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March 26, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-03-26

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the , v


VOL. VII. No. 136.




Receied afulllineof Nvel erbert, H-enninger and Carr to
ties for Spring Suits lDrill Next YearsTe .
and Trouserings ,At lisol ntgbt'c meeting of tlie' Ath-
ict litbo0ar(1istArras(lelliti'ly an-
1897 lounedt t. .herbert wud-c
1O, 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN, ',td B. M,(Carr astcoacthes of the 'Var
_____________________________________'sicty oot balltfence ft r"nest year.
~ ~.- ILoth heiet anti Henninger have
A 001\4E3B - --_. 'layedl on the hte wsncte '93t, tthe forim-
cr at htalf-hiteb and tthe latter alter-
s that will1 wear six etouth, tis at
one. We can hive yea a Comnb that tol~tinlg at left tackle and -gnard. (artr
to warranted to wear It2nmonths
ordinary uage. OWe'e got bid EaIto been a ci iteter (of the teato osinc
combshoand ltttteeenemhs,ceanrse titIt-e
cnobs and fine combo, Igood combs -14 nd laedalterntactelycit (-ttter
end etteap combs,
V tid guardt. All of tt, e ne we teli
1 t.r itittetinci the scienee of ttie PLMR' PTice1AY
PA.LIIIER'S PHRMACY # tilh teir abitlityto ttdrill ottierst; to
4-6 5. STATE ST. cttttt
__________________________________________ I"tles foli.tte -giernllt tof ti.- 0-li
A Shoe W~ell Ffl ted ! ! tee,-class atitietic conitests were alto
__________________ ttec'soedtt 11i0it definitte actittn cict
Meatto double the wear and there- tteit
fore a saving of t100 per cent, tnt to --__ --_
mentiottttecoinfortand appearattce Pros. Angoll Wins His Point,
which in themselves are of tn small
imtportance. We give special ttteta 'hn iirctIn'tiertct i
tion to thts feature of fit-itfttct, we TeDtotFe rs rd h
prefer Intoo sales roater thatn allowv late of Jttceti."), htciottis to cty CP
improperly fitted footwvear to leave cr-rllr-PresidetiAnociel's trittet
our store.
=________ -a. 11 the I t t't'tltt o ftt itt t ititt ici-
I/I J ® A.PR I I , 1 t nill 1tilts hbooks, tiharts,et('.. icliti-crt-

Athletto Noten. Conmpetttion Will Be Strong.
After all it tistirohahle that ai team Arrlangemnents for the indoor meet.
1-illite oseit from here to the Chicago are ahoutt comptlete andi te iitdica-
cttitamesga il iilay. trof. tKtcor~- ttis 1iointtoticthe itost steeessftat eCo-
t ccscitnitervtewed hi- a rehresetita- trsts ini tiehitstory nf tie 1'ttic-rstty.
tene of the fDcily ini regard to tie tet-Ttte entietscite lartger ttaiccc-er he-
tsr recenitly trecee from the Unto-er foic'. enttuittatciitnilonigttie cointest-.
city of Itlinis protesting ttie seitii 1iantts to big-tiatdc gico mpootetitlion is
of ti teamtliniithe grotindctthat rudc'assurietd. Ns ini tltltpreciouts tieets the
ti's-i-ti of thie Chieago eattferette- idtes i-oct entries at-c iiithe' I ytardt eattt
totibitit, tatd said:ltantd htrdles.hbut tie entries itt alt of

'Ofit-tiigtii ccill scttadIcy tilt' nih
enttt iel' aid if a tiajorily at ie tot-
iee f the eontferentce decidle iat it
t'plif o ithtci'Colicentmtgameslt'nottecamt
wsill beisoct1frot in niarrtit. Itthe
t'oetenil g-llies Ne-rotdetincittiv-ely
'itttrt-tileg-tate gatitis' tie title would
app~lyc, Illii I ii-oipinitoti they' are tnt.
Ilok uponcitthe affair sitmpltti'stalOttill'
c-itationet til gicetil b tt' 'ithiecoo
Athiletic Assciiation'"
lT'e Bollardl of' Cntrotl hintalkelnito
defiit ctiiontas tt-I- t it iIounder-
Sooiictthat tile imajocritiy igire -- c'itil
ccitoft-itnowltncanditcet Mcci igttlt-t
wil11c ti-toc c lilt-tivilecc'toh eet
thetir practiit-cc-work ciwholly' to tt' cigc

