THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. i Pu 'tiobed Daily (Sundays excepted) during the Collecte year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OreFitmp':'linen building, 79 S. Main St. be- tween Liberty and William Sts. 51 "At[NG EDITOR J. F. THOMAS, 97. A4SOTr OtANAGItNGsEDITOR F. S. SIMsONS, '98. ATULIrC EDITOR* Hi. B. SKILLMAN, '98 L. BU1SINES8S 3IANA(STER 0. H. 11AN, '98. EDITORIS E. L. GEostEIt, '98 L. H. II. COnwiN, '99. F. M. Loomis, 'S8. BUTLER, LAMB, '0S. t. A. CAMBEtLL, '00. ASSOCIATE EDITORS W. W. Hughes, '90. 5. W. Smith, 'S7. F. A. Fucit, '98E. A. id. Smith, '97. W. P. Mrrill, '98. G. D..Iludnstt, '00. C. Lull, jr., 99 Mi. Protest from Yale. Yale University bus protested to ('ongresagalinst the proposed luties oni hooks uod upparaus imiported for colleges and libraries. A petitioli to the Htouise of tRepresentutivcs, signed by President Dwight coil praetically <.il the inemabers of this faculties of (lie University was forxN-orded lust Thuro- Lucius day night. John K PTe 0m111('nicouits nthe petition ore THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT :tamt' nt s~c O -- Perry Dills----------------------------.----April2 :endrick Batrgs ------------------------ ----April13- GENERAL, ADMtSSION TICKETS $1.00 RESERVED SEAT TICKETS 1.05 SINGLE ADMISSION .750 us follows: 1. Suech actioan wotild be tit vuriunce with ste uniformi policy of (lie govetrnment ini the pust. Undei' every tariff act, front l789-1894, biooks for onuci use iuve beeis idmitted free. 'Tii sante is trues of phliloophlical up- isirun, withi t single exeptionl. 2. The government is nosy paiyin~g to the colleg(' for agriculture ondItiei-liast- i-arts, esltiblished in the several $1.00 $1.00 . $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $.00 A Tremendous Slash!!! ! 1® $1.00 The LU. of M. Daily at your room every $1.00 doy for (lie rest of the college year (through $1.00 commencement week)ifor ONE DOLLAR. l $100 $edcs n drs o1.00 . H HANSBsness M nager. $1.00 $$1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 The ossklctiptuodeprice oantherDailycis 18O2 TesbcitoprcofteDiyi$.5I iluisWhh-retbefee the college year, with a recgtlar delivery plttlte vietaet elerpetual brfore neon cacti day. Notices, commenico- 'mildtititoiit ini tt'e'i ggregatetllnadote atritned oris c- '< $I,- ttionset be hatided in at the Dtaiy offlce be- t{( lh Ler efn tivosb. foe t+ p. mnor mailed to the editor before'iiiiiia er eltditigssiii p. in., of the day previous to that on which thee are espected to appear. 10t e stirlith thl Iis praise viii 111 Subscriptions may be left iteThe Daily 1t01g f1ihl dcto n Office, Mteye's or Stofflet's Newstand, or ieitrllg fliltridttcaiionte ii in- with Buesiness Manager. Soberihers soll con- fer it favor by reportitig promptly at this i Olicet t11111hltietlie iroposedl oegisla- office anvfculture of carriers to deliver poper. huollWoiuldimplllose' upon ilsit itiots of The idebatinigsocieties01f theLt.Is'leritg .Theiti' os isecil 'si ofii,'ar' ansd literatryslepartiteitohave or- boosks swouii iesrl i i.,os laeeAron rm;1ges1 fur seviral jin~t dibiles vli-houIt rc pulz ibris rad . _ . .o ... . ttre to tie hlditin tIeIteilar fitusre. Tilsis s nisisi' whiich st' hnve uitedi fromti I ito s iii' is titeants oit'rai,- ing the slttislisI of ososiieli 's aisol for keepitg ut i in tterest itt delbar. ilg;;which telsds t10 iinitaisli ufter thoss' wits artri riiepresient issin Itil' Itr collegiaitiei-tcoet ihsaiveu-atnlhosenl. The rivalry lietAN eitllih' iso i'l tr- ilselts is conulcive'i l1'1ie steffori, to thi'ecI~itig interstlo sf lthe' 'ttisi' sit7y lith lia onltiutionslof' lhiscel-' tests. 