huoy
Speial atetian paidltoo einaers. Foe 'leotlle nmrul'on otluoludomokhs in _____-______________
particlarscalsl at 11mm library is 10,,0-17, lililouil Senio Dents Elect Officers.SohmrElcin
27 Thomipson Street. hiilhbl-s .11,iimo ,17 i t'eseihor denutallass riot-Cystt'u-
additiontothistere._are________x000_day___________oelectlclaeseoffcer ofe'classiof t'9 minste of too-eug
A T -oil itoo tooii lliave. tito it i i .01 o i'o'iti to 'oi ihs t-i.Vetbeerledol nlii- -u crn i te a
erewer lvenanddaes.ire siIorumernsotbtioloremei-hsses hiavi' heeu
090 0 TflD 1clatoahio. 'hem-larges itooionishuomso t il (In eitfourrthibalohmt. (Ic-oio
bee te ,oris ihzir o lloom-benri rrled, sote tob stelmrhm tot ketep
We invite every stndent to visit spia ok,:100vlmsadtes-efruo oeneta a
our stores. We have a large supplye Otthititvice stoeido, lilioti sorrormosm:iimluseitt lirt'year.im'eit.e'm)'ihioiunpresidente
of second hanod Univrsity Tet thle I'm-ic-holbrary 3,x10O volrmmes. 'Ihe e suefm-opm, J. si. loomiirhoal teaosurer sdh. or. Fo otiiiclreib'i
Books for all tiel-departments. ilOttee coisist,, ainuly- of hiltoriomli:Fle secreary- laidltreasure st-i-em'poii itedh I.S. Pr'o'rid, -S. Joce. (I
Law and Medical Books. Germniamo
and Frenclh Classics. oorks, ispecially on Amrericans history. i-osn by accslaoimtioni. i'oyI:,. . Di'igsoanimhR1. 1Broiat-ne
We sell tihn best strudent Note lrDrsas ~~ otdga hUi-Pe.Agl oAdesWmn saeoecmite .B ~ten
Books 20 cents each.St.PasosorlotdliClmlii PrsAneltAfresWmn isamio'ciiittcB..Soroeiy
Time best Lineni Paper 20 cents pefrsverssiy bindmery sassorkiig very' oue- mout' a. reot ocomcuiiog'Ph)ftotaltall
pound. lPresidlntilAngll stmoul ikec too et roo h'secs. T'f laross irstruirdto hei
We buy anti exchaange second cesfully. all Ci thwoimeni stmlud nstthe Unit-e-seraytootObetlotfrlre-
hand books. The finance comnnottee ildeciodedm that sity- i lois'oiHallton 10Strr-s
Agents for thae Waterman Foun- ' -oeit frteSlthewvJo ye. The cass
fain Pen. aiiy increae iso the teaching fone was0 afteriioi, Ont. 171b,1,at 2o:l). te aloosoooeraii u hsuoss
Mathematicai Instruomensts and ie olthbennltei nant55 BoiungoiaitNd-.lttejeoisos' unedlmdefeaiintis clique
Drafting Supplies a specialty. ntavsbeadterrpr a einn bu Nv s h ensnrtepaso eti lqe
The best prices to everybody. adotedmio. plyrs still retire o, too Iheir wsiter sthilt-l hadol-coie witi asprev-iously lou-u
Give us a trial AV, N. tFolr, -S. D., sas apmpooited hirters, theo Wutermnmiymmsaasimmss, paordilasote. Anunumsualsithiniiwsm
WAHR'SBOOK STOR~E asssistant to the ihamintf(Gynecolgy sthere tenonis hisplayedlfroimi ovemas- the large attemniiancseeat tleme neetiug.
Up TeasnIDown Town ando Obsetrics; C. li. thyam, -S. D., bee to lay. 'fitlbet hours for play a fat sthilths argues wll for the
20OS.Sate S. Opposite Const Hons, Ss
Ann Arbor. Maim st. assistant to the hair of Ipltlshoslmo- I are beween 1 aomi 3lp. i. ~ ls pirlit of '99.

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