v 1! a ! 8 a ® t-ct for lith t'e if clle'ge;' idctittsltit- ii'tcttg 2tttt111i 0 ll0g .i . Al(Csn
I8 WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. ttils ittft'irtintt ,frici in t'efrei-c t: - c-aptintof ie Atl-'it'tlttttcttfootliall
0 +f , , E f+ v lti ctored tlilt' hi-4I )!,-li' ctyi it l Ith istork it teollisite-
Y I ~~~ a i - - - in I l ta1c ttelii, i con tet N'fl t'l l itgft ie cctfw tr it
0 11V I U a " 0 [a s ltle Din-le 'It'.u lltiii fctt' eeiscttl t 'I 11 '.('1Yslc. t
S o ave000ita vtts o7 I' te h e , -tttieitett'iic-entfrumet sii ___
in tite afr tagam itfets at $s 1.Oril
to0 -e i 450ad$.5 ii"tlm -c cm uu o ttc' ed Ic-cilt ofthe ctltlititethioratl ir cct
This isofferedasa prnoti-egeilttid ott ionko ntI 4 ear n o tt the ___bat. __
nY otthavbteein ~ea l ite a ci 110 icI li. tricititAiil Po0 o p o oei
Ateasobo. Theymoare ovorttt
tfa ll pric. e sel nion tl t8itecatt Icl-tg ytrc lcot 5ogaiter il ' 0l I edi 11tS i tistl ; cttt'l n
too tle to .0an 75 r. -Icit hi d etcalc'tt ttyof pr e t I a ictiicliiniticilcialct iiI ot'l i tt i l' 1
um ii (Iti111111lillnDthgleyProuite tcrecHonored.
cc ill ice Alt-itt ilelottt. I ItreaioeentuAneell
gA KIS'0:-PH R AC teal l itri Iionpote'is t atitits oecih t ughoi Aot io
ths~e ful ie s. Comnnnne and 0aaPrtof.tIti Otiti' ehasc'gt' and itcac-tiiotiii
ftli ccit.a'Ict'itclr'eccncii A iga
set e --A- ict Ic i s 1th tithrm hiyt otl;ti hut cet edO antt nitl tirlctot c hh lt0
w AU x-BO- TOE-t t<ic ocn ile fa ct' r i den t ti 11hle cci- fccir S coitig u)
Just reeico-' I ottrMAlot of neltttit'btlttzedcithic-ico by itsl p0roi' t' tthhi ctt.llan t~ tille l o-1il
ilitt ~n U.of M Monget I hot, iooterorgnl lgrn ofuctioa-_
Pa o, ta ~ iir sao insitti ootld 11h e lowd Iitthe t hc-ryi r afl tv t o "ilr its' B a ts.illAz
Blc -id ht;alo N pvrotay'es~ts, anal oayt teetwtitea nditl
te; t tx h i o'dcc-il tonita, teo Stuom-
Grd yoropnlnc ae. Il]'eitiig Coliee e fIit y itilorlce -
Viiin arsEurvei, nl t th igoeran nen, no treititAi t lettotedra'calat tnigIt.
Just receve~t anoher lot fiputticgeheseofricsesabaktonnth-aree Cfheeilttod.
tha fHR'SU.oK STOgREaMst Teigia-lpogramios wtpt TeZeePscvilalohodhi n
ue annnd Toas aNw heavyRefodseampof the conin ia aeteta -c tosh os o
Mtk, les he Opaitous rtHinman stttoso h onr wtotI1>eriyl 1<1 d)t~anllia'l
ade rb r eson Mnetsae. y j lag, con ne ofgar i pel nc orovatgt

ltce e'venmtoti ren'utmerouso.'There tore
mlore c-ontettsinitthe'boxinog and
ccresimg e'c'entt thanoes-er before, anti
soetti'good trhoumtsmaccy be betted for,
Iespe'cially c ic te 1 liei g lea =3t.
Th~ endan'ceccc ,i ct thc, mee-tashoulu
ibe ladlgretChacinstcc-ill hehplaced onu
thue micflItor cucdconnth1c'rumnnitig
traek for the tstcetnlors, acid every
prtetpcractioni t ic binge' teo fcorItceim
(cfourc. 'PeFli'i. of it. tmandtcillbe
preusecit (IndulIs-ill retndterc'musmic tefoce'
tndut ut icc-mg cte coutest.
Alt iftthie offeicials choenm are cnull-
tpetenctandctcheir cici cc-ill he tocarry'
out theIpruogrcamu owithidestpatchirndu
cwithocut tumy tonig s'tct betweenc tients
tuu-l i chatraterize the elass mueets.
licefbrstf;qdi iniu thi e ii40-ycardtdats
cw1 ic' beiclleutprottl'ly at S ocloect.
ho hit i'sceit te wsinnmer'of caet lpre-
lcihiam'ylie-it ntill lit'eligiblecf-rt-htlt
Seciina11baditlie firsts ant setoctts
ill lie'su'ccct-flialcshoehigibl e for the fin-
h.All cot'tttlttictitt titrepoarit I h
g.yctccciicucoffice for tntmtttu-ronot lhitc'r
thcnic7:45o'clock. dBercouse of tec-= -
cuieracs entresc ilt tiele iglttcceglt
cs'rc'tlitci'. i ttasIceenudecidedctic hitc]
ie plt'Iruclimcaries tis afcternutooni.h
r: ?{). 11cc' oc'cti-finacl, ccill comcue S, --
cctuly afternocton t 3it cltkas cccll
cit culloftef eboxinig eentsid cclhetav'y
cand i] teuclcoe setlht ereshlic.g and rt ue-
timcicccrieo icc ithetidle comit ecth5r-
osc11giut olautee.T hetltu inmals tel cuictcle,
highit:ad feuiic'noceighitctulutoec ccill
c-dlue it mctghcc.
'lice1 ciuordeuof dtc' re'lyirceso ill lii
to follos: '1)7s. '198, '109 t Ic cc-a
Dients, andcetchit)vs.tlt900.
'flitketscore iplarced ut lifti' cuittis citt
dillut tou cll of thc'toml-lot.

Or. Vaughn Honoredi.
ill'11oW't''c'ctenc iviccrtite of rellasyl-
c'cemch, the firssecool estabtlisdche y
laos-illtthecc'vclleyocithue itssihooipt'i,
nocrthi of liii'Ohtioe, is ceclebrtling ito
11th t anivierstemy thiscreek. Six
prtotinetAineiecetussocre iconorcedl
woith tioccuicry degre's.,cacicng 50Cmll
wast Dr. .C. Vatgthaln, dean of tie
medticaldepoartmlent lucre, sc-liereceiy-
redth11c degree of doctor of scihnco.Dt.
'aughian has beon in attendance ait
the celebrationt for the past two days,
aLnd is expected back toinorros',

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