'flei;iteirestinIllthus Senatei- iiiis mteet is ntiwhai-t it should hi'. .l- thioughlthiei'tieet:ssuis IsoIhave cotte ofl next week, ther'eltave beentio0117-fiinr or five entries recieivesh. Tile auflile- !ties Ihave ntosw- deiertitieto I losipooa lie meet sitsesweek tild also tw lasteS for receivitlg entries, 101111it is tlie lioped Othat)bythat litte oilier cenies will ticeitade. The itteresi tte facitl- lies cihve mnifestesd iii ltllllities by mliitg tisllstee't andilofferingw iltex- tenosi'e trotiyl cupetiioI ite vilitter is ee'rllsiily- ieseroittg -of mlore eticotur- atgemtetthans 10een giv-en it. 'Te tortiose of te fuciliis in offering the trophy is Is enconrage general phlysical develotptmntt aitIrainitig, bitt if tto greater initerest is mianfestecd than att presenti, thei results swill fill fur shtort of thte object. Princeton's newv athtletic field is rap- idly nearitig coimpletioin. It will be (lie largest in this counttry, for on it will be laid ont eight tennils courns and three basebull diamonds, wvlehs in (lie fall will be 'onverted into to fooatball fields. 1 I -- 1.. ,11- 1., asp~a tta al... li .aAlk:,tk(,j I'u11)0111IIt thmost1'valal'of ilr ru0t1- A \ k3 mA6i ~ t1n1 jjs 'wrysu, ,.,:I+ c~utni s ~t'-. A.Wiithinuthiseu-. s - fit gs''iatio iuutlinchptbic iiue, 0 \ 5-'> i . itu e.iitiili)lOi5. 1111 is ius 2 hoia~sst iuinhtitlutiousu f hi'g heruut ivu lutnultuo liii he i'floss'and he'ry\- 1)1)ith Sourciis sif Ithiss' ifts. . Al'yhiossiblhi tiuusit su'htiuhi 'ould iu''rcss'ouOw Ite easiii' siotildh he fit oustueighed feuh1' 1 ii'ujtt'intlicu's'oii uh u o asii'iteduc-atill. 1- him I ' niversity f ifthifustiut l usi' - hulls *", schlarhuishti", saihiof ~n tI. i ai' s-nt.,Suandh arcse ifgiis o if hut ETTot oh" indisviduals. 8)ne1'ian ;,:.:utbisiti'.lB E T EOR T"aA N 'V If of til11 initIliseil'. Thte 1897 BEN-ItIJP BICYCLES embody more newc and genuie mprov-e'n.!s in criostruchion thon any other bicyclee nose before Ite public. Never bcforelu.5es Gto tGt'-S CLASSI+S,. s-cexecelletit values been offered for the mones. Our niew line, consisting ofi rigie Clases i daciil .Lleettipusy- rbt iooihels at $6d, $75 anid $125 foi eingle machines, aod 8150 for tandetts, w it'll Ubtscoin allili mct p toMly wiuvuariousi options offered, is nuchi that thte most exactintg purcihaser eon be tihed-' 1st. Special cate to thioeoishting to suiteud. joini tow-. IrogI-ain for Tuesday atnd Satitriday evening elaooes oill here- after stact at 8:30 o'clock. Sigle eveninig admiission 50c per couphle. Of- fice Academyad lesidence t6 May- ntacd of. Private lessons by '-U. or Mrs. Granger at hoturs not occupted bhi K Babyhon Coah Is THE BEST. Alt grades of herd end soft tool. Camel Coaitd Coke. gJlR XV. ST.AEBLER, Telephone No. S. One door East of Ameni- can Houe ]Bicycle Repairing! In all branches neatly and promrptly forte. Prices reasnabahe. Sundries at roeca bottoin prices. Win. J. Wen ger, 8 N. FOURTH AVE. - ANN ARBOR. t CENTRAL CYCLE MFG. CO... 'PARDNnf STRIET. INDIANAPuOL i°y7 nUaFnC FmaTER CATALOGUEMAILED ORnTWO 2-ENS AMaSa Aa POIINb e secured wtiit Rad.bcNally & Ce,.that wihltbring good eurst staudeats fur this seorts dort e vcation. 'We wish itepresentatises on oar Atlases, blots ad other publicton. ALL ABOUT THE BABY , , , , , , My Robert N. Tooler, bI.fD., of Chicago Mledical Colhege just issued, ha the toot toe bledical.Studeeta. Catalogue and circulars send on application. SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES . , , , , , W~e woat a few apecial repeetahtives in the College. For this position experieneed hoot men shoeld write us at once. sattintg paet expertene. RAND, McNALLY & CO., Chicago. Wa ilisandan rece'01 sf 10 ate. a sameto anyradress. Pies."3 Post-iCttal aalogaie ree. ~5~/j4y zj SRt , 1 9 utoa SltretO, N10 uora, Oinlay --Iee I